TriBITS Maintainers Guide and Reference
- Author:
Roscoe A. Bartlett (
- Date:
- Version:
- Abstract:
This document describes the internal implementation and the maintenance of the TriBITS project itself. The primary audience are those individuals who will make changes and contributions to the TriBITS project or just want to understand its implementation details. Included is all of the same information as the TriBITS Users Guide but also include file names and line numbers for all of the documented TriBITS macros and functions.
1 Introduction
This document describes the usage and maintenance of the TriBITS (Tribal Build, Integration, Test System) package itself. This document includes a super-set the material from the TriBITS Users Guide and Reference document. In addition, all of the detailed function and macro documentation blocks include the file names and line numbers where they are implemented in the TriBITS source repository. This makes it easier to navigate around the TriBITS source code when developing on TriBITS itself or just trying to understand its implementation.
2 Background
In order to easily find the most appropriate documentation, see the TriBITS Developer and User Roles guide. This guide describes the different roles that users of TriBITS may play and offers links to relevant sections of the documentation. Additionally, the reader may wish to review the CMake Language Overview and Gotchas section which is meant for users that are new to both CMake and TriBITS. This section gives a brief overview of getting started with CMake and provides some warnings about non-obvious CMake behavior that often trips up new users of TriBITS.
2.1 TriBITS Developer and User Roles
There are approximately five different types roles related to TriBITS. These different roles require different levels of expertise and knowledge of CMake and knowledge of the TriBITS system. The primary roles are 1) TriBITS Project User, 2) TriBITS Project Developer, 3) TriBITS Project Architect, 4) TriBITS System Developer, and 5) TriBITS System Architect. Each of these roles builds on the necessary knowledge of the lower-level roles.
The first role is that of a TriBITS Project User who only needs to be able
to configure, build, and test a project that uses TriBITS as its build system.
A person acting in this role needs to know little about CMake other than
basics about how to run the cmake
and ctest
executables, how to set
CMake cache variables, and the basics of building software by typing make
and running tests with ctest
. The proper reference for a TriBITS Project
User is the Project-Specific Build Reference. The TriBITS
Overview document may also be of some help. A TriBITS project user may also
need to consult Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic.
A TriBITS Project Developer is someone who contributes to a software
project that uses TriBITS. They will add source files, libraries and
executables , test executables and define tests run with ctest
. They have
to configure and build the project code in order to be able to develop and run
tests and therefore this role includes all of the necessary knowledge and
functions of a TriBITS Project User. A casual TriBITS Project Developer
typically does not need to know a lot about CMake and really only needs to
know a subset of the TriBITS Macros and Functions defined in the document
TriBITS Users Guide and Reference in addition to the genetic TriBITS Build
Reference document. A slightly more
sophisticated TriBITS Project Developer will also add new packages, add new
package dependencies, and define new external packages/TPLs. The TriBITS
Users Guide and Reference should supply everything such a developer needs to
know and more. However, only a smaller part of that document needs to be
understood and accessed by people assuming this role.
The next level of roles is a TriBITS Project Architect. This is someone (perhaps only one person on a project development team) that knows the usage and functioning of TriBITS in great detail. They understand how to set up a TriBITS project from scratch, how to set up automated testing using the TriBITS system, and know how to use TriBITS to implement the overall software development process. A person in this role is also likely to be the one who makes the initial technical decision for their project to adopt TriBITS for its native build and test system. The document TriBITS Users Guide and Reference, detailed CMake/CTest/CDash documentation provided by Kitware, and great books like Professional CMake should provide most of what a person in this role needs to know. A person assuming this role is the primary audience for a lot of the more advanced material in that document.
The last two roles TriBITS System Developer and TriBITS System Architect are for those individuals that actually extend and modify the TriBITS system itself. A TriBITS System Developer needs to know how to add new TriBITS functionality while maintaining backward compatibility, know how to add new unit tests for the TriBITS system (see The TriBITS Test Package), and perform other related tasks. Such a developer needs to be very knowledgeable of the basic functioning of CMake and know how TriBITS is implemented in the CMake language. A TriBITS System Architect is someone who must be consulted on almost all non-trivial changes or additions to the TriBITS system. A TriBITS System Architect in addition needs to know the entire TriBITS system, the design philosophy that provides the foundation for TriBITS and be an expert in CMake, CTest, and CDash. Much of what needs to be known by a TriBITS System Developer and a TriBITS System Architect is contained in the document TriBITS Maintainers Guide and Reference. The rest of the primary documentation for these roles will be in the TriBITS CMake source code and various unit tests itself defined in The TriBITS Test Package. At the time of this writing, there is currently there is only one TriBITS System Architect (who also happens to be the primary author of this document).
An explicit goal of the document TriBITS Users Guide and Reference is to foster the creation of new TriBITS Project Architects (i.e. those who would make the decision to adopt TriBITS for their projects). An explicit goal of the document TriBITS Maintainers Guide and Reference is to foster the creation of new TriBITS System Developers to help extend and maintain the TriBITS package itself.
Depending on the particular role that a reader falls into, this document may not be necessary and the TriBITS Overview or the <Project>BuildReference documents may be more appropriate. Hopefully the above roles and discussion help the reader select the right document to start with.
NOTE: Before getting started with TriBITS, if a reader is unfamiliar with CMake, please review the CMake Language Overview and Gotchas. Once those CMake basics and common gotchas have been reviewed, we now get into the meat of TriBITS starting with software engineering principles that lie at the foundation of TriBITS. That is followed by with and overall of the structure of a TriBITS project.
2.2 Software Engineering Packaging Principles
The design of TriBITS takes into account standard software engineering packaging principles. In his book [Agile Software Development, 2003], Robert Martin defines several software engineering principles related to packaging software which are listed below:
Package Cohesion OO Principles:
REP (Release-Reuse Equivalency Principle): The granule of reuse is the granule of release.
CCP (Common Closure Principle): The classes in a package should be closed together against the same kinds of changes. A change that affects a closed package affects all the classes in that package and no other packages.
CRP (Common Reuse Principle): The classes in a package are used together. If you reuse one of the classes in a package, you reuse them all.
Package Coupling OO Principles:
ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle): Allow no cycles in the package dependency graph.
SDP (Stable Dependencies Principle): Depend in the direction of stability.
SAP (Stable Abstractions Principle): A package should be as abstract as it is stable.
Any of these six OO packaging principles (and other issues) may be considered when deciding how to partition software into different TriBITS Packages.
NOTE: The purpose of this TriBITS Developers Guide document is not teach basic software engineering so these various principles will not be expanded on further. However, interested readers are strongly encouraged to read [Agile Software Development, 2003] as one of the better software engineering books out there (see
3 TriBITS Project Structure
TriBITS is a Framework, implemented in CMake, to create CMake projects. As a Software Framework, TriBITS defines the overall structure of a CMake build system for a project and it processes the various project-, repository-, and package-specific files in a specified order. Almost all of this processing takes place in the tribits_project() macro (or macros and functions it calls). The following subsections define the essence of the TriBITS framework in some detail. Later sections cover specific topics and the various sections link to each other. Within this section, the subsection TriBITS Structural Units defines the basic units TriBITS Project, TriBITS Repository, TriBITS Package, TriBITS External Package/TPL and other related structural units. The subsection Processing of TriBITS Files: Ordering and Details defines exactly what files TriBITS processes and in what order. It also shows how to get TriBITS to show exactly what files it is processing to help in debugging issues. The subsection Coexisting Projects, Repositories, and Packages gives some of the rules and constrains for how the different structure units can co-exist in the same directories. The last two subsections in this section cover Standard TriBITS TPLs and Common TriBITS TPLs.
3.1 TriBITS Structural Units
A CMake project that uses TriBITS as its build and test system is composed of a single TriBITS Project, one or more TriBITS Repositories and one or more TriBITS Packages. In addition, a TriBITS Package can be broken up into TriBITS Subpackages. Together, the collection of TriBITS Packages and TriBITS Subpackages are called TriBITS Software Engineering Packages, or TriBITS Packages for short.
First, to better establish the basic nomenclature, the key structural TriBITS units are:
TriBITS Top-Level Package: A collection of related software that typically includes one or more source files built into one or more libraries and has associated tests to help define and protect the functionality provided by the software. A top-level package (or just “package” if no ambiguity) also typically defines a single integrated unit of documentation and testing (see TriBITS Automated Testing). A top-level TriBITS package may or may not be broken down into multiple subpackages. Examples of TriBITS packages in TribitsExampleProject include
. (Don’t confuse a TriBITS “Package” with a raw CMake “Package”. A raw CMake “Package” actually maps to a TriBITS External Package/TPL; see Why a TriBITS Package is not a CMake Package.)
TriBITS Subpackage: A part of a parent TriBITS Package that also typically has source files built into libraries and tests but is documented and tested along with the other subpackages in the parent package. The primary purpose for supporting subpackages is to provide finer-grained control of software dependencies. In TribitsExampleProject,
is an example of a package with subpackages'A'
, and'C'
. The full subpackage name is prefixed by the parent package name (e.g. the full name for subpackage'A'
). The parent package is always implicitly dependent on its subpackages (e.g. parent packageWithSubpackages
depends on its subpackagesWithSubpackagesA
, andWithSubpackagesC
TriBITS External Package/TPL: The specification for a particular external dependency that is required or can be used in one or more TriBITS Packages. A modern TriBITS external package/TPL (Third Party Library) is typically just a small file
that callsfind_package(<externalPkg>)
and defines the<tplName>::all_libs
target. More generally, an external package/TPL can be specified as a list list of libraries and/or include directories for header files. Examples of basic external packages/TPLs includeBLAS
, andBoost
TriBITS Package: The combined set of TriBITS Top-Level Packages, TriBITS Subpackages, and TriBITS External Packages/TPLs that constitute the basic Software Engineering packages of a TriBITS project (see Software Engineering Packaging Principles): Packages are the basis for setting dependencies in the TriBITS system. For example, the Packages provided by the example top-level package
(in order of increasing dependencies) areWithSubpackagesA
, andWithSubpackages
(see TribitsExampleProject).
TriBITS Repository: A collection of one or more TriBITS Packages specified in a <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file and zero or more external package/TPL declarations specified in a <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file. As discussed below, Repositories can include Native Repositories and Version Control (VC) Repositories.
TriBITS Project: A collection of TriBITS Repositories and TriBITS Packages that defines a complete CMake
defining software which can be directly configured withcmake
and then be built, tested, installed, etc.
TriBITS Meta-Project: A TriBITS Project that contains no native TriBITS packages or TriBITS external packages/TPLs but is composed out packages from other TriBITS Repositories.
In this document, dependencies are described as either being upstream or downstream/forward defined as:
If unit “B” requires (or can use, or comes before) unit “A”, then “A” is an upstream dependency of “B”.
If unit “B” requires (or can use, or comes before) unit “A”, then “B” is a downstream dependency or a forward dependency of “A”.
The following subsections define the major structural units of a TriBITS project in more detail. Each structural unit is described along with the files and directories associated with each. In addition, a key set of TriBITS CMake variables for each are defined as well.
In the next major section following this one, some Example TriBITS Projects are described. For those who just want to jump in and learn best by example, these example projects are a good way to start. These example projects will be referenced in the more detailed descriptions given in this document.
The last issue to touch on before getting into the detailed descriptions of the different TriBITS structural units is the issue of how CMake variables are defined and used by TriBITS. The CMake variables described in the TriBITS structural units below fall into one of two major types:
Local Fixed-Name Variables are used temporarily in the processing of a TriBITS unit. These include variables such as
. These are distinguished by having a non-namespaced fixed/constant name. They are typically part of TriBITS reflection system, allowing subordinate units to determine the encapsulating unit in which they are participating. For, example, a TriBITS subpackage can determine its name, its parent package’s name and directories, its parent repository name and directories, and the enclosing project’s name and directories without having to refer to any specific names.Globally Scoped Namespaced Variables are used to refer to properties of a named TriBITS unit that are seen globally by the entire TriBITS project. These include variables such as
). They are available after processing the unit, for use by downstream or subordinate units. They are part of the TriBITS dependency system, allowing downstream units to access properties of their known upstream dependencies.
More information about these various files is described in section Processing of TriBITS Files: Ordering and Details.
TriBITS Project
A TriBITS Project:
Defines the
CMake variable (defined in <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake)Defines a complete CMake project which calls
project(${PROJECT_NAME} ...)
and can be directly configured, built, tested, installed, etc.Consists of one or more TriBITS Repositories (and may itself be a TriBITS Repository) which can include native and extra repositories.
Allows for extra Repositories to be added on before or after the set of native Repositories (specified in <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake or by CMake cache variables)
Defines a default CDash server and default project name on the server (the project name on the CDash server must be the same as
).Defines pre-push testing standard builds (using
For more details on the definition of a TriBITS Project, see:
TriBITS Project Core Files
The core files making up a TriBITS Project (where <projectDir> =
) are:
ProjectName.cmake # Defines PACKAGE_NAME
CMakeLists.txt # Base project CMakeLists.txt file
CTestConfig.cmake # [Optional] Needed for CDash submits
Version.cmake # [Optional] Dev mode, Project version, VC branch # [Optional] config
NativeRepositoriesList.cmake # [Optional] Rarely used
ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake # [Optional] Lists repos and VC URLs # [Optional] CI global change/test logic
ProjectCompilerPostConfig.cmake # [Optional] Override/tweak build flags
ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake # [Optional] Project deps overrides
CallbackDefineProjectPackaging.cmake # [Optional] CPack settings
tribits/ # [Optional] Or provide ${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR
ctest/ # [Optional] Custom ctest settings
These TriBITS Project files are documented in more detail below:
<projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake: [Required] At a minimum provides a
statement to set the local variable PROJECT_NAME
. This file is
the first file that is read by a number of tools in order to get the TriBITS
project’s name. This file is read first in every context that involves
processing the TriBITS project’s files, including processes and tools that
just need to build the package dependency tree (see Reduced Package
Dependency Processing). Being this is the first file read in for a TriBITS
project and that it is read in first at the top level scope in every context,
this is a good file to put in other universal static project options. Note
that this is a project, not a repository file so no general
repository-specific settings should go in this file. A simple example of this
file is TribitsExampleProject/ProjectName.cmake
# Must set the project name at very beginning before including anything else
set(PROJECT_NAME TribitsExProj)
# Turn on export dependency generation for WrapExteranl package
# Turn on by default the generation of the export files
A meta-project’s ProjectName.cmake
file might have a number of other
variables set that define how the various different TriBITS repos are cobbled
together into a single TriBITS meta-project (usually because the different
TriBITS repos and packages are a bit messy and have other issues). For
example, the CASL VERA TriBITS meta-project at one point had a very extensive
collection of set statements in this file.
<projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt: [Required] The top-level CMake project file.
This is the first file that the cmake
executable processes that starts
everything off and is the base-level scope for local (non-cache) CMake
variables. Due to a few CMake limitations and quirks, a project’s top-level
file is not quit as clean as one might otherwise hope would
be but it is not too bad. A simple, but representative, example is
# #
# TribitsExampleProject #
# #
# To be safe, define your minimum CMake version. This may be newer than the
# min required by TriBITS.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23.0 FATAL_ERROR)
# Make CMake set WIN32 with CYGWIN for older CMake versions. CMake requires
# this to be in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file and not an include file :-(
# A) Define your project name and set up major project options
# NOTE: Don't set options that would impact what packages get defined or
# enabled/disabled in this file as that would not impact other tools that
# don't process this file.
# Get PROJECT_NAME (must be in a file for other parts of system to read)
# CMake requires that you declare the CMake project in the top-level file and
# not in an include file :-(
# B) Pull in the TriBITS system and execute
"TriBITS base directory (default assumes in TriBITS source tree)")
# Set default location for header-only TPL to make easy to configure out of
# the TriBITS source tree.
CACHE PATH "Default set by TriBITS/CMakeLists.txt" )
# Do all of the processing for this Tribits project
A couple of CMake and TriBITS quirks that the above example
addresses are worth some discussion. First, to avoid
duplication, the project’s ProjectName.cmake
file is read in with an
that defines the local variable PROJECT_NAME
. Right after
this initial include, the built-in CMake command project(${PROJECT_NAME}
is run. This command must be explicitly called with NONE
so as to
avoid default CMake behavior for defining compilers. The definition of
compilers comes later as part of the TriBITS system inside of the
tribits_project() command (see Full Processing of TriBITS Project
As noted in the above example file, the only project defaults that should be
set in this top-level CMakeLists.txt
file are those that do not impact the
list of package enables/disables. The latter type of defaults should set in
other files (see below).
In this example project, a CMake cache variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR
must be set by the user to define where the base tribits
source directory
is located. With this variable set (i.e. passed into cmake
use -DTribitsExProj_TRIBITS_DIR=<someDir>
), one just includes a single
file to pull in the TriBITS system:
With the TriBITS.cmake
file included, the configuration of the project
using TriBITS occurs with a single call to tribits_project().
Some projects, like Trilinos, actually snapshot the TriBITS/tribits/ directory into their source tree <projectDir>/cmake/tribits/ and therefore don’t need to have this variable set. In Trilinos, the include line is just:
The minimum CMake version must also be declared in the top-level
file as shown. Explicitly setting the minimum CMake
version avoids strange errors that can occur when someone tries to build the
project using a version of CMake that is too old. The project should set the
minimum CMake version based on the CMake features used in that project’s own
CMake files. The minimum CMake version required by TriBITS is defined in
(the current minimum version
of CMake required by TriBITS is given at in Getting set up to use CMake) .
For example, the VERA/CMakeLists.txt
file lists as its first line:
<projectDir>/CTestConfig.cmake: [Optional] Specifies the CDash site and
project to submit results to when doing an automated build driven by the CTest
driver function tribits_ctest_driver() (see TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver).
This file is also required to use the TriBITS-generated dashboard
(see Dashboard Submissions). An example of this file is
set(CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME "04:00:00 UTC") # 10 PM MDT or 9 PM MST
set_default_and_from_env(CTEST_DROP_METHOD "https")
set_default_and_from_env(CTEST_DROP_SITE "")
set_default_and_from_env(CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "TribitsExampleProject")
set_default_and_from_env(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/submit.php?project=TribitsExampleProject")
set_default_and_from_env(CTEST_TRIGGER_SITE "")
set_default_and_from_env(CTEST_DROP_SITE_CDASH TRUE)
Most of the variables set in this file are directly understood by raw
and those variables not be explained here further (see documentation
for the standard CMake module CTest
). The usage of the function
set_default_and_from_env() allows the variables to be overridden both as
CMake cache variables and in the environment. The latter is needed when
running using ctest
as the driver (since older versions of ctest
not support -D<var-name>:<type>=<value>
command-line arguments like for
). Given that all of these variables are nicely namespaced,
overriding them in the shell environment is not as dangerous as might
otherwise be the case but this is what had to be done to get around
limitations for older versions of CMake/CTest.
NOTE: One can also set:
set_default_and_from_env(TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_SITE ...)
set_default_and_from_env(TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION ...)
in this file in order to submit to a second CDash site/location. For details, see Dashboard Submissions. This is useful when considering a CDash upgrade and/or implementing new CDash features or tweaks.
<projectDir>/Version.cmake: If defined, gives the project’s version and
determines development/release mode (see Project and Repository Versioning
and Release Mode). This file is read in (using include()
) in the
project’s base-level <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt
file scope so local
variables set in this file are seen by the entire CMake project. For example,
, looks like:
When this file exists in the base project, these will be used to create
standard SOVERSION symlinks to shared libs. For example, on Linux, in
addition to the real shared lib lib<libname>.so
, the standard SOVERSION
symlinks are created like:
When this file exists at the repository level, the prefix
is used instead of hard-coding the project name. This
is so that the same Version.txt
file can be used as the
<repoDir>/Version.cmake file and have the repository name be flexible.
when it reads in this file
at the project-level scope.
It is strongly recommended that every TriBITS project contain a
file, even if a release has never occurred. Otherwise, the
project needs to define the variable
(perhaps in <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake
) to get right development mode
<projectDir>/ [Optional] Used to define the
and other project-level configuration options for the
project’s usage of the tool. Machine or package-specific
options should not be placed in this file. An example of this file for
is shown below:
# Define project-specific options for the checkin-test script for
# TribitsExampleProject.
configuration = {
# Default command line arguments
'defaults': {
'--send-email-to-on-push': '',
# CMake options (-DVAR:TYPE=VAL) cache variables.
'cmake': {
# Options that are common to all builds.
'common': [],
# Defines --default-builds, in order.
'default-builds': [
# Options for the MPI_DEBUG build.
# Options for the SERIAL_RELEASE build.
], # default-builds
}, # cmake
} # configuration
The contents of the file
show above are
pretty self explanatory. This file defines a single python dictionary
data-structure called configuration
which gives some default arguments in
, and then cmake options that define the projects
. For more details, see the section Pre-push Testing
<projectDir>/cmake/NativeRepositoriesList.cmake: [Deprecated] If present,
this file gives the list of native repositories for the TriBITS project. The
file must contain a set()
statement defining the variable
which is just a flat list of repository
names that must also be directory names under <projectDir>/
. For example,
if this file contains:
then the directories <projectDir>/Repo0/
and <projectDir>/Repo1/
exist and must be valid TriBITS repositories (see TriBITS Repository).
There are no examples for the usage of this file in any of the TriBITS examples or test projects. However, support for this file is maintained for backward compatibility since there may be some TriBITS projects that still use it. It is recommended instead to define multiple repositories using the <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file as it allows for more flexibility in how extra repositories are specified and how they are accessed. The latter file allows the various tools to perform version control (VC) activities with these repos while “native repositories” do not.
If this file NativeRepositoriesList.cmake
does not exist, then TriBITS
equal to “.”, or the base project
directory (i.e. <projectDir>/.
). In this case, the file
and <projectDir>/TPLsList.cmake
exist. However, if the project has no native packages or external
packages/TPLs, then these files can be set up with empty lists. This is the
case for meta-projects like CASL VERA that have only extra repositories
specified in the file <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake.
<projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake: [Optional] If present, this file defines a list of extra repositories that are added on to the project’s native repositories. The list of repositories is defined using the macro tribits_project_define_extra_repositories(). For example, the extra repos file:
ExtraRepo1 "" GIT "" Continuous
ExtraRepo2 packages/SomePackage/Blah GIT
ExtraRepo3 "" HG "" Continuous
ExtraRepo4 "" SVN "" Nightly
shows the specification of both TriBITS Repositories and non-TriBITS VC
Repositories. In the above file, the repositories ExtraRepo1
, and ExtraRepo4
are both TriBITS and VC repositories that
are cloned into directories under <projectDir>
of the same names from the
, and
, respectively. However, the repository
is not a TriBITS Repository because it is marked as
. In this case, it gets cloned as the directory:
However, the code in the tools and
tribits_ctest_driver() will consider non-TriBITS VC repos like
and any changes to this repository will be listed as changes to
(see Pre-push Testing using
NOTE: This file can be overridden by setting the cache variable <Project>_EXTRAREPOS_FILE.
<projectDir>/cmake/ [Optional] If present, then this Python module is imported and the Python class defined there ProjectCiFileChangeLogic there is used to determine which files need to trigger a global rebuild of the project enabling all packages.
An example of this given in the file
# Specialized logic for what file changes should trigger a global build in CI
# testing where testing should only occur package impacted by the change.
class ProjectCiFileChangeLogic:
def isGlobalBuildFileRequiringGlobalRebuild(self, modifiedFileFullPath):
modifiedFileFullPathArray = modifiedFileFullPath.split('/')
lenPathArray = len(modifiedFileFullPathArray)
if lenPathArray==1:
# Files sitting directly under <projectDir>/
if modifiedFileFullPathArray[0] == "CMakeLists.txt":
return True
if modifiedFileFullPathArray[0].rfind(".cmake") != -1:
return True
elif modifiedFileFullPathArray[0] == 'cmake':
# Files under <projectDir>/cmake/
if modifiedFileFullPathArray[1]=='ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake':
return False
elif modifiedFileFullPathArray[1] == 'ctest' and lenPathArray >= 3:
if lenPathArray > 3:
# This is a file
# <projectDir>/cmake/ctest/<something>/[...something...] so this is
# for a specific machine and should not trigger a global build.
return False
# Any other file directly under cmake/ctest/ should trigger a global
# build.
return True
# All other files under cmake/
if modifiedFileFullPath.rfind(".cmake") != -1:
# All other *.cmake files under cmake/ trigger a global build.
return True
# Any other files should not trigger a global build
return False
This logic is used in all code that is used in CI testing including, tribits_ctest_driver() and If this file does not exist, then TriBITS has some default logic which may or may not be sufficient for the needs of a given project.
<projectDir>/cmake/ProjectCompilerPostConfig.cmake: [Optional] If present,
then this file is read using include()
at the top-level CMakeLists.txt
file scope right after the compilers for the languages <LANG>
= C
, and Fortran
are determined and checked using
but before any other checks are performed. This
file can contain logic for the project to adjust the flags set in
and changes to other aspects of the build flags
(including link flags, etc.).
One example of the usage of this file is the Trilinos project where this file is (or was) used to apply specialized logic implemented in the Kokkos build system to select compiler options and to determine how C++11 and OpenMP flags are set. This file in Trilinos looked like:
if (${Trilinos_ENABLE_Kokkos})
message("-- " "Skip adding flags for OpenMP because Kokkos flags does that ...")
The exact context where this file is processed (if it exists) is described in Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files and TriBITS Environment Probing and Setup.
<projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake: [Optional] If present,
this file is included a single time as part of the generation of the project’s
dependency data-structure (see Reduced Package Dependency Processing). It
gets included at the top project level scope after all of the
<repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake files have been included
but before all of the package <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files
are included. Any local variables set in this file have project-wide scope.
The primary purpose for this file is to set variables that will impact the
processing of project’s package Dependencies.cmake
The typical usage of this file is to set the default CDash email address for all packages or override the email addresses for all of a repository’s package CDash regression email addresses (see CDash regression email addresses). For example, to set the default email address for all of the packages, one would set in this file:
The repository email address variables ${REPOSITORY_NAME}_REPOSITORY_EMAIL_URL_ADDRESS_BASE and ${REPOSITORY_NAME}_REPOSITORY_MASTER_EMAIL_ADDRESS possibly set in the just processed <repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake files can also be overridden in this file. The CASL VERA meta-project uses this file to override several of the repository-specific email addresses for its constituent repositories.
In general, variables that affect how package dependencies are defined or affect package enable/disable logic for only this particular project should be defined in this file.
<projectDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineProjectPackaging.cmake: [Optional] If
exists, defines the CPack settings for the project (see Official CPack
Documentation and
Online CPack Wiki).
This file must define a macro called tribits_project_define_packaging()
which is then invoked by TriBITS. The file:
provides a good example which is:
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION "TribitsExampleProject just shows you how to use TriBITS.")
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "tribitsexproj-setup-${TribitsExProj_VERSION}")
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_REGISTRY_KEY "TribitsExProj ${TribitsExProj_VERSION}")
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "tribitsexproj")
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Sandia National Laboratories")
set(CPACK_SOURCE_FILE_NAME "tribitsexproj-source-${TribitsExProj_VERSION}")
set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL ${TribitsExProj_PACKAGES} Unspecified)
The CPack variables show above that should be defined at the project-level are described in the Official CPack Documentation.
Settings that are general for all distributions (like non-package repository files to exclude from the tarball) should be set at the in the file <repoDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineRepositoryPackaging.cmake. See Creating Source Distributions for more details.
<projectDir>/cmake/tribits/: [Optional] This is the typical location of
the TriBITS/tribits/ source tree for projects that choose to snapshot
TriBITS into their source tree. In fact, TriBITS assumes this is the default
location for the TriBITS source tree if ${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR
is not
otherwise specified. Trilinos, for example, currently snapshots the TriBITS
source tree into this directory. See TriBITS directory snapshotting for
more details.
<projectDir>/cmake/ctest/ [Optional] If this file
exists, it is processed using a configure_file()
command to write the file
in the project base build directory
. This file is picked up automatically by
(see CTest documentation). This file is typically used to change
the maximum size of test output. For example, the
looks like:
# Increase the amount of output being produced
# NOTE: Above, we use these numbers to make it easy to determine that these
# values are getting read correctly in various modes of running
# tribits_ctest_driver(). In a real project, you could set something like:
which sets the output size for each test submitted to CDash be unlimited (which is not really recommended). These variables used by Trilinos at one time were:
which sets the max output for passed and failed tests to 50000k and 5000000k, respectively.
For documentation of the options one can change for CTest, see online CTest documentation.
TriBITS Project Core Variables
The following local variables are defined in the top-level Project
file scope and are therefore accessible by all files
processed by TriBITS:
The name of the TriBITS Project. This exists to support, among other things, the ability for subordinate units (Repositories and Packages) to determine the Project in which is participating. This is typically read from a
statement in the project’s <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file.
The absolute path to the base Project source directory. This is set automatically by TriBITS given the directory passed into
at configure time at the beginning of the tribits_project() macro.
The absolute path to the base Project binary/build directory. This is set automatically by TriBITS and is the directory where
is run from and is set at the beginning of the tribits_project() macro.
Set to the same directory as
automatically by the built-inproject()
command called in the top-level <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file..
Set to the same directory as
automatically by the built-inproject()
command called in the top-level <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file..
The following cache variables are defined for every TriBITS project:
CMake cache variable that gives the path to the TriBITS implementation directory. When set to a relative path (set as type
, see below), this is taken relative to${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/
(the project base source dir). When an absolute path is given, it is used without modification. If this variable is not set in the <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file, then it will be automatically set as aPATH
cache variable by the include ofTriBITS.cmake
by the statementset( ${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/tribits" CACHE PATH "...")Therefore, projects that snapshot TriBITS into <projectDir>/cmake/tribits/ don’t need to explicitly set
. In addition, one can also point to a different TriBITS implementation just by setting the absolute path:-D <Project>_TRIBITS_DIR=<some-abs-dir>or to a relative path using, for example:
-D <Project>_TRIBITS_DIR:STRING=TriBITS/tribitsNote that when the
git repo itself is cloned by a TriBITS project, then${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR
should be set to the directoryTriBITS/tribits
(see TriBITS/tribits/) as shown above.
CMake cache variable that if set to
, then tests for all explicitly enabled packages will be turned on. This has a default value ofOFF
. This is used in logic to enable individual package tests (see <Project>_ENABLE_TESTS only enables explicitly enabled package tests).
CMake cache variable that if set to
, then examples for all explicitly enabled packages will be turned on. This has a default value ofOFF
The following internal project-scope local (non-cache) CMake variables are defined by TriBITS giving the project’s TriBITS repositories.:
The list of Native Repositories for a given TriBITS project (i.e. Repositories that are always present when configuring the Project and are managed in the same VC repo typically). This variable is set in the file <projectDir>/cmake/NativeRepositoriesList.cmake if it exists. If the file
does not exist, then the project is assumed to also be a repository and the list of native repositories is just the local project directory${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.
. In this case, the${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/
must contain at a minimum aPackagesList.cmake
file, and aTPLsList.cmake
file (see TriBITS Repository).
The list of Extra Repositories that the project is being configured with. This list of repositories either comes from processing the project’s <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file or comes from the CMake cache variable
. See Enabling extra repositories with add-on packages for details.
Concatenation of all the repos listed in ${PROJECT_NAME}_NATIVE_REPOSITORIES and ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES in the order they are processed.
TriBITS Repository
A TriBITS Repository is the basic unit of ready-made composition between different collections of software that use the TriBITS CMake build and system.
In short, a TriBITS Repository:
Is a named collection of related TriBITS Packages and external packages/TPLs (defined in <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake and <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake respectively)
Defines the base source and binary directories for the Repository
.Defines a common set of initializations and other hooks for all the packages in the repository.
Typically maps to a VC (i.e. git) repository and therefore represents a unit of integration, versioning and reuse. (But core TriBITS has no dependency on any VC tool.)
For more details on the definition of a TriBITS Repository, see:
TriBITS Repository Core Files
The core files making up a TriBITS Repository (where <repoDir> =
) are:
Copyright.txt # [Optional] Only needed if creating version header file
Version.cmake # [Optional] Info inserted into ${REPO_NAME}_version.h
RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake # [Optional] CDash email addresses?
CallbackSetupExtraOptions.cmake # [Optional] Called after main options
CallbackDefineRepositoryPackaging.cmake # [Optional] CPack packaging
These TriBITS Repository files are documented in more detail below:
<repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake: [Required] Provides the list of top-level
packages defined by the repository. This file typically just calls the macro
tribits_repository_define_packages() to define the list of packages along
with their directories and other properties. For example, the file
looks like:
SimpleCxx packages/simple_cxx PT
MixedLang packages/mixed_lang PT
InsertedPkg InsertedPkg ST
WithSubpackages packages/with_subpackages PT
WrapExternal packages/wrap_external ST
tribits_disable_package_on_platforms(WrapExternal Windows)
Other commands that are appropriate to use in this file include
tribits_disable_package_on_platforms() and
tribits_allow_missing_external_packages(). Also, if the binary directory
for any package <packageName>
needs to be changed from the default, then
the variable <packageName>_SPECIFIED_BINARY_DIR
can be set. (see TriBITS
Package == TriBITS Repository == TriBITS Project).
It is perfectly legal for a TriBITS repository to define no packages at all with:
and this would be the case for a TriBITS meta-project that has no native packages, only extra repositories.
<repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake: [Required] Provides the list of external
packages/TPLs that are referenced as dependencies in the repository’s
package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files (see TriBITS
External Package/TPL). This file typically just calls the macro
tribits_repository_define_tpls() to define the TPLs along with their find
modules and other properties. An example is
which shows:
MPI "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/core/std_tpls/" PT
Boost cmake/TPLs/ ST
AMD cmake/TPLs/ EX
See TriBITS External Package/TPL for details on what gets defined for each TriBITS TPL once this file is processed.
It is perfectly fine to specify no TPLs at all for a repository with:
but the macro tribits_repository_define_tpls()
has to be called, even if
there are no TPLs. See tribits_repository_define_tpls() for further
details and constraints.
<repoDir>/Copyright.txt: [Optional] Gives the default copyright and
license declaration for all of the software in the TriBITS repository
directory <repoDir>/
. This file is read into a string and then used to
configure the repository’s version header file (see Project and Repository
Versioning and Release Mode). Even if a repository version header file is
not produced, it is a good idea for every TriBITS repository to define this
file, just for legal purposes. For a good open-source license, one should
consider copying the TriBITS/Copyright.txt
file which is a simple 3-clause
BSD-like license like:
TriBITS: Tribal Build, Integrate, and Test System
Copyright (c) 2013 NTESS
Copyright 2013 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia,
LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the
U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
Copyright the TriBITS contributors.
<repoDir>/Version.cmake: [Optional] Contains version information for the
repository (and the project also if this is also the base project). For
example, TribitsExampleProject/Version.cmake
, this looks like:
Note that the prefix ${REPOSITORY_NAME}_
is used instead of hard-coding
the repository’s name to allow flexibility in what a meta-project names a
given TriBITS repository.
The local variables in these set statements are processed in the base project
directory’s local scope and are therefore seen by the entire CMake project.
When this file is read in repository mode, the variable
is ignored.
<repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake: [Optional] If present,
this file is included a single time as part of the generation of the project
dependency data-structure (see Reduced Package Dependency Processing). It
gets included in the order listed in ${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_REPOSITORIES. Any
local variables set in this file have project-wide scope. The primary purpose
for this file is to set variables that will impact the processing of project’s
package’s Dependencies.cmake
files and take care of other enable/disable
issues that are not otherwise cleanly handled by the TriBITS system
The typical usage of this file is to set the default CDash email address for all of the defined packages (see CDash regression email addresses). For example, to set the default email address for all of the packages in this repository, one would set in this file:
Note that the prefix ${REPOSITORY_NAME}_
is used instead of hard-coding
the repo name to allow greater flexibility in how meta-projects refer to this
TriBITS repo.
<repoDir>/cmake/CallbackSetupExtraOptions.cmake: [Optional] If defined,
this file is processed (included) for each repo in order right after the basic
TriBITS options are defined in the macro
. This file must
define the macro tribits_repository_setup_extra_options()
which is then
called by the TriBITS system. This file is only processed when doing a basic
configuration of the project and not when it is just building up the
dependency data-structures (i.e. it is not processed in the Reduced
Package Dependency Processing). Any local variables set have project-wide
A few additional variables are defined by the time this file is processed and
can be used in the logic in these files. Some of the variables that should
already be defined (in addition to all of the basic user TriBITS cache
variables set in tribits_define_global_options_and_define_extra_repos()
, and
(see Python Support). The types of commands and
logic to put in this file include:
Setting additional user cache variable options that are used by multiple packages in the TriBITS Repository. For example, Trilinos defines a
user cache variable that several Trilinos packages use to get extra test data to define extra tests.Disabling packages in the TriBITS Repository when conditions will not allow them to be enabled. For example, Trilinos disables the package
is disabled and disables the packagePyTrilinos
when Python support is disabled.
An example of this file is:
which currently looks like:
"\n*** NOTE: Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_WrapExternal=OFF"
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_WrapExternal OFF)
if ("${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" STREQUAL "")
"\n*** NOTE: Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_WrapExternal=OFF"
" because Python3_EXECUTABLE=''!"
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_WrapExternal OFF)
"\n*** NOTE: Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_MixedLang=OFF"
" because ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran='${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran}'!"
<repoDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineRepositoryPackaging.cmake: [Optional] If
this file exists, then it defines extra CPack-related options that are
specific to this TriBITS Repository. This file must define the macro
which is called by TriBITS. This
file is processed as the top project-level scope so any local variables set
have project-wide effect. This file is processed after the project’s
<projectDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineProjectPackaging.cmake file so any project
CPACK variables are defined for the repository-level options and commands are
created. This file typically just sets extra excludes to remove files from
the tarball. The file:
provides a good example which is:
As shown in the above example, it is important to prefix the excluded files
and directories with the repository base directory
since these are interpreted by CPack as
TriBITS Repository Core Variables
The following temporary local variables are defined automatically by TriBITS
before processing a given TriBITS repository’s files
(e.g. PackagesList.cmake
, TPLsList.cmake
, etc.):
The name of the current TriBITS repository. This name will be the repository name listed in <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file or if this repository directory is the project base directory,
will be set to${PROJECT_NAME}
Path of the current Repository relative to the Project’s base source directory ${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR.. This is typically just the repository name but can be an arbitrary directory if specified through the <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file.
The following project-scope (non-cache) local variables are set once the list of TriBITS repositories is processed and before any of the repository’s files are processed:
The absolute path to the base of a given TriBITS Repository’s source directory. CMake code, for example in a packages’
file, typically refers to this by the raw name likeRepoX_SOURCE_DIR
. This makes such CMake code independent of where the various TriBITS repos are in relation to each other or the TriBITS Project (but does hard-code the repository name which is not ideal).
The absolute path to the base of a given TriBITS Repository’s binary directory. CMake code, for example in packages, refer to this by the raw name like
. This makes such CMake code independent of where the various TriBITS repos are in relation to each other or the Project.
The following project-level local variables can be defined by the project or
the user to help define the what packages from the repository
contribute to the primary meta-project packages (PMPP):
If set to
, then the package’s in the TriBITS repository are not considered to be part of the primary meta-project packages. This affects what packages get enabled by default when enabling all packages with setting${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES=ON
and what tests and examples get enabled by default when setting${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
. See TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors for more details.
When the above variable is set to
, this variable is read by TriBITS to find the list of TriBITS packages selected packages in the repository${REPOSITORY_NAME}
which are considered to be part of the set of the project’s primary meta-project package when the above variable is set toON
. NOTE: It is not necessary to list all of the subpackages in a given parent package. Only the parent package need be listed and it will be equivalent to listing all of the subpackages. See TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors for more details.
The above primary meta-project variables should be set in the meta-project’s <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file so that they will be set in all situations.
TriBITS Package
A TriBITS Package:
Is the fundamental TriBITS structural unit of software partitioning and aggregation.
Must have a unique package name (
) that is globally unique (see Globally unique TriBITS package names).Typically defines a set of libraries and/or header files and/or executables and/or tests with CMake build targets for building these for which TriBITS exports the list of include directories, libraries, and targets that are created (along with CMake dependencies).
Is declared in its parent repository’s <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file.
Declares dependencies on upstream packages by just naming the dependencies in the file <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake.
Can optionally have subpackages listed in the argument SUBPACKAGES_DIRS_CLASSIFICATIONS_OPTREQS to the macro call tribits_package_define_dependencies().
Is the unit of testing as driven by tribits_ctest_driver() and displayed on CDash.
WARNING: As noted above, one must be very careful to pick globally unique TriBITS package names. This name must be unique not only within its defined TriBITS repository but also across all packages in all TriBITS repositories that ever might be cobbled together into a single TriBITS (meta) project! Choosing a good package name is the single most important decision when it comes to defining a TriBITS package. One must be careful not to pick names like “Debug” or “StandardUtils” that have a high chance of clashing with poorly named TriBITS packages from other TriBITS repositories.
For more details on the definition of a TriBITS Package (or subpackage), see:
TriBITS Package Core Files
The core files that make up a TriBITS Package (where <packageDir> =
) are:
CMakeLists.txt # Only processed if the package is enabled
Dependencies.cmake # Always processed if its repo is processed
<packageName> # [Optional], name is not fixed
There are a few simple rules for the location and the contents of the
The directory
must not be a subdirectory of the package directory of any other package (e.g. notpkga/pkgb
).All of the source files, test files, etc. for the package should be included under
The above rules are not needed for basic building and testing but are needed for extended features like automatically detecting when a package has changed by looking at what files have changed (see Pre-push Testing using and for creating source tarballs correctly (see Creating Source Distributions). Therefore, it would be wise to abide by the above rules when defining packages.
The following TriBITS Package files are documented in more detail below:
<packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake: [Required] Defines the dependencies
for a given TriBITS package using the macro
tribits_package_define_dependencies(). This file is processed at the
top-level project scope (using an include()
) so any local variables set
will be seen by the entire project. This file is always processed, including
when just building the project’s dependency data-structure (see Reduced
Package Dependency Processing).
An example of a Dependencies.cmake
file for a package with optional and
required dependencies is for the mock Panzer
package in MockTrilinos:
LIB_REQUIRED_PACKAGES Teuchos Sacado Phalanx Intrepid Thyra
Tpetra Epetra EpetraExt
An example of a package with subpackages is WithSubpackages
which has the
dependencies file:
which is:
REGRESSION_EMAIL_LIST with_packages-regressions@someurl.none
defines three subpackages which creates three new packages
with names WithSubpackagesA
, WithSubpackagesB
, and
if a TriBITS Package or Subpackage has no dependencies, it still has to call
but it is called with no arguments
such as with:
which contains:
Other TriBITS macros/functions that can be called in this file include tribits_tpl_tentatively_enable() and tribits_allow_missing_external_packages().
<packageDir>/cmake/<packageName> [Optional] The package’s
configured header file. This file will contain placeholders for variables
that will be substitute at configure time with tribits_configure_file().
This includes usage of #cmakedefine <varName>
and other standard CMake
file configuration features used by CMake’s configure_file()
An example of this file is shown in:
which is:
#cmakedefine HAVE_SIMPLECXX___INT64
#endif /** SIMPLECXX_CONFIG_H **/
The variable HAVE_SIMPLECXX___INT64
is set up in the base file
(see <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt below). For
an explanation of HAVE_SIMPLECXX_DEBUG
, see tribits_add_debug_option().
For an explanation of HAVE_SIMPLECXX_SIMPLETPL
, see How to add a new
TriBITS Package dependency. For an explanation of
, see Setting up support for
deprecated code handling.
NOTE: The file name <packageName>
is not at all fixed and
the package can call this file anything it wants. Also, a package can
configure multiple header files in different directories for different
purposes using tribits_configure_file() or even calls to the raw CMake
function configure_file().
<packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt: [Required] The package’s top-level
file that defines the libraries, include directories, and
contains the tests for the package.
The basic structure of this file for a package without subpackages is shown in:
which is:
# A) Define the package
# B) Platform-specific checks
# C) Set up package-specific options
# D) Add the libraries, tests, and examples
# Set a variable that will be used in downstream packages
if (SimpleCxx_ENABLE_SimpleTpl)
set(simpletplText "simpletpl ")
"SimpleCxx ${simpletplText}headeronlytpl")
# E) Do standard post processing
The first command at the top of the file is a call to tribits_package()
which takes the package name (SimpleCxx
in this case) in addition to a few
other options. While TriBITS obviously already knows the package name (since
it read it from the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file), the purpose for
repeating it in this call is as documentation for the developer’s sake (and
this name is checked against the expected package name). Then a set of
configure-time tests are typically performed (if the package needs any of
these). In this example, the existence of the C++ __int64
data-type is
checked using the module CheckFor__int64.cmake
(which is in the cmake/
directory of this package. (CMake has great support Configure-time System
Tests.) This is followed by package-specific options. In this case, the
standard TriBITS options for debug checking and deprecated warnings are added
using the standard macros tribits_add_debug_option() and
tribits_add_show_deprecated_warnings_option(). After all of this up-front
stuff is complete (which will be present in any moderately complex
CMake-configured project) the source and the test sub-directories are added
that actually define the library and the tests. In this case, the standard
tribits_add_test_directories() macro is used which only conditionally adds
the tests for the package.
The final command in the package’s base CMakeLists.txt
file must always be
tribits_package_postprocess(). This is needed in order to perform some
necessary post-processing by TriBITS.
It is also possible for the package’s top-level CMakeLists.txt
to be the
only CMakeLists.txt
file for a package. Such an example can be seen in the
example project TribitsHelloWorld in the HelloWorld
When a TriBITS package is broken up into subpackages (see TriBITS
Subpackage), its CMakeLists.txt
file looks a little different from a
package with no subpackages as shown above. The basic structure of this file
for a package with subpackages is shown in:
which contains:
What is different about CMakeLists.txt
files for packages without
subpackages is that the tribits_package() command is broken up into two
parts tribits_package_decl() and tribits_package_def(). In between
these two commands, the parent package can define the common package options
and then calls the command tribits_process_subpackages() which fully
processes the packages. If the parent package has libraries and/or
tests/example of its own, it can define those after calling
tribits_package_def(), just like with a regular package. However, it is
rare for a package broken up into subpackages to have its own libraries and/or
tests and examples. As always, the final command called inside of a package’s
base CMakeLists.txt
file is tribits_package_postprocess().
NOTE: The package’s base CMakeLists.txt
file only gets processed if the
package is actually enabled
). This is an important
design feature of TriBITS in that the contents of non-enabled packages can’t
damage the configure, build, and test of the enabled packages based on errors
in non-enabled packages. This is critical to allow experimental EX
test-group packages and lower-maturity packages to exist in the same source
repositories safely with higher-maturity and more important packages.
TriBITS Package Core Variables
A packages’ core variables are broken down into the following categories:
The following locally scoped TriBITS Package Local Variables are defined when the files for a given TriBITS Package (or any package for that matter) are being processed:
The name of the current TriBITS package. This is set automatically by TriBITS before the packages’
file is processed. WARNING: This name must be globally unique across the entire project (see Globally unique TriBITS package names).
The absolute path to the package’s base source directory. This is set automatically by TriBITS in the macro tribits_package().
The absolute path to the package’s base binary/build directory. This is set automatically by TriBITS in the macro tribits_package().
This is set to the upper-case version of
. This is set automatically by TriBITS in the macro tribits_package().
Once all of the TriBITS package’s Dependencies.cmake
files have been
processed, the following TriBITS Package Top-Level Local Variables are
The absolute path to the package’s base source directory. CMake code, for example in other packages, refer to this by the raw name like
. This makes such CMake code independent of where the package is in relation to other packages. NOTE: This variable is defined for all declared packages that exist, independent of whether they are enabled or not. This variable is set as soon as it is known if the given package exists or not.
The relative path to the package’s base source directory, relative to the projects base source directory ${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR. This is used in various contexts such as processing the packages <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file and generating the projects <Project>PackageDependencies.xml file where relative paths are needed.
The absolute path to the package’s base binary directory. CMake code, for example in other packages, refer to this by the raw name like
. This makes such CMake code independent of where the package is in relation to other packages. NOTE: This variable is only defined if the package is actually enabled!
The name of the package’s parent repository. This can be used by a package to access information about its parent repository. For example, the variable
can be dereferenced and read of needed (but it is not recommended that packages be aware of their parent repository in general)..
Defines the Package Test Group for the package. This determines in what contexts the package is enabled or not for testing-related purposes (see Nested Layers of TriBITS Project Testing)
Defines the list of subpackage names for a top-level parent package. This gives the unique subpackage name without the parent package prefix. For example, the ReducedMockTrilinos package
has the subpackagesCoreLibs
, etc. (which forms the full package namesThyraCoreLibs
, etc.). If a top-level package is not broken down into subpackages, then this list is empty.
In addition, the following user-settable TriBITS Package Cache Variables
are defined before a Package’s CMakeLists.txt
file is processed:
Set to
if the package is enabled and is to be processed or will be set toON
automatically during enable/disable logic. For a parent package that is not directly enabled but where one of its subpackages is enabled, this will get set toON
(but that is not the same as the parent package being directly enabled and therefore does not imply that all of the required subpackages will be enabled, only that the parent package will be processed).
Set to
if support for the optional upstream dependent package${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME}
is enabled in package${PACKAGE_NAME}
corresponds to each optional upstream package listed in theLIB_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES
arguments to the tribits_package_define_dependencies() macro.NOTE: It is important that the CMake code in the package’s
files key off of this variable and not the project-level variable${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME}
because the package-level variable${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME}
can be explicitly turned off by the user even through the packages${PACKAGE_NAME}
are both enabled at the project level! See Support for optional package can be explicitly disabled.NOTE: This variable will also be set for required dependencies as well to allow for uniform processing such as when looping over the items in ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES or ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES.
NOTE: The value of this variable also determines the value of the macro define variable name HAVE_<PACKAGE_NAME_UC>_<UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME_UC>.
Set to
if the package’s tests are to be enabled. This will enable a package’s tests and all of its subpackage’s tests.
Set to
if the package’s examples are to be enabled. This will enable a package’s examples and all of its subpackage’s examples.
The above global cache variables can be explicitly set by the user or may be set automatically as part of the Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic.
The following local TriBITS Package Optional Dependency Macro Variables
are defined in the top-level project scope before a Package’s
file is processed:
Set to
if support for optional upstream package${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME
is enabled in downstream package${PACKAGE_NAME}
) and is set toFALSE
otherwise. Here,<PACKAGE_NAME_UC>
are the upper-case names for the packages${PACKAGE_NAME}
, respectively. For example, if optional support for upstream packageTriutils
is enabled in downstream packageEpetraExt
in ReducedMockTrilinos, thenEpetraExt_ENABLE_TriUtils=ON
. This variable is meant to be used in:#cmakedefine HAVE_<PACKAGE_NAME_UC>_<UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME_UC>
in configured header files (e.g. <packageDir>/cmake/<packageName> For example, for the
example, this would be:#cmakedefine HAVE_EPETRAEXT_TRIUTILS
NOTE: TriBITS automatically sets this variable depending on the value of ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME} during the step “Adjust package and TPLs enables and disables” in Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files. And tweaking this variable after that must be done carefully as described in How to tweak downstream TriBITS “ENABLE” variables during package configuration.
Currently, a Package can refer to its containing Repository and refer to its
source and binary directories. This is so that it can refer to
repository-level resources (e.g. like the Trilinos_version.h
file for
Trilinos packages). However, this may be undesirable because it will make it
hard to pull a package out of one TriBITS repository and place it in another
repository for a different use. However, a package can indirectly refer to
its own repository without loss of generality by reading the variable
. The problem is referring to other
TriBITS repositories explicitly.
TriBITS Subpackage
A TriBITS Subpackage:
Is a compartmentalization of a parent TriBITS Package according to Software Engineering Packaging Principles.
Typically defines a set of libraries and/or header files and/or executables and/or tests with CMake build targets for building these for which TriBITS exports the list of include directories, libraries, and targets that are created (along with CMake dependencies).
Is declared in its parent package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file in a call to tribits_package_define_dependencies() using the argument SUBPACKAGES_DIRS_CLASSIFICATIONS_OPTREQS.
Defines dependencies on upstream packages by just naming them in the file <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake using the macro tribits_package_define_dependencies().
Can NOT have its own subpackages defined (only top-level packages can have subpackages).
Is enabled or disabled along with all other subpackages in the parent package automatically if it’s parent package is enabled or disabled with
set toON
respectively (see Enable/disable of parent package is enable/disable for subpackages and PARENT_PACKAGE_NAME).Has tests turned on automatically if
The contents of a TriBITS Subpackage are almost identical to those of a TriBITS Package. The differences are described below and in How is a TriBITS Subpackage different from a TriBITS Package?.
For more details on the definition of a TriBITS Package (or subpackage), see:
TriBITS Subpackage Core Files
The set of core files for a subpackage are identical to the TriBITS Package Core Files and are:
CMakeLists.txt # Only processed if this subpackage is enabled
Dependencies.cmake # Always processed if the parent package
# is listed in the enclosing Repository
(where <packageDir> = ${${PARENT_PACKAGE_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}
is the subpackage directory listed in the
There are a few simple rules for the location and the contents of the
The relative directory
should be a strict subdirectory of<packageDir>/
(e.g. not../../somewhereelse
).The directory
must not be a subdirectory of the package directory of any other subpackage (e.g. notspkga/spkgb
).All of the source files, test files, etc. for the subpackage should be included under
The above rules are not needed for basic building and testing but are needed for extended features like automatically detecting when a package has changed by looking at what files have changed (see Pre-push Testing using and for creating source tarballs correctly (see Creating Source Distributions). Therefore, it would be wise to abide by the above rules when defining subpackages.
These TriBITS Subpackage files are documented in more detail below:
<packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake: [Required] The contents
of this file for subpackages are identical as for top-level packages. It just
contains a call to the macro tribits_package_define_dependencies() to
define this package’s upstream package dependencies. A simple example is
for the example subpackage WithSubpackagesB
(declared in
with_subpackages/cmake/Dependencies.cmake) with the file:
which is:
LIB_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES WithSubpackagesA InsertedPkg
What this shows is that subpackages must list their dependencies on each other
(if such dependencies exist) using the full package name
or in this case:
'WithSubpackagesA' = 'WithSubpackages' + 'A'
Note that the parent package depends on its subpackages, not the other way
around. For example, the WithSubpackages
parent package automatically
depends its subpackages WithSubpackagesA
, WithSubpackagesC
, and
. As such all (direct) dependencies for a subpackage must
be listed in its own Dependencies.cmake
file. For example, the
subpackage A
depends on the SimpleCxx
package and
is declared as such as shown in:
which is:
What this means is that any package dependencies listed in the parent package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file are NOT dependencies of its subpackages. For example, if with_subpackages/cmake/Dependencies.cmake where changed to be:
then the Boost
TPL would NOT be a dependency of the package
but instead would be listed as a
dependency of the parent package WithSubpackages
. (And in this
case, this TPL dependency is pretty worthless since the package
does not even define any libraries or tests of its
<packageDir>/<spkgDir>/CMakeLists.txt: [Required] The subpackage’s
top-level CMakeLists.txt
file that defines the libraries, include
directories, and contains the tests for the subpackage. The contents of a
subpackage’s top-level CMakeLists.txt
file are almost identical to a
top-level package’s <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file. The primary
difference is that the commands tribits_package() and
tribits_package_postprocess() and replaced with tribits_subpackage() and
tribits_subpackage_postprocess() as shown in the file:
which contains:
# A) Define the subpackage
# B) Set up subpackage-specific options
set(${PACKAGE_NAME}_SPECIAL_VALUE 3 CACHE STRING "Integer special value")
# C) Add the libraries, tests, and examples
# D) Do standard post processing
Unlike tribits_package(), tribits_subpackage() does not take any extra arguments. Those extra settings are assumed to be defined by the top-level parent package. Like top-level packages, subpackages are free to define user-settable options and configure-time tests but typically don’t. The idea is that subpackages should be lighter weight than top-level packages. Other than using tribits_subpackage() and tribits_subpackage_postprocess(), a subpackage can be laid out just like any other package and can call on any other commands to add libraries, add executables, add test, etc.
TriBITS Subpackage Core Variables
The core variables associated with a subpackage are identical to the TriBITS Package Core Variables. In addition, a subpackage may need to refer to its top-level parent package where a top-level package does not have a parent package. These additional variables that are defined for subpackages are broken down into the following categories:
In addition to the TriBITS Package Local Variables, the following locally scoped TriBITS Subpackage Local Variables are defined when the files for a given TriBITS Subpackage are being processed:
The name of the parent package.
The absolute path to the parent package’s base source directory.
The absolute path to the parent package’s base binary directory.
In addition to the TriBITS Package Top-Level Local Variables, once all of a
TriBITS subpackage’s Dependencies.cmake
files have been processed, the
following TriBITS Subpackage Top-Level Local Variables are defined:
The name of the parent package. (NOTE: If this is empty “”, then
is actually a parent package and not a subpackage.)
How is a TriBITS Subpackage different from a TriBITS Package?
A common question this is natural to ask is how a TriBITS Subpackage is
different from a TriBITS Package? They contain the same basic files (i.e. a
file, a top-level CMakeLists.txt
file, source
files, test files, etc.). They both are included in the list of TriBITS
Packages and therefore can both be enabled/disabled by the user or in
automatic dependency logic (see Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable
Logic). The primary difference is that a subpackage is meant to involve
less overhead and is to be used to partition the parent package’s software
into chunks according to Software Engineering Packaging Principles. Also,
the dependency logic treats a parent package’s subpackages as part of itself
so when the parent package is explicitly enabled or disabled, it is identical
to explicitly enabling or disabling all of its subpackages (see
Enable/disable of parent package is enable/disable for subpackages). Also,
subpackages are tested along with their peer subpackages with the parent
package as part of TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver. This effectively means that
if a build failure is detected in any subpackage, then that will effectively
disable the parent package and all of its other subpackages in downstream
testing. This is a type of “all for one and one for all” when it comes to the
relationship between the subpackages within a single parent package. These
are some of the issues to consider when breaking up software into packages and
subpackages that will be mentioned in other sections as well.
TriBITS External Package/TPL
A TriBITS External Package/TPL:
Provides access to a set of pre-built/installed libraries and/or header files and/or executables and/or some other resources through a standard interface to one or more downstream TriBITS Packages.
Has a globally unique name
(see Globally unique TriBITS TPL names) that is declared in a <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file.Has as FindTPL<tplName>.cmake module (for non-TriBITS-Compliant External Packages) that finds the pieces of an external package/TPL and provides them to downstream packages through a required INTERFACE target
(which gives the libraries, include directories, and other usage requirements, see TriBITS-Compliant External Package).Is listed as an explicit optional or required dependency in one or more downstream TriBITS packages’ <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files.
Can be enabled automatically or can trigger the disable of dependent downstream packages (see TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors).
The TriBITS external package/TPL mechanism provides a uniform way to find and
provide access to any type of external resource no matter how it might be
installed or ways to provide access to it. Using a TriBITS external
package/TPL is to be preferred over using raw CMake
call because the TriBITS system guarantees
that only a single unique version of an external package/TPL of the same
version will be used all of the downstream packages that uses it. Also, by
defining a TriBITS TPL, automatic enable/disable logic will be applied as
described in Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic. For example,
if an external package/TPL is explicitly disabled, all of the downstream
packages that depend on it will be automatically disabled as well (see
Package disable triggers auto-disables of downstream dependencies).
NOTE: The TriBITS TPL system implements a mechanism to turn external
dependencies into both TriBITS-compliant packages for consumption by
downstream TriBITS internal packages and also writes <tplName>Config.cmake
files that are TriBITS-compliant external packages for consumption by
downstream <Package>Config.cmake
files (which are TriBITS-compliant
external packages) generated by TriBITS-compliant internal packages.
WARNING: One must be very careful to pick Globally unique TriBITS
External Package/TPL names <tplName>
across all TPLs in all TriBITS
repositories that ever might be cobbled together into a single TriBITS (meta)
project! However, choosing TPL names is usually much easier and less risky
than choosing Globally unique TriBITS package names because widely used
TPLs tend to already be uniquely named. For example, the external package/TPL
names BLAS
are well defined in the applied math and
computational science community and are not likely to clash.
TriBITS External Package/TPL Core Files
The core files that define a TriBITS External Package/TPL are:
FindTPL<tplName>.cmake # The name is not fixed (see <tplName>_FINDMOD)
FindTPL<tplName>Dependencies.cmake # [Optional], defines upstream dependencies
Above, <tplDefsDir>/
can be a subdirectory under a parent TriBITS
repository <repoDir>/
(e.g. <repoDir>/cmake/tpls/
) or can be under a
TriBITS package directory <packageDir>/
(e.g. <packageDir>/cmake/tpls/
The following TriBITS External Package/TPL files are documented in more detail below:
<tplDefsDir>/FindTPL<tplName>.cmake: [Required] TriBITS TPL find module
that defines how a TriBITS external package/TPL is found and provided for
usage by a downstream TriBITS package. This module must provide the
target and must create a TriBITS-compliant external
package wrapper package config file <tplName>Config.cmake
. (See the
requirements for a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file in Requirements for
FindTPL<tplName>.cmake modules).
The form of a simple FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file that uses an internal
call to find_package(<externalPkg>)
which provides modern IMPORTED CMake
targets can use the
tribits_extpkg_create_imported_all_libs_target_and_config_file() function
and looks like:
find_package(<externalPkg> REQUIRED)
IMPORTED_TARGETS_FOR_ALL_LIBS <importedTarget0> <importedTarget1> ... )
In this case, the purpose for the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file (as opposed
to a direct call to find_package(<externalPkg>)
) is to ensure the
definition of the complete target <tplName>::all_libs
which contains all
usage requirements for the external package/TPL (i.e. all of the libraries,
include directories, etc.) and this also generates the wrapper package config
file <tplName>Config.cmake
The form of a simple FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file that just provides a list
of required header files and libraries that does not use an internal call
to find_package()
and instead uses the function
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries() looks like:
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( <tplName>
REQUIRED_HEADERS <header0> <header1> ...
REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES <libname0> <libname1> ...
An example concrete file is tribits/common_tpls/FindTPLPETSC.cmake
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( PETSC
For complete details, see Creating the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file.
<tplDefsDir>/FindTPL<tplName>Dependencies.cmake: [Optional]
Declares dependencies on upstream external packages/TPLs for the external
package/TPL <tplName>
. Many external packages/TPLs defined with a
FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file do not have any upstream dependencies or have
internal mechanisms to get those (such as when using
where the <externalPkg>Config.cmake
which recursively uses find_dependency()
to get its upstream
dependencies). But for FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
files that just use
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries() (see Creating a
FindTPL<tplName>.cmake module without find_package()), TriBITS needs to be told
about any upstream external packages/TPLs that it may depend on so it can add
the dependencies between the created IMPORTED target libraries.
The file FindTPL<tplName>Dependencies.cmake
is typically just a single
call to tribits_extpkg_define_dependencies() and takes the form:
tribits_extpkg_define_dependencies( <tplName>
DEPENDENCIES <upstreamTpl_0> <upstreamTpl_1> ... )
This defines all of the TPLs that <tplName>
could directly depends on but
only dependencies for enabled upstream TPLs will be added to the IMPORTED
NOTE: TPL-to-TPL dependencies are optional. Therefore, in the above example,
enabling the TPL <tplName>
will not auto-enable a dependent upstream TPL
. Likewise, disabling an upstream TPL <upstreamTpl_i>
will not auto-disable a dependent downstream TPL <tplName>
TriBITS External Package/TPL Core Variables
Once the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files are all processed, then each
defined TPL TPL_NAME
is assigned the following global non-cache variables:
For a non- TriBITS-compliant external package, this is the relative path (w.r.t.
) or absolute path for the TriBITS TPL find module (typically named FindTPL<tplName>.cmake). This is set using theFINDMOD
field in the call to tribits_repository_define_tpls(). The final value of the variable is defined by the last <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file that is processed that declares the TPLTPL_NAME
. For example, ifRepo1/TPLsList.cmake
both list the TPLSomeTpl
, then ifRepo2
is processed afterRepo1
, thenSomeTpl_FINDMOD
is determined byRepo2/TPLsList.cmake
and the find module listed inRepo1/TPLsList.cmake
is ignored. NOTE: for a TriBITS-compliant external package, the special valueTRIBITS_PKG
is also recognized. (Any pre-installed TriBITS package is a TriBITS-compliant external package.)
Relative path (w.r.t.
) or absolute path for the external package/TPL’s dependencies file (typically named FindTPL<tplName>Dependencies.cmake). This is always beside the find module ${TPL_NAME}_FINDMOD. (In fact, for a non- TriBITS-compliant external package,${TPL_NAME}_DEPENDENCIES_FILE
is constructed from${TPL_NAME}_FINDMOD
). NOTE: A TriBITS-compliant external package with dependencies will also have this file set and the path will be specified independent of the path to the non-existentFindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file (see theFINDMOD
field in the call to tribits_repository_define_tpls()).
TPL’s Package Test Group: This is set using the
field in the call to tribits_repository_define_tpls(). If multiple repos define a given TPL, then the first <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file that is processed that declares the TPLTPL_NAME
specifies the test group. For example, ifRepo1/TPLsList.cmake
both list the TPLSomeTpl
, then ifRepo2
is processed afterRepo1
, thenSomeTpl_TESTGROUP
is determined byRepo1/TPLsList.cmake
and the test group inRepo2/TPLsList.cmake
is ignored. However, if${TPL_NAME}_TESTGROUP
is already set before the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files are processed, then that test group will be used. Therefore, the project can override the test group for a given TPL if desired by setting${TPL_NAME}_TESTGROUP
before the first <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file gets processed.
Absolute path of the (last) <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file that declared this external package/TPL.
Note, the <findmod>
field path in the call to
tribits_repository_define_tpls() is relative to the TriBITS repository dir
but a relative path in for the variable <tplName>_FINDMOD is
relative to the project dir <projectDir>
. There is a translation of the
field to the variable <tplName>_FINDMOD
that takes place
when the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file is processed to make this so.
As noted above, it is allowed for the same TPL to be listed in multiple <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files. In this case, the rules for overrides of the find module and the test group as described above.
The specification given in Enabling support for an optional Third-Party
Library (TPL) and Creating the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file describe how
to create a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
module. However, all that is required
is that some CMake file fragment exist such that, once included, will define
the target <tplName>::all_libs
and create the <tplName>Config.cmake
file in the correct location (see Requirements for FindTPL<tplName>.cmake modules).
3.2 Processing of TriBITS Files: Ordering and Details
One of the most important things to know about TriBITS is what files it processes, in what order, and in what context. This is critical to being able to understand what impact (if any) setting a variable or otherwise changing the CMake run-time state will have on configuring a CMake project which uses TriBITS. While the different files that make up a TriBITS Project, TriBITS Repository, TriBITS Package, TriBITS Subpackage, and TriBITS TPL were defined in the section TriBITS Structural Units, that material did not fully describe the context and in what order these files are processed by the TriBITS framework.
The TriBITS system processes the project’s files in one of two general use
cases. The first use case is in the basic configuration of the project with a
standard cmake
command invocation in order to set up the build files in
the binary directory (see Full TriBITS Project Configuration). The second
use case is in reading the project’s dependency-related files in order to
build the package dependency data-structure (e.g. the
<Project>PackageDependencies.xml file, see Reduced Package Dependency
Processing). The second use case of reading the project’s dependency files
is largely a subset of the first.
Another factor that is important to understand is the scoping in which the
various files are processed (with include()
or add_subdirectory()
This scoping has a large impact on the configuration of the project and what
effect the processing of files and setting variables have on the project as a
whole. Some of the strange scoping rules for CMake are discussed in CMake
Language Overview and Gotchas and should be understood before trying to
debug issues with processing. Many of the basic files are processed
(included) in the base project <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt scope and
therefore any local variables set in these files are accessible to the entire
CMake project (after the file is processed, of course). Other files get
processed inside of functions which have their own local scope and therefore
only impact the rest of the project in more purposeful ways. And of course
all of the package <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt files that are processed
using add_subdirectory()
create a new local scope for that given package.
Full TriBITS Project Configuration
The first use case to describe is the full processing of all of the TriBITS project’s files starting with the base <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file. This begins with the invocation of the following CMake command to generate the project’s build files:
$ cmake [options] <projectDir>
Below, is a short pseudo-code algorithm for the TriBITS framework processing and callbacks that begins in the <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file and proceeds through the call to tribits_project().
Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files:
, see Python Support)GIT_EXECUTABLE
in all defined TriBITS repositories:tribits_repository_setup_extra_options()
in all defined TriBITS repositories:<repoDir>
in all defined TriBITS repositories:<packageDir>
in all defined top-level packages:<spkgDir>
in all subpackages for this package:<tplName>
in the set of enabled TPLs:include(${<tplName>_FINDMOD})
(see TriBITS TPL)<repoDir>
in all defined TriBITS repositories:<packageDir>
in all enabled top-level packages<spkgDir>
in all enabled subpackages for this package:tribits_project_define_packaging()
in all defined TriBITS repositories:tribits_repository_define_packaging()
The TriBITS Framework obviously does a lot more than what is described above
but the basic trace of major operations and ordering and the processing of
project, repository, package, and subpackage files should be clear. All of
this information should also be clear when enabling File Processing
Tracing and watching the output from the cmake
configure STDOUT.
Reduced Package Dependency Processing
In addition to the full processing that occurs as part of the Full TriBITS
Project Configuration, there are also TriBITS tools that only process as
subset of project’s files. This reduced processing is performed in order to
build up the project’s package dependencies data-structure and to write the
file <Project>PackageDependencies.xml. For example, the tool and the function tribits_ctest_driver() both drive this
type of processing. In particular, the CMake -P script
TribitsDumpDepsXmlScript.cmake reads all of the project’s
dependency-related files and dumps out the <Project>PackageDependencies.xml
file (see TriBITS Project Dependencies XML file and tools). This reduced
processing (e.g. as executed in cmake -P TribitsDumpDepsXmlScript.cmake
is described below.
Reduced Dependency Processing of TriBITS Project:
in all defined TriBITS repositories:<repoDir>
in all defined TriBITS repositories:<packageDir>
in all defined top-level packages:<spkgDir>
in all subpackages for this package:When comparing the above reduced dependency processing to the Full Processing
of TriBITS Project Files it is important to note that that several files are
not processed in the reduced algorithm shown above. The files that are
not processed include <projectDir>/Version.cmake,
<repoDir>/Version.cmake and
<repoDir>/cmake/CallbackSetupExtraOptions.cmake (in addition to not
processing any of the CMakeLists.txt
files obviously). Therefore, one
cannot put anything in these non-processed files that would impact the
definition of TriBITS repositories, packages, TPLs, etc. Anything that would
affect the dependencies data-structure that gets written out as
<Project>PackageDependencies.xml must be contained in the files that are
processed shown in the reduced processing above.
Debugging issues with Reduced Dependency Processing of TriBITS Project Files is more difficult because one cannot easily turn on File Processing Tracing like one can when doing the full CMake configure. However, options may be added to the various tools to show this file processing and help debug problems.
File Processing Tracing
In order to aid in debugging problems with Full TriBITS Project
Configuration and Reduced Package Dependency Processing, TriBITS defines
the CMake cache option ${PROJECT_NAME}_TRACE_FILE_PROCESSING. When
enabled, TriBITS will print out when any of the project-related,
repository-related, or package-related file is being processed by TriBITS.
, lines starting with "--
File Trace:"
are printed to cmake
stdout for files that TriBITS
automatically processes where there may be any confusion about what files are
processed and when.
For example, for TribitsExampleProject, the configure file trace for the configure command:
$ cmake \
-DTribitsExProj_TRIBITS_DIR=<tribitsDir> \
-DTribitsExProj_ENABLE_MPI=ON \
<tribitsDir>/doc/TribitsExampleProject \
| grep "^-- File Trace:"
looks something like:
-- File Trace: PROJECT INCLUDE [...]/Version.cmake
-- File Trace: REPOSITORY INCLUDE [...]/cmake/CallbackSetupExtraOptions.cmake
-- File Trace: REPOSITORY INCLUDE [...]/PackagesList.cmake
-- File Trace: REPOSITORY INCLUDE [...]/TPLsList.cmake
-- File Trace: PACKAGE INCLUDE [...]/packages/simple_cxx/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
-- File Trace: PACKAGE INCLUDE [...]/packages/mixed_lang/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
-- File Trace: PACKAGE INCLUDE [...]/packages/with_subpackages/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
-- File Trace: PACKAGE INCLUDE [...]/packages/with_subpackages/a/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
-- File Trace: PACKAGE INCLUDE [...]/packages/with_subpackages/b/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
-- File Trace: PACKAGE INCLUDE [...]/packages/with_subpackages/c/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
-- File Trace: PACKAGE INCLUDE [...]/packages/wrap_external/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
-- File Trace: PROJECT CONFIGURE [...]/cmake/ctest/
-- File Trace: REPOSITORY READ [...]/Copyright.txt
-- File Trace: REPOSITORY INCLUDE [...]/Version.cmake
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/simple_cxx/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/simple_cxx/test/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/mixed_lang/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/mixed_lang/test/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/with_subpackages/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/with_subpackages/a/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/with_subpackages/a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/with_subpackages/b/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/with_subpackages/b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/with_subpackages/c/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PACKAGE ADD_SUBDIR [...]/packages/with_subpackages/c/tests/CMakeLists.txt
-- File Trace: PROJECT INCLUDE [...]/cmake/CallbackDefineProjectPackaging.cmake
-- File Trace: REPOSITORY INCLUDE [...]/cmake/CallbackDefineRepositoryPackaging.cmake
However, every file that TriBITS processes is not printed in this file trace
if it should be obvious that the file is being processed. For example, the
package’s configured header file created using tribits_configure_file()
does not result in a file trace print statement because this is an
unconditional command that is explicitly called in one of the package’s
files so it should be clear that this file is being
processed and exactly when it is processed.
3.3 Coexisting Projects, Repositories, and Packages
Certain simplifications are allowed when defining TriBITS projects, repositories and packages. The known allowed simplifications are described below.
TriBITS Repository Dir == TriBITS Project Dir: It is allowed for a TriBITS
Project and a TriBITS Repository to be the same source directory and in fact
this is the default for every TriBITS project (unless the
<projectDir>/cmake/NativeRepositoriesList.cmake is defined). In this case,
the repository name REPOSITORY_NAME and the project name PROJECT_NAME
are the same as well. This is quite common and is in fact the default that
every TriBITS Project is also a TriBITS repository (and therefore must contain
<repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake and <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files). This
is the case, for example, with the Trilinos and the
TribitsExampleProject projects and repositories. In this case, the
Project’s and the Repository’s Version.cmake
and Copyright.txt
are also one and the same, as they should be (see Project and Repository
Versioning and Release Mode).
TriBITS Package Dir == TriBITS Repository Dir: It is also allowed for a
TriBITS Repository to have only one package and to have that package be the
base repository directory. The TriBITS Repository and the single TriBITS
Package would typically have the same name in this case (but that is actually
not required but it is confusing if they are not the same). For example, in
the TriBITS test project MockTrilinos, the repository and package
are the same directory. In this case, the file
looks like:
extraRepoOnePackage . ST
(Note the dot '.'
for the package directory.)
This is also how the real TriBITS repository and package DataTransferKit is set up (at least that is the way it was when this document was first written).
However, to maximize flexibility, it is recommended that a TriBITS package and its TriBITS repository not share the same directory or the same name. This allows a TriBITS repository to define more packages later.
TriBITS Package Dir == TriBITS Repository Dir == TriBITS Project Dir: In
the extreme, it is possible to collapse a single TriBITS package, repository,
and project into the same base source directory. They can also share the same
name for the package, repository and package. One example of this is the
project and The TriBITS Test Package themselves, which are both
rooted in the base TriBITS/
source directory of the stand-alone TriBITS
repository. There are a few restrictions and modifications needed to get this
to work:
The base
file must be modified to allow it to be processed both as the base projectCMakeLists.txt
file and as the package’s baseCMakeLists.txt
file. In the case ofTriBITS/CMakeLists.txt
, a big if statement is used.
Other than that simple modification to the top-level CMakeLists.txt
a TriBITS project, repository, and package can all be rooted in the same
source directory.
The primary use case for collapsing a project, repository, and package into a
single base source directory would be to support the stand-alone build of a
TriBITS package as its own entity that uses an independent installation of the
TriBITS (or a minimal snapshot of TriBITS). If a given TriBITS package has no
required upstream TriBITS package dependencies and minimal external
package/TPL dependencies (or only uses Standard TriBITS TPLs or Common
TriBITS TPLs already defined in the tribits/core/std_tpls/
directories), then creating a stand-alone project
build of a single TriBITS package requires fairly little extra overhead or
3.4 Standard and Common TPLs
While a TriBITS Repository can define their own external packages/TPLs and their own TPL find modules (see TriBITS External Package/TPL), the TriBITS source tree contains TriBITS find modules for a few different standard TPLs and common TPLs. Standard TriBITS TPLs are integral to the TriBITS system itself while Common TriBITS TPLs are TPL that are used in several different TriBITS Repositories and are contained in TriBITS for convenience and uniformity.
Standard TriBITS TPLs
TriBITS contains find modules for a few standard TPLs integral to the TriBITS system. The standard TriBITS TPLs are contained under the directory:
The current list of standard TriBITS TPL find modules is:
and CUDA
are standard because they are special in that
they define compilers and other special tools that are used in
tribits_add_library(), tribits_add_executable(), tribits_add_test()
and other commands.
These standard TPLs are used in a <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file as:
MPI "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/core/std_tpls/" PT
CUDA "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/core/std_tpls/" ST
Common TriBITS TPLs
TriBITS also contains find modules for several TPLs that are used across many independent TriBITS repositories. The goal of maintaining these under TriBITS is to enforce conformity in case these independent repositories are combined into a single meta-project.
The common TriBITS TPLs are contained under the directory:
The current list of common TriBITS TPL find modules is:
Common TPLs are used in a <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file as:
By using a standard TPL definition, it is guaranteed that the TPL used will be consistent with all of the TriBITS packages that depend on these TPLs in case they are combined into a single project.
Note that just because packages in two different TriBITS repositories
reference the same TPL does not necessarily mean that it needs to be moved
into the TriBITS source tree under tribits/common_tpls/
. For example, if
the TPL QT
is defined in an upstream repository (e.g. Trilinos), then a
package in a downstream repository can list a dependency on the TPL QT
without having to define its own QT
TPL in its repository’s
<repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file. For more details, see TriBITS TPL.
4 TriBITS-Compliant Packages
At the CMake build-system level, there are just a few key requirements that a
TriBITS package has for its upstream dependent packages when it is being
configured to be built. These requirements apply whether the upstream package
is defined internally in the current CMake project or provided externally and
pulled in through find_package(<Package>)
The common requirements for both internal and external TriBITS-compliant packages as imposed by downstream TriBITS internal packages are:
Provides the (INTERFACE) target
which provides all usage requirements for the libraries of<Package>
through the target properties:INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES
: The library files needed link against (or upstream library targets including<UpstreamPackage>::all_libs
for all its upstream packages)INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES
: Include directories to all public header filesINTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS
: Required compiler optionsINTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS
: Required compiler/macro definitionsINTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS
: Required compiler/macro definitionsAny other
target property needed to correctly use the libraries for package<Package>
Provides namespaced variables
set toTRUE
for all of the upstream required and optional dependencies for the package<Package>
.[Optional] Provides namespaced variables of the form
for any other information about the configuration of package<Package>
that may need to be known by a downstream TriBITS package.[Optional] Provides any (namespaced by
) CMake macros or functions that downstream CMake packages may need to use the upstream package<Package>
.[Optional] All of the upstream dependencies (listed in the
property recursively) are also TriBITS-compliant packages
The TriBITS system will also set the variable:
: Set toTRUE
for all packages that are determined to be TriBITS-compliant packages and satisfy the above criteria.
The above are all that is needed by downstream TriBITS packages to build and link against their upstream dependencies.
Additional requirements are placed on TriBITS-compliant packages depending on if they are defined as internal CMake packages (i.e. TriBITS-compliant internal packages) or are pulled in as external pre-built/pre-installed packages (i.e. TriBITS-compliant external packages).
4.1 TriBITS-Compliant Internal Packages
For TriBITS packages that are defined, built, and installed from a TriBITS CMake project, there are an additional set of requirements for them to behavior correctly with respect to other TriBITS packages.
The requirements for TriBITS-compliant internal packages are:
All of the requirements for a TriBITS-Compliant Package.
At the end of configuration and generation, writes out a TriBITS-Compliant External Package file
and supporting files under the build directory<buildDir>/cmake_packages/<Package>/
allowing the built (but not installed) package to be used by downstream CMake packages/projects.Provides an install target to create a TriBITS-Compliant External Package file
and supporting files under the install directory<installDir>/lib/cmake/<Package>/
allowing the installed package to be used by downstream CMake packages/projects.[Optional] All of the upstream dependencies (recursively) are also TriBITS-compliant packages.
If a TriBITS package provides any CTest tests/examples, then it must also satisfy the following requirements:
Test names must be prefixed with the package name
.The package name
must be appended to theLABELS
test property list.Tests should only be added if the variable
is true.Examples (that run as CTest tests) should only be added if the variable
is true.The
test property and other test properties must be set in a way consistent with tribits_add_test() so as to run in parallel with other tests and not overwhelm the computing resources on the machine.The test
must not be added if the cache variable<fullTestName>_DISABLE
is set toTRUE
or if the cache variable<fullTestName>_SET_DISABLED_AND_MSG
is set to non-empty (and the message string should be printed to STDOUT).
TriBITS internal packages that are defined using the TriBITS framework using the TriBITS-provided macros and functions such as tribits_add_library() and have tests defined using the functions tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test() are automatically TriBITS-compliant internal packages. And when these TriBITS-implemented internal packages are installed, they automatically provide TriBITS-compliant external packages. But it is possible for a CMake package to write its own raw CMake code to satisfy these basic requirements for both internal and (installed) external packages.
4.2 TriBITS-Compliant External Packages
For packages that are installed on the system and not built in the current
CMake project, a streamlined type of TriBITS External Package/TPL is a
TriBITS-compliant external package. These special types of external
package’s don’t need to provide a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake find module.
Instead, they are fully defined by calling find_package(<Package>)
to load their
package config file.
The requirements for TriBITS-compliant external packages are:
All of the requirements for a TriBITS-Compliant Package.
Defined by an installed
file that provides IMPORTED targets andset()
statements for all of the needed variables.Provides CMake variables:
: Points to the file<Package>Config.cmake
[Optional] All of the upstream dependencies (recursively) are also provided as TriBITS-compliant external packages with
files (see above) and all of the targets and variables for a TriBITS-compliant external package are defined when the<Package>Config.cmake
file is included (or pulled in withfind_package()
NOTE: TriBITS-compliant external packages that provide TriBITS-compliant external packages for all of their upstream dependencies are said to be fully TriBITS-compliant external packages while those that support the minimal requirements are said to be minimally TriBITS-compliant external packages. The TriBITS external package/TPL system is robust enough to deal with minimally TriBITS-compliant external packages. Any TriBITS external packages/TPLs upstream from a minimally TriBITS-compliant external package will be found again in the current TriBITS project. (In these cases, it is up to the user to make sure that the same upstream packages are found.)
5 Example TriBITS Projects
In this section, a few different example TriBITS projects and packages are
previewed. Most of these examples exist in the TriBITS source directory
itself so they are available to all users of TriBITS. These
examples also provide a means to test the TriBITS system itself (see The
TriBITS Test Package).
The first example covered is the bare bones TribitsHelloWorld example
project. The second example covered in detail is TribitsExampleProject.
This example covers all the basics for setting up a simple multi-package
TriBITS project. The third example outlined is MockTrilinos which mostly
exists to test the TriBITS system itself but also contains some nice examples
of a few different TriBITS features and behaviors. The forth example is the
ReducedMockTrilinos project which is used to demonstrate TriBITS behavior
in this document. Also mentioned is the Trilinos project itself which can
be a useful example of the usage of TriBITS (see disclaimers in the section
Trilinos). The last example mentioned is The TriBITS Test Package
itself which allows the TriBITS system to be tested and installed from any
TriBITS project that lists it, including the TriBITS
project itself
(see Coexisting Projects, Repositories, and Packages).
The directory tribits/examples/
contains some other example TriBITS
projects and repositories as well that are referred to in this and other
5.1 TribitsHelloWorld
is about the simplest possible TriBITS project that you
can imagine and is contained under the directory:
This example project contains only a single TriBITS package and no frills at
all (does not support MPI or Fortran). However, it does show how minimal a
TriBITS Project (which is also a TriBITS Repository) and a TriBITS
Package can be and still demonstrates some of the value of TriBITS over raw
CMake. The simple HelloWorld
package is used to compare with the raw
CMakeLists.txt file in the RawHeloWorld
example project in the TriBITS
Overview document.
The directory structure for this example his shown below:
This has all of the required TriBITS Project Core Files, TriBITS
Repository Core Files, and TriBITS Package Core Files. It just builds a
simple library, a simple executable, a test executable, and the tests them as
shown by the file TribitsHelloWorld/hello_world/CMakeLists.txt
which is:
HEADERS hello_world_lib.hpp SOURCES hello_world_lib.cpp)
tribits_add_executable(hello_world NOEXEPREFIX SOURCES hello_world_main.cpp
tribits_add_test(hello_world NOEXEPREFIX PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "Hello World")
tribits_add_executable_and_test(unit_tests SOURCES hello_world_unit_tests.cpp
PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "All unit tests passed")
The build and test of this simple project is tested in the The TriBITS Test Package file:
Note that this little example is a fully functional TriBITS Repository and can be embedded in to a larger TriBITS meta-project and be seamlessly built along with any other such TriBITS-based software.
5.2 TribitsExampleProject
in an example TriBITS Project and TriBITS
Repository contained in the TriBITS source tree under:
When this is used as the base TriBITS project, this is the directory
corresponds to <projectDir>
and <repoDir>
referenced in TriBITS
Project Core Files and TriBITS Repository Core Files, respectively.
Several files from this project are used as examples in the section TriBITS Project Structure. Here, a fuller description is given of this project and a demonstration of how TriBITS works. From this simple example project, one can quickly see how the basic structural elements of a TriBITS project, repository, and package (and subpackage) are pulled together.
This simple project shows how what is listed in files:
are used to specify the packages and packages in a TriBITS project and
repository. More details about the contents of the Dependencies.cmake
files is described in the section Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable
The name of this project PROJECT_NAME
is given in its
# Must set the project name at very beginning before including anything else
set(PROJECT_NAME TribitsExProj)
# Turn on export dependency generation for WrapExteranl package
# Turn on by default the generation of the export files
The variable PROJECT_NAME=TribitsExProj
is used to prefix (using
) all of the project’s global TriBITS variables like
, etc.
The directory structure and key files for this example project are shown in the partial list of TribitsExampleProject Files and Directories below:
mixed_lang/ ...
B/ ...
C/ ...
wrap_external/ ...
Above, the sub-directories under packages/
are sorted according to the
order listed in the TribitsExampleProject/PackagesList.cmake
SimpleCxx packages/simple_cxx PT
MixedLang packages/mixed_lang PT
InsertedPkg InsertedPkg ST
WithSubpackages packages/with_subpackages PT
WrapExternal packages/wrap_external ST
tribits_disable_package_on_platforms(WrapExternal Windows)
From this file, we get the list of top-level packages SimpleCxx
, WithSubpackages
, and WrapExternal
(and their base
package directories and testing group, see <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake).
(NOTE: By default the package InsertedPkg
is not defined because its
directory is missing, see How to insert a package into an upstream repo.)
A full listing of package files in TribitsExampleProject Files and
Directories is only shown for the SimpleCxx
package directory
. For this package, <packageDir> =
and PACKAGE_NAME = SimpleCxx
. As
explained in TriBITS Package Core Files, the files
<packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt
must exist for every package directory listed in
<repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake and we see these files under in the directory
. The package SimpleCxx
does not have any
upstream package dependencies.
Now consider the example top-level package WithSubpackages
as the name suggests, is broken down into subpackages. The
dependencies file:
with contents:
REGRESSION_EMAIL_LIST with_packages-regressions@someurl.none
references the three subpackages with sub-directories <spkgDir>
= A
, and C
under the parent package directory
which are shown in TribitsExampleProject
Files and Directories. This gives another set of three packages
, WithSubpackagesB
and WithSubpackagesC
. Combining <packageDir> =
and <spkgDir>
for each subpackage gives
the subpackage directories:
Together with the top-level parent package WithSubpackages
itself, this top-level package provides four TriBITS Packages giving the
final list of packages provided by this TriBITS repo as:
SimpleCxx MixedLang WithSubpackagesA WithSubpackagesB WithSubpackagesC \
WithSubpackages WrapExternal 7
The above list of packages is printed (with the number of packages printed
at the end) by TriBITS to the cmake
stdout on the line starting with
"Final set of non-enabled packages:"
when no packages are enabled (see
Selecting the list of packages to enable). (Note that TriBITS does not put
in line-brakes with continuation characters "\"
as shown above.) TriBITS
defines enable/disable cache variables for each of these defined packages
like TribitsExProj_ENABLE_SimpleCxx
, and defines all
the variables listed in TriBITS Package Cache Variables that are settable
by the users or by the dependency logic described in section Package
Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic.
When starting a new TriBITS project, repository, or package, one should
consider basing these on the examples in TribitsExampleProject
. In fact,
the skeletons for any of the
should be copied from this example project as they represent best practice when using TriBITS for the typical use cases.
5.3 TribitsExampleProject2
in an example TriBITS Project and TriBITS
Repository contained in the TriBITS source tree under:
This example TriBITS project provides some examples for a few other features
and testing scenarios. It contains three internal packages Package1
, and Package3
as shown in its PackagesList.cmake
Package1 packages/package1 PT
Package2 packages/package2 PT
Package3 packages/package3 PT
and supports four external packages/TPLs Tpl1
, Tpl2
, Tpl3
, and
as shown in its TPLsList.cmake
Tpl1 "cmake/tpls/" PT
Tpl2 "cmake/tpls/" PT
Tpl3 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/tpls/" PT
Tpl4 "cmake/tpls/" PT
# NOTE: Above we are setting the findmod path to an absolute path just to test
# that case with TPL dependencies (see trilinos/Trilinos#10774).
5.4 MockTrilinos
The TriBITS project MockTrilinos
is contained under the directory:
This TriBITS project is not a full TriBITS project (i.e. it does not build
anything). Instead, it is primarily used to test the TriBITS system using
tests defined in the The TriBITS Test Package. The MockTrilinos
project is actually given the name PROJECT_NAME = Trilinos
and contains a
subset of Trilinos packages with slightly modified dependencies from a real
version of the Trilinos project from May 2009. The list of packages in:
TrilinosFramework cmake PT
Teuchos packages/teuchos PT
RTOp packages/rtop PT
Epetra packages/epetra PT
Zoltan packages/zoltan PT
Shards packages/shards PT
Triutils packages/triutils PT
Tpetra packages/tpetra PT
EpetraExt packages/epetraext PT
Stokhos packages/stokhos EX
Sacado packages/sacado ST
Thyra packages/thyra PT
Isorropia packages/isorropia PT
AztecOO packages/aztecoo PT
Galeri packages/galeri PT
Amesos packages/amesos PT
Intrepid packages/intrepid PT
Ifpack packages/ifpack PT
ML packages/ml PT
Belos packages/belos ST
Stratimikos packages/stratimikos PT
RBGen packages/rbgen PT
Phalanx packages/phalanx ST
Panzer packages/panzer ST
AlwaysMissing AlwaysMissing PT
# NOTE: Sacado was really PT but for testing purpose it is made ST
# NOTE: Belos was really PT but for testing purpose it is made ST
tribits_disable_package_on_platforms(ML BadSystem1)
tribits_disable_package_on_platforms(Ifpack BadSystem1 BadSystem2)
All of the package directories listed above have
<packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files but generally do not have
<packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt files since most of usage of MockTrilinos
just involves the testing of the algorithms and behaviors described in the
section Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic.
also contains a number of extra TriBITS repositories used in
various tests. These extra repositories offer examples of different types of
TriBITS repositories like:
: Contains just the single packageextraRepoOnePackage
which is defined in the base repository directory.extraRepoOnePackageThreeSubpackages
: Contains just the single packageextraRepoOnePackageThreeSubpackages
which is defined in the base repository directory but is broken up into subpackages.extraRepoTwoPackages
: Contains just two packages but provides an example of defining multiple repositories with possible missing required and optional upstream packages (see Multi-Repository Support).extraTrilinosRepo
: Just a typical extra repo with add-on packages and external packages/TPLs that depends on a few upstreamMockTrilinos
New test extra repositories are added when new types of tests are needed that
would require new package and TPL dependency structures since existing
dependency tests based on MockTrilinos
are expensive to change by their
very nature.
The primary reason that the MockTrilinos
test project is mentioned in this
developers guide is because it contains a variety of packages, subpackages,
and TPLs with a variety of different types of dependencies. This variety is
is needed to more fully test the TriBITS system but this project and the tests
also serve as examples and extra documentation for the behavior of the TriBITS
system. Several of the dependency-related examples referenced in this
document come from MockTrilinos
Most of the dependency tests involving MockTrilinos
are specified in:
A great deal about the current behavior of TriBITS Package Dependencies and
Enable/Disable Logic can be learned from inspecting these tests. There are
also some faster-running unit tests involving MockTrilinos
defined in the
5.5 ReducedMockTrilinos
The TriBITS project ReducedMockTrilinos
is contained under the directory:
It is a scaled-down version of the MockTrilinos test project with just a handful of packages and some modified dependencies. Its primary purpose for this example project is to be used for examples in the section Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic and to test a few features of the TriBITS system not covered in other tests.
The list of packages in:
Teuchos packages/teuchos PT
RTOp packages/rtop PT
Epetra packages/epetra PT
Triutils packages/triutils ST
EpetraExt packages/epetraext ST
Thyra packages/thyra PT
All of the listed packages are standard TriBITS packages except for the mock
package which is broken down into subpackages. More details of this
example project are described in Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable
5.6 Trilinos
The real Trilinos project and repository itself is an advanced example for the usage of TriBITS. Almost every single-repository use case for TriBITS is demonstrated somewhere in Trilinos. While some of the usage of TriBITS in Trilinos may not be not exemplary (e.g., because it represents old usage, or was written by CMake/TriBITS beginners) it does represent real working usage. Given that Trilinos is a widely available software repository, anyone should be able to access a newer version of Trilinos and mine it for CMake and TriBITS examples.
5.7 The TriBITS Test Package
The last TriBITS example mentioned here is the TriBITS test package named
(appropriately) TriBITS
itself defined in the TriBITS
repository. The
directory for the TriBITS
test package is the base TriBITS source
directory tribits
. This allows any TriBITS project to add testing for the
TriBITS system by just listing the TriBITS repository in its
<projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file. Trilinos lists the
TriBITS repository in its ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake
file as:
- tribits_project_define_extra_repositories(
TriBITS “” GIT “” Continuous … )
No downstream TriBITS packages list a dependency on TriBITS
in their
<packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files. Defining the TriBITS
TriBITS package in only done for running the TriBITS tests.
Once the TriBITS
test package is added to the list of project/repository
packages, it can be enabled just like any other package by adding the
following to the cmake
command-line options:
-D <Project>_ENABLE_TriBITS=ON \
One can then inspect the added tests prefixed by "TriBITS_"
to see what
tests are defined and how they are run. There is a wealth of information
about the TriBITS system embedded in these tests and where documentation and
these tests disagreed, believe the tests!
6 Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic
Arguably, the more important feature/aspect of the TriBITS system is the partitioning of a large software project into packages and managing the dependencies between these packages to support building, testing, and deploying different pieces as needed (see discussion of Software Engineering Packaging Principles). This is especially useful in incremental CI testing of large projects. However, maintaining such dependencies is also a critical component in creating and maintaining Self-Sustaining Software (see the TriBITS Lifecycle Model). The fundamental mechanism for breaking up a large software into manageable pieces is to partition the software into different TriBITS Packages and then define the dependencies between these packages (which are defined inside of the <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files for each package).
Note that the basic idea of breaking up a large set of software into pieces, defining dependencies between the pieces, and then applying algorithms to manipulate the dependency data-structures is nothing new. If fact, nearly every binary package deployment system provided in various Linux OS distributions have the concept of packages and dependencies and will automatically install all of the necessary upstream dependencies when a downstream dependency install is requested. The main difference (and the added complexity) with TriBITS is that it can handle both required and optional dependencies since it can build from source. A binary package installation system, however, typically can’t support optional dependencies because only pre-built binary libraries and tools are available to install.
This section is organized and broken-down as follows. First, the subsection Example ReducedMockTrilinos Project Dependency Structure presents the ReducedMockTrilinos example project, describes its dependency structure, and uses it to begin to describe how TriBITS sets up and manages package dependencies. The packages in this ReducedMockTrilinos example project are used in the following subsections so one will be constantly referred back to this subsection. The following subsection TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors defines and describes the nitty-gritty details of the TriBITS package dependency structure and the algorithms that manipulate the various package and test enables and disables. Specific examples for the TriBITS dependency handling algorithms are given in the subsection Example Enable/Disable Use Cases. Finally, the subsection <Project>PackageDependencies.xml describes the standard XML output data-structure that gets created by TriBITS that defines a project’s package dependencies.
6.1 Example ReducedMockTrilinos Project Dependency Structure
To demonstrate the TriBITS package dependency handling system, the small
simple ReducedMockTrilinos project is used. The list of packages for this
project is defined in the file ReducedMockTrilinos/PackagesList.cmake
<repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake) which contents:
Teuchos packages/teuchos PT
RTOp packages/rtop PT
Epetra packages/epetra PT
Triutils packages/triutils ST
EpetraExt packages/epetraext ST
Thyra packages/thyra PT
All of the listed packages are standard TriBITS packages except for the mock
package which is broken down into subpackages as shown in
<packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake) which is:
CoreLibs src PT REQUIRED
GoodStuff good_stuff ST OPTIONAL
CrazyStuff crazy_stuff EX OPTIONAL
Epetra adapters/epetra PT OPTIONAL
EpetraExt adapters/epetraext ST OPTIONAL
This gives the full list of top-level TriBITS packages:
Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt Thyra
Adding in the subpackages defined in the top-level Thyra
package, the full
set of TriBITS Packages for this project is:
Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt ThyraCoreLibs ThyraGoodStuff \
ThyraCrazyStuff ThyraEpetra ThyraEpetraExt Thyra
Note that one can see this full list of top-level packages and packages in
the cmake
configure output lines starting with:
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages:
Final set of non-enabled packages:
respectively, when configuring with no package enables as shown in the example Default configure with no packages enabled on input.
The list of TriBITS External Packages/TPLs for this example project given
in the file ReducedMockTrilinos/TPLsList.cmake
<repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake) which is:
MPI "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/core/std_tpls/" PT
Boost cmake/TPLs/ ST
AMD cmake/TPLs/ EX
Take note of the Package Test Group (i.e. PT, ST, or EX) assigned to each package as it plays a significant role in how the TriBITS dependency system handles enables and disables.
The dependency structure of this simple TriBITS project is shown below in ReducedMockTrilinos Dependencies.
ReducedMockTrilinos Dependencies:
Package dependencies information:
-- Trilinos_NUM_DEFINED_TPLS='7'
-- Trilinos_DEFINED_INTERNAL_TOPLEVEL_PACKAGES: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt Thyra
-- Trilinos_DEFINED_INTERNAL_PACKAGES: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt ThyraCoreLibs ThyraGoodStuff ThyraCrazyStuff ThyraEpetra ThyraEpetraExt Thyra
-- Trilinos_DEFINED_PACKAGES: MPI BLAS LAPACK Boost UMFPACK AMD PETSC Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt ThyraCoreLibs ThyraGoodStuff ThyraCrazyStuff ThyraEpetra ThyraEpetraExt Thyra
-- Teuchos_FORWARD_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: RTOp[R] EpetraExt[R] ThyraCoreLibs[R]
-- Epetra_FORWARD_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: Triutils[R] EpetraExt[R] ThyraEpetra[R]
-- EpetraExt_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: Teuchos[R] Epetra[R] Triutils[O] UMFPACK[O] AMD[O] PETSC[O]
-- ThyraCoreLibs_FORWARD_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: ThyraGoodStuff[R] ThyraEpetra[R] Thyra[R]
-- ThyraGoodStuff_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: ThyraCoreLibs[R]
-- ThyraGoodStuff_FORWARD_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: ThyraCrazyStuff[R] Thyra[O]
-- ThyraCrazyStuff_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: ThyraGoodStuff[R]
-- ThyraEpetra_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: Epetra[R] ThyraCoreLibs[R]
-- ThyraEpetra_FORWARD_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: ThyraEpetraExt[R] Thyra[O]
-- ThyraEpetraExt_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: ThyraEpetra[R] EpetraExt[R]
-- Thyra_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES: ThyraCoreLibs[R] ThyraGoodStuff[O] ThyraCrazyStuff[O] ThyraEpetra[O] ThyraEpetraExt[O]
Dumping direct enabled dependencies for each package ...
-- MPI: No enabled dependencies!
-- BLAS: No enabled dependencies!
-- Boost: No enabled dependencies!
-- UMFPACK: No enabled dependencies!
-- AMD: No enabled dependencies!
-- PETSC: No enabled dependencies!
-- Triutils: No enabled dependencies!
-- EpetraExt: No enabled dependencies!
-- ThyraGoodStuff: No enabled dependencies!
-- ThyraCrazyStuff: No enabled dependencies!
-- ThyraEpetra_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES: Epetra[R] ThyraCoreLibs[R]
-- ThyraEpetraExt: No enabled dependencies!
-- Thyra_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES: ThyraCoreLibs[R] ThyraEpetra[O]
Setting up export dependencies for all enabled packages ...
-- Teuchos: No library dependencies!
-- Epetra: No library dependencies!
-- ThyraEpetra_FULL_ENABLED_DEP_PACKAGES: ThyraCoreLibs Epetra RTOp Teuchos
-- Thyra_FULL_ENABLED_DEP_PACKAGES: ThyraEpetra ThyraCoreLibs Epetra RTOp Teuchos
The above dependency structure printout is produced by configuring with
(which also results in more
dependency information than what is shown above, e.g. like computed forward
package dependencies). Note that the top-level package Thyra
is shown
to depend on its subpackages (not the other way around). (Many people are
confused about the nature of the dependencies between packages and
subpackages. See <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake for more
A number of user-settable CMake cache variables determine what packages and what tests and examples get enabled. These cache variables are described in Selecting the list of packages to enable and are described below. Also, the assigned Package Test Group (i.e. PT, ST, and EX) also affects what packages get enabled or disabled.
Any of these packages can be enabled or disabled with
(the default enable is
typically empty ""
, see PT/ST packages given default unset
enable/disable state). For ReducedMockTrilinos
, this gives the
enable/disable cache variables (with the initial default values):
Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCrazyStuff="OFF" # Because it is 'EX'
Every TriBITS package is assumed to have tests and/or examples so TriBITS defines the following cache variables as well (with the initial default values):
NOTE: TriBITS only sets the variables <TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_TESTS
the cache if the package <TRIBITS_PACKAGE>
becomes enabled at some
point. This cuts down the clutter in the CMake cache for large projects with
lots of packages where the user only enables a subset of the packages.
NOTE: TriBITS also defines the cache variables
for each enabled TriBITS package which
is handled the same way as the <TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_TEST
Also, every defined external package/TPL is given its own
enable/disable cache variable. For the TPLs in
, this gives the enable/disable cache variables (with
default values):
In addition, for every optional package dependency, TriBITS defines a cache
. For the optional
dependencies shown in ReducedMockTrilinos Dependencies, that gives the
additional cache variables (with default values):
The above optional package-specific cache variables allow one to control
whether or not support for upstream dependency X is turned on in package Y
independent of whether or not X and Y are themselves both enabled. For
example, if the packages Triutils
and EpetraExt
are both enabled, one
can explicitly disable support for the optional dependency Triutils
by setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=OFF
. One may want to
do this for several reasons but the bottom line is that this gives the user
more detailed control over package dependencies. See the TriBITS Dependency
Handling Behaviors and Explicit disable of an optional package
dependency for more discussion and examples.
Before getting into specific Example Enable/Disable Use Cases, some of the TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors are first defined below.
6.2 TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors
Below, some of the rules and behaviors of the TriBITS dependency management system are described. Examples refer to the Example ReducedMockTrilinos Project Dependency Structure. More detailed examples of these behaviors are given in the section Example Enable/Disable Use Cases.
In brief, the rules/behaviors of the TriBITS package dependency management system are:
Package enable triggers auto-enables of upstream dependencies
Package disable triggers auto-disables of downstream dependencies
Enable/disable of parent package is enable/disable for subpackages
Enable/disable of parent package tests/examples is enable/disable for subpackages tests/examples
Explicit enable of optional package/TPL support auto-enables package/TPL
<Project>_ENABLE_ALL_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES enables downstream packages/tests
<Project>_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES enables all PT (cond. ST) packages
<Project>_ENABLE_TESTS only enables explicitly enabled package tests
TriBITS auto-enables/disables done using non-cache local variables
In more detail, these rules/behaviors are:
No circular dependencies of any kind are allowed: The zeroth rule of the TriBITS dependency management system is that no TriBITS package (or its tests) can declare a dependency on a downstream package, period! This is one of the most basic Software Engineering Packaging Principles stated as the ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle), i.e. “Allow no cycles in the package dependency graph”. By default, the TriBITS system will check for circular dependencies and will fail the configure if any are found. For a more detailed discussion of circular package dependencies, see Design Considerations for TriBITS.
PT/ST packages given default unset enable/disable state: A package
with testing groupPT
is given an unset enable/disable state by default (i.e.${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=""
). For example, thePT
is not enabled or disabled by default and is given the initial valueTrilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=""
. For an example, see Default configure with no packages enabled on input. This allowsPT
, andST
packages to be enabled or disabled using other logic defined by TriBITS which is described below. TriBITS defines persistent cache variables for these with the default value of empty “”. Therefore, if the user or other CMake code does not hard enable or disable one of these variables, then on future configures it will be defined but have the value of empty “”.
EX packages disabled by default: An package
with testing groupEX
is disabled by default (i.e.${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=OFF
). For an example, see Default configure with no packages enabled on input. This results in all required downstream packages to be disabled by default. However, the user can explicitly set${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=ON
for anEX
package and it will be enabled (unless one of its required dependencies are not enabled for some reason). In this case, the cache variable is given the cache value ofOFF
Package enable triggers auto-enables of upstream dependencies: Any package
can be explicitly enabled by the user by setting the cache variable${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=ON
). When an package is enabled in this way, the TriBITS system will try to enable all of the required upstream packages and TPLs defined by the package (specified in itsDependencies.cmake
file). If an enabled package can’t be enabled and has to be disabled, either a warning is printed or processing will stop with an error (depending on the value of${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES
, see Disables trump enables where there is a conflict). In addition, if${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES=ON
, then TriBITS will try to enable all of the specified optional PT packages as well (and also optional upstream ST packages if${PROJECT_NAME}_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=ON
). For an example, see Explicit enable of a package, its tests, an optional TPL, with ST enabled.
Package disable triggers auto-disables of downstream dependencies: Any package
can be explicitly disabled by the user by setting the cache variable${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=OFF
for an external package/TPL) (e.g.Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=OFF
). When an package is explicitly disabled, it will result in the disable of all dependent downstream external packages/TPLs and internal packages that have required dependency on it. It will also disable optional support for the disabled packages in downstream packages that list it as an optional dependency. For an example, see Explicit disable of a package.
PT/ST TPLs given default unset enable/disable state: A TriBITS TPL
with testing groupPT
is given an unset enable/disable state by default (i.e.TPL_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_TPL>=""
). For example, thePT
is not enabled or disabled by default (i.e.TPL_ENABLE_BLAS=""
). For an example, see Default configure with no packages enabled on input. This allowsPT
, andST
TPLs to be enabled or disabled using other logic.
EX TPLs given default unset enable/disable state: A TriBITS TPL
with testing groupEX
, is given an unset enable/disable state by default (i.e.TPL_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_TPL>=""
, same as forPT
TPLs). For an example, see Default configure with no packages enabled on input. This is different behavior than forEX
packages described above which provides an initial hard disable. However, since TriBITS will never automatically enable an optional TPL (see Optional TPLs only enabled explicitly by the user) and since only downstreamEX
packages are allowed to have a required dependencies on anEX
TPL, there is no need to set the default enable for anEX
. If anEX
package has a required dependency on anEX
TPL, just enabling theEX
package should automatically enable theEX
TPL as described in Required TPLs are auto-enabled for enabled packages.
Required TPLs are auto-enabled for enabled packages: All TPLs listed as required TPL dependencies for the final set of enabled packages are set to enabled (i.e.
), unless the listed TPLs are already explicit disabled (in which case the package would be disabled or an error would occur, see Disables trump enables where there is a conflict). For example, if theTeuchos
package is enabled, then that will trigger the enable of its required TPLsBLAS
. For an example, see Explicit enable of a package and its tests.
Optional TPLs only enabled explicitly by the user: Optional TPLs, regardless of their testing group
, will only be enabled if they are explicitly enabled by the user. For example, just because the packageTeuchos
is enabled, the optional TPLsBoost
will not be enabled by default, even if${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES=ON
. To enable the optional TPLBoost
, for example, and enable support forBoost
in theTeuchos
package, the user must explicitly setTPL_ENABLE_Boost=ON
. For an example, see Explicit enable of a package, its tests, an optional TPL, with ST enabled.
Disables trump enables where there is a conflict and TriBITS will never override a disable in order to satisfy some dependency. For example, if the user sets
, then TriBITS will not override the disable ofTeuchos
in order to satisfy the required dependency ofRTOp
. In cases such as this, the behavior of the TriBITS dependency adjustment system will depend on the setting of the top-level user cache variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES:If
, then TriBITS will disable the explicit enable and continue on. In the above example, TriBITS will overrideTrilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON
and setTrilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=OFF
and print a verbose warning to thecmake
, then TriBITS will generate a detailed error message printed tocmake
stdout and then abort processing. In the above example, TriBITS will report thatRTOp
is enabled but the required packageTeuchos
is disabled and thereforeRTOp
can’t be enabled and processing must stop.
For an example of both behaviors, see Conflicting explicit enable and disable.
Enable/disable of parent package is enable/disable for subpackages: An explicit enable/disable of a top-level parent package with subpackages with
is equivalent to the explicit enable/disable of all of the parent package’s subpackages. For example, explicitly settingTrilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
is equivalent to explicitly setting:Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraGoodStuff=ON # Only if enabling ST code! Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=ON # Only if enabling ST code!
(Note that
is not set toON
because it is already set toOFF
by default, see EX packages disabled by default.) Likewise, explicitly settingTrilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=OFF
is equivalent to explicitly setting all of theThyra
subpackages toOFF
at the outset. For aPT
example, see Explicit enable of a package and its tests. For aST
example, see Explicit enable of a package, its tests, an optional TPL, with ST enabled.
Enable/disable of parent package tests/examples is enable/disable for subpackages tests/examples: Setting
is equivalent to setting the default for<TRIBITS_PACKAGE><SP>_ENABLE_TESTS=[ON|OFF]
for each subpackage<SP>
of the parent package<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>
has subpackages). Same is true for<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=[ON|OFF]
by default as well (but not vice versa).
Subpackage enable does not auto-enable the parent package: Enabling an package that is a subpackage does not automatically enable the parent package (except for at the very end, mostly just for show). For example, enabling the package
does not result in enable of the parentThyra
for course). For an example, see Explicit enable of a subpackage. This means that if a downstream package declares a dependency on the packageThyraEpetra
, but not the parent packageThyra
, then theThyra
package (and its other subpackages and their dependencies) will not get auto-enabled. Also note that enabling a subset of the required subpackages for a parent package does not require the enable of the other required subpackages. For example, if bothThyraEpetra
were both required subpackages of the parent packageThyra
, then enablingThyraCore
does not require the enabling ofThyraEpetra
. In these cases where one of a parent package’s subpackages is enabled for some reason, the final value of${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${PACKAGE_NAME}
will be set toON
(but this does imply that all of the required subpackages will be enabled, only that the parent package will be processed.)
Support for optional package/TPL is enabled by default: For an package
with an optional dependency on an upstream package or TPL<TRIBITS_DEP_PACKAGE_OR_TPL>
, TriBITS will automatically set the intra-enable variable<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_DEP_PACKAGE_OR_TPL>=ON
are both enabled. For example, if the packagesTriutils
are both enabled, then TriBITS will automatically setEpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
by default and enables support forTriutils
. Likewise, ifTeuchos
and the optional TPLBoost
are both enabled, then TriBITS will automatically setTeuchos_ENABLE_Boost=ON
by default. This is obviously the logical behavior. See the full context for these examples in Explicit enable of a package, its tests, an optional TPL, with ST enabled.
Support for optional package can be explicitly disabled: Even though TriBITS will automatically set
by default if<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>
are both enabled at the project level (as described above), the user can explicitly set<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_DEP_PACKAGE_OR_TPL>=OFF
which will turn off optional package-level support for the upstream package or TPL<TRIBITS_DEP_PACKAGE_OR_TPL>
in the downstream package<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>
. For example, the user can enableEpetraExt
at the project level, but setEpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=OFF
which will turn off package-level support forTriutils
in theEpetraExt
package. Likewise, the user can enableTeuchos
and the optional TPLBoost
, but setEpetra_ENABLE_Boost=ON
. This would provide support forBoost
but not inEpetra
. For examples, see Explicit disable of an optional package dependency and Explicit disable of an optional TPL dependency.
Explicit enable of optional package/TPL support auto-enables package/TPL: If the user explicitly enables the TriBITS package
on input, then that will automatically enable the package or TPL<TRIBITS_DEP_PACKAGE_OR_TPL>
(and all of its upstream dependencies accordingly). For example, if the user setsTrilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
, then that will result in the auto-enable ofTrilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
. This true even if the optional package or TPL isEX
. For example, settingThyra_ENABLE_ThyraCrazyStuff=ON
will result in the enabling of theEX
. However, always remember that Disables trump enables where there is a conflict. For example, see Explicit enable of an optional package dependency.
ST packages only auto-enabled if ST code is enabled: TriBITS will only enable an optional
is also set. Otherwise, when an optionalST
upstream dependent package is not enabled due to${PROJECT_NAME}_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=OFF
, then a one-line warning is printed to stdout. For example, if theEpetraExt
package is enabled butST
code is not enabled, then the optional packageTriutils
will not be enabled (for an example, see Explicit enable of a package and its tests). However, when${PROJECT_NAME}_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=ON
is enabled, thenTriutils
will be enabled too (for an example, see Explicit enable of a package, its tests, an optional TPL, with ST enabled). The TriBITS default is${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES=ON
. This helps to avoid problems when users try to set a permutation of enables/disables which is not regularly tested.
<Project>_ENABLE_ALL_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES enables downstream packages/tests: Setting the user cache-variable
will result in the downstreamPT
internal packages and tests to be enabled (and allPT
) for all explicitly enabled internal packages. For example, in the mock Trilinos project, configuring withTrilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
will result the package enables (and test and example enables) for the downstream packagesTriutils
. For an example, see Explicit enable of a package and downstream packages and tests. Note that when setting this option, the enable of an external package/TPL will not result in the auto-enable of downstream internal packages. For example, settingTrilinos_ENABLE_BLAS=ON
will not result in the auto-enable of any internal packages that depend onBLAS
(in the mock Trilinos project).
<Project>_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES enables all PT (cond. ST) packages: Setting the user cache-variable
will result in the enable of allPT
and allPT
. For an example, see Enable all packages. When the project is a meta-project, this will only enable the project’s primary meta-project packages (PMPP). That is, a package will only be enabled due to${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES=ON
when its parent repository does not have ${REPOSITORY_NAME}_NO_PRIMARY_META_PROJECT_PACKAGES set toTRUE
then the package may be enabled if it (or its parent package) is listed in ${REPOSITORY_NAME}_NO_PRIMARY_META_PROJECT_PACKAGES_EXCEPT.
<Project>_ENABLE_TESTS only enables explicitly enabled package tests: Setting
will only enable tests for explicitly enabled packages on input. For example, configuring withTrilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON
will only result in the enable of tests forRTOp
, notTeuchos
(even through TriBITS will enableTeuchos
because it is a required dependency ofRTOp
). See an example, see Explicit enable of a package and its tests. When the project is a meta-project, this will only enable tests for the project’s primary meta-project packages (PMPP). The uses the same logic as for${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES
, see <Project>_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES enables all PT (cond. ST) packages.
If no packages are enabled, nothing will get built: Most TriBITS projects are set up such that if the user does not explicitly enable at least one package in some way, then nothing will be enabled or built. In this case, when
a warning will be printed and configuration will complete. However, if${PROJECT_NAME}_ALLOW_NO_PACKAGES=FALSE
, then the configure will die with an error message. For example,
to make sure that something gets enabled and tested in order to accept the results of the test and allow a push. For an example, see Default configure with no packages enabled on input.
TriBITS prints all enables and disables to stdout: TriBITS prints out (to
stdout) the initial set of enables/disables on input, prints a line whenever it sets (or overrides) an enable or disable, and prints out the final set of enables/disables. Therefore, the user just needs to grep thecmake
stdout to find out why any particular package or TPL is enabled or disabled in the end. In addition, will print out when tests/examples for a given package gets enabled and when support for optional packages and TPLs is enabled or not. Examples of this output is given in all of the below examples but a detailed description of this output is given in Explicit enable of a package and its tests.
TriBITS auto-enables/disables done using non-cache local variables: TriBITS setting (or overrides) of enable/disable cache variables are done by setting local non-cache variables at the top project-level scope (i.e. the
file scope) and does not touch the value of the cache variables that may be set by the user on input or the cache variables with documentation set by TriBITS. This is done so they don’t get set in the cache and so that the same dependency enable/disable logic is redone, from scratch, with each re-configure. This results in the same enable/disable logic output as for the initial configure. This is to avoid confusion by the user about why some packages and TPLs are enabled and some are not on subsequent reconfigures. This is also desirable behavior as it preserves the user’s input values for these variables to document what was set by the user. However, this implementation choice (and the tricky relationship between cache and non-cache CMake variables) must be clearly understood when one wants to go about tweaking these TriBITS enable/disable variables as described in How to check for and tweak TriBITS “ENABLE” cache variables and How to tweak downstream TriBITS “ENABLE” variables during package configuration.
TriBITS prints out a lot of information about the enable/disable logic as it applies the above rules/behaviors. For a large TriBITS project with lots of packages, this can produce a lot of output to stdout. One just needs to understand what TriBITS is printing out and where to look in the output for different information. The examples in the section Example Enable/Disable Use Cases show what this output looks like for the various enable/disable scenarios and tries to explain in more detail the reasons for why the given behavior is implemented the way that it is. Given this output, the rule definitions given above, and the detailed Example Enable/Disable Use Cases, one should always be able to figure out exactly why the final set of enables/disables is the way it is, even in the largest and most complex of TriBITS projects. (NOTE: The same can not be said for many other large software configuration and deployment systems where basic decisions about what to enable and disable are hidden from the user and can be very difficult to track down and debug.)
The above behaviors address the majority of the functionality of the TriBITS dependency management system. However, when dealing with TriBITS projects with multiple repositories, some other behaviors are supported through the definition of a few more variables. The following TriBITS repository-related variables alter what packages in a given TriBITS repository get enabled implicitly or not by TriBITS:
If set to
, then the packages in Repository${REPOSITORY_NAME}
will not be implicitly enabled in any of the package adjustment logic.
List of packages in the Repository
that will be allowed to be implicitly enabled. Only checked if${REPOSITORY_NAME}_NO_IMPLICIT_PACKAGE_ENABLE
is true.
The above variables typically are defined in the outer TriBITS Project’s CTest driver scripts or even in top-level project files in order to adjust how packages in its listed repositories are handled. What these variable do is to allow a large project to turn off the auto-enable of optional packages in a given TriBITS repository to provide more detailed control of what gets used from a given TriBITS repository. This, for example, is used in the CASL VERA project to manage some of its extra repositories and packages to further reduce the number of packages that get auto-enabled.
6.3 Example Enable/Disable Use Cases
Below, a few of the standard enable/disable use cases for a TriBITS project are given using the Example ReducedMockTrilinos Project Dependency Structure that demonstrate the TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors.
The use cases covered are:
Explicit enable of a package, its tests, an optional TPL, with ST enabled
Explicit enable of a package and downstream packages and tests
All of these use cases and more can be easily run from the command-line by first setting:
$ export REDUCED_MOCK_TRILINOS=<base-dir>/tribits/examples/ReducedMockTrilinos
and then copy and pasting the cmake
commands shown below. Just make sure
to run these in a temp directory because this actually configures a CMake
project in the local directory. Just make sure and run:
$ rm -r CMake*
before each run to clear the CMake cache.
These use cases are now described in detail below.
Default configure with no packages enabled on input
The first use-case to consider is the configure of a TriBITS project without
enabling any packages. For the ReducedMockTrilinos
project, this is done
which produces the relevant dependency-related output:
Explicitly enabled top-level packages on input (by user): 0
Explicitly enabled packages on input (by user): 0
Explicitly disabled top-level packages on input (by user or by default): 0
Explicitly disabled packages on input (by user or by default): ThyraCrazyStuff 1
Explicitly enabled external packages/TPLs on input (by user): 0
Explicitly disabled external packages/TPLs on input (by user or by default): 0
Final set of enabled top-level packages: 0
Final set of enabled packages: 0
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt Thyra 6
Final set of non-enabled packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt \
ThyraCoreLibs ThyraGoodStuff ThyraCrazyStuff ThyraEpetra ThyraEpetraExt Thyra 11
Final set of enabled external packages/TPLs: 0
Final set of non-enabled external packages/TPLs: MPI BLAS LAPACK Boost UMFPACK AMD PETSC 7
*** WARNING: There were no packages configured so no libraries or tests/examples will be built!
The above example demonstrates the following behaviors of the TriBITS dependency handling system:
EX packages disabled by default (i.e., the
is set toOFF
by default at the very beginning).
Explicit enable of a package and its tests
One of the most typical use cases is for the user to explicitly enable one or more top-level TriBITS package and enable its tests. This configuration would be used to drive local development on a specific set of packages (i.e. tests do not need to be enabled for packages not being changed).
Consider the configure of the ReducedMockTrilinos
project enabling the
top-level Thyra
package and its tests with:
$ cmake -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Thyra:BOOL=ON \
which produces the relevant dependency-related output:
Explicitly enabled top-level packages on input (by user): Thyra 1
Explicitly enabled packages on input (by user): Thyra 1
Explicitly disabled top-level packages on input (by user or by default): 0
Explicitly disabled packages on input (by user or by default): ThyraCrazyStuff 1
Explicitly enabled external packages/TPLs on input (by user): 0
Explicitly disabled external packages/TPLs on input (by user or by default): 0
Enabling subpackages for hard enables of parent packages due to \
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON because parent \
package Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON because parent package \
Disabling forward required packages and optional intra-package support that have a \
dependency on disabled packages Trilinos_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=OFF ...
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraCrazyStuff=OFF because Thyra has an optional library \
dependence on disabled package ThyraCrazyStuff
Enabling all tests and/or examples that have not been explicitly disabled because \
-- Setting ThyraCoreLibs_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
-- Setting ThyraCoreLibs_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=ON
-- Setting ThyraEpetra_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
-- Setting ThyraEpetra_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
Enabling all required (and optional since Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES=ON) \
upstream packages for current set of enabled packages \
-- NOTE: Not Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraGoodStuff=ON even though Thyra \
has an optional dependence on ThyraGoodStuff because Trilinos_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=OFF
-- NOTE: Not Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=ON even though Thyra \
has an optional dependence on ThyraEpetraExt because Trilinos_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=OFF
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON because ThyraEpetra has a required dependence on Epetra
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON because ThyraCoreLibs has a required dependence on Teuchos
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON because ThyraCoreLibs has a required dependence on RTOp
-- Setting TPL_ENABLE_BLAS=ON because Epetra has a required dependence on BLAS
-- Setting TPL_ENABLE_LAPACK=ON because Epetra has a required dependence on LAPACK
Enabling all optional intra-package enables <TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_<DEPPACKAGE> that are
not currently disabled if both sets of packages are enabled ...
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON
Final set of enabled top-level packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Thyra 4
Final set of enabled packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra ThyraCoreLibs ThyraEpetra Thyra 6
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages: Triutils EpetraExt 2
Final set of non-enabled packages: Triutils EpetraExt ThyraGoodStuff ThyraCrazyStuff ThyraEpetraExt 5
Final set of enabled external packages/TPLs: BLAS LAPACK 2
Final set of non-enabled external packages/TPLs: MPI Boost UMFPACK AMD PETSC 5
Getting information for all enabled external packages/TPLs ...
Processing enabled external package/TPL: BLAS
Processing enabled external package/TPL: LAPACK
Configuring individual enabled Trilinos packages ...
Processing enabled top-level package: Teuchos (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: RTOp (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Epetra (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Thyra (CoreLibs, Epetra, Tests, Examples)
This is a configuration that a developer would use to develop on the Thyra
package and its subpackages for example. There is no need to be enabling the
tests and examples for upstream packages unless those packages are going to be
changed as well.
This case demonstrates a number of TriBITS dependency handling behaviors that are worth some discussion.
First, note that enabling the parent package Thyra
right away results in the auto-enable of its
subpackages ThyraCoreLibs
and ThyraEpetra
which demonstrates
the behavior Enable/disable of parent package is enable/disable for
subpackages. Note that the ST
subpackages ThyraGoodStuff
where not enabled because
(which is off by default) which
demonstrates the behavior ST packages only auto-enabled if ST code is
Second, note the auto-enable of required upstream packages Epetra
and Teuchos
shown in lines like:
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON because ThyraCoreLibs has a required dependence on Teuchos
Lastly, note that the final set of enabled packages, packages, tests/examples and external packages/TPLs can be clearly seen when processing the external packages/TPLs and top-level packages in the lines:
Getting information for all enabled external packages/TPLs ...
-- Processing enabled external package/TPL: BLAS
-- Processing enabled external package/TPL: LAPACK
Configuring individual enabled Trilinos packages ...
Processing enabled top-level package: Teuchos (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: RTOp (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Epetra (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Thyra (CoreLibs, Epetra, Tests, Examples)
Note that subpackage enables are listed with their parent packages along with
if the tests and/or examples are enabled. Top-level packages that don’t have
subpackages just show Libs
and Tests
and Examples
if they have
been enabled as well.
Explicit enable of a package, its tests, an optional TPL, with ST enabled
An extended use case shown here is for the explicit enable of a package and its
tests along with the enable of an optional TPL and with ST
code enabled.
This is a configuration that would be used to support the local development of
a TriBITS package that involves modifying ST
Consider the configure of the ReducedMockTrilinos
project with:
$ cmake -DTPL_ENABLE_Boost:BOOL=ON \
-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Thyra:BOOL=ON \
which produces the relevant dependency-related output:
Explicitly enabled top-level packages on input (by user): Thyra 1
Explicitly enabled packages on input (by user): Thyra 1
Explicitly disabled top-level packages on input (by user or by default): 0
Explicitly disabled packages on input (by user or by default): ThyraCrazyStuff 1
Explicitly enabled external packages/TPLs on input (by user): Boost 1
Explicitly disabled external packages/TPLs on input (by user or by default): 0
Enabling subpackages for hard enables of parent packages due to \
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON because parent package \
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraGoodStuff=ON because parent package \
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON because parent package \
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=ON because parent package \
Disabling forward required packages and optional intra-package support that have a \
dependency on disabled packages Trilinos_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=OFF ...
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraCrazyStuff=OFF because Thyra has an optional library \
dependence on disabled package ThyraCrazyStuff
Enabling all tests and/or examples that have not been explicitly disabled because \
-- Setting ThyraCoreLibs_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
-- Setting ThyraGoodStuff_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
-- Setting ThyraEpetra_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
-- Setting ThyraEpetraExt_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
Enabling all required (and optional since Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES=ON) \
upstream packages for current set of enabled packages ...
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON because ThyraEpetraExt has a required dependence on EpetraExt
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON because ThyraEpetra has a required dependence on Epetra
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON because ThyraCoreLibs has a required dependence on Teuchos
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON because ThyraCoreLibs has a required dependence on RTOp
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON because EpetraExt has an optional dependence on Triutils
-- Setting TPL_ENABLE_BLAS=ON because Epetra has a required dependence on BLAS
-- Setting TPL_ENABLE_LAPACK=ON because Epetra has a required dependence on LAPACK
Enabling all optional intra-package enables <TRIBITS_PACKAGE>_ENABLE_<DEPPACKAGE> that are \
not currently disabled if both sets of packages are enabled ...
-- Setting Teuchos_ENABLE_BLAS=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON AND TPL_ENABLE_BLAS=ON
-- Setting Teuchos_ENABLE_LAPACK=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON AND TPL_ENABLE_LAPACK=ON
-- Setting Teuchos_ENABLE_Boost=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON AND TPL_ENABLE_Boost=ON
-- NOT setting Teuchos_ENABLE_MPI=ON since MPI is NOT enabled at this point!
-- Setting RTOp_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting Epetra_ENABLE_BLAS=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON AND TPL_ENABLE_BLAS=ON
-- NOT setting Epetra_ENABLE_MPI=ON since MPI is NOT enabled at this point!
-- Setting Triutils_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
-- NOT setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_UMFPACK=ON since UMFPACK is NOT enabled at this point!
-- NOT setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_AMD=ON since AMD is NOT enabled at this point!
-- NOT setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_PETSC=ON since PETSC is NOT enabled at this point!
-- Setting ThyraCoreLibs_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting ThyraCoreLibs_ENABLE_RTOp=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON
-- Setting ThyraGoodStuff_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraGoodStuff=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON
-- Setting ThyraEpetra_ENABLE_Epetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting ThyraEpetra_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON
-- Setting ThyraEpetraExt_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON
-- Setting ThyraEpetraExt_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraGoodStuff=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraGoodStuff=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON AND Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=ON
Final set of enabled top-level packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt Thyra 6
Final set of enabled packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Triutils EpetraExt ThyraCoreLibs \
ThyraGoodStuff ThyraEpetra ThyraEpetraExt Thyra 10
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages: 0
Final set of non-enabled packages: ThyraCrazyStuff 1
Final set of enabled external packages/TPLs: BLAS LAPACK Boost 3
Final set of non-enabled external packages/TPLs: MPI UMFPACK AMD PETSC 4
Getting information for all enabled external packages/TPLs ...
Processing enabled external package/TPL: BLAS
Processing enabled external package/TPL: LAPACK
Processing enabled external package/TPL: Boost
Configuring individual enabled Trilinos packages ...
Processing enabled top-level package: Teuchos (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: RTOp (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Epetra (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Triutils (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: EpetraExt (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Thyra (CoreLibs, GoodStuff, Epetra, EpetraExt, Tests, Examples)
A few more behaviors of the TriBITS system that this particular configuration use-case shows are described below.
First, note the enable of the ST
subpackages in lines like:
-- Setting subpackage enable Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraGoodStuff=ON because parent package \
Second, note the auto-enable of support for optional packages in lines like:
-- Setting EpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=ON since Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON \
AND Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON
Third, note the auto-enable of support for the optional TPL Boost
in the
-- Setting Teuchos_ENABLE_Boost=ON since TPL_ENABLE_Boost=ON
Explicit disable of a package
Another common use case is to enable a package but to disable an optional
upstream package. This type of configuration would be used as part of a
“black list” approach to enabling only a subset of packages and optional
support. The “black list” approach is to enable a package with
(the TriBITS default) but
then to turn off a specific set of packages that you don’t want. This is
contrasted with a “white list” approach where you would configure with
and then have to manually
enable all of the optional packages you want. Experience with projects like
Trilinos show that the “black list” approach is generally to be preferred for
a few reasons.
Consider the configure of the ReducedMockTrilinos
project enabling Thyra
but disabling Epetra
$ cmake -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Thyra:BOOL=ON \
-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Epetra:BOOL=OFF \
which produces the relevant dependency-related output:
Disabling forward required packages and optional intra-package support that have a \
dependency on disabled packages Trilinos_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=OFF ...
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=OFF because Triutils has a required library dependence \
on disabled package Epetra
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=OFF because EpetraExt has a required library \
disabled package Epetra
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=OFF because ThyraEpetra has a required library \
disabled package Epetra
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=OFF because ThyraEpetraExt has a required library \
disabled package EpetraExt
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraCrazyStuff=OFF because Thyra has an optional library \
disabled package ThyraCrazyStuff
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=OFF because Thyra has an optional library \
disabled package ThyraEpetra
-- Setting Thyra_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=OFF because Thyra has an optional library \
disabled package ThyraEpetraExt
Final set of enabled top-level packages: Teuchos RTOp Thyra 3
Final set of enabled packages: Teuchos RTOp ThyraCoreLibs Thyra 4
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages: Epetra Triutils EpetraExt 3
Final set of non-enabled packages: Epetra Triutils EpetraExt ThyraGoodStuff \
ThyraCrazyStuff ThyraEpetra ThyraEpetraExt 7
Final set of enabled external packages/TPLs: BLAS LAPACK 2
Final set of non-enabled external packages/TPLs: MPI Boost UMFPACK AMD PETSC 5
Configuring individual enabled Trilinos packages ...
Processing enabled top-level package: Teuchos (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: RTOp (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Thyra (CoreLibs, Tests, Examples)
Note how the disable of Epetra
wipes out all of the required and optional
packages and intra-package dependencies that depend on Epetra
. What is
left is only the ThyraCoreLibs
and its upstream dependencies that don’t
depend on Epetra
(which is only RTOp
and Teuchos
Conflicting explicit enable and disable
One use case that occasionally comes up is when a set of inconsistent enables and disables are set. While this seems illogical that anyone would ever do this, when it comes to larger more complex projects with lots of packages and lots of dependencies, this can happen very easily. In some cases, someone is enabling a set of packages they want and is trying to weed out as many of the (what they think) are optional dependencies that they don’t need and accidentally disables a package that is an indirect required dependency of one of the packages they want (in which case the configure should likely fail and provide a good error message). The other use case where conflicting enables/disables can occur is in CTest drivers using tribits_ctest_driver() where an upstream package has failed and is explicitly disabled (in which case it should gracefully disable downstream dependent packages). TriBITS can either be set up to have the disable override the explicit enable or stop the configure in error depending on the value of the cache variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES (see Disables trump enables where there is a conflict).
For example, consider what happens with the ReducedMockTrilinos
project if
someone tries to enable the RTOp
package and disable the Teuchos
package. This is not consistent because RTOp
has a required dependency on
. The default behavior of TriBITS is this case is shown in the
below configure:
$ cmake -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Epetra:BOOL=ON \
-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos:BOOL=OFF \
which produces the relevant dependency-related output:
Explicitly enabled top-level packages on input (by user): RTOp Epetra 2
Explicitly disabled top-level packages on input (by user or by default): Teuchos 1
Disabling forward required packages and optional intra-package support that have \
a dependency on disabled packages Trilinos_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=OFF ...
*** ERROR: Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=OFF which was 'ON' because RTOp has a required \
library dependence on disabled package Teuchos!
As shown above, the TriBITS default (which is
) results in a
configure-time error with a good error message.
However, if one sets
and configures
$ cmake -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Epetra:BOOL=ON \
-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos:BOOL=OFF \
then the disable trumps the enable and results in a successful configure as shown in the following relevant dependency-related output:
Explicitly enabled top-level packages on input (by user): RTOp Epetra 2
Explicitly disabled top-level packages on input (by user or by default): Teuchos 1
Disabling forward required packages and optional intra-package support that \
have a dependency on disabled packages Trilinos_ENABLE_<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>=OFF ...
*** NOTE: Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=OFF which was 'ON' because RTOp has \
a required library dependence on disabled package Teuchos but \
Final set of enabled top-level packages: Epetra 1
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages: Teuchos RTOp Triutils EpetraExt Thyra 5
As shown above, what you end up with is just the enabled package Epetra
which does not have a required dependency on the disabled package Teuchos
Developers of large complex TriBITS projects would be wise to set the default
especially in automated builds and testing.
Explicit enable of an optional TPL:
ToDo: Set Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON and TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
Explicit disable of an optional TPL:
ToDo: Set Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON and TPL_ENABLE_MPI=OFF
Explicit disable of a required TPL
ToDo: Set Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON and Trilinos_ENABLE_BLAS=OFF
Explicit enable of a subpackage
ToDo: Enable ThyraEpetra and show how it enables other packages and at the end, enables the Thyra package (just for show).
Explicit enable of an optional package dependency
ToDo: Set Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON and EpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=ON and shows how it enables Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON even through ST code is not enabled.
Explicit disable of an optional package dependency
ToDo: Set Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt=ON, Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils=ON, and EpetraExt_ENABLE_Triutils=OFF. Discuss how EpetraExt’s and ThyraEpetraExt’s CMakeLists.txt files might turn off some features if they detects that EpetraExt/Triutils support is turned off.
Explicit enable of an optional TPL dependency
ToDo: The current ReducedMockTrilinos is not set up to give a good example of this. We should add an optional Boost dependency to say, Epetra. Then we could show the enable of Teuchos and Epetra and Epetra_ENABLE_Boost=ON. That would enable Boost and enable support for Boost in Epetra but would not provide support for Boost in Teuchos.
Explicit disable of an optional TPL dependency
ToDo: The current ReducedMockTrilinos is not set up to give a good example of this. We should add an optional Boost dependency to say, Epetra. Then we could show the enable of Teuchos and Epetra and TPL_ENABLE_Boost=ON but set Epetra_ENABLE_Boost=OFF. That would provide support for Boost in Teuchos but not in Epetra.
Explicit enable of a package and downstream packages and tests
ToDo: Set Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON, Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES=ON, and Trilinos_ENABLE_TESTS=ON and show what packages and tests/examples get enabled. This is the use case for the tool for PT enabled code.
Enable all packages
The last use case to consider is enabling all defined packages. This configuration would be used for either doing a full test of all of the packages defined or to create a distribution of the project.
Enabling all PT
packages the with:
produces the relevant dependency-related output:
Enabling all packages that are not currently disabled because of \
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos=ON
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_RTOp=ON
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=ON
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraCoreLibs=ON
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetra=ON
-- Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON
Enabling all required (and optional since Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES=ON) upstream packages for current set of enabled packages
-- NOTE: Not Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraGoodStuff=ON even though Thyra has an optional dependence on ThyraGoodStuff because Trilinos_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=OFF
-- NOTE: Not Setting Trilinos_ENABLE_ThyraEpetraExt=ON even though Thyra has an optional dependence on ThyraEpetraExt because Trilinos_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=OFF
-- Setting TPL_ENABLE_BLAS=ON because Epetra has a required dependence on BLAS
-- Setting TPL_ENABLE_LAPACK=ON because Epetra has a required dependence on LAPACK
Final set of enabled top-level packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra Thyra 4
Final set of enabled packages: Teuchos RTOp Epetra ThyraCoreLibs ThyraEpetra Thyra 6
Final set of non-enabled top-level packages: Triutils EpetraExt 2
Final set of non-enabled packages: Triutils EpetraExt ThyraGoodStuff ThyraCrazyStuff ThyraEpetraExt 5
Final set of enabled external packages/TPLs: BLAS LAPACK 2
Final set of non-enabled external packages/TPLs: MPI Boost UMFPACK AMD PETSC 5
Getting information for all enabled external packages/TPLs ...
Processing enabled external package/TPL: BLAS
Processing enabled external package/TPL: LAPACK
Configuring individual enabled Trilinos packages ...
Processing enabled top-level package: Teuchos (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: RTOp (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Epetra (Libs)
Processing enabled top-level package: Thyra (CoreLibs, Epetra)
As shown above, only the PT
packages get enabled. To also enable the
packages as well, one additionally set
at configure time.
6.4 TriBITS Project Dependencies XML file and tools
The TriBITS CMake configure system can write out the project’s package
dependencies into a file <Project>Dependencies.xml
(or any name one wants
to give it). This file is used by a number of the TriBITS SE-related tools.
The structure of this XML file, showing one of the more interesting mock
packages from the MockTrilinos project is shown below:
<PackageDependencies project="Trilinos">
<Package name="Amesos" dir="packages/amesos" type="PT">
<LIB_REQUIRED_DEP_PACKAGES value="Teuchos,Epetra"/>
<TEST_OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGES value="Triutils,Galeri"/>
<Regression address=""/>
<ParentPackage value=""/>
This XML file contains the names, directories, Test Test Category
(i.e. type
), CDash email address, and all of the package and TPL
dependencies for every package in the TriBITS project (including add-on
repositories if specified). There are several python tools under
that read in this file and use the created
data-structure for various tasks. This file and these tools are used by and tribits_ctest_driver(). But these tools can also be
used to construct other workflows and tools. These tools require a Python3
installation and for the python3 executable to be installed.
A TriBITS project configure can create this file as a byproduct of configuration by setting the configure option (see Outputting package dependency information), or the CMake -P script TribitsDumpDepsXmlScript.cmake can be used to create this file on the fly without having to configure a TriBITS project. To create this file outside of configuration, one can run:
cmake \
[-D PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR=<projectSourceDir>] \
[-D <Project>_PRE_REPOSITORIES=<prepo0>,<prepo1>,...] \
[-D <Project>_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES=<erepo0>,<erepo1>,...] \
-D <Project>_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE=<projectDepsFileOut> \
-P <tribitsDir>/ci_support/TribitsDumpDepsXmlScript.cmake
If TriBITS is snashotted into the project in the standard location
or the entire TriBITS repo is cloned under
(so that the tribits
dir is
) then one can leave off
and (if not wanting to include
extra repos) just run:
cmake \
-D <Project>_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE=<projectDepsFileOut> \
-P <projectSourceDir>/cmake/tribits/ci_support/TribitsDumpDepsXmlScript.cmake
Once the XML file <projectDepsFileOut>
is created, it can be used in
various types of analysis and used with different tools and commands.
The tool can be used to determine
the list of TriBITS packages that need to be tested given a list of changed
files (e.g. as returned from git diff --name-only <from>..<to> >
). This is used in the tool and the
tribits_ctest_driver() function to determine what TriBITS packages need to
be tested based on what files have been changed.
The tool can be used to
extract the list of TriBITS packages that correspond to the failings tests
listed in the CTest-generated
file. This tool is
used in the tribits_ctest_driver() function in CI-testing mode to determine
what packages must be re-tested if they failed in the last CI iteration.
The tool takes in a list of TriBITS package names and then filters the list according the Test Test Category of the packages. This is used in testing workflows that only test a subset of packages according to the Test Test Category at different stages in the workflow. For example, the tool and the tribits_ctest_driver() function use this filtering to only test Primary Tested (PT) or Secondary Tested (ST) packages for a given set of changed files in a continuous integration workflow (see Nested Layers of TriBITS Project Testing).
7 TriBITS Automated Testing
Much of the value provided by the TriBITS system is support for testing of complex projects. Many different types of testing are required in a complex project and development effort. A large project with lots of repositories and packages provides a number of testing and development challenges but also provides a number of opportunities to do testing in an efficient way; especially pre-push and post-push continuous integration (CI) testing. In addition, a number of post-push automated nightly test cases must be managed. TriBITS takes full advantage of the features of raw CMake, CTest, and CDash in support of testing and where gaps exist, TriBITS provides tools and customizations.
The following subsections describe several aspects to the TriBITS support for
testing. The subsection Test Classifications for Repositories, Packages, and
Tests defines the different types of test-related classifications that are
defined by TriBITS. These different test classifications are then used to
define a number of different standard Nested Layers of TriBITS Project
Testing which include different types of CI testing as well as nightly and
other tests. One of the most important types of CI testing, pre-push testing,
is then described in more detail in the subsection Pre-push Testing using The subsection TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver describes the usage
of the advanced tribits_ctest_driver() function to do incremental project
testing of a projects using advanced ctest -S
scripts. The final
subsection TriBITS CDash Customizations describes how projects can use a
CDash server to more effectively display test results and provide
notifications for failures that are compartmentalized for a large project.
7.1 Test Classifications for Repositories, Packages, and Tests
TriBITS defines a few different testing-related classifications for a TriBITS project. These different classifications are used to select subsets of the project’s repositories, packages (and code within these packages), and tests to be included in a given project build and test definition. These different classification are:
These different test-related classifications are used to defined several different Nested Layers of TriBITS Project Testing. First, the Repository Test Classification determines what repositories are even processed in order for their packages to even consider being enabled. Second, if a repository is selected, then the Package Test Group determines what packages (and optional code in those packages) are even enabled such that their <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt files are even processed (i.e. according to TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors). Lastly, if an package gets enabled, then the Test Test Category determines what test executables and test cases get defined using the functions tribits_add_executable(), tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test().
More detailed descriptions of Repository Test Classifications, Package Test Groups, and Test Test Categories are given in the following subsections.
Repository Test Classification
The first type of test-related classification is for extra repositories
defined in the file <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake (pulled
in through the ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE cache variable) using the
field in the macro call
tribits_project_define_extra_repositories(). These classifications map to
the standard CTest dashboard types Continuous
, Nightly
, and
(see CTest documentation and TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver
for details).
Repositories marked Continuous match the standard CTest dashboard type
. These repositories are pulled in when${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_KNOWN_EXTERNAL_REPOS_TYPE=Continuous
, orNightly
. Repositories marked asContinuous
are cloned, updated, and processed by default in all project automated testing described in Nested Layers of TriBITS Project Testing. NOTE: One should not confuse this with the Test Test Category CONTINUOUS.
Repositories marked Nightly match the standard CTest dashboard type
. These repositories are pulled in by default when${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_KNOWN_EXTERNAL_REPOS_TYPE=Nightly
. Repositories marked asNightly
are not processed by default as part of either Pre-Push CI Testing or Post-Push CI Testing. One would mark a repository asNightly
for few reasons. First, an extra repo may be marked asNightly
if it may not be available to all developers to clone and only the nightly testing processes and machines may have access. Also, an extra repo may also be marked asNightly
if it does not contain any packages that the project wants to pay the cost to include in even Post-Push CI Testing. NOTE: One should not confuse this with the Test Test Category NIGHTLY.
Repositories marked Experimental match the standard CTest dashboard type
. Repositories marked asExperimental
are not processed by default as part of any automated testing described in the subsection Nested Layers of TriBITS Project Testing (except for perhaps some experimental builds). The main reason that an extra repo may be marked asExperimental
is that it may only containEX
packages and therefore none of these packages would be enabled by default anyway. Also, a repo may be marked asExperimental
if it is developed in a very sloppy way such that one cannot even assume that the repository’s <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake, <repoDir>/TPlsList.cmake, and <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files are not without errors. Since these files are always processed if the repository is included, then any errors in these files will cause the entire configure to fail!
Package Test Group
Once a set of TriBITS repositories are selected in accordance with their Repository Test Classification, that determines the set of packages defined for the TriBITS project. Given the set of defined packages, the set of packages that get enabled is determined by the Package Test Group which is defined and described here.
Every TriBITS Package is assigned a test group. These test groups are for Primary Tested (PT) code, Secondary Tested (ST) code, and Experimental (EX) code. The test group defines what package get selected (or are excluded from being selected) to include in a given build for testing-related purposes. packages may also conditionally build in additional code based on the testing group. The detailed rules for when an package is selected or excluded from the build based on the test group is given in TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors. We only summarize those rules here.
More detailed descriptions of the test groups are given below.
Primary Tested (PT) Code is of the highest priority to keep working for the current development effort. Packages may be selected to be
for a number of reasons. First, if the capability provided by the code is mature and if a regression would cause major harm to a customer, the code should likely be marked asPT
. Also, if the build and correct functioning of the code is needed by other development team members to support their day-to-day development activities, then the code should be marked asPT
as well. An external package/TPL, on the other hand, is marked asPT
if it is required by a downstreamPT
package. Every project developer is expected to have everyPT
TPL installed on every machine where they do development on and from which they push to the global repo (see tool).PT
packages are the foundation for Pre-Push CI Testing.
Secondary Tested (ST) Code is still very important code for the project and represents important capability to maintain but is excluded from the
set of code for one of a few different reasons. First, code may be marked asST
if is not critical to drive most day-to-day development activities. IfST
code breaks, it usually will not cause immediate and major harm to most developers. Also, code may be marked asST
if it has required dependencies onST
external packages/TPLs which are either hard to install or may not be available on all platforms where developers do their development and from where they push changes to the global repo. In addition, code may be marked asST
if the project is just too big and developers can’t be expected to build and test all of this code with every push (so a decision is made to only make some code asPT
so that pushes don’t take too long).ST
code can be included in the TriBITS auto-enable algorithms by setting the variable${PROJECT_NAME}_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=ON
(see TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors). Otherwise,ST
code is not enabled by auto-enable algorithms. Typically,ST
code is excluded from the default builds in Pre-Push CI Testing butST
code is typically tested in Post-Push CI Testing, Nightly Testing as well as in other testing cases.
Experimental (EX) Code is usually too unstable, buggy, or non-portable to be maintained as part of the project’s automated testing processes. Or the code may not be important enough to the project to bother paying the cost to test it in the project’s automated testing processes. The ability to mark some code as
allows the developers of that code to include their code in the project’s VC repos along with the rest of the project’s code and be able to take advantage of all of the development tools provided by the project (using TriBITS) but at the same time not having to “sign up” for all of the responsibilities of maintaining working software that every developer has to take a part in helping to keep working.
The test group for each type of entity is assigned in the following places:
The top-level TriBITS Package’s test group is assigned using the
field in the macro call tribits_repository_define_packages() in its parent repository’s <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file.A TriBITS Subpackage’s test group is assigned using the
field of the SUBPACKAGES_DIRS_CLASSIFICATIONS_OPTREQS argument in the macro call tribits_package_define_dependencies() in its parent package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file.A TriBITS External Package/TPL’s test group is assigned using the
field in the macro call tribits_repository_define_tpls() in its parent repository’s <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file.
After these files are processed, the variable ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TESTGROUP
gives the test group for each defined Package while the variable
gives the test group for each defined TPL.
Note that the test group classification PT
is not to be
confused with the maturity level of the package as discussed in the
TriBITS Lifecycle Model. The test group classification in no way implies
the maturity of the given TriBITS Package or piece of code. Instead, the
test group is just used to sub-select packages (and pieces of code within
those packages) that are the most important to sustain for the various current
development group’s activities. While more-mature code would typically never
be classified as EX
(Experimental), there are cases were immature packages
may be classified as ST
or even PT
. For example, a very important
research project may be driving the development of a very new algorithm with
the low maturity level of Research Stable (RS
) or even Exploratory
) because keeping that code working may be critical to keeping the
research project on track.
In addition to just selecting PT
and ST
packages as a whole, a
package can also contain conditional code and test
directories that get enabled when ${PROJECT_NAME}_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=ON
and therefore represents more ST
code. The package’s
<packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt files can contain simple if statements and can
use the tribits_set_st_for_dev_mode() function to automatically select
extra code to enable when ST
is enabled or when the project is in release
Test Test Category
Once a package is even defined (due to its parent repository’s selection
consistent with its Repository Test Classification) and is the package is
enabled (consistent with its Package Test Group) then the set of
individual test executables and test cases that are included or not in that
package depends on the CATEGORIES
argument in the functions
tribits_add_executable(), tribits_add_test() and
tribits_add_advanced_test(), and the ${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES
variable. This Test Test Category defines the last “knob” that the
development team has in controlling what tests get run in a particular test
scenario as described in the section Nested Layers of TriBITS Project
The currently allowed values for the Test Test Category are BASIC
. Tests are
enabled based on their assigned test test category matching the categories set
in the CMake cache variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES. The test test
categories BASIC
, and HEAVY
are subsets
of each other. That is, a BASIC
test is automatically included in the set
, and HEAVY
tests (as set using
The different test test categories are described below in more detail:
Tests marked BASIC represent key functionality that is needed by nearly every developer that works on the project and so must be protected at all times and are therefore included in Pre-Push CI Testing. Tests marked as
are enabled for the values of${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES
, andHEAVY
. The categoryBASIC
is the default test test category given to all test executables and tests that don’t specify theCATEGORIES
Tests marked CONTINUOUS also represent importantly functionality but are typically not run in Pre-Push CI Testing testing but instead are run in Post-Push CI Testing, Nightly Testing, and other types of testing. Tests marked as
are enabled for the values of${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES
, andHEAVY
. A test may be markedCONTINUOUS
and notBASIC
for a few different reasons. For example, the code needed to run the test may take too long to build or the test itself may take too long to run in order to afford including it in Pre-Push CI Testing.
Tests marked NIGHTLY usually take even longer to build and/or run than
tests and therefore are too expensive to include in Post-Push CI Testing. Tests may also be marked asNIGHTLY
even if they might run relatively fast if there is a desire to not cause the CI server to fail if these tests fail. In this case, the decision is to take the testing and maintenance of these tests and the capabilities they represent “offline” so that they don’t influence the daily development cycle for the project but instead are addressed in a “secondary feedback loop”. Tests marked asNIGHTLY
are enabled for the values of${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES
equal toNIGHT
, andHEAVY
Tests marked HEAVY are usually reserved for very expensive tests that are too expensive to run nightly.
tests require more testing resources and therefore may only be run on a fully optimized build and/or run less frequently. Tests marked asHEAVY
are enabled only for the value of${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES
equal toHEAVY
Tests marked PERFORMANCE are a special category of tests that are specially designed to measure the serial (non-parallel) run-time performance of parts of the software (see Performance Testing). Tests marked as
are enabled only for the value of${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES
Every TriBITS project has a default setting for
that is set for a basic cmake
configure of the project (see ${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES_DEFAULT for
more details). In addition, the different testing processes described in the
section Nested Layers of TriBITS Project Testing set this to different
7.2 Nested Layers of TriBITS Project Testing
Now that the different types of Test Classifications for Repositories, Packages, and Tests have been defined, this section describes how these different test-related classifications are used to select repositories, packages (and code) and tests to run in the standard project testing processes. More than any other section in this document, this section will describe and assume a certain class of software development processes (namely agile processes) where testing and continuous integration (CI) are critical components. However, detailed descriptions of these processes are deferred to the later sections Pre-push Testing using and TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver.
The standard TriBITS-supported project testing processes are:
These standard testing processes are outlined in more detail below and show how the different test-related categories are used to define each of these.
Pre-Push CI Testing
The first level of testing is Pre-Push CI Testing that is performed before
changes to the project are pushed to the master branch(es) in the global
repository(s). With TriBITS, this type of testing and the following push is
typically done using the tool. This category of testing is
described in much more detail in Pre-push Testing using
All of the “default builds” used with the
tool select
repositories, packages and code, and individual tests using the following
test-related classifications:
Classification Type |
Classification |
(See Reference) |
Repository Test Classif. |
Package Test Group |
(PT) |
Test Test Category |
Typically a TriBITS project will define a “standard development environment” which is comprised of a standard compiler (e.g. GCC 8.3.0), external package/TPL versions (e.g. OpenMPI 4.0.5, Boost 4.9, etc.), and other tools (e.g. cmake 3.23.0, git 2.10.1, etc.). This standard development environment is expected to be used to test changes to the project’s code before any push. By using a standard development environment, if the code builds and all the tests pass for the “default” pre-push builds for one developer, then that maximizes the probability that the code will also build and all tests will pass for every other developer using the same development environment. This is critical to keep the development team maximally productive. Portability is also important for most projects but portability testing is best done in a secondary feedback look using Nightly Testing builds. TriBITS has some support for helping to set up a standard software development environment as described in section TriBITS Development Toolset.
The basic assumption of all CI processes (including the one described here) is
that if anyone pulls the project’s development sources at any time, then all
of the code will build and all of the tests will pass for the “default” build
cases. For a TriBITS project, this means that the project’s
(see above) will all pass for every PT
package. All
of these software development processes make this basic assumption and agile
software development methods fall apart if this is not true.
Post-Push CI Testing
After changes are pushed to the master branch(es) in the global repository(s), Post-Push CI Testing is performed where a CI server detects the changes and immediately fires off a CI build using CTest to test the changes and the results are posted to a CDash server (in the “Continuous” section on the project’s dashboard page). This process is driven by CTest driver code that calls tribits_ctest_driver() as described in the section TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver. Various types of specific CI builds can be constructed and run (see CTest/CDash CI Server) but these post-push CI builds typically select repositories, packages and code, and individual tests using the following test-related classifications:
Classification Type |
Classification |
(See Reference) |
Repository Test Classif. |
Package Test Group |
Test Test Category |
Post-push CI testing would assume to use the same standard development environment as used for Pre-Push CI Testing. Also, the project may also choose to run additional automated post-push CI builds that exactly match the pre-push CI default builds to help check on the health of these builds continuously and not just rely on the development team to always perform the pre-push CI builds correctly before pushing.
Nightly Testing
In addition to pre-push and post-push CI testing, a typical TriBITS project will set up multiple Nightly Testing builds (or once-a-day builds, they don’t need to only run at night). These builds are also driven by CTest driver scripts described in the section TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver and post results to the project’s CDash server (in the “Nightly” section on the project’s dashboard page). Nightly builds don’t run in a continuous loop but instead are run once a day (e.g. driven by a cron job) and there tends to be many different nightly build cases that test the project using different compilers (e.g. GCC, Intel, Microsoft, etc., and different versions of each), different external package/TPL versions (e.g. different OpenMPI versions, different MPICH versions, etc.), different platforms (e.g. Linux, Windows, etc.), and varying many other options and settings on these different platforms. What all nightly builds have in common is that they tend to select repositories, packages and code, and individual tests using the following test-related classifications:
Classification Type |
Classification |
(See Reference) |
Repository Test Classif. |
Package Test Group |
Test Test Category |
The nightly builds comprise the basic “heart beat” for the project.
Heavy Testing
Heavy Testing builds are just an extension to the Nightly Testing builds that add on more expensive tests marked using the Test Test Category HEAVY. For projects that define heavy tests and heavy builds, individual test cases may be allowed to take 24 hours or longer to run so they can’t even be run every day in nightly testing. What standard heavy builds have in common is that they tend to select repositories, packages and code, and individual tests using the following test-related classifications:
Classification Type |
Classification |
(See Reference) |
Repository Test Classif. |
Package Test Group |
Test Test Category |
Project developer teams should strive to limit the number of test cases that
are marked as HEAVY
since these tests will typically not get run in very
may builds or may not be run every day and developers will tend to never
enable them when doing more extensive testing using --st-extra-builds
the tool in extended pre-push testing.
Performance Testing
Performance Testing builds are a special class of builds that have tests that are specifically designed to test the run-time performance of a particular piece of code or algorithm. These tests tend to be sensitive to loads on the machine and therefore typically need to be run on an unloaded machine for reliable results. Details on how to write good performance tests with hard pass/fail time limits is beyond the scope of this document. All TriBITS does is to define the special Test Test Category PERFORMANCE to allow TriBITS packages to declare these tests in a consistent way so that they can be run along with performance tests defined in other TriBITS packages. From a TriBITS standpoint, all performance testing builds would tend to select repositories, packages and code, and individual tests using the following test-related classifications:
Classification Type |
Classification |
(See Reference) |
Repository Test Classif. |
Package Test Group |
Test Test Category |
7.3 Pre-push Testing using
CMake provides the integrated tool CTest (executable ctest
) which is used
to define and run different tests. However, a lot more needs to be done to
effectively test changes for a large project before pushing to the master
branch(es) in the main repository(s). Things get especially complicated and
tricky when multiple version-control (VC) repositories are involved. The
TriBITS system provides the tool
for automating the
process of:
Determining if the local VC repo(s) are ready to integrate with the remote master branch(es),
Pulling and integrating the most current changes from the remote VC repo(s),
Figuring out what TriBITS packages need to be enabled and testing (by examining VC file diffs),
Configuring only the necessary TriBITS packages and tests (and their downstream dependencies by default) and building, running tests, and reporting results (via email), and
Only if all specified builds and tests pass, amending the last commit message with the test results, then pushing local commits to the remove VC repo(s) and sending out summary emails.
There are several advantages to using a project’s
tool for
pushing changes to the main development branch which include:
provides a consistent definition for “okay to push” for all developers
protects other developers from pulling badly broken code
reduces the number of packages that need to be tested by automatically determining the set based on changed files and package dependencies
avoids developer mistakes in performing repetitive tasks and forgetting important steps in the process
marks a set of working commits that are safe to search with
git bisect
to find problems (see Using Git Bisect with workflows)
When using the
tool, every TriBITS project defines one or
more “default builds” (specified through the --default-builds
for pre-push CI testing that form the criteria for if it is okay to push code
changes or not. The “default builds” select repositories, packages and
code, and individual tests as described in Pre-Push CI Testing. A TriBITS
project defines its default pre-push builds using the file
<projectDir>/ For an example, the file
is shown below:
# Define project-specific options for the checkin-test script for
# TribitsExampleProject.
configuration = {
# Default command line arguments
'defaults': {
'--send-email-to-on-push': '',
# CMake options (-DVAR:TYPE=VAL) cache variables.
'cmake': {
# Options that are common to all builds.
'common': [],
# Defines --default-builds, in order.
'default-builds': [
# Options for the MPI_DEBUG build.
# Options for the SERIAL_RELEASE build.
], # default-builds
}, # cmake
} # configuration
This gives --default-builds=MPI_DEBUG,SERIAL_RELEASE
. As shown, typically
two default builds are defined so that various options can be toggled between
the two builds. Typical options to toggle include enabling/disabling MPI and
enabling/disabling run-time debug mode checking (i.e. toggle
). Typically, other important options will
also be toggled between these two builds.
Note that both of the default builds shown above, including the MPI_DEBUG
build, actually set optimized compiler flags with
. What makes the MPI_DEBUG
build a
“debug” build is turning on optional run-time debug-mode checking, not
disabling optimized code. This is important so that the defined tests run
fast. For most projects, the default pre-push builds should not be used
to debug-enabled code which is suitable to run through a debugger
(e.g. gdb
). Instead, these “debug” builds are designed to test changes to
the project’s code efficiently before pushing changes. Typically, a
development team should not have to test the chosen compiler’s ability to
generate non-optimized debug code and suffer slower test times before pushing.
Note that turning on -DTribitsExProj_ENABLE_CHECKED_STL=ON
as shown above
can only be used when the external packages/TPLs have no C++ code using the
C++ STL or if that particular build points to C++ TPLs also compiled with
checked STL enabled. The TribitsExampleProject default builds do not
depend on any C++ TPLs that might use the C++ STL so enabling this option adds
additional positive debug-mode checking for C++ code.
tool is a fairly sophisticated piece of software that
is well tested and very robust. The level of testing of this tool is likely
greater than any of the software that it will be used to test (unless the
project is a real-time flight control system or nuclear reactor control system
or something). This is needed so as to provide confidence in the developers
that the tool will only push their changes if everything checks out as it
should. There are a lot of details and boundary cases that one has to
consider and a number of use cases that need to be supported by such a tool.
For more detailed documentation, see –help.
Note that the
tool can also be used to implement
“poor-man’s” post-push testing processes as described in Post-Push CI and
Nightly Testing using However, most software projects will
want to go with the more elaborate and more feature-full CTest/CDash system
described in TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver.
7.4 TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver
The TriBITS system uses a sophisticated and highly customized CTest -S driver
script to test TriBITS projects and submit results to a CDash server. The
primary code for driving this is contained in the CTest function
tribits_ctest_driver() contained in the file
. This script loops through all of the
specified TriBITS packages for a given TriBITS project and does a configure,
built, and test and then submits results to the specified CDash server
incrementally. If the configure or library build of any upstream TriBITS
package fails, then that TriBITS package is disabled in all downstream TriBITS
package builds so as not to propagate already known failures. Each TriBITS
top-level package is assigned its own CDash regression email address (see
CDash regression email addresses) and each package configure/build/test is
given its own row for the package build in the CDash server. A CTest script
using tribits_ctest_driver() is run in one of three different modes.
First, it can run standard once-a-day, from-scratch builds as described in
CTest/CDash Nightly Testing. Second, it can run as a CI server as
described in CTest/CDash CI Server. Third, it can run in experimental mode
testing a local repository using the TriBITS-defined make dashboard target.
CTest/CDash Nightly Testing
When a TriBITS CTest script using tribits_ctest_driver() is run in “Nightly” testing mode, it builds the project from scratch package-by-package and submits results to the TriBITS project’s CDash project on the designated CDash server.
CTest/CDash CI Server
When a TriBITS ctest driver script is used in continuous integration (CI) mode, it starts every day with a clean from-scratch build and then performs incremental rebuilds as new commits are pulled from the master branch in the main repository(s). In this mode, a continuous loop is performed after the initial baseline build constantly pulling commits from the master git repository(s). If any package changes are detected (looking at git file diffs), then the tests and examples for those packages and all downstream packages are enabled and run using a reconfigure/rebuild. Since all of the upstream package libraries are already built, this rebuild and retest can take place in a fraction of the time of a complete from-scratch build and test of the project.
7.5 TriBITS CDash Customizations
CDash is not currently designed to accommodate multi-package, multi-repository
VC projects in the way they are supported by TriBITS. However, CDash provides
some ability to customize a CDash project and submits to address missing
features. Each TriBITS package is given a CTest/CDash “Label” with the name
of the TriBITS package. CDash will then aggregate the different package
configure/build/test runs for each package into aggregated “builds”. The
commits pulled for each of the extra VC repos listed in the
<projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file are shown in an
uploaded CDash “Notes” file for each TriBITS package configure/build/test
submit. This uploaded “Notes” file also contains a cleaned up version of the
CMakeCache.txt file as well as a copy of the ctest -s
script that ran the
CDash offers numerous features such as the ability to construct a number of different types of queries and is extremely helpful in using past test data.
CDash regression email addresses
Every TriBITS Package has a regression email address associated with it that gets uploaded to a CDash project on a CDash server that is used to determine what email address to use when a package has configure, build, or test failures. Because of the complex organizational nature of different projects and different integration models, a single static email address for a given package in every project build is not practical.
The TriBITS system allows for a package’s regression email address to be specified in the following order of precedence:
defined in <projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake): Defines a
single email address for all packages for the repository
and overrides all other package email regression
specification variables. This is typically used by a meta-project to redefine
the regression email addresses for all of the packages in an externally
developed repository.
<packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake): Package-specific email address
specified in the package’s Dependencies.cmake
file using
<repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake): A base email address
specified at the Repository level creating package-specific email addresses
(e.g. <lower-case-package-name>
, where
This variable is used, for example, by the Trilinos project to provide
automatic regression email addresses for packages.
<repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake): A single email address
for all packages specified at the Repository level
). This variable is used for
smaller repositories with smaller development groups who just want all
regression emails for the repository’s packages going to a single email
address. This reduces the overhead of managing a bunch of individual package
email addresses but at the expense of spamming too many people with CDash
failure emails.
<projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake): A base email address
specified at the Project level creating package-specific email addresses
(e.g. <lower-case-package-name>
, where
). If not
already set, this variable will be set to
for the first
repository processed that has this set. This behavior is used, for example by
the Trilinos project to automatically assign email addresses for add-on
packages and was added to maintain backward compatibility.
<projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake): A single default email
address for all packages specified at the Project level
). If not already set, this
variable will be set to
for the first
repository processed that has this set. Every meta-project should set this
variable so that it will be the default email address for any new package
WARNING: If any of the email lists or URL string variables listed above are
set to "OFF"
or "FALSE"
(or some other value that CMake interprets as
false, see CMake Language Overview and Gotchas) then the variables are
treated as empty and not set.
If a TriBITS project does not use CDash, then no email address needs to be assigned to packages at all (and therefore none of the above variables need be set).
As a general rule, repository-level settings override project-level settings and package-level settings override both. Also, a project can redefine a repository’s regression email list settings by resetting the variables in the project’s <projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake file.
All of the email dependency management logic must be accessible by just running the macro:
The above email address configuration variables are read from the Repository
and Project files <repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake and
<projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake, respectively. The
files are read first in the specified
repository order followed up by reading the ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake
file. In this way, the project can override any of the repository settings.
In review, the precedence order for how regression email addresses are selected for a given package is:
Package-specific email list is selected if defined (unless an override is in place).
Repository-level option is selected over a project-level option.
Default email form with repository or project address base is selected over single repository or project email address.
If none of the above are selected, then no email address is assigned for a given package.
What the above setup does is it results in the TriBITS system (in the
tribits_ctest_driver() function called in a ctest -S
script) creating a
file called CDashSubprojectDependencies.xml
(which contains the list of
TriBITS packages, which CDash calls “subprojects”, and email address for each
package to send regression emails to) and that file gets sent to the CDash
server. CDash then takes this file and creates, or updates, a set of CDash
users (same name and password as the email list address) and sets up a mapping
of Labels (which are used for TriBITS package names) to CDash user emails
addresses. CDash is automatically set up to process this XML file and create
and update CDash users. There are several consequences of this implementation
of which project maintainers need to be aware.
First, one should not list the email address for a CDash user account
already on CDash. This is because labels will be added for the TriBITS
packages that this email address is associated with and CDash emails will not
be sent out for any other TriBITS packages, no matter what setting that CDash
user account has. Therefore, one should only list email addresses as CDash
regression email lists that are not already CDash user accounts and wish to be
maintained separately. For example, if there is an email list that one wants
to have CDash emails sent to but is already a CDash user account, then one can
create another email list (e.g. using Mailman) which can then be registered
with the TriBITS packages in the CDashSubprojectDependencies.xml
file and
then that new email list forward email to the target email list.
Second, the CDash implementation currently is not set up to remove labels from
existing users when an email address is disassociated with a TriBITS package
in the CDashSubprojectDependencies.xml
file. Therefore, if one changes
a TriBITS package’s CDash regression email address then one needs to manually
remove the associated labels from the old email address. CDash will not
remove them automatically. Otherwise, email will continue to be sent to that
email address for that package.
Therefore, to change the mapping of CDash regression email addresses to TriBITS packages, one must perform the following actions:
Change the TriBITS CMake files as described above that will result in the desired email addresses in the
file. One can debug this by generating the file <Project>PackageDependencies.xml by using the cmake -P script TribitsDumpDepsXmlScript.cmake.Log onto the CDash server using an administrator account and then remove the auto-generated account for the CDash user email address for which labels are being removed (i.e. no longer associated with a TriBITS package). This is needed since CDash seems to be unable to remove labels from an existing CDash user (however this might be fixed in a current version of CDash).
The next time a CDash submit is performed by a CTest driver script calling tribits_ctest_driver(), the CDash user associated with the mail list with labels being removed will get automatically recreated with the right list of labels (according to the current
file). Also, any new CDash users for new email addresses will be created.
Hopefully that should be enough information to manage the mapping of CDash regression email lists to TriBITS packages for single and multi-repository TriBITS projects.
8 Multi-Repository Support
TriBITS has built-in support for projects involving multiple TriBITS Repositories which contain multiple TriBITS Packages (see How to set up multi-repository support). The basic configuration, build, and test of such projects requires only raw CMake/CTest, just like any other CMake project (see TriBITS System Project Dependencies). Every TriBITS project automatically supports tacking on add-on TriBITS packages and external packages/TPLs through the ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES cmake cache variable as described in Enabling extra repositories with add-on packages. In addition, a TriBITS project can be set up to pull in other TriBITS Repositories using the <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file. A special form of this type of project is a TriBITS Meta-Project that contains no native packages or TPLs of its own. The ability to create meta-projects out of individual TriBITS repositories allows TriBITS to be used to provide coordinated builds (or meta-builds) of large aggregations of software.
To help set up a full-featured development environment (i.e. not just the basic configure, build, test, and install) for TriBITS projects with multiple repositories, TriBITS provides some extra development tools implemented using Python which are provided in the “extended” parts of TriBITS (see TriBITS/tribits/ Directory Contents). The primary tools supporting multi-repository projects are the Python tools, gitdist, and
To demonstrate, consider the TriBITS meta-project with the following
ExtraRepo1 "" GIT "" Continuous
ExtraRepo2 "ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepos2" GIT
ExtraRepo3 "" GIT "" Nightly
Once cloned, the directories would be laid out as:
The tool is used to clone the extra repositories for
a multi-repositories TriBITS project. It reads the repository URLs and
destination directories from the file
<projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake and does the clones. For
example, to clone all the repos for the MetaProject
project, one would use
the commands:
$ git clone
$ cd MetaProject/
$ ./cmake/tribits/ci_support/
which produces the output like:
*** Clone the selected extra repos:
Cloning repo ExtraRepo1 ...
Running: git clone ExtraRepo1
Cloning repo ExtraRepo2 ...
Running: git clone ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2
Cloning repo ExtraRepo3 ...
Running: git clone ExtraRepo3
See –help for more details.
Once cloned, one needs to work with the multiple repositories to perform basic VC operations. For this, TriBITS provides the tool gitdist which is a simple stand-alone Python script that distributes a git command across a set of git repos. This tool is not specific to TriBITS but it is very useful for dealing with TriBITS projects with multiple repositories. It only requires a local base git repo and a set of zero or more git repos cloned under it.
To use gitdist
with this aggregate meta-project, one would first set up
the file MetaProject/.gitdist
(or a version-controlled
file) which would contain the lines:
and one would set up the tracked ignore file MetaProject/.gitignore
contains the lines:
To use gitdist
, one would put gitdist
into their path and also set up
the command-line shell aliases gitdist-status
and gitdist-mod
gitdist –dist-help=aliases).
Some of the aggregate commands that one would typically run under the base
directory are:
# See status of all repos at once
# Pull updates to all
gitdist pull
# Push local commits to tracking branches
gitdist push
The tool gitdist
is provided under TriBITS directory:
and can be installed by the tool (see TriBITS Development Toolset). See gitdist documentation for more details.
For projects with a standard set of extra repositories defined in the
<projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file, the
tool only requires passing in the option
and --extra-repos-type=Continuous
, see Repository Test Classification) and it will automatically
perform all of the various actions for all of the selected repositories. See and –help for more details.
To keep track of compatible versions of the git repos, TriBITS provides
support for a <Project>RepoVersion.txt
file. Any TriBITS project can
generate this file automatically by setting the option
, this file looks like:
*** Base Git Repo: MetaProject
e102e27 [Mon Sep 23 11:34:59 2013 -0400] <>
First summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1
b894b9c [Fri Aug 30 09:55:07 2013 -0400] <>
Second summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2
97cf1ac [Thu Dec 1 23:34:06 2012 -0500] <>
Third summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo3
cd4a3af [Mon Mar 9 19:39:06 2013 -0400] <>
Fourth summary message
This file gets created in the build directory, gets echoed in the configure output, gets installed into the install directory, and get added to the source distributions tarball. It also gets pushed up to CDash for all automated builds. The tool gitdist can then use this file to checkout and tag compatible versions, difference two versions of the meta-project, etc. (see gitdist documentation for more details on git operations).
The TriBITS approach to managing multiple VC repos described above works well for around 20 or 30 VC repos but is likely not a good solution for many more git repos. For larger numbers of VC repos, one should consider nested integration creating snapshot git repos (e.g. using the tool that aggregate several related repositories into a single git repo. Another approach might be to use git submodules. (However, note that the TriBITS tools and processes described here are not currently set up to support aggregate VC repos that use git submodules.) The design decision with TriBITS was to explicitly handle the different git VC repos by listing them in the <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file and then using the simple, easy to understand, tools and gitdist. There are advantages and disadvantages to explicitly handling the different git repos as is currently employed by the TriBITS software development tools verses using git submodules. It is possible that TriBITS will add support for aggregate git repos using git submodules in the future but only if there are important projects that choose to use them. The discussion of these various approaches and strategies to dealing with aggregate repos is beyond the scope of this document.
9 Development Workflows
In this section, the typical development workflows for a TriBITS project are described. First, the Basic Development Workflow for a single-repository TriBITS project is described. This is followed up with a slightly more complex Multi-Repository Development Workflow.
9.1 Basic Development Workflow
The basic development workflow of a TriBITS project is not much different than
with any other CMake project that uses CTest to define and run tests. One
pulls updates from the master VC repo then configures with cmake
, and
iteratively builds, runs tests, adds files, changes files, does a final test,
then pushes updates. The major difference is that a well constructed
development process will use the tool to test and push all
changes that affect the build or the tests. The basic steps in configuring,
building, running tests, etc., are given in the project’s
<Project>BuildReference. file (see Project-Specific Build Reference).
9.2 Multi-Repository Development Workflow
The development workflow for a project with multiple VC repos is very similar to a project with just a single VC repo if the project provides a standard <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file. The major difference is in making changes, creating commits, etc. The gitdist tool makes these steps easier and has been shown to work fairly well for up to 20 extra VC repos (as used in the CASL VERA project). The tool automatically handles all of the details of pulling, diffing, pushing etc. to all the VC repos.
10 Howtos
This section provides short, succinct lists of the steps to accomplish a few common tasks. Extra details are referenced.
10.1 How to add a new TriBITS Package
To add a new TriBITS package, it is recommended to take the template from one
of the TribitsExampleProject packages that most closely fits the needs of
the new package and modify it for the new package. For example, the files for
the SimpleCxx
package can be copied one at a time and modified for the new
To add a new TriBITS package (with no subpackages), do the following:
Chose a name
for the new package and which TriBITS repository (<repoDir>
) to put the package into. WARNING! The chosen name<packageName>
must be unique across all TriBITS repositories (see Globally unique TriBITS package names).Create the directory
for the new package and put in skeleton files for <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt. Set the desired upstream TPL and package dependencies in the newDependencies.cmake
file but initially comment out everything in theCMakeLists.txt
file except for the tribits_package() and tribits_package_postprocess() commands.Add a row for the new package to the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file after all of its upstream dependent packages. If a mistake is made and it is listed before one of its upstream dependent packages, the TriBITS CMake code will catch this and issue an error.
Configure the TriBITS project enabling the new empty package
. This will enable the listed dependencies.Incrementally fill in the package’s
files defining libraries, executables, tests and examples. The project should be built and tests run as new pieces are added.
Once the new package is defined, downstream packages can define dependencies on this new package.
10.2 How to add a new TriBITS Package with Subpackages
Adding a new package with subpackages is similar to adding a new regular
package described in How to add a new TriBITS Package. Again, it is
recommended that one copies an example package from TribitsExampleProject.
For example, one could copy files and directories from the example package
To add a new TriBITS package with packages, do the following:
Chose a name
for the new package and which TriBITS repository (<repoDir>
) to put the package into. WARNING! The chosen name<packageName>
must be unique across all TriBITS repositories (see Globally unique TriBITS package names).Create the directory
for the new package and put in skeleton files for <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt. Initially don’t define any subpackages and comment out everything in theCMakeLists.txt
file except for the tribits_package() and tribits_package_postprocess() commands.Add a new row for the new package to the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file after all of the upstream dependencies of its to-be-defined subpackages.
Configure the TriBITS project enabling the new empty package
.Incrementally add the subpackages as described in How to add a new TriBITS Subpackage, filling out the various
files defining libraries, executables, tests and examples.
Once the new packages are defined, downstream packages can define dependencies on these.
10.3 How to add a new TriBITS Subpackage
Given an existing top-level TriBITS package that is already broken down into
subpackages (see How to add a new TriBITS Package with Subpackages), adding
a new subpackage does not require changing any project-level or
repository-level files. One only needs to add the declaration for the new
subpackages in its parent’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file then
fill out the pieces of the new subpackage defined in the section TriBITS
Subpackage Core Files. It is recommended to copy files from one of the
TribitsExampleProject subpackages in the WithSubpackages
To add a new TriBITS subpackage to a top-level package that already has subpackages, do the following:
Chose a name
for the new subpackage which only has to be different than the other subpackages in the parent package. This name gets appended to the parent package’s name<packageName>
to form the package name<packageName><spkgName>
.Create the directory
for the new package and put in skeleton files for <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/CMakeLists.txt. Set the desired upstream TPL and package dependencies in the newDependencies.cmake
file but initially comment out everything in theCMakeLists.txt
file except for the tribits_subpackage() and tribits_subpackage_postprocess() commands.Add a row for the new subpackage to the argument SUBPACKAGES_DIRS_CLASSIFICATIONS_OPTREQS in the macro call tribits_package_define_dependencies() in the parent package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file after all of its upstream dependent subpackages. If a mistake is made and it is listed before one of its upstream dependent subpackages, the TriBITS CMake code will catch this and issue an error.
Configure the TriBITS project enabling the new empty package
. This will enable the listed dependencies.Incrementally fill in the subpackage’s
files defining libraries, executables, tests and examples. The project should be built and tests run as new pieces are added.
10.4 How to add a new TriBITS external package/TPL
In order for a TriBITS package to define a dependency on a new TriBITS External Package/TPL (i.e. a TPL that has not already been declared in the current repo’s or an upstream repo’s <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file), one must add and modify a few repository-level files in addition to modifying files within the TriBITS packages that use the new external package/TPL.
To add a new TriBITS TPL, do the following:
Chose a name <tplName> for the new TPL (must be globally unique across all TriBITS repos. (See Globally unique TriBITS TPL names.)
Choose the subdirectory <tplDefsDir> for the new TPL files. These files are usually placed under the TriBITS repository directory
) where the first downstream dependent package is defined or can be under a TriBITS package directory<packageDir>/
) if only one package is using that TPL.Create the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file (or some other name, see <tplName>_FINDMOD) under
. (See Creating the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file.) However, if the external package/TPL is a TriBITS-compliant external package this file is not needed and is ignored.[Optional] Create the FindTPL<tplName>Dependencies.cmake file in the same directory as the
. (See FindTPL<tplName>Dependencies.cmake.) NOTE: This file is need for a TriBITS-compliant external package if it has upstream dependent external packages/TPLs (where the fileFindTPL<tplName>.cmake
is not needed).Add a row to the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file for the new external package/TPL after any upstream TPLs that this new TPL may depend on. NOTE: For a TriBITS-compliant external package, the special value
is used for the TPL (See <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake.)Configure the TriBITS project enabling the new TPL with TPL_ENABLE_<tplName>=ON and see that the TPL is found correctly at configure time.
Add <tplName> to the package Dependencies.cmake files of downstream dependent packages that will use this TPL (see <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake or <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake for a subpackage).
[Optional] Add #cmakedefine for an optional package LIB TPL dependency in the package’s <packageName> file using:
so that the package’s LIB code build knows if the TPL is defined or not (see <packageName> and tribits_configure_file()). (NOTE: Do not add this define for a optional test-only TPL dependency. We don’t want all of the libraries in a package to have to be rebuild when we enable or disable tests for the package.)
Use the TPL functionality in the packages that define the dependency on the new TPL, configure, test, etc.
Creating the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file
The main axes of variation in defining FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
modules are:
Use an inner
call or just use a simple list of header file names and library names?The call
defines modern IMPORTED targets or only provides variables for the list of include directories and libraries?Maintain backward compatibility with the legacy TriBITS TPL system that allows the user to set cache variables for the include directories and link libraries or force users to always call
See the different variations in the below sections:
Creating FindTPL<tplName>.cmake using find_package()
When defining a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file, it encouraged to utilize
find_package(<externalPkg> ...)
to provide the default find operation (and
also the definition of the IMPORTED targets needed to use the external package
when supported). (Here, typically <tplName>
and <externalPkg>
are the
same names, but there are cases where the names may be different or use
different capitalization.) However, the state of the current ecosystem of
modules and <externalPkg>Config.cmake
config files is a bit uneven. While all find modules and package config files
should be defining modern CMake IMPORTED targets which contains all the needed
usage requirements (such as the target properties
) and use
to get all of their required external upstream package
dependencies, many do not. Also, many of these don’t provide a complete
target which is required for a TriBITS-compliant
external package/TPL.
In this case, the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file provides a thin “glue” layer
to adapt the information and objects provided by the
find_package(<externalPkg> ...)
call into a complete
target and a wrapper <tplName>Config.cmake
for consumption by downstream TriBITS-compliant packages.
The following subsections will describe how to create these TriBITS-compliant
modules for all of the various cases using an
internal call to find_package(<externalPkg> ...)
Creating FindTPL<tplName>.cmake using find_package() with IMPORTED targets
Creating FindTPL<tplName>.cmake using find_package() without IMPORTED targets
Creating FindTPL<tplName>.cmake using find_package() with IMPORTED targets
For cases where find_package(<externalPkg>)
provides complete and proper
modern (namespaced) IMPORTED targets (but is missing the
target or the name <tplName>
and <externalPkg>
name are different), these FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
modules can call the
function tribits_extpkg_create_imported_all_libs_target_and_config_file()
after calling find_package(<externalPkg>)
to create a very thin find
module file FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
. In these cases, such a
module file is nothing more than:
find_package(<externalPkg> REQUIRED)
IMPORTED_TARGETS_FOR_ALL_LIBS <importedTarget0> <importedTarget1> ... )
The function
tribits_extpkg_create_imported_all_libs_target_and_config_file() creates
the target <tplName>::all_libs
and the wrapper file
which is installed by TriBITS. The only unique
information required to create this glue module is the name of the external
package <externalPkg>
and the exact full names of the IMPORTED targets
<importedTarget0> <importedTarget1> ...
provided by the
find_package(<externalPkg> ...)
call. The TriBITS function
care of all of the rest of the details.
Such simple FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
modules do not follow the legacy
TriBITS TPL convention of allowing users to specify a TPL by setting the cache
variables <tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
, <tplName>_LIBRARY_DIRS
, and
or by setting TPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
. But as the ecosystem of CMake software transitions
to modern CMake along with the proper usage of complete
files, this is the reasonable thing to do.
However, to maintain backwards compatibility with the legacy TriBITS TPL
system (such as when upgrading a existing FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file), a
file can be extended to use the function
tribits_tpl_allow_pre_find_package() in combination with the functions
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries() as follows:
set(REQUIRED_HEADERS <header0> <header1> ...)
set(REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES <libname0> <libname1> ...)
set(IMPORTED_TARGETS_FOR_ALL_LIBS <importedTarget0> <importedTarget1> ...)
tribits_tpl_allow_pre_find_package(<tplName> <tplName>_ALLOW_PREFIND)
if (<tplName>_ALLOW_PREFIND)
message("-- Using find_package(<externalPkg> ...) ...")
if (<externalPkg>_FOUND)
message("-- Found <externalPkg>_DIR='${<externalPkg>_DIR}'")
message("-- Generating <tplName>::all_libs and <tplName>Config.cmake")
if (NOT TARGET <tplName>::all_libs)
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( <tplName>
Above, if find_package(<externalPkg>)
is called and returns
, then as fallback it will call
to find the components of
the TPL. See the documentation for tribits_tpl_allow_pre_find_package()
for conditions where <tplName>_ALLOW_PREFIND
is set to FALSE
therefore find_package(<externalPkg>)
is not called).
Note in the above FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file that
will be called even on reconfigures. That is
critical since find_package(<externalPkg>)
defines IMPORTED targets that
must be available each time configure is called. Also, if
is called and <externalPkg>_FOUND=TRUE
then the function
is called which defines the targets <tplName>::all_libs
which means that
the function tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries()
will not be
A concrete (and tested) example of the latter case can be found in the file
set(REQUIRED_HEADERS Tpl2a.hpp) # Only look for one header file to find include dir
set(REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES tpl2b tpl2a)
set(IMPORTED_TARGETS_FOR_ALL_LIBS tpl2::tpl2a tpl2::tpl2b)
tribits_tpl_allow_pre_find_package(Tpl2 Tpl2_ALLOW_PREFIND)
message("-- Using find_package(Tpl2 ...) ...")
if (Tpl2_FOUND)
message("-- Found Tpl2_DIR='${Tpl2_DIR}'")
message("-- Generating Tpl2::all_libs and Tpl2Config.cmake")
if (NOT TARGET Tpl2::all_libs)
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( Tpl2
Creating FindTPL<tplName>.cmake using find_package() without IMPORTED targets
There are cases where calling find_package(<externalPkg>)
to find the
parts of an external package does not create proper IMPORTED targets that can
be directly used. For example, legacy Find<externalPkg>.cmake
(even many standard Find*.cmake
modules shipped with CMake as of CMake
3.23) do not provide IMPORTED targets and instead only provide variables for
the list of include directories <externalPkg>_INCLUDE_DIRS
, a list of
library files <externalPkg>_LIBRARIES
, and other information. In cases
such as this, one can implement the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
module by
calling find_package(<externalPkg>)
, setting
and TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
, and then
calling tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries() to create the
target and the <tplName>Config.cmake
config file.
The simplest way to implement FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
is to always call
message("-- Using find_package(<externalPkg> ...) ...")
find_package(<externalPkg> REQUIRED)
# Tell TriBITS that we found <tplName> and there no need to look any further
set(TPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS ${<externalPkg>_INCLUDE_DIRS} CACHE PATH "...")
set(TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES ${<externalPkg>_LIBRARIES} CACHE FILEPATH "...")
set(TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARY_DIRS ${<externalPkg>_LIBRARY_DIRS} CACHE PATH "...")
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( <tplName>
REQUIRED_HEADERS neverFindThisHeader
The above will always call find_package(<externalPkg> REQUIRED)
, and if it
can’t find the package, it will error out and stop the configure process.
While the above FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file is pretty simple, it does not
allow for a fall-back using the legacy TriBITS TPL find system using
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries(). One can allow for a
fall-back find by passing a set of header files and library names for
to find. This can be done
using the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
set(REQUIRED_HEADERS <header0> <header1> ...)
set(REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES <libname0> <libname1> ...)
message("-- Using find_package(<externalPkg> ...) ...")
if (<externalPkg>_FOUND)
# Tell TriBITS that we found <tplName> and there no need to look any further
set(TPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS ${<externalPkg>_INCLUDE_DIRS} CACHE PATH "...")
set(TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES ${<externalPkg>_LIBRARIES} CACHE FILEPATH "...")
set(TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARY_DIRS ${<externalPkg>_LIBRARY_DIRS} CACHE PATH "...")
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( <tplName>
Above, if find_package(<externalPkg>)
can’t find <externalPkg>
, then
the function tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries()
will try to
find the listed required header files and libraries, using the legacy TriBITS
TPL find system. And if find_package(<externalPkg>)
can find
, then all the call to
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries() will not look for anything
and will just take the information in the variables
and TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
and build
IMPORTED targets and the <tplName>::all_libs
Finally, if one is upgrading an existing FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file to
use find_package(<externalPkg>)
but needs to maintain backward
compatibility for existing configure scripts for the project that might be
using the legacy TriBITS TPL system, one can use the function
tribits_tpl_allow_pre_find_package() to determine if
can be called or if the legacy TriBITS TPL
find must be used (to maintain backward compatibility). This
looks like:
set(REQUIRED_HEADERS <header0> <header1> ...)
set(REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES <libname0> <libname1> ...)
tribits_tpl_allow_pre_find_package(<tplName> <tplName>_ALLOW_PREFIND)
if (<tplName>_ALLOW_PREFIND)
message("-- Using find_package<externalPkg> ...) ...")
if (<externalPkg>_FOUND)
# Tell TriBITS that we found <tplName> and there no need to look any further
set(TPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS ${<externalPkg>_INCLUDE_DIRS} CACHE PATH "...")
set(TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES ${<externalPkg>_LIBRARIES} CACHE FILEPATH "...")
set(TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARY_DIRS ${<externalPkg>_LIBRARY_DIRS} CACHE PATH "...")
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( <tplName>
The above will result in skipping the call of find_package(<externalPkg>)
if any of the legacy TPL find variables are set. But if the legacy TPL find
variables are not set, then the default find will use
and will only fall back on the legacy TriBITS
TPL find operation if find_package(<externalPkg>)
With this last approach, the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
module preserves all
of the user behavior described in Enabling support for an optional
Third-Party Library (TPL) for overriding what TPL components to look for,
where to look, and finally to override what is actually used. That is, if the
user sets the cache variables TPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
, or TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARY_DIRS
, then they
should be used without question (which is why the set( ... CACHE ...)
calls in the above example do not use FORCE
If one wants to skip and ignore the standard TriBITS TPL override variables
, or
, then one can set:
"Always first call find_package(<tplName> ...) unless explicit override")
at the top of the file FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
will ignore these variables and
return TRUE
. This avoids name classes with the variables
and <externalPkg>_LIBRARY_DIRS
and <tplName>_LIBRARY_DIRS
(when <tplName> ==
) which are often used in the concrete legacy CMake
module files themselves.
For a slightly more complex (but real-life) example, see FindTPLHDF5.cmake
which is:
# See associated tribits/Copyright.txt file for copyright and license! #
if (Netcdf_ALLOW_MODERN)
message("-- Using find_package(HDF5 CONFIG) ...")
find_package(HDF5 CONFIG)
message("-- Found HDF5_CONFIG=${HDF5_CONFIG}")
message("-- Generating Netcdf::all_libs and NetcdfConfig.cmake")
set(HDF5_FOUND_MODERN_CONFIG_FILE ${HDF5_INTERNAL_IS_MODERN} CACHE INTERNAL "True if HDF5 was found by the modern method")
if (NOT TARGET HDF5::all_libs)
# First, set up the variables for the (backward-compatible) TriBITS way of
# finding HDF5. These are used in case find_package(HDF5 ...) is not called
# or does not find HDF5. Also, these variables need to be non-null in order
# to trigger the right behavior in the function
# tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries().
if (TPL_ENABLE_Netcdf)
# Second, search for HDF5 components (if allowed) using the standard
# find_package(HDF5 ...).
tribits_tpl_allow_pre_find_package(HDF5 HDF5_ALLOW_PREFIND)
message("-- Using find_package(HDF5 ...) ...")
# Make sure that HDF5 is parallel.
message(FATAL_ERROR "Trilinos is configured for MPI, HDF5 is not.
Did CMake find the correct libraries?
Try setting HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS and/or HDF5_LIBRARY_DIRS explicitly.
# Tell TriBITS that we found HDF5 and there no need to look any further!
"HDF5 include dirs")
"HDF5 libraries")
"HDF5 library dirs")
# Third, call tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries()
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( HDF5
# NOTE: If find_package(HDF5 ...) was called and successfully found HDF5, then
# tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries() will use the already-set
# variables TPL_HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS and TPL_HDF5_LIBRARIES and then print them
# out (and set some other standard variables as well). This is the final
# "hook" into the TriBITS TPL system.
Note that some specialized Find<externalPkg>.cmake
modules do more than
just return a list of include directories and libraries. Some, like
also return other variables that are used in downstream
packages. therefore, in these cases, find_package(Qt4 ...)
must be called
on every configure. Such find modules cannot completely adhere to the
standard legacy TriBITS behavior described in Enabling support for an
optional Third-Party Library (TPL).
Creating a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake module without find_package()
For external packages that don’t have a Find<externalPkg>.cmake
module or
package config file, it may make sense to create
a simple FindTpl<tplName>.cmake
module that just calls
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries() with the set of required
header files and libraries that must be found. A simple
module of this form is:
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( <tplName>
REQUIRED_HEADERS <header0> <header1> ...
REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES <libname0> <libname1> ...
Note that a set of alternate names for each library can be specified using quotes around the set of alternative library names using the syntax:
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( <tplName>
REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES "<libname0> <libname0alt0> <libname0alt1> ..." ...
This is most commonly used for simple single-library TPLs like BLAS that has different potential implementations like:
tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries( BLAS
REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES "blas openblas atlas"
Requirements for FindTPL<tplName>.cmake modules
It is possible to create a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
find module without
using any TriBITS functions. The only firm requirements for a
file are:
The target
must be created and it must contain all of the needed libraries, include directories, and other usage requirements (including for all upstream external packages/TPLs) to implement a TriBITS-compliant package to be consumed by downstream TriBITS packages.The file
must be created in the build directory, and when included, it must define the equivalent IMPORTED target<tplName>::all_libs
, pull all of the<UpstreamTpl>Config.cmake
files for upstream external packages/TPLs, and define the needed variables to provide a TriBITS-compliant external package.
TriBITS will set the remaining variables to provide a complete
TriBITS-Compliant Package for the current CMake project and will add the
install target to install the file
to create a
TriBITS-compliant external package. TriBITS will also automatically create
an appropriate package version file <tplName>ConfigVersion.cmake
Some of issues to consider in this case (and the role of the
file) are described in the section Tricky
considerations for TriBITS-generated <tplName>Config.cmake files.
10.5 How to add a new TriBITS Repository
To add a new TriBITS and/ git VC repository to a TriBITS project that already contains other extra repositories, do the following:
Add a row for the new TriBITS and/or git repo to the file <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake. Commit this file.
Add an ignore for the extra repo name to the base project’s git repo’s
file (see Multi-Repository Support). Commit this file.Set up the new package dependencies for the new package in the new TriBITS repo or make other adjustments.
Consider the potential for missing upstream repos and packages by using tribits_allow_missing_external_packages().
See <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake for more details and links.
10.6 How to add a new TriBITS Package dependency
It is often the case where one will want to add a new dependency for an
existing downstream package to an existing upstream (internal or
external) TriBITS Package. This can either be a required dependency or an
optional dependency. Here, we will refer to the downstream package as
with base directory <packageDir>
and will refer to the
upstream (internal or external) package as <upstreamPackageName>
The process for adding a new dependency to an existing upstream package is as follows:
Add the name of the upstream package to the downstream package’s Dependencies.cmake file: Add
to the call of tribits_package_define_dependencies() in the downstream package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file. If this is to be a required library dependency, then<upstreamPackagename>
argument. Alternatively, if this is to be an optional library dependency, then<upstreamPackagename>
argument. (For example, see the filepackages/EpetaExt/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
file in the ReducedMockTrilinos project.) If only the test and/or example sources, and not the package’s core library sources, will have the required or optional dependency, then<upstreamPackagename>
is added to the argumentsTEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES
, respectively.For an optional dependency, add `HAVE_` preprocessor macro to the package’s configured header file: If this is an optional dependency, typically a C/C++ processor macro will be added to the package’s configured <packageDir>/cmake/<packageName> file using the line:
Warning, do not add optional defines for tests/examples to configured header files: If this is a test-only and/or example-only dependency then please do not add a
to the package’s core <packageDir>/cmake/<packageName> file. Instead, add the#cmakedefine
line to a configured header that is only included by sources for the tests/examples or just add a define on the compiler command line (see theDEFINES
argument to tribits_add_library() and tribits_add_executable(), but see the warning about problems withadd_definitions()
in Miscellaneous Notes (tribits_add_library())). We don’t want the package’s header files to change or libraries to have to be rebuilt if tests/examples get enabled or disabled. Otherwise, the TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver process will result in unnecessary rebuilds of software over and over again.Use the features of the upstream package in the source files of the downstream package sources and/or tests/examples: Usage of the features of the upstream package
in the downstream package<packageName>
will typically involve adding#include <upstreamPackageName>_<fileName>
in the package’s C/C++ source (or test/example) files (or the equivalent in Fortran). If it is an optional dependency, then these includes will typically be protected using preprocessor ifdefs, for example, as:#include "<packageName>_config.h" #if HAVE_<PACKAGE_NAME_UC>_<UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME_UC> # include "<upstreamPackageName>_<fileName>" #endif
For an optional dependency, use CMake if() statements based on ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<upstreamPackageName>: When a package
has an optional dependency on an upstream package<upstreamPackageName>
and needs to put in optional logic in aCMakeLists.txt
file, then theif()
statements should use the variable${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<upstreamPackageName>
and not the variable${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<upstreamPackageName>
is an external package/TPL). For example, to optionally enable a test that depends on the enable of the optional upstream dependent package<upstreamPackageName>
, one would use:tribits_add_test( ... EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TRUE ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<upstreamPackageName> )
if (${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<upstreamPackageName>) tribits_add_test( ... ) endif()
NOTE: TriBITS will automatically add the include directories for the upstream
package to the compile lines for the downstream package source builds and will
add the libraries for the upstream package to the link lines to the downstream
package library and executable links. See documentation in the functions
tribits_add_library() and tribits_add_executable(), and the DEPLIBS
argument to these functions, for more details.
10.7 How to tentatively enable an external package/TPL
A TriBITS package can request the tentative enable of any of its optional external packagse/TPLs (see How to add a new TriBITS Package dependency). This is done by calling tribits_tpl_tentatively_enable() in the package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file. For example:
This will result is an attempt to find the components for the TPL SomeTpl
But if that attempt fails, then the TPL will be disabled and
will be set to OFF
10.8 How to insert a package into an upstream repo
Sometimes it is desired to insert a package from a downstream VC repo into an
upstream TriBITS Repository in order for one or more packages in the
upstream repo to define a dependency on that package. The way this is
supported in TriBITS is to just list the inserted package into the
file of the upstream TriBITS repo after the packages it
depends on and before the packages that will use it then call the
tribits_allow_missing_external_packages() function to allow the package to
be missing. This is demonstrated in TribitsExampleProject with the package
which is not included in the default
source tree. The
file looks like:
SimpleCxx packages/simple_cxx PT
MixedLang packages/mixed_lang PT
InsertedPkg InsertedPkg ST
WithSubpackages packages/with_subpackages PT
WrapExternal packages/wrap_external ST
tribits_disable_package_on_platforms(WrapExternal Windows)
In this example, InsertedPkg
has a required dependency on SimpleCxx
and the package WithSubpackagesB
has an optional dependency on
. Therefore, the inserted package InsertedPkg
has upstream
and downstream dependencies on packages in the TribitsExampleProject
The function tribits_allow_missing_external_packages()
tells TriBITS to
treat InsertedPkg
the same as any other package if the directory
exists or to completely ignore the
package InsertedPkg
otherwise. In addition, TriBITS will automatically
disable of all downstream package dependencies for the missing package (and
print a note about the disables). NOTE: By default TriBITS will silently
ignore missing inserted packages and disable optional support for the missing
package. To see what packages are missing and being ignored, configure with:
The way one would set up TribitsExampleProject
to enable InsertedPkg
if these were in separate VC (e.g. git) repos for example, would be to do:
$ git clone <some-url-base>/TribitsExampleProject
$ cd TribitsExampleProject
$ git clone <some-other-url-base>/ExteranlPkg
$ echo /InsertedPkg/ >> .git/info/excludes
Then, when you configure TribitsExampleProject
, the package
would automatically appear and could then be enabled or
disabled like any other TriBITS package. The TriBITS test
demonstrates this.
Assuming that one would put the (new) external package in a separate VC repo, one would perform the following steps:
Pick a name for the new inserted external package
(see Globally unique TriBITS package names). (NOTE: The external package may already exist in which case the name would already be selected).Create a new VC repo containing the new package
or add it to an existing extra VC repo. (Or, add the new package to an existing downstream repo but don’t add it to thePackagesList.cmake
file to downstream repo. That would define the package twice!)Clone the downstream VC repo under the upstream TriBITS repository. (This is currently needed since TriBITS only allows package dirs to be contained under the repository directory.)
Insert the package into the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file as described in How to add a new TriBITS Package except one must also call
as described above.Flesh out the new package and use it in downstream packages just like it was any other package. But note that any downstream package that has a required dependency on
will always be hard disabled when the source for<insertedPackageName>
is missing.When configuring and building to get the package working, add
so that TriBITS will catch mistakes in specifying the package directory. Otherwise, to see notes about ignoring missing inserted/external packages, set the variable-D<Project>_WARN_ABOUT_MISSING_EXTERNAL_PACKAGES=TRUE
and TriBITS will print warnings about missing external packages.
10.9 How to put a TriBITS and raw CMake build system side-by-side
There are cases where it is advantageous to have a raw CMake build system and
a TriBITS CMake build system sit side-by-side in a CMake project. There are
various ways to accomplish this but a very simple way that has minimal impact
on the raw CMake build system is described here. An example of how to
accomplish this is shown in the example project RawAndTribitsHelloWorld
This CMake project is a copy of the TribitsHelloWorld project that puts a
primary default raw CMake build system side-by-side with a secondary TriBITS
CMake build system. The key aspects of this basic approach shown in this
example are:
statement must be added to the base projectCMakeLists.txt
file to switch between the two build systems. (This is required since the raw CMake commandscmake_minimum_required()
must exist in the baseCMakeLists.txt
file and not in and included*.cmake
file.) The switch trigger in theif()
statement can be any logic desired, but a simple way is to look for the${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR
cache variable being set.The TriBITS build system in every subdirectory is contained in files of the name
beside theCMakeLists.txt
files for the raw CMake build system. (The fileCMakeLists.tribits.cmake
ends with a*.cmake
extension so that source editors pick it up as a CMake file.)At the top of every raw CMake build system
file is a call to a simple macroinclude_tribits_build()
which includes theCMakeLists.tribits.cmake
file and then returns if doing a TriBITS build and otherwise does nothing for a raw CMake build.
The top file RawAndTribitsHelloWorld/CMakeLists.txt
file demonstrates the
basic approach:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23.0 FATAL_ERROR)
# Called at the top of every CMakeLists.txt file
# TriBITS CMake project
# Only one package in this simple project so just enable it :-)
# Raw CMake project
# NOTE: The cmake_minimum_required() and project() commands must be executed
# in the base CMakeLists.txt file and *NOT* in an included
Then every raw CMakeLists.txt
file starts with the command
at the very top as shown in the example file
# Build and install library
set(HEADERS hello_world_lib.hpp)
set(SOURCES hello_world_lib.cpp)
add_library(hello_world_lib ${SOURCES})
install(TARGETS hello_world_lib DESTINATION lib)
# Build and install user executable
add_executable(hello_world hello_world_main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(hello_world hello_world_lib)
install(TARGETS hello_world DESTINATION bin)
# Test the executable
add_test(test ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/hello_world)
set_tests_properties(test PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "Hello World")
# Build and run some unit tests
add_executable(unit_tests hello_world_unit_tests.cpp)
target_link_libraries(unit_tests hello_world_lib)
add_test(unit_test ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/unit_tests)
To configure the project as a raw CMake project, just configure it as with any raw CMake project as:
cmake [options] <some_base_dir>/RawAndTribitsHelloWorld
To configure it as a TriBITS project, just set the cache var
to point to valid TriBITS source tree
cmake [options] \
-DRawAndTribitsHelloWorld_TRIBITS_DIR=<tribits_dir> \
A twist on this use case is for a package that only builds as a TriBITS
package inside of some larger TriBITS project and not as its own TriBITS CMake
project. In this case, some slight changes are needed to this example but the
basic approach is nearly identical. One still needs an if()
statement at
the top of the first CMakeLists.txt
file (this time for the package) and
the macro include_tribits_build()
needs to be defined at the top of that
file as well. Then every CMakeLists.txt
file in subdirectories just calls
. That is it.
10.10 How to implement a TriBITS-compliant internal package using raw CMake
As described in TriBITS-Compliant Internal Packages, it is possible to
create a raw CMake build system for a CMake package that can build under a
parent TriBITS CMake project. The raw CMake code for such a package must
provide the <Package>::all_libs
target both in the current CMake build
system and also in the generated <Package>Config.cmake
file for the build
directory and in the installed <Package>Config.cmake
file. Every such
TriBITS-compliant internal package therefore is also capable of installing a
TriBITS-compliant external package <Package>Config.cmake
file (see How
to implement a TriBITS-compliant external package using raw CMake).
A raw CMake build system for a TriBITS-compliant internal package is
demonstrated in the TribitsExampleProject2 project Package1
The base CMakeLists.txt
file for building Package1
with a raw CMake
build system (called package1/CMakeLists.raw.cmake
in that directory)
looks like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23.0 FATAL_ERROR)
if (COMMAND tribits_package)
message("Configuring raw CMake package Package1")
message("Configuring raw CMake project Package1")
# Standard project-level stuff
project(Package1 LANGUAGES C CXX)
find_package(Tpl1 CONFIG REQUIRED)
if (Package1_ENABLE_TESTS)
# Stuff that TriBITS does automatically
As shown above, this simple CMake package contains the basic features of any
CMake project/package including calling the cmake_minimum_required()
commands as well as including GNUInstallDirs
. In this
example, the project/package being built Package1
has a dependency on an
external upstream package Tpl1
pulled in with find_package(Tpl1)
Also in this example, the package has native tests it defines with
and add_subdirectory()
(if Package1_ENABLE_TESTS
set to ON
The file package1/src/CMakeLists.raw.cmake
(which gets included from
) creates a library and executable for the
package and has the contents:
# Create and install library 'package1'
add_library(Package1_package1 Package1.hpp Package1.cpp)
PRIVATE tpl1::tpl1 )
set_target_properties(Package1_package1 PROPERTIES
EXPORT_NAME package1)
add_library(Package1::package1 ALIAS Package1_package1)
install(TARGETS Package1_package1
FILES Package1.hpp
# Create and install executable 'package1-prg'
add_executable(package1-prg Package1_Prg.cpp)
target_link_libraries(package1-prg PRIVATE Package1::package1)
TARGETS package1-prg
This creates a single installable library target Package1_package1
is aliased as Package1::package1
in the current CMake project and sets up
to create the IMPORTED target Package1::package1
in the generated
file, which gets included in the installed
) file (as recommenced in
the book “Professional CMake”, see below). In addition, the above code
creates the installable executable package1-prg
The Package1::all_libs
) target is defined and set
up inside of the included file
which contains the code:
# Generate the all_libs target(s)
add_library(Package1_all_libs INTERFACE)
INTERFACE Package1_package1)
install(TARGETS Package1_all_libs
add_library(Package1::all_libs ALIAS Package1_all_libs)
The above code contains the ALIAS library target Package1::all_libs
) for the current CMake project as well as sets up for
the IMPORTED target Package1::all_libs
) getting
put in the generated Package1ConfigTargets.cmake
file (see below).
The Package1Config.cmake
) file for the build
directory is generated inside of the included file
which has
the contents:
if (COMMAND tribits_package)
# Generate Package1Config.cmake file for the build tree (for internal
# TriBITS-compliant package)
FILE "${packageBuildDirCMakePackagesDir}/${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigTargets.cmake" )
The above code uses the export(EXPORT ...)
command to generate the file
for the build directory which provides the
IMPORTED targets Package1::package1
and Package1::all_libs
. The
command configure_file(...)
generates the Package1Config.cmake
that includes it for the build directory
. (NOTE: The above code only runs when
the package is being built from inside of a TriBITS project which defines the
command tribits_package
. So this code gets skipped when building
as a stand-alone raw CMake project.)
Finally, the code for generating and installing the Package1Config.cmake
file for the install directory CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<installDir>
is specified
in the included file
with the
# Generate and install the Package1Config.cmake file for the install tree
# (needed for both internal and external TriBITS package)
set(pkgConfigInstallDir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}")
DESTINATION "${pkgConfigInstallDir}"
FILE ${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigTargets.cmake )
FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/Package1Config.install.cmake"
RENAME "Package1Config.cmake"
DESTINATION "${pkgConfigInstallDir}" )
The above uses the command install(EXPORT ...)
to have CMake automatically
generate and install the file Package1ConfigTargets.cmake
in the install
directory <installDir>/libs/cmake/Package1/
which provides the IMPORTED
targets Package1::package1
and Package1::all_libs
. The command
is used to generate the file
in the build directory from the template file
. Finally, the install()
command is used in
the file GeneratePackageConfigFileForInstallDir.cmake
to set up the
installation of the Package1Config.cmake
Note, the template file package1/cmake/raw/
is unique to Package1
) is:
set(Tpl1_DIR "@Tpl1_DIR@")
find_package(Tpl1 CONFIG REQUIRED)
As shown in the all of the above code, there is a lot of boilerplate CMake
code needed to correctly define the targets such that they get put into the
installed Package1Config.cmake
file using the correct namespace
and care must be taken to ensure that a consistent “export set”
is used for this purpose. (For more details, see the book “Professional
NOTE: One should compare the above raw CMakeLists files to the more
compact TriBITS versions for the base package1/CMakeLists.txt
file (called
in the base directory pacakge1/
message("Configuring package Package1 as full TriBITS package")
and the TriBITS package1/src/CMakeLists.txt
file (called
tribits_add_library(package1 HEADERS Package1.hpp SOURCES Package1.cpp)
tribits_add_executable(package1-prg NOEXEPREFIX NOEXESUFFIX
This shows the amount of boilerplate code that TriBITS addresses automatically (which reduces the overhead of finer-grained packages and avoids common mistakes with tedious low-level CMake code).
10.11 How to implement a TriBITS-compliant external package using raw CMake
As described in TriBITS-Compliant External Packages, it is possible to
create a raw CMake build system for a CMake package such that once it is
installed, satisfies the requirements for a TriBITS-compliant external
package. These installed packages provide a <Package>Config.cmake
that provides the required targets and behaviors as if it was produced by a
TriBITS project. For most existing raw CMake projects that already produce a
“Professional CMake” compliant <Package>Config.cmake
file, that usually
just means adding the IMPORTED target called <Package>::all_libs
to the
installed <Package>Config.cmake
A raw CMake build system for a TriBITS-compliant external package is
demonstrated in the TribitsExampleProject2 project Package1
The base package1/CMakeLists.txt
file for building Package1
with a raw
CMake build system (called package1/CMakeLists.raw.cmake
) for implementing
a TriBITS-compliant internal package looks like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23.0 FATAL_ERROR)
if (COMMAND tribits_package)
message("Configuring raw CMake package Package1")
message("Configuring raw CMake project Package1")
# Standard project-level stuff
project(Package1 LANGUAGES C CXX)
find_package(Tpl1 CONFIG REQUIRED)
if (Package1_ENABLE_TESTS)
# Stuff that TriBITS does automatically
Note that the raw build system this example is identical to the build system for the raw TriBITS-compliant internal package described in How to implement a TriBITS-compliant internal package using raw CMake. The only differences are:
) file does not need to be generated for the build directory and therefore the code incmake/raw/GeneratePackageConfigFileForBuildDir.cmake
does not need to be included.The ALIAS library target
) does not need to be generated (but should be to be “Professional CMake” compliant).
Other than that, see How to implement a TriBITS-compliant internal package using raw CMake for how to implement a TriBITS-compliant external package.
10.12 How to use TriBITS testing support in non-TriBITS project
The TriBITS test support functions tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test() can be used from any raw (i.e. non-TriBITS) CMake project. To do so, one just needs to include the TriBITS modules:
and set the variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_TESTS
to ON
. For an
MPI-enabled CMake project, the CMake variables MPI_EXEC
must also be set which define the MPI runtime
program launcher command-line used in the TriBITS testing functions:
(NOTE: These variables are defined automatically in a TriBITS project when
is set to ON
This is demonstrated in the TribitsExampleProject2 project Package1
package. The base pacakge1/CMakeLists.txt
file for building Package1
with a raw CMake build system using TriBITS testing functions (called
) looks like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23.0 FATAL_ERROR)
if (COMMAND tribits_package)
message("Configuring raw CMake package Package1")
message("Configuring raw CMake project Package1")
# Standard project-level stuff
project(Package1 LANGUAGES C CXX)
find_package(Tpl1 CONFIG REQUIRED)
if (Package1_ENABLE_TESTS)
The only difference between this base package1/CMakeLists.txt
file and one
for a raw CMake project is the inclusion of the file
which has the contents:
"Use TriBITS testing functions")
"Path to TriBITS implementation base dir (e.g. TriBITS/tribits)")
# Pull in and turn on TriBITS testing support
set(Package1_ENABLE_TESTS ON)
The key lines are:
This defines the CMake functions tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test(), respectively.
The above code demonstrates that CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
does not need to be
updated to use these TriBITS test_support
modules. However, one is free
and then include the modules by name only
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${Package1_TRIBITS_DIR}/core/test_support")
Once these TriBITS modules are included, one can use the TriBITS functions as
demonstrated in the file package1/test/CMakeLists.tribits.cmake
(which is
included from the file package1/test/CMakeLists.txt
) and has the contents:
tribits_add_test(package1-prg NOEXEPREFIX NOEXESUFFIX
PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "Package1 Deps: tpl1" )
ARGS "something_extra"
"Package1 Deps: tpl1"
Note that in this example, the executable package1-prg
was already
created. If new test libraries and executables need to be created, then the
raw CMake commands to create those will need to be added as well.
10.13 How to check for and tweak TriBITS “ENABLE” cache variables
TriBITS defines a number of special <XXX>_ENABLE_<YYY>
variables for
enabling/disabling various entities that allow for a default “undefined” empty
enable status. Examples of these special variables include:
(Support for a package<TRIBITS_DEP_PACKAGE>
in a downstream package<TRIBITS_PACKAGE>
(Package examples)${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_TESTS
(Tests for explicitly enabled packages)${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_EXAMPLES
(Examples for explicitly enabled packages)
(see TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors).
To check for and tweak these special “ENABLE” variables, perform the following:
To check to see if an
variable has been enabled or disabled (either explicitly or through auto enable/disable logic), use:if ("${<XXX>_ENABLE_<YYY>}" STREQUAL "") # Variable has not been set to 'ON' or 'OFF' yet ... endif()
This will work correctly independent of if the cache variable has been default defined or not.
To tweak the enable/disable of one or more of these variables after user input but before the step “Adjust package and TPLs enables and disables” in Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files:
To tweak the enables/disables for a TriBITS Repository (i.e. affecting all TriBITS projects) add enable/disable code to the file <repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake.
To tweak the enables/disables for a specific TriBITS Project (i.e. affecting only that TriBITS project) add enable/disable code to the file <projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake.
For example, one might default disable a package if it has not been explicitly enabled (or disabled) in one of these files using logic like:
if (NOT ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran) if ("${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<SomeFortranPackage>}" STREQUAL "") message("-- " "NOTE: Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<SomeFortranPackage>=OFF because" "${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran = '${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran}'") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<SomeFortranPackage> OFF) endif() endif()
In order to understand the above steps for properly querying and tweaking
these ENABLE
variables, one must understand how TriBITS CMake code defines
and interprets variables of this type.
First, note that most of these particular ENABLE
variables are not
cache variables but are actually STRING
variables with the
possible values of ON
and empty ""
(see the macro
set_cache_on_off_empty()). Therefore, just because the value of a
variable is defined (e.g. if (DEFINED
<XXX>_ENABLE_<YYY>) ... endif()
) does not mean that it has been set to
or OFF
yet (or any non-empty values that evaluates to true or false
in CMake). To see if an ENABLE
variable is one of these types, look in
the CMakeCache.txt
. If the type of the variable <XXX>_ENABLE_<YYY>
and you see another variable set with the name
, then it is most likely this special type of
variable with a typical default value of empty ""
. However, if
the cache variable is of type BOOL
, then it is likely a standard bool
variable that is not allowed to have a value of empty ""
Second, note that the value of empty ""
evaluates to FALSE
in CMake
statements. Therefore, if one just wants to know if one of these
variables evaluates to true, then just use if (<XXX>_ENABLE_<YYY>)
... endif()
Third, note that TriBITS will not define cache variables for these ENABLE
variables until TriBITS processes the Dependencies.cmake
files on the
first configure (see Full TriBITS Project Configuration). On future
reconfigures, these variables are all defined (but most will have a default
value of empty ""
stored in the cache).
The reason the files RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake
are the best places to put in these tweaks
is because, as shown in Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files, they get
processed after all of the user input has been read (in CMake cache variables
set with -D<variable>=<value>
and read in from
${PROJECT_NAME}_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE files) but before TriBITS adjusts
the package enables and disables (see Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable
Logic). Also, these files get processed in Reduced Package Dependency
Processing as well so they get processed in all contexts where
enable/disable logic is applied.
However, if one wants to tweak these variables once packages are starting to
be processed (in step “For each <packageDir>
in all enabled top-level
packages” in Full TriBITS Project Configuration), there are fewer
situations where that can be done correctly as described in the next section.
10.14 How to tweak downstream TriBITS “ENABLE” variables during package configuration
There are cases where one may need to enable or disable some feature that
TriBITS may have enabled by default (such as in “Adjust package and TPLs
enables and disables” in Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files) and that
decision can only be made while processing a package’s
<packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file and not before. (And therefore the logic
for this disable cannot be performed in the ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake
or RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake
files as described in How to check
for and tweak TriBITS “ENABLE” cache variables.) Also, there are cases
where it is necessary to make this change visible to downstream packages. The
main example is when optional support of an upstream package in a downstream
package <DownstreamPackage>_ENABLE_<UpstreamPackage>
must be changed in
the package’s <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file. But there are other
examples such as support for a given data-type that may impact multiple
downstream packages.
When the internal configuration of a package (i.e. while processing its
file) determines that an optional feature
must change the value previously set (e.g. that was
set automatically by TriBITS during the “Adjust package and TPLs enables and
disables” stage in Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files), one cannot
use a simple set()
statement. Changing the value of a
variable inside a package’s
file using a raw set(<Package>_ENABLE_<YYY>
statement only changes the variable’s value inside the package’s
scope, but all other packages will see the old value of
. To correctly change the value of one of these
variables, instead use dual_scope_set() from the top-level
file. To perform this disable more robustly
than calling dual_scope_set()
directly, use the provided macro
tribits_disable_optional_dependency(). For example, to disable optional
support for <UpstreamPackage>
in <DownstreamPackage>
package’s <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt
file based
on some criteria, add the CMake code:
if (<some-condition>)
tribits_disable_optional_dependency( <UpstreamPackage>
"NOTE: ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<UpstreamPackage> being set to OFF because of <reason>" )
Calling dual_scope_set()
in the package’s top-level
file sets the value in both the local scope of
(and therefore propagated to all other
files in that package) and in base-level (global) project
scope. (But this does not change the value of a cache variable
that may have been set by the user or some other
means which is the desired behavior; see TriBITS auto-enables/disables done
using non-cache local variables.) In this way, any downstream package
(configured after processing <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt
) will see the new
value for <Package>_ENABLE_<YYY>
It is also strongly recommended that a message be printed to CMake STDOUT
using message("-- " "NOTE: <message>")
when changing the value of one of
these <Package>_ENABLE_<YYY>
variables. The user may have set it
explicitly or TriBITS may have printed automatic logic for setting it by
default, and user needs to know why and where the value is being overridden.
NOTE: However, it is not allowed to try to change the value of a
global enable of a upstream or downstream package by trying to change the
value of <Project>_ENABLE_<Package>
or TPL_ENABLE_<Package>
in a
file. Changing the value of these variables
after the “Adjust package and TPLs enables and disables” stage in Full
Processing of TriBITS Project Files will result in undefined behavior.
10.15 How to set up multi-repository support
The following steps describe how to set up support for TriBITS project managing multiple version control and TriBITS repositories by default (see Multi-Repository Support).
1) Add file <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake and list out extra repos
For example, this file would contain something like:
tribits_project_define_extra_repositories( ExtraRepo1 "" GIT "" Continuous ExtraRepo2 "ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepos2" GIT NOPACKAGES Continuous ExtraRepo3 "" GIT "" Nightly )NOTE: If one will not be using the tool, or tool, or the TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver system, then one can leave the REPO_VCTYPE and REPO_URL fields empty (see tribits_project_define_extra_repositories() for details). (TriBITS Core does not have any dependencies on any specific VC tool. These fields are listed here to avoid duplicating the list of repos in another file when using these additional TriBITS tools.)
2) Set default values for ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE and
(and possibly
) in the file
For example, add:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake CACHE FILEPATH "Set in ProjectName.cmake") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_KNOWN_EXTERNAL_REPOS_TYPE Continuous CACHE STRING "Set in ProjectName.cmake")to the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file. Otherwise, no extra repos will be defined or processed by default when configuring the project.
And if the project can operate without all of its extra repos, the project can set the following default in this file as well with:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_IGNORE_MISSING_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES TRUE CACHE STRING "Set in ProjectName.cmake")Otherwise, all of the extra repos need to be present or the project configure will fail.
3) If using git as the VC tool, then set the variable
in the
<projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file
For example:
4) If wanting a clone tool with git repos, set up a link to the tool in the base <projectDir>/
Create a symlink to the script in the base project repo, for example with:
cd <projecDir>/ ln -s cmake/tribits/ci_support/ . git add git commit
10.16 How to submit testing results to a CDash site
The following steps describe how to submit results to a CDash site using the TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver support.
Create a CDash project
on the targeted CDash site.
To do this, one must have an account on the CDash site and the permissions to create a new CDash project. The name of the project on CDash should generally match the name of the TriBITS project
but it does not have to. In fact, one can generally submit to any CDash project with any name so creating a new CDash project is actually optional.NOTE: For open-source projects, Kitware provides the free CDash site that allows a limited number of submits and data per day. But it should be enough to test out submitting to CDash.
files for the project.
The file <projectDir>/CTestConfig.cmake can be copied and pasted from TribitsExampleProject/CTestConfig.cmake. To customize for your project, you generally just need to update the variables
.The file <projectDir>/cmake/ctest/ can be copied and pasted from
and them modified as desired.
Test experimental submits with
make dashboard
Once the CDash project and the <projectDir>/CTestConfig.cmake and <projectDir>/cmake/ctest/ files are created, one perform an experimental submission by just configuring the project as normal (except configuring additionally with
to use parallelism in the build and testing in thectest -S
script) and then running the build target:make dashboardThat will configure, build, test, and submit results to the CDash site to the
track of the target CDash project (see Dashboard Submissions).To work out problems locally without spamming the CDash site, one can run with:
env CTEST_DO_SUBMIT=OFF make dashboardTo submit to a different CDash site and project, change the cache vars
at configure time. For example, to submit TribitsExampleProject results to a different CDash site, configure with:cmake \ \ -DCTEST_PROJECT_NAME=TribitsExProj \ -DCTEST_DROP_LOCATION="/submit.php?project=TribitsExProj" \ [other cmake options] \ <baseDir>/TribitsExamplProjectand then run
make dashboard
Add custom CTest -S driver scripts.
For driving different builds and tests, one needs to set up one or more CTest -S driver scripts. There are various ways to do this but a simple approach that avoids duplication is to first create a file like
:# # Set the locations of things for this project # set(TRIBITS_PROJECT_ROOT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../..") set(CTEST_SOURCE_NAME "TribitsExampleProject") include("${TRIBITS_PROJECT_ROOT}/ProjectName.cmake") if (NOT "$ENV{${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}" STREQUAL "") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR "$ENV{${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}") endif() if("${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}" STREQUAL "") # If not set externally, then assume this is inside of tribits example # directory. set(${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../..") endif() # # Include the TriBITS file to get other modules included # include("${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/ctest_driver/TribitsCTestDriverCore.cmake") function(tribitsexproj_ctest_driver) set_default_and_from_env( CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS "-j1 -i" ) set_default_and_from_env( CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL "1" ) tribits_ctest_driver() endfunction()and then create a set of CTest -S driver scripts that uses that file. One example is the file
Test CTest -S driver scripts
Once a CTest -S driver script (like the
example shown above) is created, one can test it locally and then test a submit to CDash. To test the exact state of the repository locally, one can create a temporary base directory, symbolically link in the local project source directory, and then run the CTest -S script by settingCTEST_DO_SUBMIT=OFF
. For example, the TribitsExampleProject CTest -S script can be run and tested locally by doing:$ mkdir MOCK_TRIBITSEXPROJ_SERIAL_DEBUG $ cd MOCK_TRIBITSEXPROJ_SERIAL_DEBUG/ $ ln -s $TRIBITS_DIR/examples/TribitsExampleProject . $ env CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT=$PWD \ \ CTEST_PROJECT_NAME=TribitsExProj \ CTEST_DROP_LOCATION="/submit.php?project=TribitsExProj" \ CTEST_TEST_TYPE=Experimental \ CTEST_DO_SUBMIT=OFF \ CTEST_DO_UPDATES=OFF \ CTEST_START_WITH_EMPTY_BINARY_DIRECTORY=TRUE \ ctest -V -S \ $TRIBITS_DIR/examples/TribitsExampleProject/cmake/ctest/general_gcc/ctest_serial_debug.cmake \ &> console.outwhere
is an env var that points to the location of theTriBITS/tribits
directory on the local machine (and the location of the CDash site and project is changed, since the free site can only accept as small number of builds each day).Once that CTest -S driver script is working correctly without submitting to CDash, the above
ctest -S
command can be run withCTEST_DO_SUBMIT=ON
which submit the CDash and then print the location on CDash for the submitted configure, build, and test results.
Set up automated runs of CTest -S driver scripts
The custom CTest -S driver scripts created above can be run and used to submit to CDash in a variety of ways:
Cron jobs can be set up to run them at the same time every day.
Jenkins jobs can be set up to run them based on various criteria.
GitHub Actions can run them to respond to GitHub pushes or to test pull requests.
GitLab CI can run them to respond to GitLab pushes or the test merge requests.
Use the legacy TriBITS Dashboard Driver system (not recommended).
The setup of Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI and other more sophisticated automated testing systems will not be described here. What will be briefly outlined below is the setup using cron jobs on a Linux machine. That is sufficient for most smaller projects and provides tremendous value.
To set up an automated build using a cron job, one will typically create a shell driver script that sets the env and then calls the
ctest -S <script>
command. Then one just adds a call to that shell driver script usingcrontab -e
. That is about all there is to it.
10.17 How to submit testing results to a custom CDash Group
Following up on How to submit testing results to a CDash site, to submit build and test results to a custom “Group” on CDash (instead of just “Nightly”, “Continuous” or “Experimental”), one just has to create the new group on CDash using the CDash GUI interface and then tell the ctest -S local driver to submit results to that CDash group. The steps for doing this are given below.
Create the new CDash group
for CDash project<ProjectName>
on the targeted CDash site.If the CDash group
is not already created, then one can create it by first logging into CDash with an account that can modify the CDash project<ProjectName>
. Once logged in, go to the project edit page and select “Settings” and “Groups”. From there, create the new group<special_group>
. Set the “Build Type” to either “Daily” or “Latest”.Set
with the CTest -S driver script.One can either do that by setting
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_TRACK <special_group>)
in the CTest -S*.cmake
driver script itself or can set it in the environment when running the ctest -S driver script. For example:$ env <Project>_TRACK=<special_group> ... \ ctest -V -S <ctest_driver>.cmake
If the “build type” for the CDash group
was set to “Daily”, then set CTEST_TEST_TYPE toNightly
can be set toContinuous
11 Miscellaneous Topics
In this section, a number of miscellaneous topics and TriBITS features are discussed. These features and topics are either not considered primary features of TriBITS or don’t neatly fit into one of the other sections.
11.1 TriBITS Repository Contents
The TriBITS git repository is organized as a TriBITS Project, TriBITS Repository, and TriBITS Package all in the same base directory. The base contents are described in the file:
The part of TriBITS that is installed or snapshotted in contained in the subdirectory TriBITS/tribits/ and is described in the following section.
TriBITS/ Directory Contents
This base directory for TriBITS acts as a TriBITS Project, a TriBITS Repository, and a TriBITS Package. As such, it contains the standard files that are found in a TriBITS Project, Repository, and Package:
ProjectName.cmake # PROJECT_NAME=TriBITS
PackagesList.cmake # Lists just "TriBITS . PT"
TPLsList.cmake # Lists only MPI
cmake/ # Dependencies.cmake, etc.
The core functionality of TriBITS is provided in the following directory, ‘tribits’/:
tribits/: The part of TriBITS that CMake projects use to access TriBITS
functionality and assimilate into the TriBITS framework. It also contains
basic documentation and examples. Files and directories from here are what
get installed on the system or are snapshotted into
. Each TriBITS Project decides what parts of
it wants to install or snapshot using the script
(which takes arguments for what dirs to
snapshot, see below). This directory contains no tests at all. All of the
tests for TriBITS are in the test/
directory (see below). The breakdown of
the contents of tribits/
are described in the file
The following directories are not snapshotted into
by the script tribits/
test/: Contains all of the automated tests for TriBITS as part of the TriBITS “TriBITS” package. When doing development, these tests are critical.
dev_testing/: Contains scripts that support the development of the TriBITS system itself in various contexts.
common_tools/: Contains misc utilities that are not central to the TriBITS system but are very helpful to keep around and do not take up too much space.
refactoring/: Some scripts and other files that have aided in various refactorings of TriBITS and are used to upgrade client TriBITS projects.
TriBITS/tribits/ Directory Contents
This directory contains the implementation for the various parts of TriBITS
that are used by TriBITS projects to implement TriBITS functionality. It also
contains basic documentation in the subdirectory doc/ that is very close to
the TriBITS implementation. Files and directories from here are what get
installed on the system or will be snapshotted into
. Each TriBITS Project decides what parts of
TriBITS it wants to install or snapshot using the script
(which takes arguments for what dirs to
snapshot). This directory contains no tests at all. All of the tests for
TriBITS are in the test/
directory in the parent TriBITS repository.
The breakdown of the contents of this directory are described below:
TriBITS.cmake: The one file that needs to be included in order to use TriBITS in a CMake project. This one file insulates clients from future TriBITS refactorings of TriBITS.
Version.cmake: Version of TriBITS. This gets included by TriBITS.cmake
core/: Core TriBITS test support and package-based architecture for CMake projects. This only depends on raw CMake and contains just the minimal support for building, testing, installing, and deployment. This CMake code depends only on CMake and nothing else.
python_utils/: Some basic Python utilities that are not specific to
TriBITS but are used in TriBITS CI and testing support software. There are
some very useful python scripts here like gitdist
ci_support/: Support code for pre-push continuous integration testing.
This contains the
script and its supporting Python
ctest_driver/: Support for package-by-package testing driven by CTest
submitting to CDash (to CDash project <Project>
). This contains the file
and some supporting modules.
dashboard_driver/: TriBITS Dashboard Driver system which uses CTest to
drive individual project builds in parallel and submits results to a separate
CDash project. WARNING: This was written by a contractor
and is least well tested, more confusing, and least desirable part of TriBITS.
If you have a better way to manage multiple builds (e.g. Jenkins) then use
that instead.
common_tpls/: TPLs that are very common and are used by several different TriBITS projects but are not built into the TriBITS system itself. Having some of these common TPLs in a central location enhances uniformity, reuse, and makes it easier to pull TriBITS packages out of a repo and build them independently.
doc/: Basic TriBITS documentation built using docutils. The generated
documents are stored in the git repo but instead are built on command using
the doc/
examples/: Example TriBITS projects and TPLs. These can be copied out and used as examples
devtools_install/: Basic install scripts for tools like CMake, GCC,
OpenMPI, MPICH, Git, etc. By default, these all download tarballs from the
site and the repos are named
. This makes it easy to set up a new dev
environment for projects that uses TriBITS (or don’t use TriBITS for that
win_interface/: Some non-Windows C header files ported to Windows to make porting to Windows easier.
The script
install the different pieces for of this
directory into a project’s <projectDir>/cmake/tribits/
subdirectory. It supports the argument --components
with values core
, ci_support
, ctest_driver
, dashboard_driver
, doc
, examples
, win_interface
, and
. These snapshot components have the dependencies:
=> (external CMake)python_utils
=> (external Python 2.6)win_interface
=> (external C compiler)TriBITS.cmake
=> (external tribits installation)doc
TriBITS Core Directory Contents
The TriBITS core/
directory is broken down into several subdirectories of
its own:
core/utils: General CMake utilities that are not specific to the TriBITS system and can be reused in any CMake project.
core/common: As small set of common modules that the different TriBITS Core module files in different directories depend on. These include things like common TriBITS constants and TriBITS CMake policies.
core/test_support: Modules that help define CTest tests using functions like tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test(). These can be used in CMake projects that are not full-blown TriBITS projects.
core/config_tests: Some basic configure-time tests used by the TriBITS package architecture framework.
core/std_tpls: Some Find<tplName>.cmake
files for key external
dependencies handled as TriBITS TPLs but are more central to the TriBITS
system. (Examples include CUDA and MPI support.)
core/installation: A collection of *
and related Cmake code
supporting installations.
core/package_arch: Modules for the full-blown TriBITS package architecture
framework including package dependency management, multi-repository support,
installations (including the generation of <Package>Config.cmake
The dependencies between these different TriBITS core subdirectories are:
=> (external CMake)core/common
=> (external CMake)core/std_tpls
=> (external CMake)core/installation
11.2 TriBITS System Project Dependencies
The core TriBITS system itself (see tribts/core/
in TriBITS/tribits/)
which is used to configure, built, test, create tarballs, and install software
has no dependencies other than a basic installation of CMake (which typically
includes the executables cmake
, ctest
, and cpack
). Great effort
has been expended to implement all of this core functionality of TriBITS just
using raw CMake. That means that anyone who needs to configure, build, and
install software that uses TriBITS just needs a compatible CMake
implementation. CMake is becoming iniquitous enough that many machines will
already have a current-enough version of CMake installed by default on their
systems and therefore no one will need to download or install any extra
software when building and installing a project that uses TriBITS (assuming
the necessary compilers etc. required by the project are also installed). If
a current-enough version of CMake is not installed on a given system, it is
easy to download the source code and all it needs is a basic C++ compiler to
build and install.
However, note that a specific TriBITS project is free to use any newer CMake
features it wants and therefore these projects will require newer versions of
CMake than what is required by TriBITS (see discussion of
in <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt). But also
note that specific TriBITS projects and packages will also require additional
tools like compilers, Python (see Python Support), Perl, or many other such
dependencies. It is just that TriBITS itself does not require any of these in
order to perform the basic configure, build, test, and install of software.
The goal of TriBITS is not to make the portability of software that uses it
any worse than it already is but instead to make it easier in most cases (that
after all is the whole goal of CMake).
While the TriBITS Core functionality to configure, build, test, and install
software is written using only raw CMake, the more sophisticated development
tools needed to implement the full TriBITS development environment require
Python 2.7 (or higher including Python 3.x) (see Python Support). Python
is needed for tools like and gitdist. In addition,
these python tools are used in tribits_ctest_driver() to drive automated
testing and submits to CDash. Also note that git
is the chosen version
control tool for the TriBITS software development tools and all the VC-related
functionality in TriBITS. But none of this is required for doing the most
basic building, testing, or installation of a project using TriBITS Core.
11.3 Python Support
TriBITS Core does not require anything other than raw CMake. However, Python
Utils, TriBITS CI Support, and other extended TriBITS components require
Python. These extra TriBITS tools only require Python 3.6+. By default, when
a TriBITS project starts to configure using CMake, it will try to find Python
3.6+ on the system (see Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files). If
Python is found, it will set the global cache variable Python3_EXECUTABLE
If it is not found, then it will print a warning and Python3_EXECUTABLE
will be empty. With this default behavior, if Python is found, then the
TriBITS project can use it. Otherwise, it can do without it.
While the default behavior for finding Python described above is useful for many TriBITS projects, some TriBITS projects need different behavior such as:
The TriBITS project may not ever use Python so there is no need to look for it at all. In this case, the TriBITS project would set ${PROJECT_NAME}_USES_PYTHON to
.Some TriBITS projects require Python and should not even configure if it can’t be found. In this case, the TriBITS project would set ${PROJECT_NAME}_REQUIRES_PYTHON to
.Some TriBITS projects may require a version of Python more recent than 3.6. In this case, the TriBITS project would set ${PROJECT_NAME}_Python3_FIND_VERSION to some value higher than
. For example, may newer systems have higher versions of Python installed by default, and projects developed on such a system typically require this version or higher.
11.4 Project-Specific Build Reference
If a project that uses TriBITS is going to have a significant user base that
will configure, build, and test the project, then having some documentation
that explains how to do this would be useful. For this purpose, TriBITS
provides a mechanism to quickly create a project-specific build reference
document in restructured text (RST) format and with HTML and LaTeX/PDF
outputs. This document are generally created in the base project source tree
and given then name <Project>BuildReference.[rst,html,pdf]
. This document
consists of two parts. One part is a generic template document:
provided in the TriBITS source tree that uses the place-holder <Project>
for the for the real project name. The second part is a project-specific
template file:
which provides the outer RST document (with title, authors, abstract, introduction, other introductory sections). From these two files, the script:
is used to replace <Project>
in the TribitsBuildReferenceBody.rst
with the real project name (read from the project’s ProjectName.cmake
by default) and then generates the read-only files:
For a simple example of this, see:
A project-independent version of this file is provided in the TribitsBuildReference.[rst,html,pdf] which is referred to many times in this developers guide.
11.5 Project and Repository Versioning and Release Mode
TriBITS has built-in support for project and repository versioning and release-mode control. When the project contains the file <projectDir>/Version.cmake, it is used to define the project’s official version. The idea is that when it is time to branch for a release, the only file that needs to be changed is the file <projectDir>/Version.cmake.
Each TriBITS repository can also contain a <repoDir>/Version.cmake file
that sets version-related variables which TriBITS packages in that repository
can use to derive development and release version information. If the TriBITS
repository also contains a <repoDir>/Copyright.txt file, then the
information in <repoDir>/Version.cmake
and <repoDir>/Copyright.txt
used to configure a repository version header file:
The configured header file ${REPOSITORY_NAME}_version.h
defines C
pre-processor macros that give the repository version number in several
formats, which allows C/C++ code (or any software that uses the C
preprocessor) to write conditional code like:
#if Trilinos_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION > 100200
/* Contains feature X */
/* Does not contain feature X */
Of course when the TriBITS project and the TriBITS repository are the same
directory, the <projectDir>/Version.cmake
and <repoDir>/Version.cmake
files are the same file, which works just fine.
11.6 TriBITS Environment Probing and Setup
Part of the TriBITS Framework is to probe the environment, set up the
compilers, and get ready to compile code. This was mentioned in Full
Processing of TriBITS Project Files. This is executed by the TriBITS macro
. Some of the things this macro does are:
Probe and set up the environment:
default (if not already set)Set up for MPI (MPI compilers, etc.)
Set up C, C++, and Fortran compilers using
Find Perl (sets
)Determine mixed language C/Fortran linking
Set up OpenMP (with
)Set up optional Windows support
Find Doxygen (sets
)Perform some other configure-time tests (see
configure output)
At the completion of this part of the processing, the TriBITS CMake project is
ready to compile code. All of the major variables set as part of this process
are printed to the cmake
stdout when the project is configured.
11.7 Tricky considerations for TriBITS-generated <tplName>Config.cmake files
An issue that comes up with external packages/TPLs like HDF5 that needs to be
discussed here is the fact that FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
module files create
(See How to add a new TriBITS TPL) and TriBITS installs package config
files of the name <tplName>Config.cmake
. These TriBITS-generated package
config files <tplName>Config.cmake
could potentially be found by calls to
(i.e. when <tplName> == <externalPkg>
with HDF5). These TriBITS-generated <tplName>Config.cmake
files are
primarily meant to provide a TriBITS-compliant external package for
downstream TriBITS-compliant <Package>Config.cmake
files. These
TriBITS-generated <tplName>Config.cmake
files will usually not behave the
same way existing Find<tplName>.config
find modules or native
package config files would behave as expected by
downstream projects when found by find_package(<tplName>)
commands called
in some arbitrary downstream raw CMake project. Therefore, to avoid having an
installed TriBITS-generated HDF5Config.cmake
file, for example, being
found by the inner call to find_package(HDF5 ...)
in the file
(which could be disastrous), TriBITS employs two
First, TriBITS-generated <tplName>Config.cmake
package config files are
placed into the build directory under:
and installed into the installation directory under:
so they will not be found by find_package(<tplName>)
by default when
and/or <installDir>
, respectively, are added
Second, even if the directories <installDir>/lib/external_packages
do get added to the search path somehow
(e.g. by appending those to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
), the companion
TriBITS-generated <tplName>ConfigVersion.cmake
files will set
and result in find_package(<tplName>)
not selecting the TriBITS-generated <tplName>Config.cmake
file. (It turns
out that CMake’s find_package(<Package>)
command always includes the file
, even if no version information is passed to
the command find_package(<Package>)
. This allows special logic to be
placed in the file <Package>ConfigVersion.cmake
to determine if
will select a given <Package>Config.cmake
that is in the search path based on a number of different criteria such as in
this case.)
11.8 Installation considerations
For the most part, installation is pretty straightforward with a TriBITS-based
CMake project. TriBITS automatically puts in appropriate default
commands to install header files, libraries, executables, and
other commonly installed artifacts (such as TriBITS-autogenerated
files). And packages can add their own custom
commands to install items under CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
(or the
mentioned in Setting the install
prefix). However, there are some special situations that need to be
addressed and some tweaks to built-in CMake support that need to be made.
One issue that can occur is that there are cases where a Unix/Linux system is
set up not to honor the group sticky bit and therefore one cannot control what
group owns the created installed files and directories (i.e. the default group
will be used). Also, there are cases were one cannot easily control the
default file or directory creation permissions using umask
. And there are
cases where one would like to recursively install a set of directories and
files where some of these files may be scripts that need to have the execute
permission set on them for them to work. The only to flexible accomplish
that with CMake (if one does not know the exist list of those files or
extensions of those files) is to pass in the SOURCE_PERMISSIONS
option to
the install(DIRECTORY ...)
command. An example of this is shown in:
that has:
In this case, CMake will preserve the execute permission on any of the scripts
contained under the stuff/
subdirectory but group
and other
permissions will not be set based on umask
or the default CMake install
permissions. Instead, these permissions are set based on the source directory
permissions (which is often set to 700
or rwx------
To address cases like this, TriBITS can automatically run chgrp
on the created files and directories that are created during the
target as described in Setting install ownership and
permissions. This is completely automatic and requires nothing for the
TriBITS Project developers to do to enable support for this (other than to
note the below warning).
WARNING: Do not add any install()
commands after the
tribits_project() command completes. Otherwise, any extra files or
directories will not have their group and permissions fixed by these special
TriBITS-added chgrp
and chmod
commands run at install time. Instead,
try to put all install()
commands inside of a package’s
<packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file. Currently, there really is no good place
to add repo-level or project-level install()
commands. But if one had to
sneak them in, they could add various install()
commands to files like
<projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt (before the tribits_project_()
<projectDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineProjectPackaging.cmake and/or
<repoDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineRepositoryPackaging.cmake. (Note that
install commands from the former two files are run before install commands for
the enabled packages while install commands from the latter two files are run
One can also change what compilers are written into the generated
and <Package>Config.cmake
files for the build
and the install trees. By default, the compilers pointed to in these
files will be CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER
where <LANG>
, C
, and Fortran
. But one can change this by setting any of
the following:
before the Config.cmake
files are generated. These can also be set in the
CMake cache using, for example,
This is used, for example, when compiler wrappers are used for the build tree
and are set to CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER
but when one wants to point to the
original underlying compilers for the installed Config.cmake
11.9 RPATH Handling
As explained in Setting install RPATH, TriBITS changes the CMake defaults
to write in the RPATH for shared libraries and executables so that they run
right out of the install directory without needing to set paths in the
environment (e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH
). However, these defaults can be
changed by changing setting different project defaults for the variables
But most projects should likely keep these defaults in place since they make
it so that doing builds and installations on a single machine work correctly
by default out of the box. For other installation/distribution use cases, the
user is told how to manipulate CMake variables for those cases in Setting
install RPATH.
11.10 Configure-time System Tests
CMake has good support for defining configure-time checks of the system to help in configuring the project. One can check for whether a header file exists, if the compiler supports a given data-type or language feature, or perform almost any other type of check that one can imagine that can be done using the configured compilers, libraries, system tools, etc. An example was given in TribitsExampleProject. Just follow that example, look at some of the built-in CMake configure-time test modules, and consult provided on-line CMake documentation in order to learn how to create a configure-time test for almost anything.
11.11 Creating Source Distributions
The TriBITS system uses CMake’s built-in CPack support to create source
distributions in a variety of zipped and tarred formats. (Note that the term
“source tarball” or just “tarball” may be used below but should be interpreted
as “source distribution”.) TriBITS will automatically add support for CPack
when the variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_CPACK_PACKAGING is set to ON
The commands for creating a source distribution are described in Creating a
tarball of the source tree using the built-in package_source
target. The value added by TriBITS is that TriBITS will automatically exclude
the source for any defined packages that are not enabled and TriBITS provides
a framework for systematically excluding files and directories from individual
repositories and packages. In addition, the source for non-enabled
subpackages can also be excluded depending on the value of
this allows one to create distributions which only includes subsets of a
larger project (even a single package in some cases).
Unlike other build systems (like autotools), CMake will put EVERYTHING into the source distribution (e.g. tarball) that is sitting in the source tree by default. Therefore, setting up for a source distribution usually means deciding what extra files and directories should be excluded. Beyond the directories for non-enabled packages, further files can be selected to be excluded on a package-by-package based and at the repository level (see below).
Individual packages can list additional files/directories under the package’s source tree to be excluded from the project’s source distribution using a call to tribits_exclude_files() in their <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file. Note that if the package is not enabled, these excludes will never get added! That is no problem if these excludes only apply to the given package since TriBITS will add an exclude for the entire package but is a problem if a package lists excludes for files outside of the package’s source tree.
Additional files and entire directories can also be excluded at the repository
level by listing them in the
<repoDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineRepositoryPackaging.cmake file which
typically just appends the built-in CMake variable
. However, if a repository is not processed,
this file is never processed and therefore no files will be excluded from a
repository sitting in the source tree that is not processed (see below).
There are a number of project-level settings that need to be defined and these are specified in the file <projectDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineProjectPackaging.cmake.
The TribitsExampleProject is set up for creating source distributions and this is demonstrated in one of the tests defined in:
There are a few points of caution to note about creating source distributions.
NOTE: It is worth stressing again that EVERY file that is in the
source tree will be included in the source distribution (tarball) unless there
is an exclude regex matching it appended to the variable
. TriBITS can only add excludes for defined
non-enabled packaged. Every other file listed in the source tree will be
included in the tarball.
are interpreted as
REGULAR EXPRESSIONS not globs so if you add "someFile.*"
as an
exclude, it will exclude every file in the entire source tree that has
in the name! This is because, in regex terminology, the
trailing ".*"
means “match any character zero or more times” and
can match anywhere in the file name path. Also, note that if
you add in an exclude like "*.pyc"
(i.e. trying to exclude all of the
generated Python byte code files) that it will exclude every file that has
in the name and not just those with the file extension
. For example, the exclude ".pyc"
would exclude the files
, "lpycso"
, etc. If you want to exclude all files with
extension "pyc"
, you have to add the exclude regex ".*[.]pyc$"
One’s lack of understanding of this fact will cost someone hours of lost time
debugging what happens when random files are missing when one tries to
configure what is left. Sometimes, what is left will actually configure and
might almost build!
NOTE: As warned in TriBITS Package Core Files and TriBITS Subpackage
Core Files, Packages must have directories that are strictly independent
of the directories of other packages. If they don’t, then the source
directory for an enabled package will get excluded from the source
distribution if its directory is under the directory of a package that is not
enabled. For example, if PackageA
is enabled but its package directory
is under the package directory packageb/
for the
disabled package PackageB
, then every file and directory under
will be excluded from the source distribution (tarball),
including everything under packageb/packagea/
! It would be too expensive
to put in an automated check for cases like this so package developers should
just take care not to nest the directories of packages inside of each other to
avoid problems like this.
NOTE: Extra repositories that are sitting in the source tree but not processed by TriBITS for some reason (e.g. due to explicitly listing in the variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES only a subset of the repositories listed in <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake ) will get added to the source distribution in full by default even though there are no enabled packages from these repos. These non-processed repo dirs are like any other random directory sitting in the source tree, they will get copied over into the source distribution!.
NOTE: When debugging tarball creation problems, always configure with the
. If you don’t see a
regex listed for the file or directory you expect to be excluded, then that
file/directory it will be included in the source distribution!
11.12 Using Git Bisect with workflows
There are cases where a customer will do an update of an upstream project from
a git repo and then find out that some feature or behavior is broken with
respect to their usage. This can happen even if the upstream project’s own
test suite passes all of its tests. Depending on the situation, there may be
hundreds to thousands of commits between the last known “good” working version
of the code and pulled “bad” version. To help customers find the first commit
that contains the changes which are causing the breakage, git supplies git
. This set of commands does a binary search of the commits in the
range <good-sha>..<bad_sha>
and finds the first commit that is “bad” (or a
range of commits which contains the first “bad” commit if commits are skipped,
as described below).
But the git bisect
commands require that all of the commits in the range
be complete commits that provide full working
versions of the upstream project. However, many beginning git developers and
even many experienced developers don’t always create individual git commits
that build and pass all of the upstream project’s tests and therefore can
create false “bad” commits during the binary search. This can happen when
developers create intermediate “check-point” commits during the development
process but did not squash the intermediate commits together to create
cohesive working commits. This can also happen when experienced developers
have a set of what they believe are all working commits but do not actually
test all of the commits to know that they pass all of the upstream project’s
tests before pushing these commits to the main development branch. This lack
of detailed testing of each and every individual commit can give rise to false
“bad” commits which will result in git bisect
reporting the wrong first
“bad” commit.
Projects that use the tool to push sets of commits to the
main development branch have an advantage in the usage of git bisect
This is because the default mode of the
script is to amend
the top commit message with a summary of what was tested and therefore marks a
set of commits that are known to have more complete testing. For example, the
tool amends the top commit (after the final pull and
rebase by default) as shown in the following Trilinos commit:
commit 71ce56bd2d268922fda7b8eca74fad0ffbd7d807
Author: Roscoe A. Bartlett <>
Date: Thu Feb 19 12:04:11 2015 -0500
Define HAVE_TEUCHOSCORE_CXX11 in TeuchosCore_config.h
This makes TeuchosCore a good example for how Trilinos (or any TriBITS)
subpackages should put in an optional dependency on C++11.
Build/Test Cases Summary
Enabled Packages: TeuchosCore
Disabled Packages: [...]
0) MPI_DEBUG => passed: passed=44,notpassed=0 (2.61 min)
1) SERIAL_RELEASE => passed: passed=43,notpassed=0 (1.08 min)
Therefore, these special known-tested commits can be flagged by grepping the
git log -1 HEAD
output for the string "Build/Test Cases Summary"
. By
bisecting on these commits, one has a lower chance of encountering false “bad”
commits and has a higher chance of finding a smaller range of commits where
the first true “bad” commit might be found. To aid in performing git
and only checking
-tested commits, the tool is provided.
To demonstrate how the
tool can be used with
git bisect
, suppose that someone writes a customized script
that will build the upstream project and
the downstream customer’s code and then run a set of tests to see if the “bad”
behavior seen by the customer code is the current HEAD
version of the
upstream project. Assume this script is copied into the upstream project’s
local git repo using:
$ cd <upstream-repo>/
$ cp ~/ .
$ cat / >> .git/info/exclude
Now, one could use
directly with:
$ git bisect run ./
but that would result in testing all the commits which may have a high chance of producing false “bad” commits as described above and fail to correctly bracket the location of the true first “bad” commit.
So instead, one can write a filtered testing script
which calls
# Script:
if [ "$IS_CHECKIN_TESTED_COMMIT_RTN" != "0" ] ; then
exit 125 # Skip the commit because HEAD is not known to be tested!
./ # Rtn 0 "good", or [1, 124] if "bad"
The above test script
will skip the
testing of commits that are not marked by the
To demonstrate how to use the
script with
git bisect
, an example from Trilinos is used below. (Note that the
current Trilinos public repository may have been filtered so the commit SHA1s
shown below may not match what is in the current Trilinos repository. But one
can use the commit summary message, author, and author date to find the
updated SHA1s and then to update this example for the current repository.)
Consider a scenario where a customer application updates Trilinos from the commit:
d44c17d "Merge branch 'master' of"
Author: Roscoe A. Bartlett <>
Date: Tue May 26 12:43:25 2015 -0400
to the commit:
605b91b "Merge branch 'master' of"
Author: Vitus Leung <>
Date: Tue Sep 29 20:18:54 2015 -0600
and it is found that some critical feature broke or is not behaving acceptably
for the customer code (but all of the tests for Trilinos pass just fine).
This range of commits d44c17d..605b91b
gives 2257 commits to search as
shown by:
$ cd Trilinos/
$ git log-oneline d44c17d..605b91b | wc -l
However, as described above, it is likely that doing git bisect
on that
full set of 2257 commits may result in hitting false “bad” commits and
therefore result in a false bracketing of the first “bad” commit. This is
where the usage of the
tool helps which is used by many
(but not currently all) Trilinos developers to push changes to the Trilinos
‘master’ branch in the current single-branch workflow. The commits marked
with the
tool are known (with some caveats mentioned
below) to be working commits and for this the range of commits
yields 166 commits as shown by:
$ git log-oneline --grep="Build/Test Cases Summary" d44c17d..605b91b | wc -l
That is an average of 2257/166 = 13.6 commits between commits pushed with the
tool. So bisecting on just the commits marked by
should bound the “bad” commit in a set of 13.6 commits on
average. Bisecting on this set of 166 commits should likely give no false
“bad” commits, and therefore result in the correct bracketing of the first
“bad” commit.
Using the
shown above, one would
search for the first bad commit over this range using:
$ git bisect start 605b91b d44c17d
time git bisect run ./
and this would return the range of commits that contains the first “bad”
commit (listed at the end of git bisect log
output, see example below).
To provide a concrete example, suppose the commit that first introduced the
problem in the range of commits d44c17d..605b91b
83f05e8 "MueLu: stop semi-coarsening if no z-layers are left."
Author: Tobias Wiesner <>
Date: Wed Jul 1 14:54:20 2015 -0600
And instead of using the script
, we
use a dummy driver script
to simulate this which is
provided in the set of TriBITS documentation:
# Script:
# This script simulates a test script used with 'git bisect run <script>' to
# show how to use the script to skip commits that
# are not known to be tested with the script. To use this
# script, set the env variable DUMMY_TEST_COMMIT_BAD_SHA to the SHA1 of a
# commit that you are pretending is the bad commit in the range of commits
# <good-commit>..<bad-commit> and then run:
# git bisect <bad-commit> <good-commit>
# git bisect run ./
# This should result in git-bisect bounding the commits around
# $DUMMY_TEST_COMMIT_BAD_SHA. To see the sorted set of commits containing the
# first bad commit, run:
# git bisect log | grep "possible first bad commit"
if [ "$LOG_DUMMY_COMMIT" == "" ] ; then
echo "Commit is *before* bad commit $DUMMY_TEST_COMMIT_BAD_SHA!"
echo "Commit is or after *after* bad commit $DUMMY_TEST_COMMIT_BAD_SHA!"
# Skip the commit if not tested with script
if [ "$IS_CHECKIN_TESTED_COMMIT_RTN" != "0" ] ; then
exit 125 # Skip the commit because it was not known to be tested!
echo "Building the current version ..."
if [ "$LOG_DUMMY_COMMIT" == "" ] ; then
echo "Commit is *before* bad commit $DUMMY_TEST_COMMIT_BAD_SHA! so marking good!"
exit 0
echo "Commit is or *after* bad commit $DUMMY_TEST_COMMIT_BAD_SHA so marking bad!"
exit 1
This driver script allows one to simulate the usage of git bisect
understand how it works without having to actually build and test code. It is
a useful training and experimentation tool.
Using git bisect
(with git version 2.1.0) over the range of commits
searching for the first “bad” commit is done by running
the commands:
$ git bisect start 605b91b d44c17d
time git bisect run \
$TRIBITS_DIR/doc/developers_guide/scripts/ \
&> ../git_bisect_run.log
$ git2 bisect log &> ../git_bisect_log.log
$ cat ../git_bisect_log.log | grep "possible first bad commit" | \
sed "s/possible first bad commit://g" | sed "s/[a-z0-9]\{30\}\]/]/g"
$ git bisect reset
This set of commands yield the output:
Bisecting: 1128 revisions left to test after this (roughly 10 steps)
[9634d462dba77704b598e89ba69ba3ffa5a71471] Revert "Trilinos: remove _def.hpp [...]"
real 1m22.961s
user 0m57.157s
sys 3m40.376s
# [165067ce53] MueLu: SemiCoarsenPFactory. Use strided maps to properly transfer [...]
# [ada21a95a9] MueLu: refurbish LineDetectionFactory
# [83f05e8970] MueLu: stop semi-coarsening if no z-layers are left.
Previous HEAD position was 83f05e8... MueLu: stop semi-coarsening if no z-layers are left.
Switched to branch 'master'
This output shows the dummy bad commit 83f05e8 in a set of just 3 commits,
bounded in the set of commits 8b79832..165067c
165067c "MueLu: SemiCoarsenPFactory. Use strided maps to properly [...]."
Author: Tobias Wiesner <>
Date: Thu Jul 2 12:11:24 2015 -0600
8b79832 "Ifpack2: RBILUK: adding additional ETI types"
Author: Jonathan Hu <>
Date: Thu Jul 2 14:17:40 2015 -0700
The set of commits that were actually tested by git bisect run <script>
shown by:
$ cat ../git_bisect_log.log | grep "\(good:\|bad:\)" | sed "s/[a-z0-9]\{30\}\]/]/g"
# bad: [605b91b012] Merge branch 'master' of
# good: [d44c17d5d2] Merge branch 'master' of
# good: [7e13a95774] Ifpack2: If the user does not provide the bandwidth of the banded [...]
# bad: [7335d8bc92] MueLu: fix documentation
# bad: [9997ecf0ba] Belos::LSQRSolMgr: Fixed bug in setParameters.
# bad: [b6e0453224] MueLu: add a nightly test for the combination of semicoarsening [...]
# bad: [165067ce53] MueLu: SemiCoarsenPFactory. Use strided maps to properly [...]
# good: [3b5453962e] Ifpack2: Nuking the old ETI system
# good: [8b79832f1d] Ifpack2: RBILUK: adding additional ETI types
This is only 9 commits out of the possible set of 166
marked commits which is out of the total set of 2257 possible commits. With
just 9 build/test cycles, it bounded the first “bad” commit in a set of 3
commits in this case. And it does not matter how sloppy or broken the
intermediate commits are in Trilinos. All that matters is the usage of the
tool (another motivation for the usage of the
tool, see Pre-push Testing using for
others as well).
Note that above, we grep the output from git bisect log
for the set of
possible “bad” commits instead of just looking at the output from the git
bisect run <script>
command (which also lists the set of possible “bad”
commits). This is because the direct output from the git bisect run
command (shown in the log file git_bisect_run.log
) shows the
set of possible bad commits at the end of the output but they are unsorted and
give no other git commit information:
There are only 'skip'ped commits left to test.
The first bad commit could be any of:
We cannot bisect more!
bisect run cannot continue any more
The problem with unsorted commits is that it is difficult to use an unsorted
set to do further bisection. However, the output of the set of commits from
git bisect log
is sorted and also shows the commit summary message and
therefore is much more useful. (But note that older versions of git don’t
show this set of commits at the end of git bisect log
so make sure and use
an updated version of git, preferably >= 2.1.0.)
Now that one has the range of possible “bad” commits (just 3 in this example) doing a further manual bisection or even manual inspection of these commits may be enough to find the change that is causing the problem for the downstream customer application.
Without the usage of the
tool, one would not have an
automated way to ensure that git bisect
avoids false “bad” commits. This
allows for less experienced developers to create commits and push to the main
development branch but still ensure effective usage of git bisect
. (This
is another example where automated tools in TriBITS help to overcome lacking
developer experience and discipline.)
11.13 Multi-Repository Almost Continuous Integration
The tool can be used to the implement staged integration of the various repositories in a multi-repo TriBITS project (see Multi-Repository Support) . This is referred to here as Almost Continuous Integration (ACI). The basic concept of Almost Continuous Integration (ACI) is defined and described in the paper [Integration Strategies for CSE, 2009].
This topic is broken down into the following subsections:
ACI Introduction
The TriBITS system allows for setting up composite meta-builds of large collections of software pulled in from many different git/TriBITS code repositories as described in the section Multi-Repository Support. The tool is a key tool to enable the testing of a set of packages in different git/TriBITS repos before pushing to remote tracking branches for the set of git repos; all in one robust command invocation.
While the
tool was originally designed and its default
behavior is to test a set of local commits created by a developer before
pushing changes to one or more (public) git repos, it can also be used to set
up an Almost Continuous Integration (ACI) process to keep these various
git/TriBITS repos in sync thereby integrating the work of various disconnected
development teams and projects. To use the
tool for ACI
requires some setup and changing what the tool does a little by passing in
additional options that a regular developer typically never uses.
The following subsections describe how to use the tool to implement an ACI process for a given set of git/TriBITS repositories and also provides a little background and context behind ACI.
ACI Multi-Git/TriBITS Repo Integration Example
In order to set up the context for the ACI process, consider the following simple TriBITS project with two extra repositories:
Here, BaseProj
is the base TriBITS project/repository and ExtraRepo1
and ExtraRepo2
are extra repositories that supply additional TriBITS
packages that are appended to the TriBITS packages defined in BaseProj
(see <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake). Also, assume that
, ExtraRepo1
, and ExtraRepo2
are developed by three
different development teams that all have different funding sources and
different priorities so they tend not to work closely together or consider the
other efforts too much when developing their software. However, in this
example, there is great value in combining all of this software into a single
integrated TriBITS meta-project. This combined meta-build is driven by a 4th
integration/development team. In this case, the core developers for each of
these three different git/TriBITS repos do not test compatibility with the
other git/TriBITS repos when pushing commits to their own git/TriBITS repos.
This gives three different git repos on three different machines:
main repo: Pushed to by the core BaseProj
main repo: Pushed to by the core ExtraRepo1
main repo: Pushed to by the core ExtraRepo2
Because of the independent development processes of these three teams, unless these development teams maintain 100% backward compatibility w.r.t. the interfaces and behavior of the combined software, one cannot at any time pull the code from these three different git repos and expect to be able to successfully build all of the code and have all of the tests pass. Therefore, how does the 4th integration team expect to be able to build, test, and possibly extend the combined software? In this case, the integration team would set up their own clones of all three git/TriBITS repos on their own machine such as:
Integration project mirrored git repos:
Once an initial collaboration effort between the integration team and the
three other development teams is able to get a version of all three
git/TriBITS repos to work correctly in the combined meta-project, these
versions (assume the master
branches) would be pushed to the git repos on
the git integration server
. The state where the TriBITS packages
in the three different git/TriBITS repos in the master
branch on
all work together correctly constitutes the initial condition for
the ACI process described below. From that initial condition, the ACI
processes ensures that updates the master
branches for the git/TriBITS
repos on
do not break any builds or tests of the integrated
In order to describe how to set up an ACI process using the
tool, the following subsections will focus on the update
of the git/TriBITS ExtraRepo1
repo keeping the other two git/TriBITS repos
and ExtraRepo2
constant as the ACI use case.
ACI Local Sync Git Repo Setup
In order to set up an ACI process for the multi-git/TriBITS repo example outlined above, first local repos are created by cloning the repos on the integration server as follows (all of which become ‘origin’):
$ git clone
$ cd BaseProj
$ git clone
$ git clone
where, SYNC_BASE_DIR=~/sync_base_dir
for example, which must already be
Next, one defines a remote to pull changes for the ExtraRepo1
from the
main development repo:
$ cd $SYNC_BASE_DIR/BaseProj/ExtraRepo1 $ git remote add public
Here, one should pick a name for the remote repo for ExtraRepo1
that is
most descriptive for that particular situation. In this case, the name
is chosen to signify the main public development repo.
This gives the remotes:
$ cd $SYNC_BASE_DIR/BaseProj
$ gitdist remote -v | grep -v push | grep -v "^$"
*** Base Git Repo: BaseProj
origin (fetch)
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1
origin (fetch)
public (fetch)
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo2
origin (fetch)
The remote public
is used by the
wrapper script (see
ACI Sync Driver Script below) to pull and merge in additional changes that
will be tested and pushed to the ‘origin’ repos on
. In this
case, the ExtraRepo1
remote public
will result in updates being pulled
from the main development repo on
, thereby facilitating the
update of ExtraRepo1
in the integrated meta-project.
ACI Integration Build Directory Setup
After the git repos are cloned and the remotes are set up as described above, a build base directory is set up as:
$ mkdir BUILDS
An ACI wrapper script for
is created to drive the syncing
process. It is assumed that this script would be called only once a day and
not continuously in a loop (but that is possible as well but is not documented
NOTE: Other build directory structures are possible, it all depends how one
writes the
wrapper scripts but the above directory
structure is fairly standard in the usage of the
ACI Sync Driver Script
The sync driver script for this example should be called something like
, placed under version control, and would look something
#!/bin/bash -e
# Set up the environment (i.e. PATH; needed for cron jobs)
--extra-pull-from=ExtraRepo1:public:master \
--abort-gracefully-if-no-changes-to-push \
--enable-extra-packages=Package1A \
--send-build-case-email=only-on-failure \ \ \
--no-append-test-results --no-rebase \
--do-all --push \
-j16 \
--wipe-clean \
NOTE, in the above example
script, the variable
is set to a wrapper script:
which would be set up to call the project’s tool with
configure options for the specific machine. The location and the nature of
the wrapper script will vary from project to project and machine to machine.
In some simple cases, CHECKIN_TEST_WRAPPER
might just be set to be the raw
tool for the project.
A description of each option passed into this invocation of the tool is given below (see –help for more details):
This option instructs the
tool to pull and merge in commits that define the integration. One could do the pull(s) manually of doing so has the disadvantage that if they fail for some reason, they will not be seen by
tool and no notification email would go out.
The option
tool gracefully terminate without sending out any emails if after all the pulls, there are no local changes to push to the ‘origin’ repos. This can happen, for example, if no commits were pushed to the main development git repo forExtraRepo1
since the last time this sync process was run. This avoids getting confusing and annoying emails like"PUSH FAILED"
. The reason this option is not generally needed for local developer usage of
tool is that in general a developer will not run
tool with--push
unless they have made local changes; it just does not make any sense at all to do that and if they do by accident, they should get an error email. However, for an automated ACI sync process, there is no easy way to know a-priori if changes need to be synced so the script supports this option to deal with that case gracefully.
This option should be set if one wants to ensure that all commits get synced, even when these changes don’t impact the build or the tests of the project. If not setting
, then
tool will only decide on its own what packages to test just based on what packages have changed files in theExtraRepo1
repo and if no modified files map to a package, then no packages will be auto-enabled and therefore no packages will be enabled at all. For example, if a top-level README file in the baseExtraRepo1
repo gets modified that does not sit under a package directory, then the automatic logic in the tool will not trigger a package enable. In that case, no configure, build, testing, or push will take place (must run at least some tests in order to assume it is safe to push) and therefore the sync will not occur. Therefore, if one wants to ensure that every commit gets safely synced over on every invocation, then the safest way to that is to always enable at least one or more packages by specify--enable-extra-packages=<pkg0>,<pkg1>
. WARNING: it is not advisable to manually set--enable-packages=<package-list>
since it turns off the auto-enable logic for changed files. This is because if there are changes to other packages, then these packages will not get enabled and not get tested, which could break the global build and tests. Also, this is fragile if new packages are added toExtraRepo1
later that are not listed in--enable-packages=<pkg0>,<pkg1>,...
as they will not be included in the testing. Also, if someone makes local commits in other local git repos before running the sync script again, then these packages will not get enabled and tested. Therefore, in general, don’t set--enable-packages=<pkg0>,<pkg1>,...
in a sync script, only set--enable-extra-packages=<pkg0>,<pkg1>,...
to be robust and safe.
This makes the tool skip sending email about a build case (e.g.
) unless it fails. That way, if everything passes, then only a finalDID PUSH
email will go out. But if a build case does fail (i.e. configure, build, or tests fail), then an “early warning” email will still go out. However, if one wants to never get the early build-case emails, one can turn this off by setting--send-build-case-email=never
The results of the builds will be sent this email address. If you only want an email sent when a push actually happens, you can set
and rely on--send-email-to-on-push
A confirmation and summary email will be sent to this address if the push happens. This can be a different email address than set by the
option. It is highly recommended that a mail list be used for this email address since this will be the only more permanent logging of the ACI process.
--no-append-test-results --no-rebase
These options are needed to stop the
tool from modifying the commits being tested and pushed from one public git repo to another. The option--no-append-test-results
is needed to instruct
tool to NOT amend the last commit with the test results. The option--no-rebase
is needed to avoid rebasing the new commits pulled. While the default behavior of
tool is to amend the last commit message and rebase the local commits (which is considered best practice when testing local commits), this is a very bad thing to do when a ACI sync server is only testing and moving commits between public repos. Amending the last commit would change the SHA1 of the commit (just as a rebase would) and would fork the history and mess up a number of workflows that otherwise should work smoothly. Since an email logging what was tested will go out if a push happens due to the--send-email-to-on-push
argument, there is no value in appending the test results to the last commit pulled and merged (which will generally not be a merge commit but just a fast-forward). There are cases, however, where appending the test results in an ACI process might be acceptable but they are not discussed here.
--do-all --push -j16
These are standard options that always get used when invoking the
tool and need no further explanation.
This option is added if you want to make the sync server more robust to changes that might require a clean configure from script. If you care more about using less computer resources and testing that rebuilds work smoothly, remove this option.
The sync script can be created and tested locally to ensure that it works correctly first, before setting it as a cron job as described next. Also, the sync script should be version controlled in one of the project’s git repos. This ensures that changes to script pushed to the repos will get invoked automatically when they are pulled (but only on the second invocation of the script). If a change to script is critical in order to do the pull, then one must manually pull the updated commit to the local sync repo.
Note, if using this in a continuous sync server that runs many times in a day
in a loop, you also want to set the option
in addition to the option
. That is because if the updated
repos are in a broken state such that there are always local changes at every
CI iteration (because they have not been pushed to origin), you don’t want to
do a new CI build unless something has changed that would otherwise perhaps
make the error go away. That allows the CI server to sit ready to try out any
change that gets pulled that might allow the integrated build to work and then
push the updates.
ACI Cron Job Setup
Once the sync script
has been locally tested, then it
should be committed to a version control git repo and then run automatically
as a cron job. For example, the cron script shown below would fire off the
daily ACI process at 8pm local time every night:
# ----------------- minute (0 - 59)
# | -------------- hour (0 - 23)
# | | ----------- day of month (1 - 31)
# | | | -------- month (1 - 12)
# | | | | ----- day of week (0 - 7) (Sunday=0 or 7)
# | | | | |
# * * * * * command to be executed
00 20 * * * ~/sync_base_dir/ &> ~/sync_base_dir/sync_ExtraRepo1.out
In the above crontab file (set with 'crontab -e'
or 'crontab
), the script:
is assumed to be a soft symbolic link to some version controlled copy of the
ACI sync script. For example, it might make sense for this script to be
version controlled in the BaseProj
repo and therefore the symbolic link
would be created with something like:
$ cd ~/sync_base_dir/
$ ln -s BaseProj/sampleScripts/ .
Such a setup would ensure that sync scripts would always be up-to-date due to the git pulls part of the ACI process.
Addressing ACI Failures and Summary
After the above cron job starts running (setup described above), the
tool will send out emails to the email addresses passed
into the underlying
tool. If the emails report an update,
configure, build, or test failure, then someone will need to log onto the
machine where the ACI sync server is running and investigate what went wrong,
just like they would if they were running the
tool for
testing locally modified changes before pushing.
In the above example, only a single git/TriBITS repo is integrated in this ACI sync scripts. For a complete system, other ACI sync scripts would be written to sync the two other git/TriBITS repos in order to maintain some independence. Or, a single ACI sync script that tries to update all three git/TriBITS repos at could would be written and used. The pattern of integrations chosen will depend many different factors and these patterns can change over time according to current needs and circumstances.
In summary, the tool can be used to set up robust and effective Almost Continuous Integration (ACI) sync servers that can be used to integrate large collections of software in logical configurations at any logical frequency. Such an approach, together with the practice of Regulated Backward Compatibility and Deprecated Code, can allow very large collections of software to be kept integrated in short time intervals using ACI.
11.14 Post-Push CI and Nightly Testing using
While the post-push CI and Nightly testing processes using ctest -S
scripts using tribits_ctest_driver() (see TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver)
which posts results to a CDash server (see TriBITS CDash Customizations) is
a very attractive testing system with many advantages, setting up a CDash
server can be a bit difficult and a CDash server can require non-trivial
storage and CPU resources (due to the MySQL DB of test results) and requires
some amount of extra maintenance. As an intermediate approach, one can
consider just using the project’s tool to implement basic
post-push CI and/or Nightly testing servers using simple cron jobs and some
other helper scripts. The
tool will robustly pull new
commits, configure the project, build, run tests, and send out emails with
results and pass/fail. A bunch of builds can be run at once using multiple
builds specified in the --default-builds
, --st-extra-builds
, and
arguments, or different invocations of the
tool can be run in parallel for better machine
What one gives up with this approach over the full-blow CTest/CDash implementation is:
Test results over multiple builds/days are not archived in a database for later retrieval and query. Only the latest build’s detailed results are accessible.
Detailed test results (pass or fail) cannot be easily looked up on a website. Only detailed results from the last build can be found and one has to go to the machine where the build was run from to see the results.
The process for setting up a basic nightly build using
a cron job is a subset of the steps needed to set up a driver and cron job for
the more complex ACI process described in ACI Sync Driver Script and ACI
Cron Job Setup. Setting up a CI server using
is a
little more involved than setting up a nightly build (and less desirable
because it blows away old CI iteration results pretty fast) but can be done
using existing tools.
For smaller, private, less-critical projects with few developers, setting up
CI and Nightly testing using
may be quite adequate. In
fact, post-push testing processes implemented with
much more solid and feature-full than have been employed in many software
projects that we have seen over the years that were larger, more public, had
many developers, and were quite important to many users and development
11.15 TriBITS Dashboard Driver
TriBITS also includes a system based on CMake/CTest/CDash to drive the builds of a TriBITS project and post results to another CDash project. This system is contained under the directory:
If the TriBITS project name is <projectName>
, the TDD driver CDash project
is typically called <projectName>Driver
. Using CTest to drive the Nightly
builds of a TriBITS project makes sense because CTest can run different builds
in parallel, can time-out builds that are taking too long, and will report
results to a dashboard and submit notification emails when things fail.
However, this is the most confusing and immature part of the TriBITS system.
The TriBITS CTest/CDash Driver system using the tribits_ctest_driver()
can be used without this TriBITS Dashboard Driver (TDD) system.
However, this TriBITS subsystem is not well tested with automated tests, is difficult to extend and test manually, and has other problems. Therefore, it is not recommended that projects adopt the usage of this subsystem. A simple set of cron jobs or a tool like Jenkins is likely a better option (if done carefully).
11.16 Regulated Backward Compatibility and Deprecated Code
The motivation and ideas behind Regulated Backward Compatibility and deprecated code are described in the TriBITS Lifecycle Model document. Here, the details of the implementation in TriBITS are given and how transitions between non-backward compatible major versions is accomplished.
This section describes the process for deprecating code within a major backward-compatible version sequence and finally removing deprecated code when transitioning to a new major version X to X+1 for the semantic versioning numbering scheme X.Y.Z. This information is given as a process with different phases.
The processing for managing deprecated code is as follows and more details are given below:
Setting up support for deprecated code handling
Setting up support for managing deprecated code in a TriBITS package requires just two simple changes to the TriBITS-related files in a package. First, the top-level package <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file needs to have a call to:
Second, the package’s configure header:
file needs to have:
is the upper-case name of the TriBITS package.
That is all that is needed to provide support for TriBITS deprecated code.
When a TriBITS project is configured with:
by default, all packages will show deprecated warnings. These deprecated warnings can be turned on and off on a package-by-package basis by setting:
This gives developers and users a little extra control over what deprecated warnings are shown.
In addition, deprecated code can be hidden from the build to help certify that downstream code is clean by configuring with:
This will remove the deprecated code from the build and install (see details below) so that other software in the TriBITS project can be shown to build clean without deprecated code and so that outside client code can be shown to be clean of deprecated code.
As with deprecated warnings, showing or hiding deprecated code can be controlled on a package-by-package basis by setting:
In this case, hiding deprecated code on a package-by-package basis may not work because deprecated code in a downstream package might rely on deprecated code in an upstream package (which might have its deprecated code hidden).
Deprecating code but maintaining backward compatibility
One of the most important aspects of the TriBITS Lifecycle Model for later-stage Production Growth and Production Maintenance code is to provide backward compatibility between a continuous stream of versions of the software within a major version number X in the version numbering scheme X.Y.Z. In all cases, if a piece of client code builds and runs correctly against version X0.Y0.Z0, it should also build, without modification, against versions X0.Y1,Z1 for all Y1 >= Y0 and all Z1 and up to (but not including) X0+1.0.0. There are many types of constructs that one will want to deprecate and therefore later remove. When deprecating code, one wants to give users compile-time warnings of the usage of deprecated features so that they know what they need to remove. One also wants to allow them to certify that their code is free of deprecated warnings by hiding deprecated code. Below, the different types of entities that one wants to deprecate and how to support hiding code (which also facilitates removing it later) are described.
Deprecating C/C++ classes, structs, functions, typdefs, etc.
To deprecate standard C/C++ constructs, one can just use the standard TriBITS
compile-time macro <PACKAGE_UCNAME>_DEPRECATED
which is properly ifdefed
by the TriBITS system to add a GCC/Intel deprecated attribute or not. For
example, one would deprecate standard C/C++ constructs for the package
// Deprecate a class (or struct)
class SOMEPACKAGE_DEPRECATED SomeClass { ... };
// Deprecate a function
// Deprecate a typedef
SOMEPACKAGE_DEPRECATED typedef someTypeDef int;
The GCC (version 3.1 and newer) and Intel C and C++ compilers both support
adding extra attributes including the __deprecated__
attribute. When this
attribute is applied to a given C/C++ entity, it produces a compiler warning
that can be searched for in the compiler output and elevated to an error (when
is also passed to the compiler).
In addition to the basic deprecated warning, one can also add an optional
deprecated warning message using the macro
. For example, if a new function is
replacing an old function, one might use:
// Deprecated old unsafe function taking raw pointers
"Please use the safe somefunc(const Ptr<const std::string>&) instead!")
void somefunc(const std::string *str);
// New version take does not take raw pointers (and is therefore safer)
void somefunc(const Teuchos::Ptr<const std::string> &str);
Then, if user code calls the version somefunc(const std::string*)
will get the string:
"Please use the safe somefunc(const Ptr<const std::string>&) instead!"
printed as well by the compiler. Note that the custom message will only be printed for GCC versions 4.5 and newer. If an older version of GCC is used, then the message string is ignored.
Deprecating preprocessor macros
A C/C++ preprocessor macro is not an entity seen by the C/C++ compiler and
therefore cannot directly take advantage of a feature such as the
attribute of the GCC/Intel compilers. However, in some
cases, for function-like macros can such as:
// The definition of the macro
#define some_old_func_macro(ARG1, ARG2, ...) ...
// A use of the macro
some_old_func_macro(a, b, ...)
there is a strategy where one can define the macro to call a dummy deprecated function such as with:
inline void some_old_func_macro_is_deprecated()
// The definition of the macro
#define some_old_func_macro(ARG1, ARG2, ...) \
{ \
some_old_func_macro_is_deprecated(); \
... \
// A use of the macro
some_old_func_macro(a, b, ...)
In the above example, client code calling some_old_func_macro()
will now
result in a deprecated compiler warning which should make it clear what is
being deprecated.
Note that this approach will not work in cases were a macro is only providing a single value such as a constant (but one should not use macros for providing constants anyway).
Deprecating an entire header and/or source file
There are times when one wants to deprecate an entire set of files and all of the contents in those files. In addition to deprecating the contents of the files one will want to deprecate the entire file as well. There are a few steps to this. First, one wants to put a warning in the file such as:
#ifdef __GNUC__
# warning "This header <THIS_HEADER> is deprecated! Use <NEW_HEADER> instead!"
The above ifdef
on __GNUC__
is needed in order avoid the non-standard
preprocessor directive on non-compliant compilers (but should
work on all later version GCC and Intel compilers).
Hiding deprecated code to certify and facilitate later removal
In addition to adding deprecation warnings at preprocessing or compile-time, it is also highly desirable to allow the deprecated code to be removed from the build to help certify that client code indeed no longer needs the deprecated code. The following subsections describe how to hide deprecated code from existing files and how to hide deprecated files entirely.
Hiding C/C++ entities
In the case when various C/C++ entities will be removed from an existing file,
but the file will remain, then the deprecated code can be ifdefed out, for the
package SomePackage
for example, using:
// Deprecate a class (or struct)
class SOMEPACKAGE_DEPRECATED SomeClass { ... };
In this way, when the CMake variable SomePackae_HIDE_DEPRECATED_CODE=ON
then the deprecated code will be completely removed resulting in compile
errors for any downstream code still using them.
Hiding entire deprecated header and source files
In order to hide entire deprecated header and source files when the CMake
variable <PackageName>_HIDE_DEPRECATED_CODE=ON
is set, one needs to move
the headers and sources to another directory and provide for conditional
inclusion in the TriBITS build of the library. For example, suppose one wants
to remove support for the deprecated files SomeOldStuff.hpp
. In this case, one would move the files onto a new
sub-directory and then write the CMakeLists.txt
set(HEADERS "")
set(SOURCES "")
set_and_inc_dirs(DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
append_glob(HEADERS ${DIR}/*.hpp)
append_glob(SOURCES ${DIR}/*.cpp)
, then the
directory for the deprecated headers will not be in the include path (so
downstream clients will not even be able to see them) and they will not be
installed so external clients will not be able to see them either. However,
, then these files will be
included in the build and include path and downstream clients can use them.
Once these files need to be permanently removed, one just then needs to remove
them from the version control repository (i.e. git rm <files_to_remove>
and then remove them from the above CMakeLists.txt
Physically removing deprecated code
The final step in the code deprecation cycle is to actually remove the deprecated code. This is necessary to clean house, remove clutter and finally get the payoff in the reduction of technical debt that occurs when removing what is no longer needed or wanted.
It is recommended to remove deprecated files first, then remove deprecated file fragments from remaining files. Also, it is recommended to create git commits after each step.
It is also recommended that some time before deprecated code is actually
removed, that a TriBITS repo change the default of
from OFF
to ON
so that downstream
clients will see the effects of hiding the deprecated code before the code is
actually removed. In fact, this default should be changed several days to a
week or more before the code is actually removed. This way, downstream code
developers will get a “shock” about removal of the deprecated code but can
manually configure with -D<Project>_HIDE_DEPRECATED_CODE=OFF
to keep
building in the short-term until they can remove their usage of deprecated
Removing entire deprecated header and source files
To remove entire deprecated header and source files one just needs to first
remove them from the version control repository and local directories
(e.g. git rm deprecated/*
) and then remove any traces of them from the
file. For the example in Hiding entire deprecated header
and source files, one would just remove the files SomeOldStuff.hpp
from the CMakeLists.txt
file leaving:
Since more files may be deprecated later, it may be a good idea to leave the machinery for conditionally including deprecated files by leaving the above empty CMake code or just commenting it out.
To find which CMakeLists.txt
files need to be modified, do a search like:
$ find . -name CMakeLists.txt -exec grep -nH HIDE_DEPRECATED_CODE {} \;
After removing the files, create a local commit of the removed files and the
updated CMakeLists.txt
files before removing deprecated fragments from the
source files. In other words, do:
$ emacs -nw CMakeLists.txt # Remove the references to the deprecated files
$ git rm SomeOldStuff.hpp SomeOldStuff.cpp
$ git commit -m "Removing deprecated files"
Removing deprecated code from remaining files
The deprecated ifdefed blocks described in Hiding C/C++ entities can be
removed manually but it is generally preferred to use a tool. One simple tool
that can do this is called unifdef
, that can be downloaded and it is
documented at:
Just download, build, and install the program unifdef
in untarred source) and then run it as described below.
In the example below, assume the program is installed in the user’s home
directory under:
For a given TriBITS package, the program is then run as:
$ find . -name "*pp" -exec ~/install/bin/unifdef \
-DSomePackage_HIDE_DEPRECATED_CODE {} -o {} \;
After the above command runs, look at the diffs to make sure the ifdef deprecated code blocks were removed correctly. For example, run:
$ git diff -- .
If the diffs look correct, commit the changes:
$ git commit -m "Removing deprecated code blocks" -- .
Then test everything and push using the tool.
After that, all deprecated code is removed and the next period of incremental change and deprecation begins.
11.17 Installation and Backward Compatibility Testing
TriBITS has some built-in support for installation testing and backward compatibility testing. The way it works is that one can install the headers, libraries, and executables for a TriBITS project and then configure the tests and examples in the TriBITS project against the installed headers/libraries/executables. In this mode, the TriBITS project’s libraries and executables are not build and the header file locations to local source are not included.
When the same version of the project sources are used to build the tests/examples against the installed headers/libraries/executables, then this constitutes installation testing. When an older version of the project is used to build and run tests and examples against the headers/libraries/executables for a version of the project, then this constitutes backward compatibility testing which also includes installation testing of course.
11.18 Wrapping Externally Configured/Built Software
It is possible to take an external piece of software that uses any arbitrary
build system and wrap it as a TriBITS package and have it integrate in with
the package dependency infrastructure. The TribitsExampleProject package
shows how this can be done. Support for this in TriBITS is
slowly evolving but some key TriBITS features that have been added to support
the arbitrary case include:
tribits_determine_if_current_package_needs_rebuilt(): Uses brute-force searches for recently modified files in upstream packages to determine if the external piece of software needs to be rebuilt.
tribits_write_flexible_package_client_export_files(): Write an export makefile or a
file for usage by the wrapped externally configured and built software.
While it is possible to wrap nearly any externally configured and built piece
of software as a TriBITS package, in most cases, it is usually better to just
create a TriBITS build system for the software. For projects that use a raw
CMake build system, a TriBITS build system can be created side-by-side with
the existing raw CMake build using a number of approaches. The common approach
that is not too invasive is to create a CMakeLists.tribits.txt
file along
side every native CMakeLists.txt
file in the external software project and
have the native CMakeLists.txt
file defined like:
# Rest of native CMakeLists.txt file ...
Experience from the CASL VERA project has shown that, overall, there is less hassle, less work, and better portability when creating a native TriBITS build, even if it is a secondary build system for a given piece of software.
The decision whether to just wrap the build system for the existing software or to create a (secondary) TriBITS build system for it depends on a number of factors.
Note that while it is generally recommended to create a TriBITS build for an existing piece of software, it is generally not recommended with switch over all of the tests to use CTest (unless the existing software is going to ditch their current test driver and reporting system). Instead, the external software’s native test system can just be called by the wrapped TriBITS package in one or more CTest tests.
11.19 TriBITS directory snapshotting
Some TriBITS projects choose to snapshot the TriBITS/tribits/ directory
source tree into their project’s source tree, typically under
<projectDir>/cmake/tribits/. The independent TriBITS/tribts/
tree contains the tool
(calls that
allows one to update the snapshot of the TriBITS source tree as simply as:
$ cd <projectDir>/cmake/tribits/
$ <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/
This will create a git commit in the local <projectDir>/
git repo that
looks like:
Automatic snapshot commit from tribits at f8c1682
Origin repo remote tracking branch: 'casl-dev-collab/tribits_reorg_26'
Origin repo remote repo URL: 'casl-dev-collab = git@casl-dev:collaboration/TriBITS'
At commit:
f8c1682 Assert TriBITS min CMake version in TriBITS itself
Author: Roscoe A. Bartlett <>
Date: Fri Dec 5 05:40:49 2014 -0500
This, of course, assumes that <projectDir>/
is a local git repo (or is in
local git repo). If that is not the case, then one cannot use the script
or must use it with the --skip-commit
See –help for more details. Note the guidance on using a different branch for the snapshot sync followed by a merge. This allows for one to maintain local changes to TriBITS and use git to manage the merges. However, this will increase the changes of merge conflicts so one should consider just directly snapshotting into the master branch to avoid merge conflicts.
11.20 TriBITS Development Toolset
Most TriBITS projects need git, a compiler (e.g. GCC), MPI, and a number of
other standard TPLs and other tools in order to develop on and test the
project code. To this end, TriBITS contains some helper scripts for
downloading, configuring, building, and installing packages like git, cmake,
GCC, MPICH, and others needed to set up a development environment for a
typical computational science software project. These tools are used to set
up development environments on new machines for projects like Trilinos and
CASL VERA. Scripts with names like
are defined which pull
sources from public git repos then configure, build, and install into
specified installation directories.
The script is provided in the directory:
To use this script, one just needs to create some scratch directory like:
$ mkdir scratch
$ cd scratch/
then install the tools using, for example:
$ --install-dir=~/install/tribits_devtools \
--parallel=16 --do-all
Then to access installed development environment, one just needs to source the script:
and then the installed versions of GCC, MPICH, CMake, and gitdist are placed in one’s path.
See –help for more details.
12 TriBITS Detailed Reference Documentation
The following subsections contain detailed reference documentation for the
various TriBITS variables, functions, and macros that are used by TriBITS
projects that TriBITS Project Developers need to know about. Variables,
functions and macros that are used only internally in TriBITS are generally
not documented here (see the TriBITS *.cmake
source files).
12.1 TriBITS Global Project Settings
TriBITS defines a number of global project-level settings that can be set by
the user and can have their default determined by each individual TriBITS
project. If a given TriBITS project does not define its own default, a
reasonable default is set by the TriBITS system automatically. These options
are defined and are set, for the most part, in the internal TriBITS function
in the TriBITS
CMake code file TribitsGlobalMacros.cmake
which gets called inside of the
tribits_project() macro. That function and that file are the definitive
source the options that a TriBITS project takes and what the default values
are but we strive to document them here as well. Many of these global options
(i.e. cache variables) such as ${PROJECT_NAME}_<SOME_OPTION>
allow the
project to define a default by setting a local variable
either in its top-level CMakeLists.txt
file or in its
file (depends on what variable it is as to where it
is not set by
the project, then TriBITS provides a reasonable default value. The TriBITS
code that uses these defaults for this looks like:
advanced_set( ${PROJECT_NAME}_<SOME_OPTION>
CACHE BOOL "[documentation]."
is an option name, for example like
, and <someDefault>
is the default set by TriBITS if
the project does not define a default. In this way, if the project sets the
before this code executes,
will be used as the default
for the cache variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_<SOME_OPTION>
which, of course, can
be overridden by the user when calling cmake
in a number of ways.
Most of these global options that can be overridden externally by setting the
cache variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_<SOME_OPTION>
should be documented in the
Project-Specific Build Reference document. A generic version of this
document is found in TribitsBuildReference. Some of the more unusual
options that might only be of interest to developers mentioned below may not
be documented in TribitsBuildReference.
The global project-level TriBITS options for which defaults can be provided by a given TriBITS project are:
These options are described below.
The CMake cache variable
is used to define how some invalid TriBITS usage checks are handled. The valid values include ‘FATAL_ERROR’, ‘SEND_ERROR’, ‘WARNING’, and ‘IGNORE’. The default value is ‘FATAL_ERROR’ for a project when${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE=ON
, which is best for development mode for a project that currently has no invalid usage patterns. The default is ‘IGNORE’ when${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE=OFF
. But a project with some existing invalid usage patterns might want to set, for example, a default of ‘WARNING’ in order to allow for a smooth upgrade of TriBITS. To do so, set:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ASSERT_CORRECT_TRIBITS_USAGE_DEFAULT WARNING)in the project’s base <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file.
To set
a different default, set:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ASSERT_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES_DEFAULT <newDefault>)in the project’s base <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file, where
Otherwise, the default is
and ifIGNORE
The variable
is used define the C standard pass to the compiler in--std=<cstd>
for GCC builds of the project. TriBITS sets the default asc99
but the project can set a new default in the project’s base <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file with, for example:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_C_Standard_DEFAULT c11)
The variable
determines how unparsed and otherwise ignored arguments are handled in TriBITS functions that are called by the client TriBITS projects. These are arguments that are left over from parsing input options to functions and macros that take both positional arguments and keyword arguments/options handled with thecmake_parse_arguments()
function. For example, for the a TriBITS function declared like:tribits_copy_files_to_binary_dir( <targetName> [SOURCE_FILES <file1> <file2> ...] [SOURCE_DIR <sourceDir>] ... )the arguments
SOURCE_FILES <file1> <file2> ...
and those that follow are parsed by thecmake_parse_arguments()
function while the argument<targetName>
is a positional argument. The problem is that any arguments passed between the first<targetName>
argument and the specified keyword arguments likeSOURCE_FILES
are returned as unparsed arguments and are basically ignored (which is what happened in earlier versions of TriBITS). For example, calling the function as:tribits_copy_files_to_binary_dir( FooTestCopyFiles ThisArgumentIsNotParsedAndIsIgnored SOURCE_FILES file1.cpp file2.cpp ... ... )would result in the unparsed argument
.The value of
determines how that ignored argument is handled. If the value isWARNING
, then it will just result in amessage(WARNING ...)
command that states the warning but configure is allowed to be completed. This would be the right value to allow an old TriBITS project to keep configuring until the warnings can be cleaned up. If the value isSEND_ERROR
, thenmessage(SEND_ERROR ...)
is called. This will result in the configure failing but will allow configure to continue until the end (or aFATAL_ERROR
is raised). This would be the right value when trying to upgrade a TriBITS project where you wanted to see all of the warnings when upgrading TriBITS (so you could fix them all in one shot). Finally, the value ofFATAL_ERROR
will result inmessage(FATAL_ERROR ...)
being called which will halt configure right away. This is the best value when developing on a TriBITS project that is already clean but you want to catch new developer-inserted errors right away.The default value for
, so that it will be backward compatible for TriBITS projects that might have previously undetected unparased and therefore ignored argument . However, a project can change the default by setting, for example:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_CHECK_FOR_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS_DEFAULT FATAL_ERROR)in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file.
The user of a TriBITS project should not be able to trigger this unparsed arguments condition so this variable is not documented in the TriBITS Build Reference. But it is still a CMake cache var that is documented in the CMakeCache.txt file and can be set by the user or developer if desired.
The variable
is used to define the absolute path to a file (or a list of files) that should be included after the files listed in${PROJECT_NAME}_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE
. This variable can be used by the TriBITS project to define, for example, a standard set of development environments in the base <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file with:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE_APPEND_DEFAULT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/StdDevEnvs.cmake")before the tribits_project() command. By including this file(s) after the file(s) listed in
, the user can override the variables set in this appended file(s). But it is important that these variables best set after the users options have been set but before the Package and TPL dependency analysis is done (because this might enable or disable some TPLs).
The variable
determines the CPack source generation types that are created when thepackage_source
target is run. The TriBITS default is set toTGZ
. However, this default can be overridden by setting, for example:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR_DEFAULT "TGZ;TBZ2")This variable should generally be set in the file:
<projectDir>/cmake/CallbackDefineProjectPackaging.cmakeinstead of in the base-level
file so that it goes along with rest of the project-specific CPack packaging options.
The variable
determines if the CTest driver scripts using tribits_ctest_driver() configure, build, test and submit results to CDash all-at-once for all of the packages being tested or if instead is done package-by-package. Currently, the default is set toFALSE
for the package-by-package mode (for historical reasons) but the default can be set toTRUE
in the project’s <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file. (This default must be changed in the
file and NOT the <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file because the latter is not directly processed in CTest -S driver scripts usingtribits_ctest_driver()
.)In general, a project should change the default to
when using a newer CDash installation with CDash versions 3.0+ that can accommodate the results coming from ctest -S and display them package-by-package very nicely. Otherwise, most projects are better off with package-by-package mode since it results in nicer display on CDash for older CDash versions.
If ${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES=ON (the TriBITS default value), then any explicitly enabled packages that have disabled upstream required packages or TPLs will be disabled. If ${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES=OFF, then an configure error will occur. For more details also see TribitsBuildReference and Disables trump enables where there is a conflict. A project can define a different default value by setting:
is set toON
, then allST
packages will be elevated toPT
packages. The TriBITS default is obviouslyOFF
. The default can be changed by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ELEVATE_ST_TO_PT_DEFAULT ON)There are projects, especially meta-projects, where the distinction between
code is not helpful or the assignment ofPT
packages in a repository is not appropriate with respect to the outer meta-project. An example project like this CASL VERA. Changing the default toON
allows any and packages to be considered in pre-push testing.
, then CPack support is enabled and some TriBITS code is run that is needed to set up data-structures that are used by the built-in CMake targetpackage_source
. The TriBITS default isOFF
with the idea that the average developer or user will not be wanting to create source distributions with CPack. However, this default can be changed by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_CPACK_PACKAGING_DEFAULT ON)
, then C++ language support for the project will be enabled and the C++ compiler must be found. By default, TriBITS sets this toON
for all systems. A project never requires C++ can set this to off by default by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_CXX_DEFAULT FALSE)
, then C language support for the project will be enabled and the C compiler must be found. By default, TriBITS sets this toON
for all systems. A project never requires C can set this to off by default by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_C_DEFAULT FALSE)
If a project does not have any native C code a good default would be:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_C_DEFAULT FALSE)NOTE: It is usually not a good idea to always force off C, or any compiler, because extra repositories and packages might be added by someone that might require the compiler and we don’t want to unnecessarily limit the generality of a given TriBITS build. Setting the default for all platforms should be sufficient.
The variable
switches the TriBITS project from development mode to release mode. The default for this variable${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_DEFAULT
should be set in the project’s <projectDir>/Version.cmake file and switched fromON
when creating a release (see Project and Repository Versioning and Release Mode). When${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE
, several other variables are given defaults appropriate for development mode. For example,${PROJECT_NAME}_ASSERT_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES
is set toFATAL_ERROR
by default in development mode but is set toIGNORE
by default in release mode. In addition, strong compiler warnings are enabled by default in development mode but are disabled by default in release mode. This variable also affects the behavior of tribits_set_st_for_dev_mode().
, then Fortran support for the project will be enabled and the Fortran compiler(s) must be found. By default, TriBITS sets this toON
.If a project does not have any native Fortran code a good default would be:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran_DEFAULT OFF)This default can be set in <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake or <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt.
On WIN32 systems, the default for
is set toOFF
since it can be difficult to get a Fortran compiler for native Windows.Given that a native Fortran compiler is not supported by default on Windows and on most Mac OSX systems, projects that have optional Fortran code may decide to set the default depending on the platform by setting, for example:
if ( (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) OR (CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Darwin") ) message(STATUS "Warning: Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran=OFF by default" " because this is Windows (not cygwin) and we assume to not have Fortran!") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran_DEFAULT OFF) else() set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_Fortran_DEFAULT ON) endif()NOTE: It is usually not a good idea to always force off Fortran, or any compiler, because extra repositories and packages might be added by someone that might require the compiler and we don’t want to unnecessarily limit the generality of a given TriBITS build. Setting the default for all platforms should be sufficient.
is set toON
, then<PackageName>Config.cmake
files are created at configure time in the build tree and installed into the install tree. These files are used by external CMake projects to pull in the list of compilers, compiler options, include directories and libraries. The TriBITS default isOFF
but a project can change the default by setting, for example:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_INSTALL_CMAKE_CONFIG_FILES_DEFAULT ON)A project would want to leave off the creation and installation of
files if it was only installing and providing executables (see ${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_LIBRARIES_AND_HEADERS). However, if it is wanting to provide libraries for other projects to use, then it should turn on the default generation of these files.
, then packages and subpackages marked asST
in the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file will be implicitly enabled along with thePT
packages. Additional code and tests may also be enabled using this option. The TriBITS default isOFF
but this can be changed by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE_DEFAULT ON)in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file.
, then the directories for subpackages that are not enabled are left out of the source tarball. This reduces the size of the tarball as much as possible but does require that the TriBITS packages and subpackages be properly set up to allow disabled subpackages from being excluded. The TriBITS default isTRUE
, then the data-structures needed to generate<PackageName>Config.cmake
files are created. These data structures are also needed in order to generate export makefiles on demand using the function tribits_write_flexible_package_client_export_files(). The default in TriBITS is to turn thisON
. Else, by default, TriBITS sets this toOFF
. The only reason for the project to override the default is to set it toON
as with:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_EXPORT_FILE_DEPENDENCIES_DEFAULT ON)is so that the necessary data-structures are generated in order to use the function tribits_write_flexible_package_client_export_files().
, then the filesVersionDate.cmake
will get generated and the generated file<RepoName>_version_date.h
will get installed for each TriBITS version-controlled repository when the local directories are git repositories. The default isOFF
but the project can change that by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_VERSION_DATE_FILES ON)in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file.
, then the file<Project>RepoVersion.txt
will get generated as a byproduct of configuring with CMake. See Multi-Repository Support and <Project>_GENERATE_REPO_VERSION_FILE. The default isOFF
but the project can change that by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_REPO_VERSION_FILE_DEFAULT ON)in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file.
Note that if a
exectauble cannot be found at configure time, then the default${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_REPO_VERSION_FILE_DEFAULT
will be overridden toOFF
in the cache andgit
can’t be found, then an configure-time error will occur.
By default, include directories from IMPORTED library targets from the TriBITS project’s installed
files will be consideredSYSTEM
headers and therefore be included on the compile lines of downstream CMake projects with-isystem
with most compilers. However, if${PROJECT_NAME}_IMPORTED_NO_SYSTEM
is set toON
(only supported for CMake versions 3.23 or greater), then all of the IMPORTED library targets exported into the set of installed<Package>Config.cmake
files will have theIMPORTED_NO_SYSTEM
property set. This will cause downstream customer CMake projects to apply the include directories from these IMPORTED library targets as non-system include directories. On most compilers, that means that the include directories will be listed on the compile lines with-I
instead of with-isystem
. (See more details in the TriBITS Build Reference for<Project>_IMPORTED_NO_SYSTEM
.)The default value set by TriBITS itself is
but a TriBITS project can change the default value toON
by adding:if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.23) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_IMPORTED_NO_SYSTEM_DEFAULT ON) endif()in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file. (NOTE: The above
statement ensures that a configure error will not occur if a version of CMake less than 3.23 is used. But if the TriBITS project minimum CMake version is 3.23 or greater, then the aboveif()
statement guard can be removed.)
is set toON
, then any defined libraries or header files that are listed in calls to tribits_add_library() or tribits_install_headers() will be installed (unless options are passed into tribits_add_library() that disable installs). If set toOFF
, then headers and libraries will not be installed by default and onlyINSTALLABLE
executables added with tribits_add_executable() will be installed. However, as described in TribitsBuildReference, shared libraries will always be installed if enabled since they are needed by the installed executables.For a TriBITS project that is primarily delivering libraries (e.g. Trilinos), then it makes sense to leave the TriBITS default which is
or explicitly set:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_LIBRARIES_AND_HEADERS_DEFAULT ON)For a TriBITS project that is primarily delivering executables (e.g. VERA), then it makes sense to set the default to:
Determines the permissions for directories and files created during the execution of the of the
targets.To make the created directories by only group readable for the project by default, set:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_MAKE_INSTALL_WORLD_READABLE_DEFAULT TRUE)To make the created directories by only group writable (and readable) for the project by default, set:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_MAKE_INSTALL_WORLD_WRITABLE_DEFAULT TRUE)To make the created directories by world readable for the project by default, set:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_MAKE_INSTALL_WORLD_READABLE_DEFAULT TRUE)On non-Windows systems, these set permissions for all files and directories from the the user-set base directory
on down. For more details see Installation considerations.These defaults can be set in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file.
Determines if all of the libraries listed in
for a given TPL must be found for each enabled TPL. By default, this isFALSE
which means that the determination if all of the listed libs for a TPL should be found is determined by theMUST_FIND_ALL_LIBS
option to the tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries() function in the TPL find module. To change the default for this, set:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_MUST_FIND_ALL_TPL_LIBS_DEFAULT TRUE)in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file.
Determines the version of Python that is looked for. TriBITS requires at least version “3.6”. A particular TriBITS project can require a higher version of TriBITS and this is set using, for example:
in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file (See Python Support). The user can force a more recent version of Python by configuring with, for example:
-D <Project>_Python3_FIND_VERSION="3.8"
If the TriBITS project requires Python, set:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_REQUIRES_PYTHON TRUE)in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file (See Python Support). The default is implicitly
The cache variable
is used to define the default RPATH mode for the TriBITS project (see Setting install RPATH for details). The TriBITS default is to set this toTRUE
but the TriBITS project can be set the default toFALSE
by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_SET_INSTALL_RPATH_DEFAULT FALSE)in the project’s <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file (see RPATH Handling).
The cache variable
results in the repo version file showing the parent commits for each repo commit. By default, this variable is set toOFF
but projects can set to toON
by default by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_SHOW_GIT_COMMIT_PARENTS_DEFAULT ON)in the project’s
file. (That way, it will also impactcmake -P
scripts don’t configure the project itself to be built.)
The cache variable
determines if the start and end date/time for each advanced test (i.e. added with tribits_add_advanced_test()) is printed or not with each test. If set toTRUE
this also causes in the timing for eachTEST_<IDX>
block to be printed as well. The TriBITS default isOFF
but a TriBITS project can change this default by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_SHOW_TEST_START_END_DATE_TIME_DEFAULT ON)The implementation of this feature currently uses
and therefore will work on many (but perhaps not all) Linux/Unix/Mac systems and not on Windows systems.NOTE: In a future version of CTest, this option may turn on start and end date/time for regular tests added with tribits_add_test() (which uses a raw command with
To change the default value of the
, for example, for a TriBITS project, set:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_SKIP_INSTALL_PROJECT_CMAKE_CONFIG_FILES_DEFAULT TRUE)in the project’s <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt or <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake files.
The cache variable
is set in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file as:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_SKIP_EXTRAREPOS_FILE TRUE)for projects that don’t have a <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file. This variable needs to be set when using the CTest driver script and does not need to be set for the basic configure and build process.
The cache variable
determines what tests defined using tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test() will be added forctest
to run (see Test Test Category). The TriBITS default isNIGHTLY
for a standard local build. The tool sets this toBASIC
by default. A TriBITS project can override the default for a basic configure using, for example:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES_DEFAULT BASIC)The justification for having the default Test Test Category be
instead ofBASIC
is that when someone is enabling a package to develop on it or install it, we want them by default to be seeing the full version of the test suite (shy of the Test Test Category HEAVY tests which can be very expensive) for the packages they are explicitly enabling. Typically they will not be enabling forward/downstream dependent packages so the cost of running the test suite should not be too prohibitive. This all depends on how good of a job the development teams do in making their test suites run fast and keeping the cost of running the tests down. See the section TriBITS Automated Testing for a more detailed discussion.
is set toTRUE
, then theSYSTEM
flag will be passed into theinclude_directories()
command for TPL include directories for every TPL for every package, by default. On some systems this will result in include directories being passed to the compiler with-isystem
instead of-I
. This helps to avoid compiler warning coming from TPL header files for C and C++. However, with CMake version 3.2 and less, this also results in-isystem
being passed to the Fortran compiler (e.g. gfortran) as well. This breaks the reading of Fortran module files (perhaps a bug in gfortran). Because of this issue with Fortran, the TriBITS default for this option is set toFALSE
but a project can override the default using:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_TPL_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRS_DEFAULT TRUE)(This would be a good default if the project has not Fortran files or has not Fortran files that use modules provided by TPLs).
However, if a package or subpackage sets:
files before thetribits_add_library()
commands are called in that package, thenSYSTEM
will not be passed intoinclude_directories()
for TPL include dirs. This is how some TriBITS packages with Fortran files that use Fortran modules avoid passing in-isystem
to the Fortran compiles and thereby avoid the defect with gfortran described above. If CMake version 3.3 or greater is used, this variable is not required.NOTE: Currently, a TriBITS package must have a direct dependency on a TPL to have
added to a TPL’s include directories on the compile lines for that package. That is, the TPL must be listed in theLIB_REQUIRED_TPLS
arguments passed into the tribits_package_define_dependencies() function in the package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file. In addition, to have-isystem
added to the include directories for a TPL when compiling the tests for an package, it must be listed in theTEST_REQUIRED_TPLS
arguments. This is a limitation of the TriBITS implementation that will be removed in a future version of TriBITS.
is set toTRUE
, then a single line will be printed for each call to tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test() for if the test is added or not and if not then why. The default is set based on the value of${PROJECT_NAME}_VERBOSE_CONFIGURE
but a project can override the default by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_TRACE_ADD_TEST_DEFAULT TRUE)
is set toTRUE
, then the default install paths will be determined by the standard CMake moduleGNUInstallDirs
. Otherwise, platform independent install paths are used by default.A project can use the paths given the cmake module
by default by setting:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_USE_GNUINSTALLDIRS_DEFAULT TRUE)in the project’s top-level <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file or its <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file. The default is
If the TriBITS project can use Python, but does not require it, set:
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_USES_PYTHON TRUE)in the <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file (see Python Support). The default for a TriBITS project is implicitly
. To explicitly state that Python is never needed, set:set(${PROJECT_NAME}_USES_PYTHON FALSE)
The cache variable
is a built-in CMake variable that provides a default timeout for all tests (see Setting test timeouts at configure time). By default, TriBITS defines this to be 1500 seconds (which is also the raw CMake default) but the project can change this default, from 1500 to 300 for example, by setting the following in the project’s <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake or <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file:set(DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT 300)
The cache variable
is a built-in CMake variable that determines if the paths for external libraries (i.e. from TPLs) is put into the installed library RPATHS (see RPATH Handling). TriBITS sets the default for this toTRUE
but a project can change the default back toFALSE
by setting the following in the project’s <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file:set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH_DEFAULT FALSE)
The variable
gives the maximum number of processes for an MPI test that will be allowed as defined by tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test(). The TriBITS default is set to be4
(for no good reason really but it needs to stay that way for backward compatibility). This default can be changed by setting:set(MPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS_DEFAULT <newDefaultMax>)While this default can be changed for the project as a whole on all platforms, it is likely better to change this default on a machine-by-machine basis to correspond to the load that can be accommodated by a given machine (or class of machines). For example if a given machine has 64 cores, a reasonable number for
is 64.
Determines how the function tribits_deprecated() behaves. To change the default behavior, such as call
message(FATAL_ERROR ...)
, set:set(TRIBITS_HANDLE_TRIBITS_DEPRECATED_CODE_DEFAULT FATAL_ERROR)in the project’s <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake file, or <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file, or on the individual package basis in its <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file.
12.2 TriBITS Macros and Functions
The following subsections give detailed documentation for the CMake macros and
functions that make up the core TriBITS system. These are what are used by
TriBITS project developers in their CMakeLists.txt
and other files. All
of these functions and macros should be automatically available when
processing the project’s and package’s variables files if used properly.
Therefore, no explicit include()
statements should be needed other than
the initial include of the TriBITS.cmake
file in the top-level
<projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file so the command tribits_project() can be
Function that creates an advanced test defined by stringing together one or
more executable and/or command invocations that is run as a cmake -P
script with very flexible pass/fail criteria.
TEST_0 (EXEC <execTarget0> | CMND <cmndExec0>) ...
[TEST_1 (EXEC <execTarget1> | CMND <cmndExec1>) ...]
[TEST_N (EXEC <execTargetN> | CMND <cmndExecN>) ...]
[KEYWORDS <keyword1> <keyword2> ...]
[COMM [serial] [mpi]]
[OVERALL_NUM_MPI_PROCS <overallNumProcs>]
[OVERALL_NUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED <overallNumTotalCoresUsed>]
[CATEGORIES <category0> <category1> ...]
[HOST <host0> <host1> ...]
[XHOST <host0> <host1> ...]
[HOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...]
[XHOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...]
[EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TRUE <varname0> <varname1> ...]
[DISABLED <messageWhyDisabled>]
[ENVIRONMENT <var1>=<value1> <var2>=<value2> ...]
[TIMEOUT <maxSeconds>]
This function allows one to add a single CTest test that is actually a sequence of one or more separate commands strung together in some way to define the final pass/fail. One will want to use this function to add a test instead of tribits_add_test() when one needs to run more than one command, or one needs more sophisticated checking of the test result other than just grepping STDOUT (e.g. by running separate post-processing programs to examine output files).
For more details on these arguments, see TEST_<idx> EXEC/CMND Test Blocks and Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test()).
The most common type of an atomic test block TEST_<idx>
runs a command
as either a package-built executable or just any command. An atomic test
command block TEST_<idx>
(i.e. TEST_0
, TEST_1
, …) takes the
| CMND <cmndExec>)
[ARGS "<arg0>" "<arg1>" ... "<argn>"]
[MESSAGE "<message>"]
[NUM_MPI_PROCS <numProcs>]
[NUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED <numTotalCoresUsed>]
[OUTPUT_FILE <outputFile>]
| PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
| PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_ALL "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
[FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...]
For more information on these arguments, see TEST_<idx> EXEC/CMND Test Blocks and Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test()).
The other type of TEST_<idx>
block supported is for copying files and
takes the form:
COPY_FILES_TO_TEST_DIR <file0> <file1> ... <filen>
[SOURCE_DIR <srcDir>]
[DEST_DIR <destDir>]
This makes it easy to copy files from the source tree (or other location) to
inside of the test directory (usually created with OVERALL_WORKING_DIR
) so that tests can run in their own private working directory
(and so these files get deleted and recopied each time the test runs). This
approach has several advantages:
One can modify the input files and then just run the test with
in an iterative manner (and not have to configure again when usingconfigure_file( ... COPYONLY)
or build again when usingtribits_copy_files_to_binary_dir()
in order to copy files).When using
, the test directory gets blow away every time before it runs and therefore any old files are deleted before the test gets run again (which avoids the problem of having a test pass looking for the old files that will not be there when someone configures and builds from scratch).
For more information on these arguments, see TEST_<idx> COPY_FILES_TO_TEST_DIR Test Blocks and Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test()).
By default, each and every atomic TEST_<idx>
block needs to pass (as
defined in Test case Pass/Fail (tribits_add_advanced_test())) in order
for the overall test to pass.
Finally, the test is only added if tests are enabled for the package
) and if other criteria are
met (see Overall Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test())). (NOTE: A more
efficient way to optionally enable tests is to put them in a test/
subdir and then include that subdir with tribits_add_test_directories().)
TEST_<idx> EXEC/CMND Test Blocks and Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test())
TEST_<idx> COPY_FILES_TO_TEST_DIR Test Blocks and Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test())
Setting Additional Test Properties (tribits_add_advanced_test())
Running multiple tests at the same time (tribits_add_advanced_test())
Debugging and Examining Test Generation (tribits_add_advanced_test())
Using tribits_add_advanced_test() in non-TriBITS CMake projects
Overall Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test())
Below, some of the overall arguments are described. The rest of the overall
arguments that control overall pass/fail are described in Overall Pass/Fail
(tribits_add_advanced_test()). (NOTE: All of these arguments must be
listed outside of the TEST_<idx>
blocks, see Argument Parsing and
Ordering (tribits_add_advanced_test())).
The base name of the test (which will have
prepended to the name, see <testName> below) that will be used to name the output CMake script file as well as the CTest test name passed intoadd_test()
. This must be the first argument to this function. The name is allowed to contain ‘/’ chars but these will be replaced with ‘__’ in the overall working directory name and the ctest -P script (Debugging and Examining Test Generation (tribits_add_advanced_test())).
If specified, then the working directory
(relative or absolute path) will be created and all of the test commands by default will be run from within this directory. If the value<overallWorkingDir>=TEST_NAME
is given, then the working directory will be given the name<testName>
where any ‘/’ chars are replaced with ‘__’. By default, if the directory<overallWorkingDir>
exists before the test runs, it will be deleted and created again. If one wants to preserve the contents of this directory between test runs then setSKIP_CLEAN_OVERALL_WORKING_DIRECTORY
. Using a separate test directory is a good option to use if the commands create intermediate files and one wants to make sure they get deleted before the test cases are run again. It is also important to create a separate test directory if multiple tests are defined in the sameCMakeLists.txt
file that read/write files with the same name.
If specified, then
will not be deleted if it already exists.
If specified, then the remaining test commands will be aborted when any test command fails. Otherwise, all of the test cases will be run.
If specified, then no other tests will be allowed to run while this test is running. See the
argument in the function tribits_add_test() for more details.
COMM [serial] [mpi]
If specified, selects if the test will be added in serial and/or MPI mode. See the
argument in the function tribits_add_test() for more details.
If specified, gives the default number of MPI processes that each executable command runs on. If
is greater than${MPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS}
then the test will be excluded. If not specified, then the default number of processes for an MPI build will be${MPI_EXEC_DEFAULT_NUMPROCS}
. For serial builds, this argument is ignored. For MPI builds with allTEST_<idx> CMND
is used to set the propertyPROCESSORS
. (see Running multiple tests at the same time (tribits_add_advanced_test())). WARNING! If just running a serial script or other command, then the propertyPROCESSORS
will still get set to${OVERALL_NUM_MPI_PROCS}
so in order to avoid CTest unnecessarily reserving${OVERALL_NUM_MPI_PROCS}
processes for a serial non-MPI test, then one must leave offOVERALL_NUM_MPI_PROCS
or explicitly pass inMPI_EXEC_DEFAULT_NUMPROCS 1
Used for
if missing in aTEST_<idx>
CATEGORIES <category0> <category1> ...
Gives the Test Test Categories for which this test will be added. See tribits_add_test() for more details.
HOST <host0> <host1> ...
The list of hosts for which to enable the test (see tribits_add_test()).
XHOST <host0> <host1> ...
The list of hosts for which not to enable the test (see tribits_add_test()).
HOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...
The list of host types for which to enable the test (see tribits_add_test()).
XHOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...
The list of host types for which not to enable the test (see tribits_add_test()).
EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TRUE <varname0> <varname1> ...
If specified, gives the names of CMake variables that must evaluate to true, or the test will not be added (see tribits_add_test()).
DISABLED <messageWhyDisabled>
is non-empty and does not evaluate to FALSE by CMake, then the test will be added by ctest but theDISABLED
test property will be set (see tribits_add_test()).
ENVIRONMENT "<var1>=<value1>" "<var2>=<value2>" ...
.If passed in, the listed environment variables will be set by CTest before calling the test. This is set using the built-in CTest test property
. Note, if the env var values contain semi-colons';'
, then replace the semi-colons';'
with another separator'<sep>'
and pass inLIST_SEPARATOR <sep>
will be replaced with';'
at point of usage. If the env var values contain any spaces, also quote the entire variable/value pair as"<vari>=<valuei>"
. For example, the env var and valuemy_env_var="arg1 b;arg2;I have spaces"
would need to be passed as"my_env_var=arg1 b<sep>arg2<sep>I have spaces"
TIMEOUT <maxSeconds>
If passed in, gives maximum number of seconds the test will be allowed to run before being timed-out and killed (see Setting timeouts for tests (tribits_add_test())). This is for the full CTest test, not individual
String used as placeholder for the semi-colon char
in order to allow pass-through. For example, if arguments to theARGS
need to use semi-colons, then replace';'
(for example) such as with"somearg=arg1<semicolon>arg2"
, then at the point of usage,'<semicolon>'
will be replaced with';'
and it will be passed to the final command as"somearg=arg1;arg2"
(with as many preceding escape backslashes'\'
in front of';'
as is needed for the given usage context).
If specified, then on output the variable
will be set with the name of the test passed toadd_test()
. Having this name allows the callingCMakeLists.txt
file access and set additional test properties (see Setting additional test properties (tribits_add_advanced_test())).
TEST_<idx> EXEC/CMND Test Blocks and Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test())
Each test general command block TEST_<idx>
runs either a package-built
test executable or some general command executable and is defined as either
EXEC <exeRootName>
or an arbitrary command CMND <cmndExec>
with the
is specified, then<exeRootName>
gives the root name of an executable target that will be run as the command. The full executable name and path is determined in exactly the same way it is in the tribits_add_test() function (see Determining the Executable or Command to Run (tribits_add_test())). If this is an MPI build, then the executable will be run with MPI usingNUM_MPI_PROCS <numProcs>
(orOVERALL_NUM_MPI_PROCS <overallNumProcs>
is not set for this test case). If the maximum number of MPI processes allowed is less than this number of MPI processes, then the test will not be run. Note thatEXEC <exeRootName>
are specified is basically equivalent toCMND <cmndExec>
except that in an MPI build,<exeRootName>
is always run using MPI. In this case, one can pass in<exeRootName>
to any command one would like and it will get run with MPI in MPI mode just link any other MPI-enabled built executable.
CMND <cmndExec>
is specified, then<cmndExec>
gives the executable for a command to be run. In this case, MPI will never be used to run the executable even when configured in MPI mode (i.e.TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
). If one wants to run an arbitrary command using MPI, useEXEC <fullPathToCmndExec> NOEXEPREFIX NOEXESUFFIX
instead. WARNING: If you want to run such tests using valgrind, you have to use the raw executable as the<cmndExec>
argument and not the script. For example, if you have a python
with/usr/bin/env python3
at the top, you can’t just use:CMND <path>/ ARGS "<arg0>" "<arg1>" ...The same goes for Perl or any other scripting language.
Instead, you have to use:
CMND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} ARGS <path>/ <arg0> <arg1> ...
ARGS "<arg0>" "<arg1>" ... "<argN>"
The list of command-line arguments to pass to the
command orEXEC
executable. Put each argument<argi>
in quotes"<argi>"
if it contains any spaces. Also, of any of the individual arguments need to contain semi-colons';'
such as--my-arg=a;b a;c;d
, then pass that quoted as"--my-arg=a<sep>b a<sep>c<sep>d"
matches the<sep>
argument to the inputLIST_SEPARATOR <sep>
By default, the output (stdout/stderr) for each test command is captured and is then echoed to stdout for the overall test. This is done in order to be able to grep the result to determine pass/fail.
Other miscellaneous arguments for each TEST_<idx>
block include:
If specified, then the executable is assumed to be in the directory given by relative
. See tribits_add_test().
MESSAGE "<message>"
If specified, then the string in
will be printed before this test command is run. This allows adding some documentation about each individual test invocation to make the test output more understandable.
If specified, then the working directory
(relative or absolute) will be created and the test will be run from within this directory. If the directory<workingDir>
exists before the test runs, it will be deleted and created again. If one wants to preserve the contents of this directory between test blocks, then one needs to setSKIP_CLEAN_WORKING_DIRECTORY
. Using a differentWORKING_DIRECTORY
for individual test commands allows creating independent working directories for each test case. This would be useful if a singleOVERALL_WORKING_DIRECTORY
was not sufficient for some reason.
If specified, then
will not be deleted if it already exists.
NUM_MPI_PROCS <numProcs>
If specified, then
is the number of processors used for MPI executables. If not specified, this will default to<overallNumProcs>
fromOVERALL_NUM_MPI_PROCS <overallNumProcs>
. If that is not specified, then the value is taken from${MPI_EXEC_DEFAULT_NUMPROCS}
. For serial builds (i.e.TPL_ENABLE_MPI=OFF
), passing in a value<numMpiProcs>
will cause the entire test to not be added.
NUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED <numTotalCoresUsed>
If specified, gives the total number of processes used by this command/executable. If this is missing, but
NUM_MPI_PROCS <numProcs>
is specified, then<numProcs>
is used instead. IfNUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED
is missing BUTOVERALL_NUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED <overallNumTotalCoresUsed>
is, then<overallNumTotalCoresUsed>
is used for<numTotalCoresUsed>
. This argument is used for test scripts/executables that use more cores than MPI processes (i.e.<numProcs>
) and its only purpose is to inform CTest and TriBITS of the maximum number of cores that are used by the underlying test executable/script. When<numTotalCoresUsed>
is greater than${MPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS}
, then the test will not be added. Otherwise, the CTest propertyPROCESSORS
is set to the max over all<numTotalCoresUsed>
so that CTest knows how to best schedule the test w.r.t. other tests on a given number of available processes.
OUTPUT_FILE <outputFile>
If specified, then stdout and stderr for the test case will be sent to
. By default, the contents of this file will also be printed to STDOUT unlessNO_ECHO_OUTPUT
is passed as well.NOTE: Contrary to CMake documentation for execute_process(), STDOUT and STDERR may not get output in the correct order interleaved correctly, even in serial without MPI. Therefore, you can’t write any tests that depend on the order of STDOUT and STDERR output in relation to each other. Also note that all of STDOUT and STDERR will be first read into the CTest executable process main memory before the file
is written. Therefore, don’t run executables or commands that generate massive amounts of console output or it may exhaust main memory. Instead, have the command or executable write directly to a file instead of going through STDOUT.
If specified, then the output for the test command will not be echoed to the output for the entire test command.
By default, an individual test case TEST_<IDX>
is assumed to pass if the
executable or commands returns a non-zero value to the shell. However, a
test case can also be defined to pass or fail based on the arguments/options
(see Test case Pass/Fail (tribits_add_advanced_test())):
If specified, the test command will be assumed to pass regardless of the return value or any other output. This would be used when a command that is to follow will determine pass or fail based on output from this command in some way.
PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
If specified, the test command will be assumed to pass if it matches any of the given regular expressions. Otherwise, it is assumed to fail. TIPS: Replace ‘;’ with ‘[;]’ or CMake will interpret this as an array element boundary. To match ‘.’, use ‘[.]’.
PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_ALL "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
If specified, the test command will be assumed to pass if the output matches all of the provided regular expressions. Note that this is not a capability of raw ctest and represents an extension provided by TriBITS. NOTE: It is critical that you replace ‘;’ with ‘[;]’ or CMake will interpret this as an array element boundary.
If specified, the test command will be assumed to pass if the string expression “Final Result: PASSED” is found in the output for the test. This as the result of directly passing in
FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
If specified, the test command will be assumed to fail if it matches any of the given regular expressions. This will be applied and take precedence over other above pass criteria. For example, if even if
match, then the test will be marked as failed if any of the fail regexes match the output.
If specified, then the test case will be marked as failed if the test command returns nonzero, independent of the other pass/fail criteria. This option is used in cases where one wants to grep for strings in the output but still wants to require a zero return code. This make for a stronger test by requiring that both the strings are found and that the command returns 0.
If specified, then the test case will be marked as failed if the test command returns zero ‘0’, independent of the other pass/fail criteria. This option is used in cases where one wants to grep for strings in the output but still wants to require a nonzero return code. This make for a stronger test by requiring that both the strings are found and that the command returns != 0.
If specified, invert the result from the other pass/fail criteria. For example, if the regexes in
indicate that a test should pass, then settingWILL_FAIL
will invert that and report the test as failing. But typically this is used to report a test that returns a nonzero code as passing.
All of the arguments for a test block TEST_<idx>
must appear directly
below their TEST_<idx>
argument and before the next test block (see
Argument Parsing and Ordering (tribits_add_advanced_test())).
NOTE: The current implementation limits the number of TEST_<idx>
blocks to just 20 (i.e. for <idx>=0...19
). If more test blocks are
added (e.g. TEST_20
), then an fatal error message will be printed and
processing will end. To increase this max in a local scope, call:
where <larger-num> > 20
. This can be set in any scope in any
file or inside of a function and it will impact all of
the future calls to tribits_add_advanced_test()
in that scope.
TEST_<idx> COPY_FILES_TO_TEST_DIR Test Blocks and Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test())
The arguments for the TEST_<idx>
block are:
COPY_FILES_TO_TEST_DIR <file0> <file1> ... <filen>
Required list of 1 or more file names for files that will be copied from
Optional source directory where the files will be copied from. If
is not given, then it is assumed to be${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
. If<srcDir>
is given but is a relative path, then it is interpreted relative to${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
. If<srcDir>
is an absolute path, then that path is used without modification.
DEST_DIR <destDir>
Optional destination directory where the files will be copied to. If
is not given, then it is assumed to be the working directory where the test is running (typically a new directory created under${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
is given). If<destDir>
is given but is a relative path, then it is interpreted relative to the current test working directory. If<destDir>
is an absolute path, then that path is used without modification. If<destDir>
does not exist, then it will be created (including several directory levels deep if needed).
Test case Pass/Fail (tribits_add_advanced_test())
The logic given below can be used to determine pass/fail criteria for a test
case both based on what is printed in the test output and the return
code for the test block command. Raw CTest, as of version 3.23, does not
allow that. With raw CTest, one can only set pass/fail criteria based the
test output or the return code, but not both. This make
tribits_add_advanced_test() more attractive to use than
tribits_add_test() or raw add_test()
in cases where it is important
to check both.
The logic for how pass/fail for a TEST_<IDX>
is applied is given by:
# A) Apply first set of pass/fail logic
If PASS_ANY specified:
For each "<regexi>" in PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION:
If "<regexi>" matches STDOUT:
For each "<regexi>" in PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_ALL:
If "<regexi>" does not match STDOUT:
If command return code == 0:
# B) Check for failing regex matching?
For each "<regexi>" in FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION:
If "<regexi>" matches STDOUT:
# C) Check for return code always 0 or !=0?
If ALWAYS_FAIL_ON_NONZERO_RETURN specified and return code != 0:
Else If ALWAYS_FAIL_ON_ZERO_RETURN specified and return code == 0:
# D) Invert pass/fail result?
If WILL_FAIL specified:
Note that the above is the exact same logic that CTest uses to determine
pass/fail w.r.t. to the CTest properties PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
. (It is just that raw
CMake/CTest, as of version 3.23, does not support any pass/fail criteria
Overall Pass/Fail (tribits_add_advanced_test())
By default, the overall test will be assumed to pass if it prints:
However, this can be changed by setting one of the following optional arguments:
FINAL_PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
If specified, the test will be assumed to pass if the output matches any of the provided regular expressions
. (Sets the CTest propertyPASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
for the overall test.)
FINAL_FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
If specified, the test will be assumed to fail if the output matches any of the provided regular expressions
regardless if other criteria would have the test passing. (Sets the CTest propertyFAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
for the overall test.)
NOTE: It is not recommended to set FINAL_PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
directly, but instead to determine
pass/fail for each test case individually as described in TEST_<idx>
EXEC/CMND Test Blocks and Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test()) and
Test case Pass/Fail (tribits_add_advanced_test()). Otherwise, the test
will confuse most people and the output behavior will seem very strange.
Argument Parsing and Ordering (tribits_add_advanced_test())
The basic tool used for parsing the arguments to this function is the
command cmake_parse_arguments()
which has a certain set of behaviors.
The parsing using cmake_parse_arguments()
is actually done in two
phases. There is a top-level parsing of the “overall” arguments listed in
Overall Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test()) that also pulls out the
test blocks. Then there is a second level of parsing using
for each of the TEST_<idx>
blocks. Because
of this usage, there are a few restrictions that one needs to be aware of
when using tribits_add_advanced_test()
. This short sections tries to
explain the behaviors and what is allowed and what is not allowed.
For the most part, the “overall” arguments and the arguments inside of any
individual TEST_<idx>
blocks can be listed in any order but there are
restrictions related to the grouping of overall arguments and TEST_<idx>
blocks which are as follows:
argument must be the first listed (it is the only positional argument).The test cases
must be listed in order (i.e.TEST_0 ... TEST_1 ...
) and the test cases must be consecutive integers (e.g. can’t jump fromTEST_5
).All of the arguments for a test case must appear directly below its
keyword and before the nextTEST_<idx+1>
keyword or before any trailing overall keyword arguments.None of the overall arguments (e.g.
) can be listed inside of aTEST_<idx>
block but otherwise can be listed before or after all of theTEST_<idx>
blocks. (NOTE: The current implementation will actually allow overall arguments to be listed after all of the local arguments before the next TEST_<idx> block but this is confusing and will not be allowed in a future implementation).
Other than that, the keyword arguments and options can appear in any order.
Implementation Details (tribits_add_advanced_test())
Since raw CTest does not support the features provided by this function, the
way an advanced test is implemented is that a cmake -P
script with the
name <testName>.cmake
(with any ‘/’ replaced with ‘__’) gets created in
the current binary directory that then gets added to CTest using:
add_test(<testName> cmake [other options] -P <testName>.cmake)
This cmake -P
script then runs the various test cases and checks the
pass/fail for each case to determine overall pass/fail and implement other
functionality described above.
Setting Additional Test Properties (tribits_add_advanced_test())
After this function returns, if the test gets added using add_test()
then additional properties can be set and changed using
set_tests_properties(<testName> ...)
, where <testName>
is returned
using the ADDED_TEST_NAME_OUT <testName>
argument. Therefore, any tests
properties that are not directly supported by this function and passed
through the argument list to this wrapper function can be set in the outer
file after the call to tribits_add_advanced_test()
For example:
tribits_add_advanced_test_test( someTest ...
if (someTest_TEST_NAME)
set_tests_properties( ${someTest_TEST_NAME}
where the test writes a log file someTest.log
that we want to submit to
CDash also.
This approach will work no matter what TriBITS names the individual test(s)
or whether the test(s) are added or not (depending on other arguments like
, etc.).
The following built-in CTest test properties are set through Overall
Arguments (tribits_add_advanced_test()) or are otherwise automatically set
by this function and should NOT be overridden by direct calls to
However, generally, other built-in CTest test properties can be set after
the test is added like show above. Examples of test properties that can be
set using direct calls to set_tests_properties()
For example, one can set a dependency between two tests using:
tribits_add_advanced_test_test( test_a [...]
tribits_add_advanced_test_test( test_b [...]
if (test_a_TEST_NAME AND test_b_TEST_NAME)
This ensures that test test_b
will always be run after test_a
both tests are run by CTest.
Running multiple tests at the same time (tribits_add_advanced_test())
Just as with tribits_add_test(), setting NUM_MPI_PROCS <numProcs>
will set the PROCESSORS
CTest property to
allow CTest to schedule and run multiple tests at the same time when 'ctest
is used (see Running multiple tests at the same time
Disabling Tests Externally (tribits_add_advanced_test())
The test can be disabled externally by setting the CMake cache variable
. This allows tests to be disabled on a
case-by-case basis. The name <testName>
must be the exact name
that shows up in ctest -N
when running the test.
Debugging and Examining Test Generation (tribits_add_advanced_test())
In order to see what tests get added and if not then why, configure with
. That will print one line per test
that shows that the test got added or not and if not then why the test was
not added (i.e. due to COMM
, or
Likely the best way to debug test generation using this function is to
examine the generated file <testName>.cmake
in the current binary
directory (see Implementation Details (tribits_add_advanced_test())) and
the generated CTestTestfile.cmake
file that should list this test case.
Using tribits_add_advanced_test() in non-TriBITS CMake projects
The function tribits_add_advanced_test()
can be used to add tests in
non-TriBITS projects. To do so, one just needs to set the variables
(pointing to the TriBITS location). For example, a valid project can be a
simple as:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23.0)
"Location of TriBITS to use." )
tribits_add_advanced_test( HelloWorld
TEST_0 CMND echo ARGS "Hello World!"
Above, one can replace:
and it will have the same effect.
In: core/test_support/TribitsAddAdvancedTest.cmake:22
Add the standard cache variable option ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_DEBUG
the package.
This option is given the default value ${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_DEBUG}
and if true, this macro will set the variable
(to be used in the package’s configured
header file <packageDir>/cmake/<packageName> This macro is
typically called in the package’s <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file (see
the example SimpleCxx/CMakeLists.txt
NOTE: This also calls tribits_pkg_export_cache_var() to export the
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:467
Macro called to conditionally add a set of example directories for an package.
tribits_add_example_directories(<dir1> <dir2> ...)
This macro typically is called from the top-level <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file for which all subdirectories are all “examples” according to standard package layout.
This macro can be called several times within a package as desired to break up example directories any way one would like.
Currently, all it does macro does is to call add_subdirectory(<diri>)
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:550
Function used to create an executable (typically for a test or example),
using the built-in CMake command add_executable()
SOURCES <src0> <src1> ...
[CATEGORIES <category0> <category1> ...]
[HOST <host0> <host1> ...]
[XHOST <host0> <host1> ...]
[HOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...]
[XHOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...]
[EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TRUE <varname0> <varname1> ...]
[TESTONLYLIBS <lib0> <lib1> ...]
[IMPORTEDLIBS <lib0> <lib1> ...]
[COMM [serial] [mpi]]
[TARGET_DEFINES -D<define0> -D<define1> ...]
Formal Arguments (tribits_add_executable())
The root name of the executable (and CMake target) (see Executable and Target Name (tribits_add_executable())). This must be the first argument.
If passed in, then
is not added the beginning of the executable name (see Executable and Target Name (tribits_add_executable())).
If passed in, then
and not added to the end of the executable name (except for native Windows builds, see Executable and Target Name (tribits_add_executable())).
If passed in, the directory path relative to the package’s base directory (with “/” replaced by “_”) is added to the executable name (see Executable and Target Name (tribits_add_executable())). This provides a simple way to create unique test executable names inside of a given TriBITS package. Only test executables in the same directory would need to have unique
passed in.
SOURCES <src0> <src1> ...
Gives the source files that will be compiled into the built executable. By default, these sources are assumed to be in the current working directory (or can contain the relative path or absolute path). If
is an absolute path, then that full file path is used. This list of sources (with adjusted directory path) are passed intoadd_executable(<exeTargetName> ... )
. After calling this function, the properties of the source files can be altered using the built-in CMake commandset_source_file_properties()
If specified, then the generated executable
is placed in the relative or absolute directory<dir>
. If<dir>
is not an absolute path, then the generated executable is placed in the directory${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/<dir>/
. Also, the sources for the executable listed inSOURCES <src0> <src1> ...
are assumed to be in the relative or absolute directory<dir>
instead of the current source directory. This directory path is prepended to each source file name<srci>
is an absolute path. If<dir>
is not an absolute path, then source files listed inSOURCES
are assumed to be in the directory${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/<dir>/
CATEGORIES <category0> <category1> ...
Gives the Test Test Categories for which this test will be added. See tribits_add_test() for more details.
HOST <host0> <host1> ...
The list of hosts for which to enable the test (see tribits_add_test()).
XHOST <host0> <host1> ...
The list of hosts for which not to enable the test (see tribits_add_test()).
HOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...
The list of host types for which to enable the test (see tribits_add_test()).
XHOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...
The list of host types for which not to enable the test (see tribits_add_test()).
EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TRUE <varname0> <varname1> ...
If specified, gives the names of CMake variables that must evaluate to true, or the test will not be added (see tribits_add_test()).
TESTONLYLIBS <lib0> <lib1> ...
Specifies extra test-only libraries defined in this CMake project that will be linked to the executable using
. Note that regular libraries (i.e. notTESTONLY
) defined in the current package or any upstream packages can NOT be listed! TriBITS automatically links nonTESTONLY
libraries in this package and upstream packages to the executable. The only libraries that should be listed in this argument are eitherTESTONLY
IMPORTEDLIBS <lib0> <lib1> ...
Specifies extra external libraries that will be linked to the executable using
. This can only be used for libraries that are built external from this CMake project and are not provided through a proper TriBITS TPL. The latter usage of passing in external libraries is not recommended. External libraries should be handled as declared TriBITS TPLs. So far, the only case whereIMPORTEDLIBS
has been shown to be necessary is to pass in the standard C math librarym
. In every other case, a TriBITS TPL should be used instead.
COMM [serial] [mpi]
If specified, selects if the test will be added in serial and/or MPI mode. See the
argument in the script tribits_add_test() for more details.
If specified, overrides the linker language used by setting the built-in CMake target property
. TriBITS sets the default linker language as follows:if (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_CXX) set(LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX) elseif (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_C) set(LINKER_LANGUAGE C) else() # Let CMake set the default linker language it wants based # on source file extensions passed into ``add_executable()``. endif()The reason for this logic is that on some platform if you have a Fortran or C main that links to C++ libraries, then you need the C++ compiler to do the final linking. CMake does not seem to automatically know that it is pulling in C++ libraries and therefore needs to be told use C++ for linking. This is the correct default behavior for mixed-language projects. However, this argument allows the developer to override this logic and use any linker language desired based on other considerations.
TARGET_DEFINES -D<define0> -D<define1> ...
Add the listed defines using
target_compile_definitions(<exeTargetName> ...)
. These should only affect the listed sources for the built executable and not other targets.
If passed in, then an install target will be added to install the built executable into the
directory (see Install Target (tribits_add_executable())).
If specified, then on output the variable
will be set with the name of the executable target passed toadd_executable(<exeTargetName> ... )
. Having this name allows the callingCMakeLists.txt
file access and set additional target properties (see Additional Executable and Source File Properties (tribits_add_executable())).
Executable and Target Name (tribits_add_executable())
By default, the full name of the executable and target name is:
<exeTargetName> = ${PACKAGE_NAME}_<exeRootName>
is set, then the directory path relative to the
package base directory (with “/” replaced with “_”), or <relDirName>
, is
added to the executable name to form:
<exeTargetName> = ${PACKAGE_NAME}_<relDirName>_<exeRootName>
If the option NOEXEPREFIX
is passed in, then the prefix
is removed.
will be
added to the actual executable file name if the option NOEXESUFFIX
not passed in but this suffix is never added to the target name.
(However, note that on Windows platforms, the default *.exe
extension is
always added because windows will not run an executable in many contexts
unless it has the *.exe
The reason that a default prefix is prepended to the executable and target
name is because the primary reason to create an executable is typically to
create a test or an example that is private to the package. This prefix
helps to namespace the executable and its target so as to avoid name clashes
with targets in other packages. It also helps to avoid clashes if the
executable gets installed into the install directory (if INSTALLABLE
specified). For general utility executables on Linux/Unix systems,
should be passed in. In this case, one
must be careful to pick <exeRootName>
that will be sufficiently globally
unique. Please use common sense when picking non-namespaced names.
Additional Executable and Source File Properties (tribits_add_executable())
Once add_executable(<exeTargetName> ... )
is called and this function
exists, one can set and change properties on the <exeTargetName>
executable target using the built-in set_target_properties()
command as
well as properties on any of the source files listed in SOURCES
the built-in set_source_file_properties()
command just like in any CMake
project. IF the executable is added, its name will be returned by the
argument ADDED_EXE_TARGET_NAME_OUT <exeTargetName>
. For example:
tribits_add_executable( someExe ...
if (someExe_TARGET_NAME)
set_target_properties( ${someExe_TARGET_NAME}
The if(someExe_TARGET_NAME)
is needed in case the executable does not
get added for some reason (see Formal Arguments
(tribits_add_executable()) for logic that can result in the executable
target not getting added).
Install Target (tribits_add_executable())
is passed in, then an install target using the built-in
CMake command install(TARGETS <exeTargetName> ...)
is added to install
the built executable into the ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/
(actual install directory path is determined by
, see Setting the install prefix).
In: core/package_arch/TribitsAddExecutable.cmake:24
Add an executable and a test (or several tests) all in one shot (just calls tribits_add_executable() followed by tribits_add_test()).
SOURCES <src0> <src1> ...
[NAME <testName> | NAME_POSTFIX <testNamePostfix>]
[CATEGORIES <category0> <category1> ...]
[HOST <host0> <host1> ...]
[XHOST <xhost0> <xhost1> ...]
[XHOST_TEST <xhost0> <xhost1> ...]
[HOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...]
[XHOSTTYPE <xhosttype0> <xhosttype1> ...]
[XHOSTTYPE_TEST <xhosttype0> <xhosttype1> ...]
[EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TRUE <varname0> <varname1> ...]
[DISABLED "<messageWhyDisabled>"]
[TESTONLYLIBS <lib0> <lib1> ...]
[IMPORTEDLIBS <lib0> <lib1> ...]
[COMM [serial] [mpi]]
[ARGS "<arg0> <arg1> ..." "<arg2> <arg3> ..." ...]
[NUM_MPI_PROCS <numProcs>]
| PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>;<regex1>;..."]
[FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>;<regex1>;..."]
[ENVIRONMENT <var0>=<value0> <var1>=<value1> ...]
[TIMEOUT <maxSeconds>]
This function takes a fairly common set of arguments to
tribits_add_executable() and tribits_add_test() but not the full set
passed to tribits_add_test()
. See the documentation for
tribits_add_executable() and tribits_add_test() to see which arguments
are accepted by which functions.
Arguments that are specific to this function and not directly passed on to
or tribits_add_test()
XHOST_TEST <xhost0> <xhost1> ...
When specified, this disables just running the tests for the named hosts
etc. but still builds the executable for the test. These are just passed in through theXHOST
argument totribits_add_test()
XHOSTTYPE_TEST <xhosttype0> <hosttype1> ...
When specified, this disables just running the tests for the named host types
, …, but still builds the executable for the test. These are just passed in through theXHOSTTYPE
argument totribits_add_test()
This is the function to use for simple test executables that you want to run
that either takes no arguments or just a simple set of arguments passed in
through ARGS
. For more flexibility, just use
followed by tribits_add_test()
Finally, the tests are only added if tests are enabled for the package
) and other criteria are met.
But the test executable will always be added if this function is called,
regardless of the value of ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_TESTS
. To avoid
adding the test (or example) executable when
, put this command in a subdir under
or example/
and that subdir with
tribits_add_test_directories() or tribits_add_example_directories(),
In: core/package_arch/TribitsAddExecutableAndTest.cmake:54
Function used to add a CMake library and target using add_library()
also the ALIAS target ${PACKAGE_NAME}::<libname>
(where <libname>
the full CMake target name as returned from ${<libTargetName>}
[HEADERS <h0> <h1> ...]
[HEADERS_INSTALL_SUBDIR <headerssubdir>]
[NOINSTALLHEADERS <nih0> <hih1> ...]
[SOURCES <src0> <src1> ...|HEADERONLY]
[DEPLIBS <deplib0> <deplib1> ...]
[IMPORTEDLIBS <ideplib0> <ideplib1> ...]
Formal Arguments (tribits_add_library())
Required base name of the library. The name of the actual library name will be prefixed by
to produce:<libTargetName> = ${${PROJECT_NAME}_LIBRARY_NAME_PREFIX}<libBaseName>This is the name passed to
add_library(<libTargetName> ...)
. The name is not prefixed by the package name. CMake will of course add any standard prefix or post-fix to the library file name appropriate for the platform and if this is a static or shared library build (e.g. on Linux prefix ='lib'
, postfix ='.so'
for shared lib and postfix ='.a'
static lib) (see documentation for the built-in CMake commandadd_library()
HEADERS <h0> <h1> ...
List of public header files for using this library. By default, these header files are assumed to be in the current source directory. They can also contain the relative path or absolute path to the files if they are not in the current source directory. This list of headers is passed into
as well (which is not strictly needed but is helpful for some build tools, like MS Visual Studio). By default, these headers will be installed (see Install Targets (tribits_add_library())).
Optional subdirectory that the headers will be installed under the standard installation directory. If
, then the headers will be installed under${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR}/<headerssubdir>
. Otherwise, they will be installed under${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR}/
. Install Targets (tribits_add_library()).
NOINSTALLHEADERS <nih0> <hih1> ...
List of private header files which are used by this library. These headers are not installed and do not needed to be passed in for any purpose other than to pass them into
as some build tools like to have these listed (e.g. MS Visual Studio).
SOURCES <src0> <src1> ...
List of source files passed into
that are compiled into header files and included in the library. The compiler used to compile the files is determined automatically based on the file extension (see CMake documentation foradd_library()
DEPLIBS <deplib0> <deplib1> ...
List of dependent libraries that are built in the current package that this library is dependent on. These libraries are passed into
target_link_libraries(<libTargetName> ...)
so that CMake knows about the dependency structure of the libraries within this package. NOTE: One must not list libraries in other upstream TriBITS Packages or libraries built externally from this TriBITS CMake project inDEPLIBS
. The TriBITS system automatically handles linking to libraries in upstream TriBITS packages. External libraries need to be listed in theIMPORTEDLIBS
argument instead if they are not already specified automatically using a TriBITS TPL.
IMPORTEDLIBS <ideplib0> <ideplib1> ...
List of dependent libraries built externally from this TriBITS CMake project. These libraries are passed into
target_link_libraries(<libTargetName> ...)
so that CMake knows about the dependency. However, note that external libraries are often better handled as TriBITS TPLs. A well constructed TriBITS package and library should never have to use this option! So far, the only case whereIMPORTEDLIBS
has been shown to be necessary is to pass in the standard C math librarym
. In every other case, a TriBITS TPL should be used instead.
is passed in, then a static library will be created independent of the value ofBUILD_SHARED_LIBS
is passed in, then a shared library will be created independent of the value ofBUILD_SHARED_LIBS
. If neitherSTATIC
are passed in, then a shared library will be created ifBUILD_SHARED_LIBS
evaluates to true, otherwise and a static library will be created. If bothSTATIC
are passed in (which is obviously a mistake), then a shared library will be created. WARNING: Once you mark a library withSTATIC
, then all of the downstream libraries in the current package and all downstream packages must also be also be marked withSTATIC
. That is because, generally, one can not link a link a static lib against a downstream shared lib since that is not portable (but can be done on some platforms if, for example,-fPIC
is specified). So be careful to useSTATIC
in all downstream libraries!
If passed in, then the
library target will be declaredINTERFACE
and theSOURCES
argument must be empty. This is used to create a header-only library.
If passed in, then
will not be added to${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIBRARIES
and an install target for the library will not be added. In this case, the current include directories will be set in the global variable<libTargetName>_INCLUDE_DIR
which will be used in tribits_add_executable() when a test-only library is linked in through itsDEPLIBS
argument. Also, the custom propertyTRIBITS_TESTONLY_LIB
will be set toTRUE
which will ensure that this library will not be added to the${PACKAGE_NAME}::all_libs
If specified, then no install targets will be added for the library
or the header files listed inHEADERS
If specified then
is used instead ofadd_library()
is assumed to be defined by the standardFindCUDA.cmake
module as processed using the standard TriBITSFindTPLCUDA.cmake
file (see Standard TriBITS TPLs). For this option to work, this package must have an enabled direct or indirect dependency on the TriBITS CUDA TPL or a configure-time error may occur about not knowing aboutcuda_all_library()
If specified, then on output the variable
will be set with the name of the library passed toadd_library()
. Having this name allows the callingCMakeLists.txt
file access and set additional target properties (see Additional Library and Source File Properties (tribits_add_library())).
Include Directories (tribits_add_library())
Any base directories for the header files listed in the arguments
should be passed into the standard CMake
command include_directories()
before calling this function. For
example, a CMakeLists.txt file will look like:
tribits_add_library( <libName>
NONINSTALLHEADERS <header2>.hpp <header3>.hpp ...
is needed for any generated
header files (e.g. using raw configure_file()
tribits_configure_file()) or any generated Fortran *.mod
module files
generated as a byproduct of compiling F90+ source files (that contain one or
more Fortran module declarations).
The function tribits_add_library()
will grab the list of all of the
include directories in scope from prior calls to include_directories()
and will add this to the generated library target using
so that they get propagated downstream as well.
Install Targets (tribits_add_library())
By default, an install target for the library is created using
install(TARGETS <libTargetName> ...)
to install into the directory
(actual install directory is given by
, see Setting the install prefix).
However, this install target will not get created if
, the install
target will get added. Also, this install target will not get added if
are passed in.
By default, an install target for the headers listed in HEADERS
will get
added using install(FILES <h0> <h1> ...)
, but only if TESTONLY
are not passed in as well. Also, the install
target for the headers will not get added if
. If this
install target is added, then the headers get installed into the flat
(default is
, see Setting the install prefix).
is set, then the headers will be installed
under ${${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR}/<headerssubdir>/
Note that an install target will not get created for the headers listed in
Additional Library and Source File Properties (tribits_add_library())
Once add_library(<libTargetName> ... <src0> <src1> ...)
is called, one
can set and change properties on the <libTargetName>
library target
using the built-in CMake command set_target_properties()
as well as set
and change properties on any of the source files listed in SOURCES
the built-in CMake command set_source_file_properties()
just like in any
CMake project. For example:
tribits_add_library( somelib ...
set_target_properties( ${somelib_TARGET_NAME}
Miscellaneous Notes (tribits_add_library())
When the file Version.cmake
exists and the CMake variables
defined, then produced shared libraries will be given the standard SOVERSION
symlinks (see <projectDir>/Version.cmake).
WARNING: Do NOT use the built-in CMake command add_definitions()
to add defines -D<someDefine>
to the compile command line that will
affect any of the header files in the package! These CMake-added defines
are only set locally in this directory and child directories. These defines
will NOT be set when code in peer directories (e.g. a downstream TriBITS
packages) compiles that may include these header files. To add defines that
affect header files, please use a configured header file (see
In: core/package_arch/TribitsAddLibrary.cmake:25
Add an option and an optional macro define variable in one shot.
tribits_add_option_and_define( <userOptionName> <macroDefineName>
"<docStr>" <defaultValue> [NONCACHE])
This macro sets the user cache BOOL
variable <userOptionName>
and if
it is true, then sets the global (internal cache) macro define variable
to ON
, and otherwise sets it to OFF
. If
is passed in, then <macroDefineName>
is set as a non-cache
local variable instead of a cache variable.
This is designed to make it easy to add a user-enabled option to a configured header file and have the define set in one shot. This would require that the package’s configure file (see tribits_configure_file()) have the line:
#cmakedefine <macroDefineName>
NOTE: This also calls tribits_pkg_export_cache_var() to export the
variables <userOptionName>
and <macroDefineName>
is not passed). This also requires that local variables with the same
names of these cache variables not be assigned with a different value from
these cache variables. If they are, then an error will occur later when
these variables are read.
NOTE: The define var name <macroDefineName>
can be empty “” in which
case all logic related to <macroDefineName>
is skipped. (But in this
case, it would be better to just call:
set(<userOptionName> <defaultValue> CACHE BOOL "<docStr>")
In: core/package_arch/TribitsAddOptionAndDefine.cmake:14
for the
This macro should be called in the package’s <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt`_
file. This option is given the default value
. This option is then looked
for in tribits_configure_file() to add macros to add deprecated warnings
to deprecated parts of a package.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:505
Add a test or a set of tests for a single executable or command using CTest
[NAME <testName> | NAME_POSTFIX <testNamePostfix>]
[DIRECTORY <directory>]
[ARGS "<arg0> <arg1> ..." "<arg2> <arg3> ..." ...
| POSTFIX_AND_ARGS_0 <postfix0> <arg0> <arg1> ...
[COMM [serial] [mpi]]
[NUM_MPI_PROCS <numMpiProcs>]
[NUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED <numTotalCoresUsed>]
[CATEGORIES <category0> <category1> ...]
[HOST <host0> <host1> ...]
[XHOST <host0> <host1> ...]
[HOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...]
[XHOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...]
[EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TRUE <varname0> <varname1> ...]
[DISABLED <messageWhyDisabled>]
| PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...]
[FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...]
[ENVIRONMENT <var0>=<value0> <var1>=<value1> ...]
[TIMEOUT <maxSeconds>]
The tests are only added if tests are enabled for the package
). (NOTE: A more efficient
way to optionally enable tests or examples is to put them in a test/
subdir and then include that subdir with
tribits_add_test_directories() or tribits_add_example_directories(),
Determining the Executable or Command to Run (tribits_add_test())
Running multiple tests at the same time (tribits_add_test())
Debugging and Examining Test Generation (tribits_add_test())
Adding extra commandline arguments externally (tribits_add_test())
Formal Arguments (tribits_add_test())
The name of the executable or path to the executable to run for the test (see Determining the Executable or Command to Run (tribits_add_test())). This name is also the default root name for the test (see Determining the Full Test Name (tribits_add_test())).
If specified, then the prefix
is assumed not to be prepended to<exeRootName>
(see Determining the Executable or Command to Run (tribits_add_test())).
If specified, then the postfix
is assumed not to be post-pended to<exeRootName>
(except on Windows platforms, see Determining the Executable or Command to Run (tribits_add_test())).
NAME <testRootName>
If specified, gives the root name of the test. If not specified, then
is taken to be<exeRootName>
. The actual test name passed toadd_test()
will always be prefixed as${PACKAGE_NAME}_<testRootName>
. The main purpose of this argument is to allow multiple tests to be defined for the same executable. CTest requires all test names to be globally unique in a single project. See Determining the Full Test Name (tribits_add_test()).
NAME_POSTFIX <testNamePostfix>
If specified, gives a postfix that will be added to the standard test name based on
(appended as_<NAME_POSTFIX>
). If theNAME <testRootName>
argument is given, this argument is ignored. See Determining the Full Test Name (tribits_add_test()).
If specified, then the executable is assumed to be in the directory given by
. The directory<dir>
can either be a relative or absolute path. If not specified, the executable is assumed to be in the current binary directory${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
. See Determining the Executable or Command to Run (tribits_add_test()).
If specified, then the directory name that this test resides in will be added into the name of the test after the package name is added and before the root test name (see Determining the Full Test Name (tribits_add_test())). The directory name will have the package’s base directory stripped off so only the unique part of the test directory will be used. All directory separators
will be changed into underscores"_"
If specified, then no other tests will be allowed to run while this test is running. This is useful for devices (like CUDA GPUs) that require exclusive access for processes/threads. This just sets the CTest test property
using the built-in CMake functionset_tests_properties()
. Also, the addition of theRUN_SERIAL
test property can be triggered by (the user) setting the global cache variable<fullTestName>_SET_RUN_SERIAL=ON
is passed in but<fullTestName>_SET_RUN_SERIAL=OFF
(or any value evaluating toFALSE
), then theRUN_SERIAL
test property will NOT be set on the added test(s).
ARGS "<arg0> <arg1> ..." "<arg2> <arg3> ..." ...
If specified, then a set of arguments can be passed in quotes. If multiple groups of arguments are passed in different quoted clusters of arguments then a different test will be added for each set of arguments. In this way, many different tests can be added for a single executable in a single call to this function. Each of these separate tests will be named
, and so on. WARNING: When defining multiple tests it is preferred to use thePOSTFIX_AND_ARGS_<IDX>
form instead. WARNING: Multiple arguments passed to a single test invocation must be quoted or multiple tests taking single arguments will be created instead! See Adding Multiple Tests (tribits_add_test()) for more details and examples.
POSTFIX_AND_ARGS_<IDX> <postfix> <arg0> <arg1> ...
If specified, gives a sequence of sets of test postfix names and arguments lists for different tests (up to
). For example, a set of three different tests with argument lists can be specified as:POSTIFX_AND_ARGS_0 postfix0 --arg1 --arg2=dummy POSTIFX_AND_ARGS_1 postfix1 --arg2=fly POSTIFX_AND_ARGS_2 postfix2 --arg2=bagsThis will create three different test cases with the postfix names
, andpostfix2
. The indexes must be consecutive starting a0
and going up to (currently)19
. The main advantages of using these arguments instead of justARGS
are that one can give a meaningful name to each test case and one can specify multiple arguments without having to quote them and one can allow long argument lists to span multiple lines. See Adding Multiple Tests (tribits_add_test()) for more details and examples.Note that one of the <postfix> arguments can be empty, in which case the base test name is not appended so:
POSTIFX_AND_ARGS_0 "" --arg1 --arg2=dummywould create one test without appending the test name.
COMM [serial] [mpi]
If specified, determines if the test will be added in serial and/or MPI mode. If the
argument is missing, the test will be added in both serial and MPI builds of the code. That is ifCOMM mpi
is passed in, then the test will not be added ifTPL_ENABLE_MPI=OFF
. Likewise, ifCOMM serial
is passed in, then the test will not be added ifTPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
. IfCOMM serial mpi
orCOMM mpi serial
is passed in, then the value ofTPL_ENABLE_MPI
does not determine if the test is added or not.
NUM_MPI_PROCS <numMpiProcs>
If specified, gives the number of MPI processes used to run the test with the MPI exec program
. If<numMpiProcs>
is greater than${MPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS}
then the test will be excluded. If not specified, then the default number of processes for an MPI build (i.e.TPL_ENABLE_MPI=ON
. For serial builds (i.e.TPL_ENABLE_MPI=OFF
), passing in a value<numMpiProcs>
will cause the test to not be added. The value<numMpiProcs>
will also be set as the built-in test propertyPROCESSORS
is not specified.
NUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED <numTotalCoresUsed>
If specified, gives the total number of processes or cores that is reported to CTest as the built-in CTest
property. If this is not specified, thenPROCESSORS
is specified by the argumentNUM_MPI_PROCS <numMpiProcs>
. This argument is used for test scripts/executables that use more cores than MPI processes (i.e.<numMpiProcs>
) and its only purpose is to inform CTest and TriBITS of the maximum number of processes or cores that are used by the underlying test executable/script. When specified, if<numTotalCoresUsed>
is greater than${MPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS}
, then the test will not be added. Otherwise, the CTest propertyPROCESSORS
is set to<numTotalCoresUsed>
so that CTest knows how to best schedule the test w.r.t. other tests on a given number of available processes. See Running multiple tests at the same time (tribits_add_test()).
CATEGORIES <category0> <category1> ...
If specified, gives the specific categories of the test. Valid test categories include
. If not specified, the default category isBASIC
. When the test category does not match${PROJECT_NAME}_TEST_CATEGORIES
, then the test is not added. WhenCATEGORIES
, andHEAVY
, andHEAVY
equal toNIGHTLY
HOST <host0> <host1> ...
If specified, gives a list of hostnames where the test will be included. The current hostname is determined by the built-in CMake command
. On Linux/Unix systems, this is typically the value returned byuname -n
. If this list is given, the value of${${PROJECT_NAME}_HOSTNAME}
must equal one of the listed host names<hosti>
or test will not be added. The value of${PROJECT_NAME}_HOSTNAME
gets printed out in the TriBITS cmake output under the sectionProbing the environment
(see Full Processing of TriBITS Project Files).
XHOST <host0> <host1> ...
If specified, gives a list of hostnames (see
argument) on which the test will not be added. This check is performed after the check for the hostnames in theHOST
list if it should exist. Therefore, this exclusion list overrides theHOST
inclusion list.
HOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...
If specified, gives the names of the host system type (given by the built-in CMake cache variable
which is printed in the TriBITS cmake configure output in the sectionProbing the environment
) for which the test is allowed to be added. IfHOSTTYPE
is specified andCMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME
is not equal to one of the values of<hosttypei>
, then the test will not be added. Typical host system type names includeLinux
, etc.
XHOSTTYPE <hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...
If specified, gives the names of the host system type (see the
argument above) for which not to include the test on. This check is performed after the check for the host system names in theHOSTTYPE
list if it should exist. Therefore, this exclusion list overrides theHOSTTYPE
inclusion list.
EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TRUE <varname0> <varname1> ...
If specified, gives the names of CMake variables that must evaluate to true, or the test will not be added.
DISABLED <messageWhyDisabled>
is non-empty and does not evaluate to FALSE, then the test will be added byadd_test()
(so CTest will see it) but the ctest test propertyDISABLED
will be set. Therefore, CTest will not run the test and will instead list it as “Not Run” when tests are run locally and when submitting test results to CDash (with test details “Not Run (Disabled)”). Also, the message<messageWhyDisabled>
will be printed to STDOUT by cmake after the line stating the test was added when${PROJECT_NAME}_TRACE_ADD_TEST=ON
is set. If<messageWhyDisabled>
evaluates to FALSE in CMake (e.g. “FALSE”, “false”, “NO”, “no”, “0”, “”, etc.), then theDISABLED
property will not be set. This property can also be set with the CMake cache var-D <fullTestName>_SET_DISABLED_AND_MSG="<msgSetByVar>"
and in fact that var will override the value of<messageWhyDisabled>
passed in here (if<msgSetByVar>
is non-empty). This allows a user to enable tests that are disabled in the CMakeList.txt files using this input.
If specified, then the standard test output string
is grepped in the test stdout for to determine success. This is needed for MPI tests on some platforms since the return value from MPI executables is unreliable. This is set using the built-in CTest propertyPASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
If specified, then the test will be assumed to pass only if one of the regular expressions
etc. match the output send to stdout. Otherwise, the test will fail. This is set using the built-in CTest propertyPASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
. Consult standard CMake documentation for full behavior. TIPS: Replace ‘;’ with ‘[;]’ or CMake will interpret this as an array element boundary. To match ‘.’, use ‘[.]’.
FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "<regex0>" "<regex1>" ...
If specified, then a test will be assumed to fail if one of the regular expressions
etc. match the output send to stdout. Otherwise, the test will pass. This is set using the built-in CTest propertyFAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
. Consult standard CMake documentation for full behavior (and see above tips forPASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
If passed in, then the pass/fail criteria will be inverted. This is set using the built-in CTest property
. Consult standard CMake documentation for full behavior.
ENVIRONMENT "<var1>=<value1>" "<var2>=<value2>" ...
.If passed in, the listed environment variables will be set by CTest before calling the test. This is set using the built-in CTest test property
. Note, if the env var values contain semi-colons';'
, then replace the semi-colons';'
with another separator'<sep>'
and pass inLIST_SEPARATOR <sep>
will be replaced with';'
at point of usage. If the env var values contain any spaces, also quote the entire variable/value pair as"<vari>=<valuei>"
. For example, the env var and valuemy_env_var="arg1 b;arg2;I have spaces"
would need to be passed as"my_env_var=arg1 b<sep>arg2<sep>I have spaces"
TIMEOUT <maxSeconds>
If passed in, gives maximum number of seconds the test will be allowed to run before being timed-out and killed. This sets the CTest property
. The value<maxSeconds>
will be scaled by the value of ${PROJECT_NAME}_SCALE_TEST_TIMEOUT. See Setting timeouts for tests (tribits_add_test()) for more details.WARNING: Rather than just increasing the timeout for an expensive test, please try to either make the test run faster or relegate the test to being run less often (i.e. set
or evenHEAVY
for extremely expensive tests). Expensive tests are one of the worse forms of technical debt that a project can have!
String used as placeholder for the semi-colon char
in order to allow pass-through. For example, if arguments to theARGS
need to use semi-colons, then replace';'
(for example) such as with"somearg=arg1<semicolon>arg2"
, then at the point of usage,'<semicolon>'
will be replaced with';'
and it will be passed to the final command as"somearg=arg1;arg2"
(with as many preceding escape backslashes'\'
in front of';'
as is needed for the given usage context).
If specified, then on output the variable
will be set with the name(S) of the tests passed toadd_test()
. If more than one test is added, then this will be a list of test names. Having this name allows the callingCMakeLists.txt
file access and set additional test properties (see Setting additional test properties (tribits_add_test())).
In the end, this function just calls the built-in CMake commands
add_test(${TEST_NAME} ...)
and set_tests_properties(${TEST_NAME}
to set up a executable process for ctest
to run, determine
pass/fail criteria, and set some other test properties. Therefore, this
wrapper function does not provide any fundamentally new features that are
not already available in the basic usage if CMake/CTest. However, this
wrapper function takes care of many of the details and boiler-plate CMake
code that it takes to add such a test (or tests) and enforces consistency
across a large project for how tests are defined, run, and named (to avoid
test name clashes).
If more flexibility or control is needed when defining tests, then the function tribits_add_advanced_test() should be used instead.
In the following subsections, more details on how tests are defined and run is given.
Determining the Executable or Command to Run (tribits_add_test())
This function is primarily designed to make it easy to run tests for executables built using the function tribits_add_executable(). To set up tests to run arbitrary executables, see below.
By default, the executable to run is determined by first getting the executable name which by default is assumed to be:
<fullExeName> =
which is (by no coincidence) identical to how it is selected in
tribits_add_executable() (see Executable and Target Name
(tribits_add_executable())). This name can be altered by passing in
as described in
Executable and Target Name (tribits_add_executable()).
By default, this executable is assumed to be in the current CMake binary
but the directory location can be
changed using the DIRECTORY <dir>
If an arbitrary executable is to be run (i.e. not build inside of the
project), then pass in NOEXEPREFIX
and set
to the relative or absolute path of the executable to be
run. If <exeRootName>
is not an absolute path, then
is set as the executable to
run in this case.
NOTE: On native Windows platforms, the NOEXESUFFIX
will still allow
CTest to run executables that have the *.exe
Whatever executable path is specified using this logic, if the executable is
not found, then when ctest
goes to run the test, it will mark it as
Determining the Full Test Name (tribits_add_test())
By default, the base test name is selected to be:
<fullTestName> = ${PACKAGE_NAME}_<exeRootName>
If NAME <testRootName>
is passed in, then <testRootName>
is used
instead of <exeRootName>
If NAME_POSTFIX <testNamePostfix>
is passed in, then the base test name
is selected to be:
<fullTestName> = ${PACKAGE_NAME}_<exeRootName>_<testNamePostfix>
is passed in, then the directory name relative to the
package base directory is added to the name as well to help disambiguate the
test name (see the above).
Let the test name determined as described above be <fullTestName>
. If
no arguments or only a single set of arguments are passed in through
, then this is the test name actually passed in to add_test()
If multiple tests are defined, then this name becomes the base test name for
each of the tests (see Adding Multiple Tests (tribits_add_test())).
Finally, for any test that gets defined, if MPI is enabled
), then the terminal suffix
will be added to the end of the test name (even
for multiple tests). No such prefix is added for the serial case
Adding Multiple Tests (tribits_add_test())
Using this function, one can add executable arguments and can even add multiple tests in one of two ways. One can either pass in one or more quoted clusters of arguments using:
ARGS "<arg0> <arg1> ..." "<arg2> <arg3> ..." ...
or can pass in an explicit test name postfix and arguments with:
POSTFIX_AND_ARGS_0 <postfix0> <arg0> <arg1> ...
POSTFIX_AND_ARGS_1 <postfix1> <arg2> ...
If only one short set of arguments needs to be passed in, then passing:
ARGS "<arg0> <arg1>"
may be preferable since it will not add any postfix name to the test. To
add more than one test case using ARGS
, one will use more than one
quoted set of arguments such as with:
ARGS "<arg0> <arg1>" "<arg2> <arg2>"
which creates 2 tests with the names <fullTestName>_00
arguments "<arg0> <arg1>"
and <fullTestName>_01
passing arguments
"<arg2> <arg3>"
. However, when passing multiple sets of arguments it is
preferable to not use ARGS
but instead use:
POSTFIX_AND_ARGS_0 test_a <arg0> <arg1>
POSTFIX_AND_ARGS_1 test_b <arg2> <arg2>
which also creates the same 2 tests but now with the improved names
passing arguments "<arg0> <arg1>"
passing arguments "<arg2> <arg3>"
. In this way,
the individual tests can be given more understandable names.
The other advantage of the POSTFIX_AND_ARGS_<IDX>
form is that the
arguments <arg0>
, <arg1>
, … do not need to be quoted and can
therefore be extended over multiple lines like:
POSTFIX_AND_ARGS_0 long_args --this-is-the-first-long-arg=very
If one does not use quotes when using ARGS
one will actually get more
than one test. For example, if one passes in:
ARGS --this-is-the-first-long-arg=very
one actually gets two tests, not one test. This is a common mistake that
people make when using the ARGS
form of passing arguments. This can’t
be fixed or it will break backward compatibility. If this could be designed
fresh, the ARGS
argument would only create a single test and the
arguments would not be quoted.
Determining Pass/Fail (tribits_add_test())
The only means to determine pass/fail is to use the built-in CTest
can only grep the test’s STDOUT/STDERR or to check for a 0 return value (or
invert these using WILL_FAIL
). For simple tests, that is enough.
However, for more complex executables, one may need to examine one or more
output files to determine pass/fail. Raw CMake/CTest cannot do this. In
this case, one should use tribits_add_advanced_test() instead to add the
Setting additional test properties (tribits_add_test())
After this function returns, any tests that get added using add_test()
can have additional properties set and changed using
. Therefore, any tests properties that are not
directly supported and passed through this wrapper function can be set in
the outer CMakeLists.txt
file after the call to tribits_add_test()
If tests are added, then the names of those tests will be returned in the
variable ADDED_TESTS_NAMES_OUT <testsNames>
. This can be used, for
example, to override the PROCESSORS
property for the tests with:
tribits_add_test( someTest ...
if (someTest_TEST_NAME)
set_tests_properties( ${someTest_TEST_NAME}
where the test writes a log file someTest.log
that we want to submit to
CDash also.
This approach will work no matter what TriBITS names the individual test(s)
or whether the test(s) are added or not (depending on other arguments like
, etc.).
The following built-in CTest test properties are set through Formal
Arguments (tribits_add_test()) or are otherwise automatically set by this
function and should NOT be overridden by direct calls to
, and
However, generally, other built-in CTest test properties can be set after
the test is added like show above. Examples of test properties that can be
set using direct calls to set_tests_properties()
For example, one can set a dependency between two tests using:
tribits_add_test( test_a [...]
tribits_add_test( test_b [...]
if (test_a_TEST_NAME AND test_b_TEST_NAME)
This ensures that test test_b
will always be run after test_a
both tests are run by CTest.
Running multiple tests at the same time (tribits_add_test())
By default, CTest will run as many tests defined with add_test()
at same
time as it can according to its parallel level (e.g. 'ctest -j<N>'
). For example, when raw
'ctest -j10'
is run, CTest will run multiple tests at the same time to
try to make usage of 10 processors/cores. If all of the defined tests only
used one process (which is assumed by default except for MPI tests), then
CTest will run 10 tests at the same time and will launch new tests as
running tests finish. One can also define tests which use more than one
process or use more cores than the number of MPI processes. When passing in
NUM_MPI_PROCS <numMpiProcs>
(see above), this TriBITS function will set the
built-in CTest property PROCESSORS
to <numMpiProcs>
set_tests_properties(<fullTestName> PROPERTIES PROCESSORS <numMpiProcs>)
This tells CTest that the defined test uses <numMpiProcs>
processes and
CTest will use that information to not exceed the requested parallel level.
For example, if several NUM_MPI_PROCS 3
tests are defined and CTest is
run with 'ctest -j12'
, then CTest would schedule and run 4 of these
tests at a time (to make use of 12 processors/cores on the machine),
starting new tests as running tests finish, until all of the tests have been
There are some situations where a test will use more processes/cores than
specified by NUM_MPI_PROCS <numMpiProcs>
such as when the underlying
executable fires off more processes in parallel to do processing. Also, an
MPI program may use threading and therefore use overall more cores than the
number of MPI processes. For these cases, it is critical to set
NUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED <numTotalCoresUsed>
to tell TriBITS and CTest how
many cores will be used by a threaded test. This is needed to exclude the
test if there are too many processes/cores needed to run the test than are
available. Also, if the test is added, then this is needed to set the
built-in CTest PROCESSORS
property so CTest can avoid overloading the
machine. For example, for test where the MPI executable running on 4
processes uses 10 threads per process, one would set:
In this case, it sets the CTest PROCESSORS
property as:
set_tests_properties(<fullTestName> PROPERTIES PROCESSORS <numTotalCoresUsed>)
When the number of processes a test uses does not cleanly divide into the
requested CTest parallel level, it is not clear how CTest schedules the
tests (hard to find documentation on this but one could always inspect the
CTest source code to find out for sure). However, one boundary case that is
well observed is that CTest will run all defined tests regardless of the
size of the PROCESSORS
property or the value of
. For example, if there are tests where
is set to 20 but `ctest -j10'
is used, then CTest will
still run those tests (using 20 processes) but will not schedule any other
tests while the parallel level is exceeded. This can overload the machine
obviously. Therefore, always set MPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS
to the maximum
number of cores/processes that can be comfortably run on a given machine.
Also note that MPI tests are very fragile to overloaded machines
NOTE: Never manually override the PROCESSORS
CTest property.
Instead, always using NUM_TOTAL_CORES_USED <numTotalCoresUsed>
to set
this. This is important because TriBITS needs to know how many
processes/cores are required for test so that it can disable the test if the
test requires more cores/processes than a given machine can handle or to
exceed an imposed budget of the number processes to be used. The latter is
important when running multiple ctest -J<N>
invocations on the same test
Setting timeouts for tests (tribits_add_test())
By default, all tests have a default timeout (1500 seconds for most projects, see DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT). That means that if they hang (e.g. as is common when deadlocking occurs with multi-process MPI-based tests and multi-threaded tests) then each test may hang for a long time, causing the overall test suite to take a long time to complete. For many CMake projects, this default timeout is way too long.
Timeouts for tests can be adjusted in a couple of ways. First, a default
timeout for all tests is enforced by CTest given the configured value of the
variable DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT (typically set by the user but set by
default to 1500 for most projects). This is a global timeout that applies
to all tests that don’t otherwise have individual timeouts set using the
CTest property (see below). The value of
in the CMake cache on input to CMake will get
scaled by ${PROJECT_NAME}_SCALE_TEST_TIMEOUT and the scaled value gets
written into the file DartConfiguration.tcl
as the field TimeOut
The``ctest`` executable reads TimeOut
from this file when it runs to
determine the default global timeout. The value of this default global
can be overridden using the ctest
argument --timeout
(see Overriding test timeouts).
Alternatively, timeouts for individual tests can be set using the input
argument TIMEOUT
(see Formal Arguments (tribits_add_test()) above).
The timeout value passed in to this function is then scaled by
and the scaled timeout is then set as
the CTest test property TIMEOUT
. One can observe the value of this
property in the CMake-generated file CTestTestfile.cmake
in the current
build directory. Individual test timeouts set this way are not impacted by
the global default timeout DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT
or the ctest
argument --timeout <seconds>
In summary, CTest determines the timeout for any individual test as follows:
If the
CTest property inCTestTestfile.cmake
for that test is set, then that value is used.Else if the
commandline option--timeout <seconds>
is provided, then that timeout is used.Else if the property
in the base fileDartConfiguration.tcl
is set to non-empty, then that timeout is used.Else, no timeout is set and the test can run (and hang) forever until manually killed by the user.
Debugging and Examining Test Generation (tribits_add_test())
In order to see what tests get added and if not then why, configure with
. That will print one line per show
that the test got added and if not then why the test was not added (i.e. due
Also, CMake writes a file CTestTestfile.cmake
in the current binary
directory which contains all of the added tests and test properties that are
set. This is the file that is read by ctest
when it runs to determine
what tests to run, determine pass/fail and adjust other behavior using test
properties. In this file, one can see the exact add_test()
commands. The is the ultimate way to debug
exactly what tests are getting added by this function (or if the test is
even being added at all).
Disabling Tests Externally (tribits_add_test())
The test can be disabled externally by setting the CMake cache variable
. This allows tests to be disabled on a
case-by-case basis by the user (for whatever reason). Here,
must be the exact name that shows up in ‘ctest -N’ when
running the test. If multiple tests are added in this function through
multiple argument sets to ARGS
or through multiple
arguments, then <fullTestName>_DISABLE=TRUE
must be set for each test individually. When a test is disabled in this
way, TriBITS will always print a warning to the cmake
stdout at
configure time warning that the test is being disabled.
Adding extra commandline arguments externally (tribits_add_test())
One can add additional command-line arguments for any ctest test added using this function. In order to do so, set the CMake cache variable:
set(<fullTestName>_EXTRA_ARGS "<earg0>;<earg1>;<earg2>;..."
CACHE STRING "Extra args")
in a *.cmake
configure options fragment file or:
-D <fullTestName>_EXTRA_ARGS="<earg0>;<earg1>;<earg2>;..."
on the CMake command-line.
These extra command-line arguments are added after any arguments passed in
through ARGS "<oarg0> <oarg1> ..."
<oarg1> ...
. This allows these extra arguments to override the earlier
The primary motivating use case for <fullTestName>_EXTRA_ARGS
is to
allow one to alter how a test runs on a specific platform or build. For
example, this allows one to disable specific individual unit tests for a
GTest executable such as with:
set(<fullTestName>_EXTRA_ARGS "--gtest_filter=-<unittest0>:<unittest1>:..."
CACHE STRING "Disable specific unit tests" )
For example, this would be an alternative to disabling an entire unit
testing executable using -D<fullTestName>_DISABLE=ON
as described above.
In: core/test_support/TribitsAddTest.cmake:15
Macro called to add a set of test directories for an package.
tribits_add_test_directories(<dir1> <dir2> ...)
This macro only needs to be called from the top most CMakeLists.txt
for which all subdirectories are all “tests”.
This macro can be called several times within a package and it will have the right effect.
Currently, all this macro does macro is to call add_subdirectory(<diri>)
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:429
Allow listed packages to be missing and automatically excluded from the package dependency data-structures.
tribits_allow_missing_external_packages(<pkg0> <plg1> ...)
If the missing upstream package <pkgi>
is optional, then the effect
will be to simply ignore the missing package (i.e. it will never be added to
package’s list and not added to dependency data-structures) and remove it
from the dependency lists for downstream packages that have an optional
dependency on the missing upstream package <pkgi>
. However, all
downstream packages that have a required dependency on the missing
upstream package <pkgi>
will be hard disabled,
and a note on the
disable will be printed.
WARNING: This macro just sets the cache variable
for each package
. Therefore, using this function effectively turns off error
checking for misspelled package names so it is important to only use it when
it absolutely is needed (use cases mentioned below). Also note that missing
packages are silently ignored by default. Therefore, when doing development
involving these packages, it is usually a good idea to set:
so that it will catch errors in the misspelling of package names or source directories. However, notes on what missing packages are being ignored can printed by configuring with:
This macro is typically called in one of two different contexts:
Called from <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake when the upstream package
is defined in an optional upstream TriBITS Repository. This allows the downstream repos and packages to still be enabled (assuming they don’t have required dependencies on the missing packages) when one or more upstream repos are missing.Called from <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake when the package
might be defined in an optional non-TriBITS repo (see How to insert a package into an upstream repo).
For some meta-projects that composes packages from may different TriBITS repositories, one might need to also call this function from the file <projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProcessPackagesAndDirsLists.cmake:113
Asset that a cache variable and a possible local variable (if it exists) have the same value.
If the local var <cacheVarName>
and the cache var <cacheVarName>
both exist but have different values, then message(SEND_ERROR ...)
called with an informative error message.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPkgExportCacheVars.cmake:45
Macro that configures the package’s main configured header file (typically
called ${PACKAGE_NAME}_config.h
but any name can be used).
This function requires the file:
exists and it creates the file:
by calling the built-in configure_file()
which does basic substitution of CMake variables (see documentation for built-in CMake configure_file() command for rules on how it performs substitutions). This command is typically used to configure the package’s main <packageDir>/cmake/<packageName> file.
In addition to just calling configure_file()
, this function also aids in
creating configured header files adding macros for deprecating code as
described below.
Deprecated Code Macros
tribits_add_show_deprecated_warnings_option()), then the local CMake
is set which
is the package name in all upper-case letters)
which adds a compiler-specific deprecated warning for an entity. To take
advantage of this, just add the line:
to the <packageConfigFile>.in
file and it will be expanded at configure
Then C/C++ code can use this macro to deprecate functions, variables, classes, etc., for example, using:
<PARENT_PACKAGE_NAME_UC>_DEPRECATED class SomeDepreatedClass { ... }.
If the particular compiler does not support deprecated warnings, then this macro is defined to be empty. See Regulated Backward Compatibility and Deprecated Code for more details.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsConfigureFile.cmake:27
Function that copies a list of files from a source directory to a destination directory at configure time, typically so that it can be used in one or more tests.
[SOURCE_FILES <file1> <file2> ...]
[SOURCE_DIR <sourceDir>]
[DEST_FILES <dfile1> <dfile2> ...]
[DEST_DIR <destDir>]
[TARGETDEPS <targDep1> <targDep2> ...]
[EXEDEPS <exeDep1> <exeDep2> ...]
[CATEGORIES <category1> <category2> ...]
This sets up all of the custom CMake commands and targets to ensure that the
files in the destination directory are always up to date just by building
the ALL
NOTE: The target name <targetName>
must be unique from all other
targets in the same TriBITS Package. Otherwise, one will get a configure
failure complaining that a target name has already been defined. Therefore,
be sure to pick long and unique target names!
This function has a few valid calling modes:
1) Source files and destination files have the same name:
SOURCE_FILES <file1> <file2> ...
[SOURCE_DIR <sourceDir>]
[DEST_DIR <destDir>]
[TARGETDEPS <targDep1> <targDep2> ...]
[EXEDEPS <exeDep1> <exeDep2> ...]
[CATEGORIES <category1> <category2> ...]
In this case, the names of the source files and the destination files are the same but just live in different directories.
2) Source files have a prefix different from the destination files:
DEST_FILES <file1> <file2> ...
[SOURCE_DIR <sourceDir>]
[DEST_DIR <destDir>]
[EXEDEPS <exeDep1> <exeDep2> ...]
[CATEGORIES <category1> <category2> ...]
In this case, the source files have the same basic name as the destination
files except they have the prefix <srcPrefix>
prepended to the name.
3) Source files and destination files have completely different names:
SOURCE_FILES <sfile1> <sfile2> ...
[SOURCE_DIR <sourceDir>]
DEST_FILES <dfile1> <dfile2> ...
[DEST_DIR <destDir>]
[EXEDEPS <exeDep1> <exeDep2> ...]
[CATEGORIES <category1> <category2> ...]
In this case, the source files and destination files have completely different prefixes.
The individual arguments are:
SOURCE_FILES <file1> <file2> ...
Listing of the source files relative to the source directory given by the argument
SOURCE_DIR <sourceDir>
. If omitted, this list will be the same asDEST_FILES
with the argumentSOURCE_PREFIX <srcPrefix>
SOURCE_DIR <sourceDir>
Optional argument that gives the (absolute) base directory for all of the source files. If omitted, this takes the default value of
DEST_FILES <file1> <file2> ...
Listing of the destination files relative to the destination directory given by the argument
DEST_DIR <destDir>
. If omitted, this list will be the same as given by theSOURCE_FILES
DEST_DIR <destDir>
Optional argument that gives the (absolute) base directory for all of the destination files. If omitted, this takes the default value of
TARGETDEPS <targDep1> <targDep2> ...
Listing of general CMake targets that these files will be added as dependencies to. This results in the copies to be performed when any of the targets
are built.
EXEDEPS <exeDep1> <exeDep2> ...
Listing of executable targets that these files will be added as dependencies to. By default, the prefix
will is appended to the names of the targets. This ensures that if the executable target is built that these files will also be copied as well.
Option that determines if the prefix
will be appended to the arguments in theEXEDEPS
In: core/package_arch/TribitsCopyFilesToBinaryDir.cmake:14
Universal platform-independent CTest/CDash driver function for CTest -S scripts for TriBITS projects
Usage (in <script>.cmake
file run with CTest -S <script>.cmake
# Set some basic vars and include tribits_ctest_driver()
# Set variables that define this build
set(CTEST_BUILD_NAME <buildName>)
set(CTEST_TEST_TYPE Nightly)
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_REPOSITORY_LOCATION <git-url-to-the-base-git-repo>)
[... Set other vars ...]
# Call the driver script to handle the rest
This platform independent code is used in CTest -S scripts to drive the testing process for submitting to CDash for a TriBITS project.
This function drives the following operations:
Clone or update all source version control (VC) repos (Only if CTEST_DO_UPDATES
, otherwise existing source tree pointed to by CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY must already be in place). Submit “Update” data to CDash.Empty the build directory pointed to by CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY (only if CTEST_DO_NEW_START
).Generate the file <Project>PackageDependencies.xml which is needed to determine which packages need to be tested based on changes (only if CTEST_GENERATE_OUTER_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE
).Generate the file CDashSubprojectDependencies.xml (only if CTEST_SUBMIT_CDASH_SUBPROJECTS_DEPS_FILE
). Submit file to CDash to inform of subproject structure and email addresses.Determine the set of packages to be tested. If CTEST_ENABLE_MODIFIED_PACKAGES_ONLY
, then this is determined by the files that have changed since the last build and therefore what TriBITS packages need to be tested (can only be used if and the underlying source tree repos must are git repos). Otherwise, one can directly set ${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES and other variables (see Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver())).Start a new dashboard calling ctest_start() which defines a new CDash build (with a unique Build Stamp) (only if CTEST_DO_NEW_START
).Configure the selected packages to be tested in the build directory pointed to by CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY. Submit “Configure” and “Notes” data to CDash (only if CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE
).Build configured packages and the enabled package tests. Submit “Build” data to CDash (only if CTEST_DO_BUILD
).Install the configured and build targets. Submit “Build” install data to CDash (only if CTEST_DO_INSTALL
).Run enabled tests for the configured packages (only if CTEST_DO_TEST =
). (Also, this will generate coverage data if CTEST_DO_COVERAGE_TESTING= TRUE
). Submit “Test” data to CDash.Collect coverage results from tests already run (only if CTEST_DO_COVERAGE_TESTING
). Submit “Coverage” data to CDash.Run dynamic analysis testing on defined test suite (e.g. run
with each of the test commands (only if CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING= TRUE
). Submit “MemCheck” data to CDash.
After each of these steps, results are submitted to CDash if
and otherwise no data is submitted to any
CDash site (which is good for local debugging of CTest -S driver scripts).
For the package-by-package mode these steps 7-11 for configure, build, and
running tests shown above are actually done in a loop package-by-package
with submits for each package to be tested. For the all-at-once mode, these
steps are done all at once for the selected packages to be tested and
results are submitted to CDash all-at-once for all packages together (see
All-at-once versus package-by-package mode (tribits_ctest_driver())).
For context for how this function is used, see:
Also note that this function executes Reduced Package Dependency Processing so all of the files described in that process are read in while this function runs. This processing is needed to determine the TriBITS package dependency graph and to determine the set of packages to be enabled or disabled when determining the set of packages to be tested.
Source and Binary Directory Locations (tribits_ctest_driver())
Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver())
Setting variables in the inner CMake configure (tribits_ctest_driver())
Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver())
Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver())
Specifying where the results go to CDash (tribits_ctest_driver())
Determining what TriBITS repositories are included (tribits_ctest_driver())
All-at-once versus package-by-package mode (tribits_ctest_driver())
The following is an alphabetical listing of all of the variables that impact
the behavior of the function tribits_ctest_driver()
with links to their
more detailed documentation:
(Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_BRANCH
(Repository Updates (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_CTEST_DO_ALL_AT_ONCE
(All-at-once versus package-by-package mode (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES
(Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES
(Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE
(Determining what TriBITS repositories are included (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE
(Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_EXCLUDE_PACKAGES
(Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_BRANCH
(Repository Updates (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE
(Determining what TriBITS repositories are included (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES
(Determining what TriBITS repositories are included (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_VERSION_DATE_FILES
(Setting variables in the inner CMake configure (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_INNER_ENABLE_TESTS
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES
(Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_PRE_REPOSITORIES
(Determining what TriBITS repositories are included (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_REPOSITORY_BRANCH
(Repository Updates (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_REPOSITORY_LOCATION
(Repository Updates (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_SKIP_CTEST_ADD_TEST
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_TRACK
(Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR
(Source and Binary Directory Locations (tribits_ctest_driver()))${PROJECT_NAME}_VERBOSE_CONFIGURE
(Other CTest Driver options (tribits_ctest_driver()))COMPILER_VERSION
(Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY
(Source and Binary Directory Locations (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_BUILD_NAME
(Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_CHANGE_ID
(Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR
(Other CTest Driver options (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_CONFIGURATION_UNIT_TESTING
(Other CTest Driver options (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT
(Source and Binary Directory Locations (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_BUILD
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_COVERAGE_TESTING
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_INSTALL
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_NEW_START
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_SUBMIT
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_TEST
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_DO_UPDATES
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_ENABLE_MODIFIED_PACKAGES_ONLY
(Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_EXPLICITLY_ENABLE_IMPLICITLY_ENABLED_PACKAGES
(Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_GENERATE_OUTER_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_NOTES_FILES
(Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_SITE
(Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY
(Source and Binary Directory Locations (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_SOURCE_NAME
(Source and Binary Directory Locations (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_START_WITH_EMPTY_BINARY_DIRECTORY
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_SUBMIT_CDASH_SUBPROJECTS_DEPS_FILE
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_TEST_TYPE
(Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_UPDATE_ARGS
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_UPDATE_VERSION_ONLY
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))CTEST_WIPE_CACHE
(Determining what testing-related actions are performed (tribits_ctest_driver()))EXTRA_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS
(Setting variables in the inner CMake configure (tribits_ctest_driver()))EXTRA_SYSTEM_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS
(Setting variables in the inner CMake configure (tribits_ctest_driver()))TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION
(Specifying where the results go to CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_SITE
(Specifying where the results go to CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()))TRIBITS_PROJECT_ROOT
(Source and Binary Directory Locations (tribits_ctest_driver()))
List of all variables (tribits_ctest_driver()):
Setting variables (tribits_ctest_driver()):
Variables can be set to control the behavior of this function before the
function is called. Some variables must be set in the CTest -S driver
script before calling this function tribits_ctest_driver()
. Many
variables have a default value that will work in most cases.
In general, these variables fall into one of three different categories:
Variables that must be set in the outer CTest -S driver script before the TribitsCTestDriverCore.cmake module is even included: Many of these can also be overridden from an env var of the same name. There are very few of these variables and they are specifically called out below.
Variables with no default value that must set in the outer CTest -S driver script after the TribitsCTestDriverCore.cmake module is included but before tribits_ctest_driver() is called: There are very few of these variables and in some cases, they may be optional. These types of variables will be called out below.
Variables that can be are set before tribits_ctest_driver() is called but have default values provided in the tribits_ctest_driver() function and may look for env var overrides: This comprises the majority of the variables used in
. The variables that have default values but allow for an override as an env var use the function set_default_and_from_env(). In the case of variables that are given a default value withset_default_and_from_env()
, their value is always overridden with what is in the env var of the same name. In this case, the overriding value that is read in from the env is printed out. In either case, the value used for these variables is printed out.
Which variables are which are described below for each variable.
Source and Binary Directory Locations (tribits_ctest_driver()):
To understand how to set the source and binary directories, one must understand that CTest -S scripts using this function get run in one of two different modes:
Mode 1: Run where there are already existing source and binary
directories (i.e. is set empty before call). In this case,
user before calling this function (and CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT is empty).
This mode is typically used to test a local build or an existing cloned and
setup set source tree and post to CDash (see the custom dashboard
in Dashboard Submissions).
Mode 2: A new binary directory is created and optionally new sources
are cloned or updated under a driver directory
is set before call and that directory will be
created if it does not already exist). In this case, there are typically
two (partial) project source tree’s, a) the “driver” skeleton source tree
(typically with an embedded tribits/ directory) that bootstraps the testing
process that contains the CTest -S driver script, and b) the full “source”
tree that is (optionally) cloned and/or updated and is directly configured,
build, and tested. This mode can also handle the case where the source tree
is already set up in the location pointed to by CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY
so this mode can get away with a
single source tree and can handle a variety of use cases that may
pre-manipulate the source tree before tribits_ctest_driver()
is run.
There are a few different directory locations that are significant for this script used in one or both of the modes described above:
.The root directory to an existing source tree where the project’s <projectDir>/ProjectName.cmake (defining the
variable) and <projectDir>/Version.cmake files can be found. This can be set() in the CTest -S script or override as an env var. The default and env override is set for this during the include() of the moduleTribitsCTestDriverCore.cmake
The base directory for the TriBITS system’s various CMake modules, python scripts, and other files. By default this is assumed to be
. This can be set() in the CTest -S script or overridden as an env var. The default and env override is set for this during the include() ofTribitsCTestDriverCore.cmake
If set, this is the base directory where this script runs that clones the sources for the project. If this directory does not exist, it will be created. If provided as the special value
, then the present working directory is used. If empty, then this var has no effect. This can be set() in CTest -S script before the call totribits_ctest_driver()
or override as an env var.
The name of the source directory. This can be set() in the CTest -S script before the call to
or overridden as an env var. By default, this is set to${PROJECT_NAME}
Built-in CTest variable that determines the location of the sources that are used to define packages, dependencies and configure, build, and test the software. This is a variable that CTest directly reads and must therefore be set. This is used to set PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR which is used by the TriBITS system. If
is set, then this is hard-coded internally to${CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT}/${CTEST_SOURCE_NAME}
and will therefore override any value that might be set in the CTest -S driver script. However, ifCTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT
is empty whenTribitsCTestDriverCore.cmake
is included(), then by default it set to${TRIBITS_PROJECT_ROOT}
. This can only be set() in the CTest -S driver script and is not overridden as an env var. The only way to override in the ENV is to indirectly set through${CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT}
Built-in CTest variable that determines the location of the binary tree where output from CMake/CTest is put. This is used to set to PROJECT_BINARY_DIR which is used by the TriBITS system and this variable is directly ready by CTest itself. If
is set, then this is hard-coded internally to${CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT}/BUILD
(overwriting any existing value ofCTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY
is empty whenTribitsCTestDriverCore.cmake
is included(), then by default it set to$ENV{PWD}/BUILD
can not be overridden in the env.
Determining What Packages Get Tested (tribits_ctest_driver()):
Before any testing is done, the set of packages to be tested is determined. This determination uses the basic TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors and logic. By default, the set of packages to be tested and otherwise explicitly processed is determined by the vars (which can also be set as env vars):
A semi-colon ‘;’ or comma ‘,’ separated list of packages that determines the specific set of packages to test. If left at the default value of empty “”, then ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES is set to
and that enables packages as described in <Project>_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES enables all PT (cond. ST) packages. This variable can use ‘,’ to separate package names instead of ‘;’. The default value is empty “”.
is empty (and therefore${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES=ON
is set), then additional packages not enabled in that logic can be listed${PROJECT_NAME}_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES
and they will be tested as well. For example, if this wold be used when there are some additional ST or EX packages that should be tested in a PT build (e.g.${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE=FALSE
. The default value is empty “”.
A file that is expected to define a set to set() statements to enable a set of packages. The set of packages enabled will determine what packages are specifically processed and tested (according to other options as well). NOTE: To get this set of enables passed to inner configure, also list this file in the inner configure cache variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE (see passing such options through in Setting variables in the inner CMake configure (tribits_ctest_driver())). This is used instead of the variable
to specify the set of packages to enable and test. (If both${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES
are both set, then a fatal error will occur. The default value is empty “”.
If set to
, then all of the downstream packages from those specified in${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES
will be enabled (see <Project>_ENABLE_ALL_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES enables downstream packages/tests). The default value isFALSE
is set in which case the default value isTRUE
If set to
, then ST packages will get enabled in automated logic in the outer determination of what packages to get tested. This value also gets passed to the inner CMake configure. The default value isOFF
A semi-colon ‘;’ or comma ‘,’ separated list of packages NOT to enable when determining the set of packages to be tested. NOTE: Listing packages here will not disable the package in the inner CMake configure when using the package-by-packages approach. To do that, you will have to disable them in the variable EXTRA_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS (set in your driver script). But for the all-at-once approach this list of package disables IS pass into the inner configure.
If set to
), then if there are conflicts between explicit enables and disables then explicit disables will override the explicit enables (see Disables trump enables where there is a conflict). The default isON
and likely should not be changed. The default value isON
If set to
, then all of the upstream packages for those selected to be explicitly tested will be processed with results posted to CDash. The default isTRUE
. Most builds that specify a specific set of packages in${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES
should likely set this toFALSE
NOTE: Any and all of the above vars can be set as env vars and they will
override the value set inside the CTest -S script with set()`
set_default()) statements. Also, for any of the vars that take a list,
the CMake standard semi-colon char ‘;’ can be used to separate list items or
comas ‘,’ can be used so that they can be used when setting env vars. (The
comas ‘,’ are then replaced with semi-colons ‘;’ internally before
interpreted as an list by CMake.)
The other mode for selecting the set of packages to be tested is to only test the packages that have changes since the last time this build was run and testing packages that previously failed. That mode is turned on by the var:
, then only packages that have changes pulled from the git repos since the last time the build ran will be tested (in addition to packages that failed in the last build). IfFALSE
, the set of packages to be tested is determined by ${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES and other variables as described above.
Setting variables in the inner CMake configure:
It is important to understand that none of the CMake vars that get set in
the outer CTest -S program that calls tribits_ctest_driver()
automatically get passed into the inner configure of the TriBITS CMake
project using the ctest_configure()
command by CMake. From the
perspective of raw CTest and CMake, these are completely separate programs.
However, the tribits_ctest_driver()
function will forward subset a of
variables documented below into the inner CMake configure. The following
variables that are set in the outer CTest -S program will be passed into the
inner CMake configure by default (but their values they can be overridden by
Missing extra repos are always ignored in the inner CMake configure. This is because any problems reading an extra repo will be caught in the outer CTest -S driver script.
Because of the behavior of the package-by-package mode, currently, this is hard-coded to
. (This set may be removed in the future for the all-at-once mode.)
This is currently set for the package-by-package mode since some packages may get disabled because required upstream dependent packages may be disabled. (This set may be removed in the future for the all-at-once mode.)
The following variables set in the outer CTest -S driver script will be passed
down into the inner CMake configure through the OPTIONS
variable to the
: Direct pass-through${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_TESTS
: Set the the same value as ${PROJECT_NAME}_INNER_ENABLE_TESTS set in the outer ctest -S driver script${PROJECT_NAME}_SKIP_CTEST_ADD_TEST
: Direct pass-throughMPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS
: Set toON
: Direct pass-through${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_VERSION_DATE_FILES: Only passed down if non-empty value is set (default empty “”)
Arbitrary options can be set to be passed into the inner CMake configure after the above options are passed by setting the following variables:
Additional list of system-specific options to be passed to the inner CMake configure. This must be set in the CTest -S driver script with a
statement (i.e. env var is not read). These options get added after all of the above pass-through options so they can override any of those options. WARNING: Do not include any semicolons ‘;’ in these arguments (see below WARNING).
Additional list of extra cmake configure options to be passed to the inner CMake configure. This must be set in the CTest -S driver script with a
statement (i.e. env var is not read). These options get added after all of the above pass-through options and the options listed inEXTRA_SYSTEM_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS
so they can override any of those options. WARNING: Do not include any semicolons ‘;’ in these arguments (see below WARNING).
:A yet additional list of extra cmake configure options to be passed to the inner CMake configure after all of the others. Unlike the above options, this var is read from the env and allows the user to set arbitrary configure options that overrides all others. WARNING: Do not include any semicolons ‘;’ in these arguments (see below WARNING).
These configure options are passed into the ctest_configure()
command in
the order:
<initial options> ${EXTRA_SYSTEM_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS}} \
should not contain any semi-colons ‘;’ or they will be interpreted as array
bounds and mess up the arguments when passed to the inner CMake configure.
To avoid problems with spaces and semicolons, it is usually a good idea to
put these cache vars into *.cmake
file fragments and the pass them
through using the variable <Project>_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE as:
or using the built-in CMake option:
-C<abs-base>/<optionsfile1>.cmake -C<abs-base>/<optionsfile2>.cmake ...
NOTE: The full list of options passed into the inner CMake is printed out
before calling ctest_configure()
so any issues setting options and the
ordering of options can be seen in that printout.
When run, tribits_ctest_driver()
always performs a configure and build
but other actions are optional. By default, a version control update (or
clone) is performed as well as running tests and submitting results to
CDash. But the version control update, the running tests and submitting
results to CDash can be disabled. Also, coverage testing and memory testing
are not performed by default but they can be turned on with results
submitted to CDash. These actions are controlled by the following variables
(which can be set in the CTest -S script before calling
and can be overridden by env vars of the same
is called to set up a new “dashboard” (i.e. define a new CDash build with a unique Build Stamp defined in theTesting/TAG
file). IfFALSE
, thenctest_start(... APPEND)
is called which allows it this ctest -S invocation to append results to an existing CDash build. (See ???). DefaultTRUE
, then the source repos will be updated as specified in Repository Updates (tribits_ctest_driver()). DefaultTRUE
Any extra arguments to use with
git clone
to clone the base git repo. The default value is empty “”. This is only used for the base git repo (not the extra repos).
:Built-in CTest variable that if set to
will change the default behavior ofctest_update()
such that it will not clone or pull from the remove repo or update the local branch in any way. This also skips any actions on extra repos and skips the creation of theUpdates.txt
files. Setting this toTRUE
and doing a submit to CDash will result “Revision” column being present with the Git SHA1 of the base repo (and a hyperlink to the commit in the public git repo). This is useful when using with a CI testing system that handles all of the git repo manipulation like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, or Jenkins.
, then if the binary directory${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}
already exists, then it will be clean out using the CTest commandctest_empty_binary_directory()
. However, this can set toFALSE
in which case a rebuild (using existing object files, libraries, etc.) will be performed which is useful when using an incremental CI server. But this is ignored ifCTEST_DO_NEW_START=FALSE
. DefaultTRUE
(which is the most robust option).
, then the selected packages will be configured. IfFALSE
, it is assumed that a relevant configure is already in place in the binary directory if a build or running tests is to be done. Note that for the package-by-package mode, a configure is always done if a build or any testing is to be done but results will not be sent to CDash unlessCTEST_DO_CONFIGURE=TRUE
. DefaultTRUE
, then${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CMakeCache.txt
will be deleted before performing a configure. (This value is set toFALSE
by the make dashboard target that does an experimental build, test, and submit to CDash.) DefaultTRUE
(which is the most robust option in general).
, then the selected packages will be build. IfFALSE
, it is assumed that a relevant build is already in place in the binary directory if any testing is to be done. DefaultTRUE
Built-in CTest variable that gives the flags passed to the build command called inside of the built-in CTest command
. The default is-j2
when CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR is set toUnix Makefiles
. Otherwise, the default is empty “”. Useful options to set are-j<N>
(to build on parallel) and-k
(to keep going when there are build errors so we can see all of the build errors). WhenCTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR
is set toNinja
, thej<N>
option can be left off (in which case all of the available unloaded cores are used to build) and the option-k 999999
can be used to build all targets when there are build failures.
will be passed th the inner CMake configure and the ‘install_package_by_package’ target will be built to install what has been configured and built by the build step for the all-at-once mode (i.e.${PROJECT_NAME}_CTEST_DO_ALL_AT_ONCE=TRUE
is not added to the inner configure and no install is performed. (NOTE: The cmake varCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
must be set on the inner cmake configure for this to work correctly. Also, the install is currently not implemented for the package-by-package mode${PROJECT_NAME}_CTEST_DO_ALL_AT_ONCE=FALSE
and this option will simply be ignored in that case.) DefaultFALSE
, thenctest_test()
will be called and test results will be submitted to CDash. This should be set toFALSE
when one wanted to only test the configure and build of a project but not run any tests (e.g. when cross compiling or if the tests are too expensive to run). The default value isTRUE
The parallel level passed in the
argument toctest_test()
. The default value is1
will be passed to the inner CMake configure. This will avoid building of all tests and examples for the enabled packages and also no CTest tests will be defined using calls toadd_test()
in the inner project configure. This results in just the building of the libraries and non-test, non-example executables (which will be much faster for some projects). The default value isON
(in which case all of the test and example executable and other targets will get built for all of the explicitly enabled packages and the associated ctest tests will be defined and run).
:If set to
is passed in to the inner CMake configure. This will result in all of the test and example executables for the enabled packages to be built but no ctest tests will get defined and run by skipping the inner CMake calls toadd_test()
. Setting this toTRUE
allows all of the libraries, production executables and the test and example executables and other targets to get built, but no tests will be run. However, whenCTEST_DO_TEST=ON
, thectest_test()
command will still be run and test results will still be submitted to CDash which will report zero tests. This avoids the test results being reported as missing on CDash for tools
. The default value isFALSE
(in which case any enabled tests or examples in the explicitly enabled packages will get run).
, thenctest_coverage()
is called to collect coverage and submit results generated from the previousctest_test()
command. Setting this toTRUE
getting passed down to the inner CMake configure of the project (i.e. so that the executables are instrumented to generate coverage data when run by the tests in thectest_test()
command). (Default isOFF
Built-in CTest variable that determines the command that is run by
to collect coverage results. That default value isgcov
, thenctest_memcheck()
is called to run the test suite with the memory checking tool and results submitted to CDash.
Built-in CTest variable that determines the command that is used to run the command for each test run by the
command. Ifvalgrind
is found on the local system, then that is used by default. Otherwise, the default is empty “”.
Built-in CTest variable that determines what options are passed to the memory checking command before the actual test command. The default value is empty “”.
, then<Project>PackageDependencies.xml
file will be generated in the outer CTest -S program. This file is used to help determine what packages have changed and need to be tested when in CI mode (e.g. whenCTEST_ENABLE_MODIFIED_PACKAGES_ONLY=TRUE
is set). It is also needed to generate theCDashSubprojectDependencies.xml
file that gets submitted to CDash to inform it of the list of subprojects and subproject dependencies (i.e. TriBITS packages). The default value isTRUE
, then CDash subprojects XML file is generated and submitted to CDash. This file tells CDash about the subproject (i.e. TriBITS package) structure. The default value isTRUE
, then all of the results generated locally are submitted to CDash usingctest_submit()
. One can set this toFALSE
when locally debugging a CTest -S driver script to avoid spamming CDash. The default value isTRUE
. (NOTE: This may submit to more than one CDash site as noted in Specifying where the results go to CDash (tribits_ctest_driver())).
Determining how the results are displayed on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()):
These options all primarily determine how VC update, configure, build, test,
and other results submitted are displayed on CDash (but not what CDash
site(s) or project(s) to which they are submitted, see Specifying where the
results go to CDash (tribits_ctest_driver())). These options can all be
set in the CTest -S script using set()
statements before
is called and can be overridden in the env when
running the CTest -S driver script.
Determines the model for build. This value is passed in as the first argument to the built-in CTest function
. Valid values includeNightly
, andExperimental
. As far as CTest is concerned, the only real impact this CTest “Model” has is on setting the time stamp in the build stamp field (which is stored in the fileTesting/TAG
). For the modelNightly
, the time stamp in the build stamp is taken from the variableCTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME
read in from the file <projectDir>/CTestConfig.cmake file. Otherwise, the time stamp used is the current build start time. (The reason this is significant is that builds on CDash that have the same site, buildname, and build stamp are considered the same build and will combine results.) This also defines the default value for ${PROJECT_NAME}_TRACK (see below) as well as defines the default value for${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_KNOWN_EXTERNAL_REPOS_TYPE
. The default value isExperimental
Specifies the testing track that specifies the CDash group for which results are displayed under (i.e. the “Group” filter field on CDash). This is the value used for the (deprecated)
argument (renamedGROUP
in CMake/CTest versions 3.16+) of the built-in CTest functionctest_start()
. The default value is set to${CTEST_TEST_TYPE}
. However, ifCTEST_TEST_TYPE==Experimental
is forced toExperimental
, even if it was set to a different value. The default value can also be set in the ctest -S driver script itself by settingset(${PROJECT_NAME}_TRACK <cdash-group>)
. And, of course, if the environment variableexport <Project>_TRACK=<cdash-group>
is set, then that value will be used for the CDash Track/Group to submit results to.
This is a built-in CTest variable that determines what is displayed for the
field for the build on CDash. This specified by default by calling the built-in CMake/CTest functionsite_name()
Gives the name of the compiler that is used to compose a default CTEST_BUILD_NAME. If
is explicitly set, then this value is ignored.
This is a built-in CTest variable that determines the name of the build on CDash. Builds that have the same
are considered to be related builds and CDash will relate them as “previous” and “next” builds (good for showing number of added or removed tests, new test failures, new passing tests, etc.). If not specified, it is given the default value${HOST_TYPE}-${COMPILER_VERSION}-${BUILD_DIR_NAME}
is determined automatically from theuname
system command usingfind_program(uname)
. The value ofBUILD_DIR_NAME
is expected to be set in each specific CTest -S driver script.
Built-in CTest variable that specifies a semi-colon separated list of files that will get uploaded to CDash as “notes files”. This function will also add notes files as well such as the file
(cleaned-up version of the CMakeCache.txt file), the fileUpdates.txt
(lists new git commits pulled in all the git repos), the fileUpdateCommandsOutput.txt
(list of commands and their output which are run byctest_update()
in the base git repo), and the file${PROJECT_NAME}RepoVersion.txt
(gives version of all the git repos being tested).
Built-in CTest variable that can be used to set to an integer for the GitHub Pull Request (PR) ID or GitLab Merge Request (MR) ID (or other such repository and development management system’s change control ID). If the CDash project is properly configured to point to the GitHub or GitLab (or other supported) repository for the project, then CDash will put a hyper-linked icon beside the build name that links back to the PR or MR issue with that ID. It may also be used for other purposes as well in the future.
Specifying where the results go to CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()):
By default, the target CDash server and CDash project are specified by the
variables set in the file <projectDir>/CTestConfig.cmake; specifically,
If these are set using set_default_and_from_env(), as shown in the
example TribitsExampleProject/CTestConfig.cmake
file, then they can be
overridden with set()
statements in the CTest -S script or as env vars;
simple enough.
In addition, results can be sent to a second CDash site using the variables:
CDash drop site for second upload of results. If empty, then
is used.
Location for the second drop site. If empty, then
is used.
At lease one of these vars must be set to non empty or a second submit will not be performed. For more details, see TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_SITE and TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION.
Links to results on CDash (tribits_ctest_driver()):
Links to where the results will be posted on CDash are printed to STDOUT before it performs any actions and at end after all of the actions and submits have been completed.
The results are printed to STDOUT in a section that looks like:
Link to this build's results on CDash:
Link to all builds for this repo version on CDash:
Link to all nonpassing tests for all builds for this repo version on CDash:
The URL <cdash-build-url>
is created from the buildname, site, and
buildstartime fields which is known from the TAG file created by CTest.
This allows access the results for this particular build on CDash by just
clicking that link.
The URL <cdash-revision-builds-url>
provides a link to a CDash
query that includes all of the builds with the same base Git
repo SHA1. This allows comparing the results of this build for other builds
for this same version of the base Git repository.
The URL <cdash-revision-nonpassing-tests-url>
gives a link to a CDash
query for all of the nonpassing tests for all of the
builds with this same base project Git repo SHA1. This allows comparing
test failures across all of the builds for the same base project Git repo
NOTE: The links <cdash-revision-builds-url>
are only provided if the base
project Git repo has the .git/
subdirectory and if git log
successfully returns the SHA1 for that base Git repo.
NOTE: The links <cdash-revision-builds-url>
only consider the Git SHA1 of the
base project Git repo. For multi-repo projects (see Multi-Repository
Support), you may get results for builds with different subrepo versions
and therefore may be comparing apples and oranges. (Projects that commit a
file to their base Git repo or use Git
Submodules will have unique base project Git repo SHA1s for different
versions of the project’s repos.)
In addition, a text file CDashResults.txt
will be written in the build
directory that contains this same CDash link information shown above. This
allows a process to cat the file CDashResults.txt
to get links to the
results on CDash.
Determining what TriBITS repositories are included (tribits_ctest_driver()):
This script is set up to process extra VC and TriBITS repos that contribute additional TriBITS packages to the base TriBITS project. This set of extra repos is determined using the following vars (which can be set in the CTest -S script or overridden with env vars of the same name):
Points to a file that lists the extra VC and TriBITS repos. If not explicitly set, then by default it will read from the file <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake unless
is set in theProjectName.cmake
file in which case no extra repos file is read in. See <Project>_EXTRAREPOS_FILE.
The category of extra repos to process from the file
Subset of “pre” extra repos specified in the file
to process (see <Project>_PRE_REPOSITORIES).
Subset of “post” extra repos specified in the file
to process (see <Project>_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES).
The behavior for selecting extra repos using these variables is determined as described in:
All-at-once versus package-by-package mode (tribits_ctest_driver()):
This function supports driving the configure, build, testing, and submitting to CDash of the packages in the TriBITS project either all-at-once or package-by-package, based on the vars (which can be set in the CTest -S script and overridden by env vars):
, then single calls toctest_configure()
are made for all of the packages to be tested all at once withctest_submit()
called after each of these. IfFALSE
are called in a loop, once for each package to be explicitly tested.
Both the all-at-once mode and the package-by-package mode should produce equivalent builds of the project and submits to CDash (for correctly constructed TriBITS projects and packages). But the package-by-package mode will disable packages with failing library builds when processing downstream packages, and therefore reduce the propagation of failures to downstream packages and therefore is more robust. But the package-by-package mode is more expensive in several respects for many projects.
For newer versions of CDash 3.1+, for the all-at-once mode, the CDash server will break down build and test results on a package-by-package basis on CDash together.
Multiple ctest -S invocations (tribits_ctest_driver()):
By default, this function is meant to be used in a single invocation of the
ctest -S <script>.cmake
command in order to do everything from the
beginning and submit to CDash. But there are times when one needs to do the
various steps in multiple ctest -S
invocations that all send data to the
same CDash build. For example, on some clusters, configure and build must
be done on “compile nodes” but the tests must be run on “compute nodes”.
Typically, these types of machines have a shared file system. On a system
like this, one would use two different invocations as:
# Start new dashboard, update, configure, and build on compile node
ctest -S <script>.cmake
# Run tests only on compute node
<run-on-compute-node> \
ctest -S <script>.cmake
is needed to ensure that the test
results go to the same CDash build. (NOTE: A CDash build is uniquely
determined by the site name, build name and build stamp.)
This approach works for both the all-at-once mode and the package-by-package mode.
Also, one can run each of the basic steps in its own ctest -S
starting with CTEST_DO_NEW_START = ON
then then CTEST_DO_TEST = ON
, etc. While there is typically no
reason to split things up to this level of granularity, CTest and this
function will support such usage. All that is
required is that those steps be performed in that order. For example, one
cannot do a build in one ctest -S
invocation and then try to do a
configure in the next because the build will fail because a valid
configuration has not been performed yet. And one cannot run just tests if
there is not a valid configuration and build already in place.
Repository Updates (tribits_ctest_driver()):
Like the rest of TriBITS, ctest -S
scripts written using this function
support a collection of extra repositories in addition to the base git
Whether the local repos are updated (or left as is) is determined by the variable:
If set to
, then each of the git repos will be cloned if they do not already exist and if already present will be updated as described below (and will wipe out any local changes). If set toFALSE
, then the git repos will be left alone and must therefore already be cloned and updated at the desired state. For example, this should be set toFALSE
when running against a local development repo (e.g. the make dashboard target sets this toFALSE
automatically) or when other logic is used to setup the source directories. WARNING: If you are running against a local repo with local changes and you don’t set toFALSE
, then your local uncommitted changes will be wiped out and the local branch will be hard reset to the remote tracking branch! The default value isTRUE
WARNING: If you don’t want local changes in your git repos to get blown
away, then set CTEST_DO_UPDATES
If the base repo pointed to by ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}
is missing, it
cloned inside of the ctest_start()
function using the custom command:
git clone [-b ${${PROJECT_NAME}_BRANCH}] \
The URL of the base git repo
to clone inside ofctest_start()
and otherwise the default is${${PROJECT_NAME}_REPOSITORY_LOCATION_DEFAULT}
The git remote name given to the cloned repo. This is needed for robust git operations as described below (Default ‘origin’). If a repo is already cloned, then a remote in the already existing repo must exist with this name or
The branch of the base repo to explicitly checkout after clone (and on each update). The value of empty “” is allowed which results in the default branch being checked out on clone (and the
-b <branch>
argument to be omitted from thegit clone
command). The default value determined by the variable${${PROJECT_NAME}_REPOSITORY_BRANCH}}
. The default value for${PROJECT_NAME}_REPOSITORY_BRANCH
is empty.
If the base repo already exists, no initial clone is performed and it is assumed that it is in a state to allow it to be updated as described below.
After the base repo is cloned, any missing extra git repositories are cloned
using CMake/CTest code in this tribits_ctest_driver()
function (raw
CTest does not support cloning a list of extra repos) using the command:
git clone [-b ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPO_BRANCH}] \
The branch
that each extra VC repo that is checked out. The default value is set to${${PROJECT_NAME}_BRANCH}
. If empty “”, then the-b <branch>
argument is omitted from thegit clone
command. (NOTE: Checking out a separate branch on the extra repos from the base repo was needed for backward compatibility for the Trilinos project and is not recommended usage as it violates the “single branch” approach for using gitdist.)
The git repo remote URL given in the file ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE.
(after a possible initial clone), the
function ctest_update()
is called to update the base git repo. The base
git repo is updated with the custom git commands executed inside of the
$ git clean -fdx # Remove untracked ignored files
$ git reset --hard HEAD # Clean files and set ORIG_HEAD to HEAD
$ git checkout -B ${${PROJECT_NAME}_BRANCH} \
--track origin/${${PROJECT_NAME}_BRANCH} # Sets HEAD
The above set of commands are the maximally robust way to update a git repo.
They will correct any local state of the local repo and will put the local
repo on the requested local tracking branch. It can handled hard-reset
remote branches, previous tracking branch now missing, etc. The only
requirement is that the remote repo pointed to at
is valid and has not changed
since the repo was first cloned. (NOTE: A future version of TriBITS may
automate the update of this git remote.)
is empty “”, the last git checkout -B
<branch> ...
command is replaced with the git command:
$ git reset --hard @{u} # Sets HEAD
After the base git repo is updated inside of ctest_update()
as described
above, each of the extra repos is updated using a similar set of git
$ git clean -fdx # Remove untracked ignored files
$ git reset --hard HEAD # Clean files and set ORIG_HEAD to HEAD
$ git checkout -B ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPO_BRANCH} \
--track origin/${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPO_BRANCH} # Sets HEAD
is empty, the last git
checkout -B <branch> ...
command replaced with:
$ git reset --hard @{u}
WARNING: This version of the git checkout -B <branch> ...
is not supported in older versions of git. Therefore, a newer version of
git is required when using named branches.
The command git clone -fdx
removes any untracked ignored files that may
have been created since the last update (either by the build process or by
someone messing around in that local git repository). The command git
reset --hard HEAD
removes any untracked non-ignored files, any modified
tracked files, and sets ORIG_HEAD
to the current HEAD
. This sets
after the initial clone (which is needed since ORIG_HEAD
is not set after the initial git clone
command). This allows using the
with git diff
and git log
commands even
after the initial clone. (Directly after the initial clone, the range
will be empty). The git commands git checkout -B
<branch> <remote>/<branch>
or git reset --hard @{u}
are used to update
the local repo to match the remote tracking branch. This is done to deal
with a possible forced push of the remote tracking branch or even changing
to different tracking branch (when using an explicit <branch>
Note that the repository updating approach described above using non-empty
is more robust, because it can recover from a
state where someone may have put a repo on a detached head or checked out a
different branch. One of these repos might get into this state when a
person is messing around in the Nightly build and source directories to try
to figure out what happened and forgot to put the repos back on the correct
tracking branch. Therefore, it is recommended to always set an explicit
to a non-null value like master
for the git repos, even if this branch is the default repo
Other CTest Driver options (tribits_ctest_driver()):
Other miscellaneous vars that can be set in the CTest -S script or as env vars are given below.
CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR="[Unix Makefiles|Ninja|..]"
Built-in CTest variable that determines the CMake generator used in the inner configure. If an existing
file exists, then the default value for the generator will be read out of that file. Otherwise, the default generator is selected to beUnix Makefiles
. Another popular option isNinja
. The value of this variable determines the type of generator used in the inner CMake configure done by the commandctest_configure(...)
called in this function. This is done implicitly by CTest. The selected generator has an impact on what flags can be used in CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS sincemake
accept different arguments in some cases.
Puts TriBITS configure into development mode (vs. release mode) in the outer CTest -S script. The default is provided by
(which is typically set in the <projectDir>/Version.cmake file). See <Project>_ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE.
Make TriBITS run in verbose mode. (Useful for debugging hard problems.) See <Project>_VERBOSE_CONFIGURE.
If set to
, thentribits_ctest_driver()
is put in unit testing mode and does not actually drive configure, build, test, and submit. This is used to drive automated testing of the code intribits_ctest_driver()
Return value (tribits_ctest_driver()):
Currently, the ctest -S script will return 0 if all of the requested operations completed without failure. That is, the update, configure, build, tests, coverage, dynamic analysis and submits must pass with no CMake errors in order for a 0 return code to be returned. Therefore, the return code from the ctest -S script can be used to drive other automated processes that require all passing builds and tests.
ToDo: Add another mode that will return 0 if no errors are reported in the ctest -S driver script but ignore configure, build, and test failures that are submitted to a CDash site (and therefore will be reported there).
In: ctest_driver/TribitsCTestDriverCore.cmake:185
Determine at configure time if any of the upstream dependencies for a package require the current package to be rebuilt.
If specified, then the most recently modified file for each individual base source and binary directory searched will be will be printed the STDOUT. Setting this implies
If specified, then only the most recent modified file over all of the individual directories for each category (i.e. one for upstream package source dirs, one for upstream package binary dirs, one for the package’s source dir, and one for the package’s own binary dir) is printed to STDOUT.
On output, the local variable
will be set toTRUE
if any of the upstream most modified files are more recent than the most modified file in the package’s binary directory. Otherwise, this variable is set toFALSE
This function is designed to help take an externally configured and built piece of software (that generates libraries) and wrap it as a TriBITS package or subpackage. This function uses the lower-level functions:
to determine the most recent modified files in the upstream TriBITS
packages’ source and binary directories as well as the most recent source
file for the current package. It then compares these timestamps to the most
recent binary file timestamp in this package’s binary directory. If any of
these three files are more recent than this package’s most recent binary
file, then the output variable <currentPackageOutOfDate>
is set to
. Otherwise, it is set to FALSE
NOTE: The source and binary directories for full packages are searched, not individual subpackage dirs. This is to reduce the number of dirs searched. This will, however, result in changes in non-dependent subpackages being considered as well.
See the demonstration of the usage of this function in the WrapExternal
package in TribitsExampleProject.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsFindMostRecentFileTimestamp.cmake:444
Macro called to disable an optional dependency in the current package for an optional (internal or external) upstream package.
tribits_disable_optional_dependency(<upstreamPackageName> "<reasonStr>")
This macro can be called from a top-level package’s
file to disable an optional dependency that
may have been enabled by the user or through automated enable/disable logic.
This is most useful in cases where multiple criteria must be considered before support for some upstream dependency can really be supported. In that case, the dependency can be disabled in the current package and telegraphed to all downstream packages. See How to tweak downstream TriBITS “ENABLE” variables during package configuration for more details.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:381
Disable a package automatically for a list of platforms.
tribits_disable_package_on_platforms( <packageName>
<hosttype0> <hosttype1> ...)
If any of the host-type arguments <hosttypei>
matches the
variable for the current platform, then package
test group classification is changed to EX
. Changing
the package test group classification to EX
results in the package being
disabled by default (see EX packages disabled by default). However,
an explicit enable can still enable the package.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsListHelpers.cmake:55
Exclude package files/dirs from the source distribution by appending
tribits_exclude_files(<file0> <file1> ...)
This is called in the top-level parent package’s
<packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file and each file or directory name
is actually interpreted by CMake/CPack as a regex that is
prefixed by the project’s and package’s source directory names so as to not
exclude files and directories of the same name and path from other packages.
If <filei>
is an absolute path it is not prefixed but is appended to
In general, do NOT put in excludes for files and directories that are
not under this package’s source tree. If the given package is not enabled,
then this command will never be called! For example, don’t put in excludes
for PackageB’s files in PackageA’s CMakeLists.txt
file because if
PackageB is enabled but PackageA is not, the excludes for PackageB will
never get added to CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES
Also, be careful to note that the <filei>
arguments are actually regexes
and one must be very careful to understand how CPack will use these regexes
to match files that get excluded from the tarball. For more details, see
Creating Source Distributions.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackagingSupport.cmake:19
Macro called from inside of a FindTPL<tplName>Dependencies.cmake file to define the direct upstream dependencies an external package/TPL.
tribits_extpkg_define_dependencies( <tplName>
DEPENDENCIES <upstreamTpl_0> <upstreamTpl_1>:<vis_1> ... )
The listed upstream dependencies <upstreamTpl_i>
are other external
packages/TPLs listed before this external packages/TPL <tplName>
in a
<repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file. Each upstream dependency can include a
visibility specification <vis_i>
that can be added to the dependency
using a colon :
with <upstreamTpl_1>:<vis_1>
where <vis_i>
take the allowed values:
: The include directories along with the libraries will be propagated downstream to clients of<tplName>
: Only the libraries will be propagated downstream to clients of<tplName>
If <vis_i>
is not specified, then the default is PRIVATE
. (If a
package needs the include directories from some external package/TPL, then
it should list that external package/TPL as a direct dependency and not
expect to get include directories from indirect dependencies.)
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageDependencies.cmake:30
Extract <PkgName>
and <Vis>
from <PkgName>[:<Vis>]
input with
default <Vis>
<upstreamTplDepEntry> <upstreamTplDepNameOut> <upstreamTplDepVisOut>)
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageDependencies.cmake:143
Called from a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake module which first calls
find_package(<externalPkg>)``and the calls this function to get and
external package that uses modern CMake IMPORTED targets. This function
creates the ``<tplName>::all_libs
target and creates a TriBITS-compliant
external package wrapper file <tplName>Config.cmake.
IMPORTED_TARGETS_FOR_ALL_LIBS <importedTarget0> <importedTarget1> ... )
This function is called from a TriBITS FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
module after it calls find_package(<externalPkg>)
and then this function
creates the IMPORTED target <tplName>::all_libs
from the list of
IMPORTED targets <importedTarget0> <importedTarget1> ...
which are
defined from the call find_package(<externalPkg>)
. This function also
takes care of generating the correct <tplName>Config.cmake
file under
the directory:
The generated <tplName>Config.cmake
file pulls in the upstream
TriBITS-compliant <UpstreamPkg>Config.cmake` files, calls
(with no other arguments), defines the
<tplName>::all_libs` target, and then sets up the correct dependencies
between these targets.
For more details, see Creating FindTPL<tplName>.cmake using find_package() with IMPORTED targets.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWithImportedTargetsFindTplModuleHelpers.cmake:29
Returns the type of the library entry in the list TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
tribits_extpkg_tpl_libraries_entry_type(<libentry> <libEntryTypeOut>)
[in]: Element ofTPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
[out]: Variable set on output to the type of entry.
The types of entries set on libEntryTypeOut
: A full library path
: A library name link option of the form-l<libname>
: A library name of the form<libname>
: A library directory search option of the form-L<dir>
: Some other general link option that starts with-
but is not-l
: An unsupported lib option
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:535
Write out a <tplName>Config.cmake
file for a TriBITS TPL given the list
of include directories and libraries for an external package/TPL.
<tplName> <tplConfigFile> )
The arguments are:
: Name of the external package/TPL
: Full file path for the<tplName>Config.cmake
file that will be written out.
This function just calls tribits_extpkg_write_config_file_str()
and writes that text to the file <tplConfigFile>
so see that function
for more details.
NOTE: This is used for a classic TriBITS TPL that does not use
with modern IMPORTED targets.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:27
Create the text string for a <tplName>Config.cmake
file given the list
of include directories and libraries for an external package/TPL from the
legacy TriBITS TPL specification.
<tplName> <tplConfigFileStrOut> )
The function arguments are:
: Name of the external package/TPL
: Name of variable that will contain the string for the config file on output.
This function reads from the (cache) variables
(which must already be set) and uses that information to produce the
contents of the <tplName>Config.cmake
which is returned as a string
variable that contains IMPORTED targets to represent these libraries and
include directories as well as find_dependency()
calls for upstream
packages listed in <tplName>_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES
The arguments in TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
are handled in special ways in
order to create the namespaced IMPORTED targets
and the <tplName>::all_libs
that depends on these.
The types of arguments that are handled and how the are interpreted:
Arguments that are absolute file paths are treated as libraries and an imported target name
is derived from the file name (of the formlib<libname>.<longest-ext>
removing beginninglib
and file extension.<longest-ext>
). The IMPORTED targettribits::<tplName>::<libname>
is created and the file path is set using theIMPORTED_LOCATION
target property.
Arguments of the form
are used to create IMPORTED targets with the nametribits::<tplName>::<libname>
target property.
Arguments that are a raw name that matches the regex
are interpreted to be a library name<libname>
and is used to create an IMPORTED targets<tplName>::<libname>
target property.
Link directories. These are pulled off and added to the
. (The order of these options is maintained.)
Any other option that starts with
is assumed to be a link argument where the order does not matter in relation to the libraries (but the order of these extra options are maintained w.r.t. each other).
Any other argument that does not match one of the above patterns is regarded as an error.
For more details on the handling of individual TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
arguments, see tribits_extpkg_tpl_libraries_entry_type().
The list of directories given in TPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
is added to
the <tplName>::all_libs
target using target_include_directories()
Finally, for every <upstreamTplName>
listed in
, a link dependency is created using
target_link_library(<tplName>::all_libs INTERFACE <upstreamTplName>)
NOTE: The IMPORTED targets generated for each library argument
are prefixed with tribits::
to give
. This is to avoid clashing with IMPORTED
targets <tplName>::<libname>
from other package config files
or find modules Find<tplName>.cmake
that may
clash (see TriBITSPub/TriBITS#548). But the generated INTERFACE IMPORTED
target <tplName>::all_libs
is not namespaced with tribits::
since the all_libs
target is unlikely to clash. The targets
are not directly used in downstream
calls so the names of these targets are really
just an implementation detail. (The reason we give these a name based of
the library name they represent <libname>
is to make it more clear what
the matching library is and to make the name unique.)
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:250
Find the most modified binary file in a set of base directories and return its timestamp.
BINARY_BASE_DIRS <dir0> <dir1> ...
[MOST_RECENT_TIMESTAMP_OUT <mostRecentTimestamp>]
This function just calls tribits_find_most_recent_file_timestamp()
passing in a set of basic exclude regexes like CMakeFiles/
, and /Makefile$
, etc. These types of files usually don’t
impact the build of downstream software in CMake projects.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsFindMostRecentFileTimestamp.cmake:355
Find the most modified file in a set of base directories and return its timestamp.
BASE_DIRS <dir0> <dir1> ...
[EXCLUDE_REGEXES "<re0>" "<re1>" ...
[MOST_RECENT_TIMESTAMP_OUT <mostRecentTimestamp>]
BASE_DIRS <dir0> <dir1> ...
Gives the absolute base directory paths that will be searched for the most recently modified files, as described above.
Absolute path for which to print file paths relative to. This makes outputting less verbose and easier to read (optional).
EXCLUDE_REGEXES "<re0>" "<re1>" ...
Gives the regular expressions that are used to exclude files from consideration. Each “<rei>” regex is used with a grep -v “<rei>” filter to exclude files before sorting by time stamp.
If specified, then the most recently modified file for each individual directory
, … will be printed the STDOUT. Setting this impliesSHOW_OVERALL_MOST_RECENT_FILE
If specified, then only the most recent modified file over all of the individual directories is printed to STDOUT.
On output, the variable <mostRecentTimestamp> is set that gives the timestamp of the most recently modified file over all the directories. This number is given as the number of seconds since Jan. 1, 1970, 00:00 GMT.
On output, the variable <mostRecentFilepathBaseDir> gives absolute base directory of the file with the most recent timestamp over all directories.
On output, the variable <mostRecentFilepathBaseDir> gives the file name with relative path to the file with the most recent timestamp over all directories.
This function uses the Linux/Unix command:
$ find . -type f -printf '%T@ %p\n' \
| grep -v "<re0>" | grep -v "<re1>" | ... \
| sort -n | tail -1
to return the most recent file in each listed directory <dir0>
, etc. It then determines the most recently modified file over
all of the directories and prints and returns in the variables
, <mostRecentFilepathBaseDir>
, and
In: core/package_arch/TribitsFindMostRecentFileTimestamp.cmake:16
Find the most modified source file in a set of base directories and return its timestamp.
SOURCE_BASE_DIRS <dir0> <dir1> ...
[MOST_RECENT_TIMESTAMP_OUT <mostRecentTimestamp>]
This function just calls tribits_find_most_recent_file_timestamp()
passing in a set of basic exclude regexes like [.]git/
, [.]svn/
etc. These types of version control files can not possibly directly impact
the source code.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsFindMostRecentFileTimestamp.cmake:269
Function that determines a given external or internal package’s enable status (e.g. ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ or any valid CMake bool)
tribits_get_package_enable_status(<packageName> <packageEnableOut>
On return, if non-empty, the variable <packageEnableOut>
will contain
the actual value of ${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<packageName>}
or will return empty “”. If
, then only the value
of ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<packageName>
will be considered.
On return, if non-empty, the variable <packageEnableVarNameOut>
will be
either ${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_<packageName>}
, depending on which one is used to obtain
the value <packageEnableOut>
This works for both external packages/TPLs and internal packages.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageEnableStatus.cmake:11
Function used to (optionally) install header files using install()
HEADERS <h0> <h1> ...
[COMPONENT <component>]
The formal arguments are:
HEADERS <h0> <h1> ...
List of header files to install. By default, these header files are assumed to be in the current source directory. They can also contain the relative path or absolute path to the files if they are not in the current source directory.
Optional subdirectory that the headers will be installed under the standard installation directory. If
, then the headers will be installed under${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR}/<subdir>
. Otherwise, they will be installed under${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR}/
COMPONENT <component>
If specified, then
COMPONENT <component>
will be passed intoinstall()
will get used.
, then the
headers will not get installed.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsInstallHeaders.cmake:14
This function overrides the standard behavior of the built-in CMake
command for special behavior for installation
can appear anywhere
in the argument list.
This function allows overriding the default behavior of
for installation testing, to ensure that include
directories will not be inadvertently added to the build lines for tests
during installation testing (see Installation and Backward Compatibility
Testing). Normally we want the include directories to be handled as cmake
usually does. However during TriBITS installation testing we do not want
most of the include directories to be used as the majority of the files
should come from the installation we are building against. The exception is
when there are test only headers that are needed. For that case
must be passed in to ensure the
include paths are added for installation testing.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsIncludeDirectories.cmake:14
Macro that registers a package-level cache var to be exported in the
where <cacheVarName>
must be the name of a cache variable (or an error
will occur).
NOTE: This will also export this variable to the
file for every enabled subpackage (if this
is called from a CMakeLists.txt
file of a top-level package that has
subpackages). That way, any top-level package cache vars are provided by
any of the subpackages’ <Package><Spkg>Config.cmake
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPkgExportCacheVars.cmake:11
Macro called at the very beginning of a package’s top-level <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file.
See tribits_package_decl() for the documentation for the arguments and tribits_package_decl() and tribits_package() for a description the side-effects (and variables set) after calling this macro.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:323
Macro called at the very beginning of a package’s top-level <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file when a package has subpackages.
The arguments are:
Gives the name of the Package, mostly just for checking and documentation purposes. This must match the name of the package provided in the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake or an error is issued.
If specified, then shadowing warnings for the package’s sources will be turned on for supported platforms/compilers. The default is for shadowing warnings to be turned off. Note that this can be overridden globally by setting the cache variable
If specified, then all strong warnings for the package’s sources will be turned off, if they are not already turned off by global cache variables. Strong warnings are turned on by default in development mode.
If specified, then warnings will be promoted to errors for compiling the package’s sources for all defined warnings.
If specified, then the standard grep looking for RCPNode circular references in tribits_add_test() and tribits_add_advanced_test() that causes tests to fail will be disabled. Note that if these warnings are being produced then it means that the test is leaking memory and user like may also be leaking memory.
There are several side-effects of calling this macro:
The variables
(lists all of the package’s targets) and${PACKAGE_NAME}_ALL_TARGETS
(lists all of the package’s libraries) and are initialized to empty.The local variables
are set for this package’s use in its CMakeLists.txt files.Package-specific compiler options are set up in package-scope (i.e., the package’s subdirs) in
.This packages’s cmake subdir
locally so that the package’s try-compile modules can be read in with just a rawinclude()
leaving off the full path and the*.cmake
If the package does not have subpackages, just call tribits_package() which calls this macro.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:78
Macro called in <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt after subpackages are processed in order to handle the libraries, tests, and examples of the parent package.
If the package does not have subpackages, just call tribits_package() which calls this macro.
This macro has several side effects:
The variable
is set in the local scope for usage by the package’sCMakeLists.txt
files.The intra-package dependency variables (i.e. list of include directories, list of libraries, etc.) are initialized to empty.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:251
Define the dependencies for a given TriBITS Package (i.e. a top-level TriBITS Package or a TriBITS Subpackage) in the package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file.
[LIB_REQUIRED_PACKAGES <pkg1> <pkg2> ...]
[LIB_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES <pkg1> <pkg2> ...]
[TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES <pkg1> <pkg2> ...]
[TEST_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES <pkg1> <pkg2> ...]
[LIB_REQUIRED_TPLS <tpl1> <tpl2> ...]
[LIB_OPTIONAL_TPLS <tpl1> <tpl2> ...]
[TEST_REQUIRED_TPLS <tpl1> <tpl2> ...]
[TEST_OPTIONAL_TPLS <tpl1> <tpl2> ...]
<spkg1_name> <spkg1_dir> <spkg1_classifications> <spkg1_optreq>
<spkg2_name> <spkg2_dir> <spkg2_classifications> <spkg2_optreq>
[REGRESSION_EMAIL_LIST <regression-email-address>]
Every argument in this macro is optional (that is, an package can have no upstream dependencies). The arguments that apply to all packages are:
List of required upstream packages that must be enabled in order to build and use the libraries (or capabilities) in this package.
List of additional optional upstream packages that can be used in this package if enabled. These upstream packages need not be enabled in order to enable this package but not enabling one or more of these optional upstream packages will result in diminished capabilities of this package.
List of additional upstream packages that must be enabled in order to build and/or run the tests and/or examples in this package. If any of these upstream packages are not enabled, then there will be no tests or examples defined or run for this package.
List of additional optional upstream packages that can be used by the tests in this package. These upstream packages need not be enabled in order to run some basic tests or examples for this package. Typically, extra tests that depend on optional test packages involve integration testing of some type. Not enabling these optional upstream packages will result in diminished tests or examples.
DEPRECATED: List of required upstream TPLs that must be enabled in order to build and use the libraries (or capabilities) in this package. (Add these to
DEPRECATED: List of additional optional upstream TPLs that can be used in this package if enabled. These upstream TPLs need not be enabled in order to use this package but not enabling one or more of these optional upstream TPLs will result in diminished capabilities of this package. (Add these to
DEPRECATED: List of additional upstream TPLs that must be enabled in order to build and/or run the tests and/or examples in this package. If any of these upstream TPLs are not enabled, then there will be no tests or examples defined or run for this package. (Add these to
DEPRECATED: List of additional optional upstream TPLs that can be used by the tests in this package. These upstream TPLs need not be enabled in order to run basic tests for this package. Typically, extra tests that depend on optional TPLs involve integration testing or some additional testing of some type. (Add these to
NOTE: The above XXX_TPLS
arguments/lists are deprecated. At the
package level, there is no distinction between upstream internal and
external packages/TPLs, so all upstream package dependencies can (and should)
be listed in the XXX_PACKAGES
arguments/lists. (There is no change in
behavior listing upstream packages in XXX_PACKAGES
or the XXX_TPLS
Only upstream packages can be listed (as defined by the order the packages are listed in tribits_repository_define_packages() in the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake or <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files). Otherwise an error will occur and processing will stop. Misspelled package names are caught as well.
Only direct package dependencies need to be listed. Indirect package
dependencies are automatically handled. For example, if this package
directly depends on package PKG2
which depends on package PKG1
(but this package does not directly depend on anything in PKG1
) then
this package only needs to list a dependency on PKG2
, not PKG1
The dependency on PKG1
will be taken care of automatically by the
TriBITS dependency management system.
The packages listed in LIB_REQUIRED_PACKAGES
are implicitly also
. Likewise
are implicitly also dependencies in
The upstream dependencies within a single list do not need to be listed in
any particular order. For example, if PKG2
depends on PKG1
, and
this given package depends on both, then one can list the dependencies as:
If some upstream packages are allowed to be missing, this can be specified by calling the macro tribits_allow_missing_external_packages().
A top-level TriBITS Package can also be broken down into TriBITS Subpackages. In this case, the following argument must be passed in:
2D array with rows listing the subpackages where each row has the columns:
SUBPACKAGE (Column 0): The name of the subpackage
. The full package name is${PARENT_PACKAGE_NAME}<spkg_name>
. The full package name is what is used in listing dependencies in other packages.DIRS (Column 1): The subdirectory
relative to the parent package’s base directory. All of the contents of the subpackage should be under this subdirectory. This is assumed by the TriBITS testing support software when mapping modified files to packages that need to be tested (see (Column 2): The Test Test Category PT, ST, EX and the maturity level
, andUM
, separated by a coma ‘,’ with no spaces in between (e.g."PT,GPM"
). These have exactly the same meaning as for full packages (see tribits_repository_define_packages()).OPTREQ (Column 3): Determines if the outer parent package has an
dependence on this subpackage.
Other variables that this macro handles:
The email list that is used to send CDash error messages. If this argument is missing, then the email list that CDash errors go to is determined by other means (see CDash regression email addresses).
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageDefineDependencies.cmake:13
Process an enabled TPL’s FindTPL${TPL_NAME}.cmake module.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProcessEnabledTpls.cmake:124
Function that determines if a package’s enable variable evaluates to true or is unset.
On return, the value of <packageIsEnabledOrUnsetOut>
will set to
if the variable <packageEnableVarName>
evaluates to true and
or is empty “”. Otherwise, <packageIsEnabledOrUnsetOut>
will set
on return.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageEnableStatus.cmake:64
Function that determines if a package’s enable variable is explicitly disabled (i.e. evaluates to false but is not emapty).
On return, the value of <packageIsExplicitlyDisabledOut>
will set to
if the variable <packageEnableVarName>
evaluates to false and
is not empty “”. Otherwise, <packageIsExplicitlyDisabledOut>
will set
on return.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageEnableStatus.cmake:92
Macro called at the very end of a package’s top-level <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file that performs some critical post-processing activities.
NOTE: This creates the aliased target ${PACKAGE_NAME}::all_libs
for all
libraries in all subdirectories that don’t have the TRIBITS_TESTONLY_LIB
target property set on them.
NOTE: It is unfortunate that this macro must be called in a package’s
top-level CMakeLists.txt
file but limitations of the CMake language make
it necessary to do so.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:742
Macro that processes the TriBITS Subpackages for a parent TriBITS package for packages that are broken down into subpackages. This is called in the parent packages top-level <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file.
This macro must be called after tribits_package_decl() but before tribits_package_def().
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageMacros.cmake:852
Processes a TriBITS Project’s files and configures its software which is called from the project’s top-level <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt file.
This macro requires that the variable PROJECT_NAME be defined before calling this macro. All default values for project settings should be set before calling this macro (see TriBITS Global Project Settings). Also, the variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR must be set as well.
This macro then adds all of the necessary paths to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
then performs all processing of the TriBITS project files (see Full TriBITS
Project Configuration).
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProject.cmake:43
Declare a set of extra repositories for the TriBITS Project (i.e. in the project’s <projectDir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file).
<repo0_name> <repo0_dir> <repo0_vctype> <repo0_url> <repo0_packstat> <repo0_classif>
<repo1_name> <repo1_dir> <repo1_vctype> <repo1_url> <rep10_packstat> <repo1_classif>
This macro takes in a 2D array with 6 columns, where each row defines an extra repository. The 6 columns (ordered 0-5) are:
): The name given to the repositoryREPOSITORY_NAME
): The relative directory for the repository under the project directory${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}
). If this is set to empty quoted string""
, then the relative directory name is assumed to be same as the repository name<repoi_name>
. NOTE: If the repo is a TriBITS Repository (seeREPO_PACKSTAT
below) then, currently, the repo dir must be the same as the package name.REPO_VCTYPE (
): The version control (VC) type of the repo. Value choices includeGIT
(i.e. Subversion) or empty""
(in which case<repoi_url>
must be empty as well). WARNING: Only VC repos of typeGIT
can fully participate in the TriBITS development tool workflows. The other VC types are only supported for basic cloning and updating using tribits_ctest_driver() scripts.REPO_URL (
): The URL of the VC repo. This info is used to initially obtain the repo source code using the VC tool listed in<repoi_vctype>
. If the repo does not need to be cloned for the needed use cases, then this can be the empty quoted string""
. Also, this field must be the empty string""
is empty""
): Determines if the repository is a TriBITS Repository and contains any TriBITS packages (or if it just provides directories and files) and if its packages are listed before or after the project’s own native packages. If this is a TriBITS Repository (and therefore contains TriBITS Repository Core Files) then this field must contain the keywordHASPACKAGES
or left empty. If the listed repository is not a TriBITS repository, and just provides directories and files, then this field must contain the keywordNOPACKAGES
. The default is assumed to beHASPACKAGES
if neither of these keywords are provided. If the keywordPRE
is provided, then the TriBITS packages in this repo come before the project’s native packages. If the keywordPOST
is provided then the packages are listed after the project’s native packages. The default is assumed to bePOST
if neither of these keywords are provided. The keywords must be separated by a comma with no spaces such as with “PRE,HASPACKAGES
”, etc. If no keywords are provided, then the empty string “” must be used (which defaults to"HASPACKAGES,POST"
): Gives the Repository Test Classification which also happens to be the CTest/CDash testing mode and the default dashboard track. Valid values areContinuous
, andExperimental
. See Repository Test Classification for a detailed description.
This command is used to put together one or more VC and/or TriBITS repositories to construct a composite TriBITS Project. The option <Project>_EXTRAREPOS_FILE is used to point to files that call this macro.
Repositories with <repoi_packstat>=NOPACKAGES
are not TriBITS
Repositories and are technically not considered at all during the basic
configuration of the a TriBITS project. They are only listed in this file
so that they can be used in the version control logic for tools that perform
version control with the repositories (such as getting git versions,
cloning, updating, looking for changed files, etc.). For example, a
non-TriBITS repo can be used to grab a set of directories and files that
fill in the definition of a package in an upstream repository (see How to
insert a package into an upstream repo). Also, non-TriBITS repos can be
used to provide extra test data for a given package or a set of packages so
that extra tests can be run.
Repositories with <repoi_repotype>=''
are not VC repos. This can be
used, for example, to represent the project’s native repos or it can be used
to point to a TriBITS repository that was cloned in an early listed VC repo.
NOTE: These repositories must be listed in the order of package
dependencies. That is, all of the packages listed in repository i
have upstream TPL and package dependencies listed before this package in
this repository or in upstream repositories i-1
, i-2
, etc.
NOTE: This module just sets the local variable:
in the current scope. The advantages of using this macro instead of directly setting this variable are that the macro:
Asserts that the variable
is defined and set.Avoids misspelling the name of the variable
. If one misspells the name of a macro, it is an immediate error in CMake. A misspelled set variable is just ignored.The variable name can change in the future as an implementation detail.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProcessExtraRepositoriesList.cmake:20
Process a project where you enable all of the packages by default.
This macro just sets the global cache var
by default then calls
tribits_project(). That is all. This macro is generally used for
TriBITS projects that have just a single package or by default just want to
enable all packages. This is especially useful when you have a TriBITS
project with just a single package.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProjectImpl.cmake:299
Define the set of packages for a given TriBITS Repository. This macro is typically called from inside of a <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file for a given TriBITS repo.
<pkg0> <pkg0_dir> <pkg0_classif>
<pkg1> <pkg1_dir> <pkg1_classif>
This macro sets up a 2D array of NumPackages
by NumColumns
out the packages for a TriBITS repository. Each row (with 3 column entries)
specifies a package which contains the columns (ordered 0-2):
): The name of the TriBITS package. This name must be unique across all other TriBITS packages in this or any other TriBITS repo that might be combined into a single TriBITS project meta-build (see Globally unique TriBITS package names). The name should be a valid identifier (e.g. matches the regex[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
). The package names tend to use mixed case (e.g.`SomePackge
).DIR (
): The relative directory for the package<packageDir>
. This directory is relative to the TriBITS repository base directory<repoDir>
. Under this directory will be a package-specificcmake/
directory with the file <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and a base-level <packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file. The entire contents of the package including all of the source code and all of the tests should be contained under this directory. The TriBITS testing infrastructure relies on the mapping of changed files to these base directories when deciding what packages are modified and need to be retested (along with downstream packages). For details, see (
): Gives the Package Test Group PT, ST, or EX and the maturity levelEP
. These are separated by a coma with no space in between such as"RS,PT"
for a “Research Stable”, “Primary Tested” package. No spaces are allowed so that CMake treats this a one field in the array. The maturity level can be left off in which case it is assumed to beUM
for “Unspecified Maturity”. This classification for individual packages can be changed toEX
for specific platforms by calling tribits_disable_package_on_platforms().
IMPORTANT: The packages must be listed in increasing order of package
dependencies. That is No circular dependencies of any kind are allowed
(see the ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle) in Software Engineering
Packaging Principles). Package i
can only list dependencies (in
<packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake) for packages listed before this
package in this list (or in upstream TriBITS repositories). This avoids an
expensive package sorting algorithm and makes it easy to flag packages with
circular dependencies or misspelling of package names.
NOTE: For some rare use cases, the package directory <pkgi_dir>
allowed to be specified as an absolute directory but this absolute directory
must be a subdirectory of the project source base directory given by
is called and
processing stops immediately.
NOTE: This macro just sets the variable:
in the current scope. The advantages of using this macro instead of directly setting this variable are that the macro:
Asserts that the variable
is defined and setAvoids having to hard-code the assumed repository name
. This provides more flexibility for how other TriBITS projects choose to name a given TriBITS repo (i.e. the name of repo subdirs).Avoid misspelling the name of the variable
. If one misspells the name of the macro, it is an immediate error in CMake.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProcessPackagesAndDirsLists.cmake:26
Define the list of TriBITS External Packages/TPLs for a given TriBITS Repository which includes the external package/TPL name, TriBITS TPL find module, and classification . This macro is typically called from inside of a TriBITS Repository’s <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file.
<tpl0_name> <tpl0_findmod> <tpl0_classif>
<tpl1_name> <tpl1_findmod> <tpl1_classif>
This macro sets up a 2D array of NumTPLS
by NumColumns
listing out
the TriBITS TPLs for a TriBITS Repository. Each row (with 3 entries)
specifies a different TriBITS external package/TPL which contains the columns
(ordered 0-2):
): The name of the TriBITS external package/TPL<tplName>
. This name must be unique across all other TriBITS TPLs in this or any other TriBITS repo that might be combined into a single TriBITS project meta-build (see Globally unique TriBITS TPL names). However, a TPL can be redefined from an upstream repo (see below). The name should be a valid identifier (e.g. matches the regex[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
). TPL names typically use mixed case (e.g.SomeTpl
): For a TriBITS external package/TPL that is not a TriBITS-compliant external package, this is set to the relative or absolute path for the TriBITS TPL find module, usually with the name FindTPL<tplName>.cmake. If it is a relative path, it is considered relative to the repository base directory<repoDir>
. If just the base path for the find module is given, ending with"/"
), then the find module will be assumed to be under that this directory with the standard nameFindTPL<tplName>.cmake
. (See Creating the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file.) However, if the external package is a TriBITS-compliant external package, provide the valueTRIBITS_PKG
instead and noFindTPL<tplName>.cmake
file is needed. If aFindTPL<tplName>Dependencies.cmake
file is needed in this case, then provide the path to that file (relative or absolute, directory or file path) usingTRIBITS_PKG:<path-to-dir-or-file>
. This field is used to set the variables <tplName>_FINDMOD and <tplName>_DEPENDENCIES_FILE.CLASSIFICATION (
): Gives the Package Test Group PT, ST, or EX and the maturity levelEP
. These are separated by a coma with no space in between such as"RS,PT"
for a “Research Stable”, “Primary Tested” package. No spaces are allowed so that CMake treats this a one field in the array. The maturity level can be left off in which case it is assumed to beUM
for “Unspecified Maturity”. This field is used to set the variable <tplName>_TESTGROUP and<tplName>_MATURITY_LEVEL
A TPL defined in a upstream repo can be listed again in a downstream repo, which allows redefining the find module that is used to specify the external package/TPL. This allows downstream repos to add additional requirements for a given TPL (i.e. add more libraries, headers, etc.). However, the downstream repo’s find module file must find the TPL components that are fully compatible with the upstream defined find module in terms of what it provides for packages in the upstream repos.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProcessTplsLists.cmake:18
Set a variable to an include directory and call tribits_include_directories() (removes boiler-plate code).
tribits_set_and_inc_dirs(<dirVarName> <includeDir>)
On output, this sets <dirVarName>
to <includeDir>
in the local scope
and calls tribits_include_directories(<includeDir>)
In: core/package_arch/TribitsSetAndIncDirs.cmake:11
Function that allows packages to easily make a feature ST
development builds and PT
for release builds by default.
This function is typically called in a package’s top-level
<packageDir>/CMakeLists.txt file before defining other options for the
package. The output variable ${<outputVar>}
is set to ON
or OFF
based on the configure state. In development mode
), ${<outputVar>}
will be set to ON
only if ST
code is enabled
), otherwise it is
set to OFF
. In release mode
), ${<outputVar>}
is always set to ON
. This allows some parts of a TriBITS package to be
considered ST
for development mode (thereby reducing testing time by not
enabling the dependent features/tests), while still having important
functionality available to users by default in a release of the package.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGeneralMacros.cmake:62
Forward declare a TriBITS Subpackage called at the top of the subpackage’s <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/CMakeLists.txt file.
Once called, the following local variables are in scope:
The name of the parent package.
The local name of the subpackage (does not contain the parent package name).
The full project-level name of the subpackage (which includes the parent package name at the beginning,
Inside the subpackage, the same as
In: core/package_arch/TribitsSubPackageMacros.cmake:14
Macro that performs standard post-processing after defining a TriBITS Subpackage which is called at the bottom of a subpackage’s <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/CMakeLists.txt file.
NOTE: This creates the aliased target ${PACKAGE_NAME}::all_libs
for all
libraries in all subdirectories that don’t have the TRIBITS_TESTONLY_LIB
target property set on them.
NOTE: It is unfortunate that a Subpackages’s CMakeLists.txt file must call this macro but limitations of the CMake language make it necessary to do so.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsSubPackageMacros.cmake:113
Function that determines if a TriBITS find module file
is allowed to call find_package(<tplName>
before calling tribits_tpl_find_include_dirs_and_libraries().
tribits_tpl_allow_pre_find_package( <tplName>
<allowPackagePrefindOut> )
The required arguments are:
: The input name of the TriBITS TPL (e.g.HDF5
: Name of a variable which will be set toTRUE
on output iffind_package(<tplName> ...)
should be called to find the TPL<tplName>
if it should not be called.
This function will set <allowPackagePrefindOut>
if any of
the variables TPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
, ${TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
are set. This allows the user to override
the search for the library components and just specify the absolute
locations. The function will also set <allowPackagePrefindOut>
if <tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
, or
is set and <tplName>_FORCE_PRE_FIND_PACKAGE
is set to FALSE
. Otherwise, if <tplName>_FORCE_PRE_FIND_PACKAGE
set to TRUE
, the function will not return FALSE
no matter what the values of
, or
. Finally, <allowPackagePrefindOut>
is set to
is set in the cache.
The variable <tplName>_FORCE_PRE_FIND_PACKAGE
is needed to allow users
(or the FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
module itself) to avoid name clashes with
the variables <tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
or <tplName>_LIBRARY_DIRS
the usage of find_package(<tplName> ...)
because a lot of default
modules also use these variables. This function
as a cache variable with default
value FALSE
to maintain backward compatibility with existing
The cache variable <tplName>_ALLOW_PACKAGE_PREFIND
is to allow the user
to disable the prefind call to find_package()
even if it would be
allowed otherwise.
See Creating FindTPL<tplName>.cmake using find_package() without IMPORTED
targets for details in how to use this function to create a
module file.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsTplFindIncludeDirsAndLibraries.cmake:26
This function reads (cache) variables that specify where to find a TriBITS
TPL’s headers and libraries and then creates IMPORTED targets, the
target, and writes the file
into the standard location in the build directory.
This function is typically called inside of a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
module file (see ${TPL_NAME}_FINDMOD).
[REQUIRED_HEADERS <header1> <header2> ...]
[REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES "<libname1> <libname1alt1> ..." <libname2> ...]
This function can be called to specify/require header files and include directories and/or a list of libraries.
The input arguments to this function are:
Name of the TPL that is listed in a <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file.
List of header files that are searched in order to find the TPL’s include directories files using
If set, then all of the header files listed in
must be found (unlessTPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
is already set).
REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES "<libname1> <libname1alt1> ..." <libname2> ...
List of libraries that are searched for when looking for the TPL’s libraries using
. A single list of library names of the form:
<libname1> <libname2> ...
are searched for and must all be found and will define the libraries for this TPL on the link line in that order. However, a library name along with alternate library names can be provided using outer quotes with inner spaces:
"<libname1> <libname1alt1> <libname1alt2> ..."
In this case, first,
is looked for and used if it is found. If not found, then the next alternate library name<libname1alt1>
is looked for and is used if found. This continues with each successive alternate library name in the set until one is found. If none of the libraries in the set alternative names are found, then this is an error. Providing a set of alternate library names (in order of preference) allows the default find operation to look for different library names for different situations and implementations. For example, the BLAS library can be calledblas
for different BLAS implementations and can be specified as:
"blas openblas atlas"
The list of required library names can be overridden by the user by setting
(see below).
If set, then all of the library files listed in
must be found or the TPL is considered not found (unlessTPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
is already set). If the global cache var<Project>_MUST_FIND_ALL_TPL_LIBS
is set toTRUE
, then this is turned on as well. WARNING: The default is not to require finding all of the listed libs. (This is to maintain backward compatibility with some olderFindTPL<tplName>.cmake
If set, then the final success/fail will not be printed
This function implements the TPL find behavior described in Enabling support for an optional Third-Party Library (TPL).
The following (cache) variables, if set, will be used by this function:
)List of paths to search first for header files defined in
REQUIRED_HEADERS <header1> <header2> ...
)The list of directories to search first for libraries defined in
REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES <libname1> <libname2> ...
. If, for some reason, no libraries should be linked in for this particular configuration, then setting<tplName>_LIBRARY_DIRS=OFF
or is empty will no special paths will be searched.
)List of library names to be looked for instead of what is specified in
REQUIRED_LIBS_NAMES <libname1> <libname2> ...
. If set, only a single set of libraries can be specified of which all need to be found.
List of direct upstream external package/TPL dependencies that also define
An addition, the function will avoid calling the find operations if the following (cache) variables are set on input:
)A list of common-separated full directory paths that contain the TPL’s header files.
)A list of commons-separated full library names (i.e. output from
) for all of the libraries for the TPL.
This function produces the following:
)Will be set to
if all of the parts of the TPL could not be found.
Namespaced IMPORTED target for every library found or specified in
. These IMPORTED targets will have the<upstreamTplName>::all_libs
for the upstream external packages/TPLs listed in<tplName>_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES
INTERFACE target that depends on all of the created IMPORTED targets.
A package configure file that contains all of the generated IMPORTED targets
and the<tplName>::all_libs
target. This fill will also callfind_dependency()
to pull in<upstreamTplName>Config.cmake
files for upstream TPLs that are listed in<tplName>_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES
. (For more information, see tribits_extpkg_write_config_file().)
, then if all of the parts of
the TPL can’t be found, then TPL_ENABLE_<tplName>
will be (forced) set
to OFF
in the cache. See tribits_tpl_tentatively_enable().
In: core/package_arch/TribitsTplFindIncludeDirsAndLibraries.cmake:129
Function that sets up for an optionally enabled TPL that is attempted to be enabled but will be disabled if all of the parts are not found.
This function can be called from any CMakeLists.txt file to put a TPL in tentative enable mode. But typically, it is called from an Package’s <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file (see How to tentatively enable an external package/TPL).
This should only be used for optional TPLs. It will not work correctly for required TPLs because any enabled packages that require this TPL will not be disabled and instead will fail to configure or fail to build.
All this function does is to force set TPL_ENABLE_<tplName>=ON
if it has
not already been set, and sets TPL_TENTATIVE_ENABLE_<tplName>=ON
in the
NOTE: This function will only tentatively enable a TPL if its enable has not
be explicitly set on input, i.e. if -D TPL_ENABLE_<tplName>=""
. If the
TPL has been explicitly enabled (i.e. -D TPL_ENABLE_<tplName>=ON
) or
disabled (i.e. -D TPL_ENABLE_<tplName>=OFF
), then this function has no
effect and the TPL will be unconditionally enabled or disabled.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsTplFindIncludeDirsAndLibraries.cmake:736
Utility function for writing the ${PACKAGE_NAME}Config.cmake
files for
the build dir and/or for the install dir for the package <packageName>
with some flexibility . (See NOTE below for what is actually generated and
what is NOT generated.)
PACKAGE_NAME <packageName>
[EXPORT_FILE_VAR_PREFIX <exportFileVarPrefix>]
[PACKAGE_CONFIG_FOR_BUILD_BASE_DIR <packageConfigForBuildBaseDir>]
[PACKAGE_CONFIG_FOR_INSTALL_BASE_DIR <packageConfigForInstallBaseDir>]
The arguments are:
PACKAGE_NAME <packageName>
Gives the name of the TriBITS package for which the export files should be created. (This must match the export set for the libraries for the generated/exported
EXPORT_FILE_VAR_PREFIX <exportFileVarPrefix>
If specified, then all of the variables in the generated export files will be prefixed with
instead of<packageName>_
If specified, then the package’s
file will be written under the directory<packageConfigForBuildBaseDir>/
(and any subdirs that do not exist will be created). The generated file<packageName>Config.cmake
is for usage of the package in the build tree (not the install tree) and points to include directories and libraries in the build tree. (NOTE: The included<packageName>Targets.cmake
file is NOT generated in this function.)
If specified, then the package’s
file will be written under the directory<packageConfigForInstallBaseDir>/
(and any subdirs that do not exist will be created). The file${PACKAGE_NAME}Config_install.cmake
is meant to be installed renamed as<packageName>Config.cmake
in the install tree and it points to installed include directories and libraries. (NOTE: The included<packageName>Targets.cmake
file is NOT generated in this function.)
NOTE: This function does not generate the <packageName>Config.cmake
files (which will be created later using export()
or include()`) which
are included in these generated package config files and this function.
Also, this function does *not* invoke the ``install()
command to install
the package config file for the install directory. The export()
project commands are bot allowed in cmake -P scripting mode
that is used for unit testing this function. Instead, the commands to
generate the <packageName>Targets.cmake
files and install the package
config file for the install tree are produced by the function
which is called after this function. This allows this function
to be run in unit testing
with a cmake -P script.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsInternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:304
print a variable giving its name then value if
This prints:
message("-- " "${VARIBLE_NAME}='${${VARIBLE_NAME}}'")
The variable <varName>
can be defined or undefined or empty. This uses
an explicit “– “ line prefix so that it prints nice even on Windows CMake.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsVerbosePrintVar.cmake:14
12.3 General Utility Macros and Functions
The following subsections give detailed documentation for some CMake macros
and functions which are not a core part of the TriBITS system but are
included in the TriBITS source tree, are used inside of the TriBITS system,
and are provided as a convenience to TriBITS project developers. One will see
many of these functions and macros used throughout the implementation of
TriBITS and even in the CMakeLists.txt
files for different projects that
use TriBITS.
These macros and functions are not prefixed with TRIBITS_
. However,
there is really not a large risk to defining and using these non-namespaces
utility functions and macros. It turns out that CMake allows one to redefine
any macro or function, even built-in ones, inside of one’s project.
Therefore, even if CMake did add new commands that clashed with these names,
there would be no conflict. When overriding a built-in command,
e.g. some_builtin_command()
, one can always access the original built-in
command as _some_builtin_command()
Macro that adds a list of subdirectories all at once (removes boiler-plate code).
add_subdirectories(<dir1> <dir2> ...)
instead of:
In: core/utils/AddSubdirectories.cmake:11
Macro that sets an option and marks it as advanced (removes boiler-plate and duplication).
advanced_option(<varName> [other arguments])
This just calls the built-in CMake commands:
option(<varName> [other arguments])
In: core/utils/AdvancedOption.cmake:11
Macro that sets a variable and marks it as advanced (removes boiler-plate and duplication).
advanced_set(<varName> [other arguments])
This just calls the built-in commands:
set(<varName> [other arguments])
In: core/utils/AdvancedSet.cmake:11
Utility function that appends command-line arguments to a variable of command-line arguments.
append_cmndline_args(<var> "<extraArgs>")
This function just appends the command-line arguments in the string
but does not add an extra space if <var>
is empty on
input. This just makes the formatting of command-line arguments easier.
In: core/utils/AppendCmndlineArgs.cmake:11
Utility macro that does a file(GLOB ...)
and appends to an existing list
(removes boiler-plate code).
append_glob(<fileListVar> <glob0> <glob1> ...)
On output, <fileListVar>
will have the list of glob files appended.
In: core/utils/AppendGlob.cmake:13
Utility macro that appends arguments to a global variable (reduces boiler-plate code and mistakes).
append_global_set(<varName> <arg0> <arg1> ...)
NOTE: The variable <varName>
must exist before calling this function.
To set it empty initially use global_null_set().
In: core/utils/AppendGlobalSet.cmake:14
Utility function to append elements to a variable (reduces boiler-plate code).
append_set(<varName> <arg0> <arg1> ...)
This just calls:
list(APPEND <varName> <arg0> <arg1> ...)
There is better error reporting if one misspells APPEND_SET
than if one
misspells APPEND
In: core/utils/AppendSet.cmake:11
Append strings to an existing string variable (reduces boiler-place code and reduces mistakes).
append_string_var(<stringVar> "<string1>" "<string2>" ...)
Note that the usage of the characters '['
, ']'
, '{'
, '}'
taken by CMake to bypass the meaning of ‘;’ to separate string characters.
If one wants to ignore the meaning of these special characters and are okay
with just adding one string at a time, then use append_string_var_ext().
DEPRECATED: Instead, use:
string(APPEND <stringVar> "<string1>" "<string2>" ...)
In: core/utils/AppendStringVar.cmake:17
Append a single string to an existing string variable, ignoring ‘;’ (reduces boiler-place code and reduces mistakes).
append_string_var_ext(<stringVar> "<string>")
Simply sets <stringVar> = "${<stringVar>}<string>"
and leaves in ';'
without creating new array elements.
In: core/utils/AppendStringVar.cmake:46
Append strings to a given string variable, joining them using a separator string.
append_string_var_with_sep(<stringVar> "<sepStr>" "<str0>" "<str1>" ...)
Each of the strings <stri>
are appended to <stringVar>
using the
separation string <sepStr>
In: core/utils/AppendStringVarWithSep.cmake:13
Assert that a variable is defined and if not call message(SEND_ERROR
This is used to get around the problem of CMake not asserting the dereferencing of undefined variables. For example, how does one know if one did not misspell the name of a variable in an if statement like:
If one misspelled the variable
(which is likely in this case), then the if statement will always be false! To avoid this problem when one always expects that a variable is explicitly set, instead do:assert_defined(SOME_VARBLE) if (SOME_VARBLE) ... endif()
Now if one misspells this variable, then CMake will asset and stop processing. This is not a perfect solution since one can misspell the variable name in the following if statement but typically one would always just copy and paste between the two statements so these names are always the same. This is the best that can be done in CMake unfortunately to catch usage of misspelled undefined variables.
In: core/utils/AssertDefined.cmake:11
Set up a BOOL
cache variable (i.e. an option) based on a set of
dependent options.
combined_option( <combinedOptionName>
DEP_OPTIONS_NAMES <depOpName0> <depOptName1> ...
DOCSTR "<docstr0>" "<docstr1>" ...
This sets up a BOOL
cache variable <combinedOptionName>
which is
defaulted to ON
if all of the listed dependent option variables
, <depOptName1>
, … are all ON
. However, if
is set to ON
by the user and not all of the
dependent option variables are also ON
, then this results in a fatal
error and all processing stops.
This is used by a CMake project to automatically turn on a feature that requires a set of other features (when they are all enabled) but allows a user to disable the feature if desired.
In: core/utils/CombinedOption.cmake:15
Concatenate a set of string arguments.
concat_strings(<outputVar> "<str0>" "<str1>" ...)
On output, <outputVar>
is set to "<str0><str1>..."
. This makes it
easier to format a long string over multiple CMake source code lines.
In: core/utils/ConcatStrings.cmake:13
Utility function that appends command-line arguments to a variable of command-line options and sets the result in current scope and parent scope.
dual_scope_append_cmndline_args(<var> "<extraArgs>")
Just calls append_cmndline_args() and then set(<var> ${<var>} PARENT_SCOPE)
In: core/utils/DualScopeAppendCmndlineArgs.cmake:14
Utility function that prepends command-line arguments to a variable of command-line arguments and sets the result in current scope and parent scope.
dual_scope_prepend_cmndline_args(<var> "<extraArgs>")
Just calls prepend_cmndline_args() and then set(<var> ${<var>} PARENT_SCOPE)
In: core/utils/DualScopePrependCmndlineArgs.cmake:14
Macro that sets a variable name both in the current scope and the parent scope.
dual_scope_set(<varName> [other args])
It turns out that when one calls add_subdirectory(<someDir>)
or enters a
that CMake actually creates a copy of all of the regular
non-cache variables in the current scope in order to create a new set of
variables for the CMakeLists.txt
file in <someDir>
. This means that
if you call set(SOMEVAR Blah PARENT_SCOPE)
that it will not affect the
value of SOMEVAR
in the current scope! This macro therefore is designed
to set the value of the variable in the current scope and the parent scope
in one shot to avoid confusion.
Global variables are different. When one moves to a subordinate
file or enters a FUNCTION
, then a local copy of the
variable is not created. If one sets the variable locally, it will shadow
the global variable. However, if one sets the global cache value with
, then the value will get
changed in the current subordinate scope and in all parent scopes all in one
In: core/utils/DualScopeSet.cmake:11
Set a variable as a null internal global (cache) variable (removes boiler-plate code).
This just calls:
set(<varName> "" CACHE INTERNAL "")
This avoid problems with misspelling CACHE
In: core/utils/GlobalNullSet.cmake:11
Set a variable as an internal global (cache) variable (removes boiler-plate code).
global_set(<varName> [other args])
This just calls:
set(<varName> [other args] CACHE INTERNAL "")
This avoid misspelling CACHE
In: core/utils/GlobalSet.cmake:11
Join a set of strings into a single string using a join string.
join(<outputStrVar> "<sepStr>" <quoteElements>
"<string0>" "<string1>" ...)
The name of a variable that will hold the output string.
A string to use to join the list of strings.
- If
, then each<stringi>
is quoted using an escaped quotechar
then no escaped quote is used.
"<string0>" "<string1>" ...
Zero or more string arguments to be joined.
On output, the variable <outputStrVar>
is set to:
If <quoteElements>=TRUE
, then <outputStrVar>
is set to:
For example, the latter can be used to set up a set of command-line arguments given a CMake array like:
WARNING: Be careful to quote string arguments that have spaces because CMake interprets those as array boundaries.
In: core/utils/Join.cmake:11
Function that wraps the standard CMake/CTest message()
function call in
order to allow unit testing to intercept the output.
This function takes exactly the same arguments as built-in message()
function. However, when the variable MESSAGE_WRAPPER_UNIT_TEST_MODE
set to TRUE
, then this function will not call message(...)
instead will prepend set to the global variable MESSAGE_WRAPPER_INPUT
the input argument that would have gone to message()
. To capture just
this call’s input, first call:
before calling this function (or the functions/macros that call this function).
This function allows one to unit test other user-defined CMake macros and functions that call this function to catch error conditions without stopping the CMake program. Otherwise, this is used to capture print messages to verify that they say the right thing.
In: core/utils/MessageWrapper.cmake:14
Function to set a single string by concatenating a list of separate strings
On output, the local variables <outputStrVar>
is set to:
The purpose of this is function to make it easier to set longer strings over multiple lines.
This function is exactly the same as concat_strings() and should not even exist :-(
In: core/utils/MultilineSet.cmake:11
Utility function that prepends command-line arguments to a variable of command-line arguments.
prepend_cmndline_args(<var> "<extraArgs>")
This function just prepends the command-line arguments in the string
but does not add an extra space if <var>
is empty on
In: core/utils/PrependCmndlineArgs.cmake:11
Utility macro that prepends arguments to a global variable (reduces boiler-plate code and mistakes).
prepend_global_set(<varName> <arg0> <arg1> ...)
The variable <varName>
must exist before calling this function. To set
it empty initially use global_null_set().
In: core/utils/PrependGlobalSet.cmake:14
Print a defined variable giving its name then value only if it is not empty.
Calls print_var(<varName>)
if ${<varName>}
is not empty.
In: core/utils/PrintNonemptyVar.cmake:14
Print a list variable giving its name then value printed with spaces instead
of ';'
, but only if the list is non-empty.
print_nonempty_var_with_spaces(<varName> <printedVarOut>)
Prints the variable as:
<varName>: <ele0> <ele1> ...
If <printedVarOut>
on input, then the variable is not
touched. If however, the variable <printedVarOut>
is not TRUE
the list <varName>
in non-empty, then <printedVarOut>
is set to
on output.
In: core/utils/PrintNonemptyVarWithSpaces.cmake:14
Unconditionally print a variable giving its name then value.
This prints:
message("-- " "${VARIBLE_NAME}='${${VARIBLE_NAME}}'")
The variable <varName>
can be defined or undefined or empty. This uses
an explicit “– “ line prefix so that it prints nice even on Windows CMake.
In: core/utils/PrintVar.cmake:12
Print a defined variable giving its name then value printed with spaces
instead of ';'
print_var_with_spaces(<varName> <printedVarInOut>)
Prints the variable as:
<varName>: <ele0> <ele1> ...
If $<printedVarInOut>
on input, then the variable is not
touched. If however, the variable $<printedVarInOut>
is not TRUE
input, then it is set to TRUE
on output.
In: core/utils/PrintVarWithSpaces.cmake:14
Remove duplicate elements from a global list variable (removes boiler-plate code and errors).
This function is necessary in order to preserve the “global” nature of the
variable. If one just calls list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ...)
it will
actually create a local variable of the same name and shadow the global
variable! That is a fun bug to track down! The variable
must be defined before this function is called. If
is actually not a global cache variable before this
function is called it will be after it completes.
In: core/utils/RemoveGlobalDuplicates.cmake:14
set_cache_on_off_empty(<varName> <initialVal> "<docString>" [FORCE])
Sets a special string cache variable with possible values “”, “ON”, or “OFF”. This results in a nice drop-down box in the CMake cache manipulation GUIs.
In: core/utils/SetCacheOnOffEmpty.cmake:11
Give a local variable a default value if a non-empty value is not already set.
set_default(<varName> <arg0> <arg1> ...)
If on input "${<varName>}"==""
, then <varName>
is set to the given
default <arg0> <arg1> ...
. Otherwise, the existing non-empty value is
In: core/utils/SetDefault.cmake:11
Set a default value for a local variable and override from an environment variable of the same name if it is set.
set_default_and_from_env(<varName> <defaultVal>)
First calls set_default(<varName> <defaultVal>)
and then looks for an
environment variable named <varName>
, and if non-empty then overrides
the value of the local variable <varName>
This macro is primarily used in CTest code to provide a way to pass in the
value of CMake variables. Older versions of ctest
did not support the
option -D <var>:<type>=<value>
to allow variables to be set through the
command-line like cmake
always allowed.
In: core/utils/SetDefaultAndFromEnv.cmake:15
Split a string variable into a string array/list variable.
split("<inputStr>" "<sepStr>" <outputStrListVar>)
The <sepStr>
string is used with string(REGEX ...)
to replace all
occurrences of <sepStr>
in <inputStr>
with ";"
and writing into
WARNING: <sepStr>
is interpreted as a regular expression (regex) so keep
that in mind when considering special regex chars like '*'
, '.'
In: core/utils/Split.cmake:11
Return the raw time in seconds (nano-second accuracy) since epoch, i.e., since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
This function is used along with timer_get_rel_seconds(), and timer_print_rel_time() to time big chunks of CMake code for timing and profiling purposes. See timer_print_rel_time() for more details and an example.
NOTE: This function runs an external process with execute_process()
run the date
command. Therefore, it only works on Unix/Linux and other
systems that have a standard date
command. Since this uses
, this function should only be used to time very
course-grained operations (i.e. that take longer than a second). If the
date command does not exist, then ${<rawSecondsVar>} will be empty on
In: core/utils/TimingUtils.cmake:20
Return the relative time between start and stop seconds.
timer_get_rel_seconds(<startSeconds> <endSeconds> <relSecondsOutVar>)
This simple function computes the relative number of seconds between
and <endSeconds>
(returned from
timer_get_raw_seconds()) and sets the result in the local variable
In: core/utils/TimingUtils.cmake:49
Print the relative time between start and stop timers in <min>m<sec>s
timer_print_rel_time(<startSeconds> <endSeconds> "<messageStr>")
Differences the raw times <startSeconds>
and <endSeconds>
(i.e. gotten from timer_get_raw_seconds()) and prints the time in
This is meant to be used with timer_get_raw_seconds() to time expensive blocks of CMake code like:
"real_expensive() time")
This will print something like:
real_expensive() time: 0m5.235s
In: core/utils/TimingUtils.cmake:86
Set up a string cache variable that must match a fixed set of values (i.e. an enum) and assert that it matches those values.
DEFAULT_VAL <defaultVal>
DOC_STRING "<docString>"
ALLOWED_STRINGS_LIST "<val0>" "<val1>" ...
On output, <cacheVarName>
will be set to the list of paths
In: core/utils/TribitsAddEnumCacheVar.cmake:13
Set an advanced cache variable with a default value (passing in a default default value).
tribits_advanced_set_cache_var_and_default(<cacheVarName> <cacheVarType>
<defaultDefaultVal> <docString>)
If the variable <cacheVarName>_DEFAULT
already exists with a value, that
is used as the default cache variable. Otherwise,
is set set to <defaultDefaultVal>
In: core/utils/TribitsSetCacheVarAndDefault.cmake:13
Notify the user that some TriBITS functionality is deprecated.
Depending on the value of the cache variable TRIBITS_HANDLE_TRIBITS_DEPRECATED_CODE, this can do one of several things:
or empty string (or variable not defined): Issue a CMakeDEPRECATION
message and continue.
message and continue.SEND_ERROR
: Issue a CMakeSEND_ERROR
message and continue.FATAL_ERROR
: Issue a CMakeFATAL_ERROR
message and exit.IGNORE
: Issue no message and continue.
In: core/utils/TribitsDeprecatedHelpers.cmake:25
Notify the user that a TriBITS function or macro is deprecated. This should be the first command called at the top of any deprecated function or macro.
[MESSAGE <message>]
In: core/utils/TribitsDeprecatedHelpers.cmake:66
Create a reverse list var in one shot.
tribits_create_reverse_list(<oldListName> <newListName>)
In: core/utils/TribitsCreateReverseList.cmake:11
Set a cache variable with a default value (passing in a default default value).
tribits_set_cache_var_and_default(<cacheVarName> <cacheVarType>
<defaultDefaultVal> <docString>)
If the variable <cacheVarName>_DEFAULT
already exists with a value, that
is used as the default cache variable. Otherwise,
is set set to <defaultDefaultVal>
In: core/utils/TribitsSetCacheVarAndDefault.cmake:36
Remove one set of quotes from the outside of a string if they exist.
tribits_strip_quotes_from_str(<str_in> <str_var_out>)
If <str_in>
does not contain a quote char '"'
as the first and last
char, then the original <str_in>
is returned in <str_var_out>
In: core/utils/TribitsStripQuotesFromStr.cmake:1
Perform a single unit test equality check and update overall test statistics
unittest_compare_const(<varName> <expectedValue>)
If ${<varName>} == <expectedValue>
, then the check passes, otherwise it
fails. This prints the variable name and values and shows the test result.
This updates the global variables UNITTEST_OVERALL_NUMRUN
which are used
by the unit test harness system to assess overall pass/fail.
In: core/utils/UnitTestHelpers.cmake:34
Check that a given string var contains the given substring and update overall test statistics
unittest_has_substr_const(<varName> <substr>)
If ${<varName>}
contains the substring <substr>
, then the check
passes, otherwise it fails. This prints the variable name and values and
shows the test result.
This updates the global variables UNITTEST_OVERALL_NUMRUN
which are used
by the unit test harness system to assess overall pass/fail.
In: core/utils/UnitTestHelpers.cmake:318
Check that a given string var does NOT contains the given substring and update overall test statistics
unittest_not_has_substr_const(<varName> <substr>)
If ${<varName>}
contains the substring <substr>
, then the check
failed, otherwise it passes. This prints the variable name and values and
shows the test result.
This updates the global variables UNITTEST_OVERALL_NUMRUN
which are used
by the unit test harness system to assess overall pass/fail.
In: core/utils/UnitTestHelpers.cmake:364
Perform a series of regexes on a given string and update overall test statistics.
REGEX_STRINGS "<str0>" "<str1>" ...
If the <inputString>
matches all of the of the regexs "<str0>"
, …, then the test passes. Otherwise it fails.
This updates the global variables UNITTEST_OVERALL_NUMRUN
which are used
by the unit test harness system to assess overall pass/fail.
In: core/utils/UnitTestHelpers.cmake:208
Perform a series of regexes on a given string variable and update overall test statistics.
REGEX_STRINGS "<str0>" "<str1>" ...
If the "${<inputStringVar>}"
matches all of the of the regexs
, "<str1>"
, …, then the test passes. Otherwise it fails.
This updates the global variables UNITTEST_OVERALL_NUMRUN
which are used
by the unit test harness system to assess overall pass/fail.
In: core/utils/UnitTestHelpers.cmake:267
Perform a series regexes of given strings and update overall test statistics.
REGEX_STRINGS "<str1>" "<str2>" ...
The contents of <inputFileName>
are read into a string and then passed
to unittest_string_regex() to assess pass/fail.
In: core/utils/UnitTestHelpers.cmake:410
Print final statistics from all tests and assert final pass/fail
, then the overall test program is determined to have
passed and string:
"Final UnitTests Result: PASSED"
is printed. Otherwise, the overall test program is determined to have failed, the string:
"Final UnitTests Result: FAILED"
is printed, and message(SEND_ERROR "FAIL")
is called.
The reason that we require passing in the expected number of passed tests is as an extra precaution to make sure that important unit tests are not left out. CMake is a very loosely typed language and it pays to be a little paranoid.
In: core/utils/UnitTestHelpers.cmake:431
13 TriBITS System Maintainers Documentation
This section contains more detailed information about the internal implementation of TriBITS. This information is meant to make it easier to understand and manipulate the data-structures and macros/functions that make up internal implementation of TriBITS and is important for TriBITS System Developers and TriBITS System Architects.
13.1 TriBITS System Data Structures
This section describes the global CMake variables that make up the
data-structures and the macros/functions that create them that define the
TriBITS package dependency system. All of these variables all exist at the
base project-level CMakeLists.txt
file and are typically not cache
variables (and therefore are recomputed on every reconfigure and can therefore
accommodate changing enables/disables without a full reconfigure from
scratch). These variables define a graph of external packages/TPLs
(i.e. pre-built and found out on the system) and internal packages
(i.e. buildable CMake packages). This information is meant for maintainers of
the TriBITS system itself and should not need to be known by TriBITS
Project Developers or even TriBITS Project Architects.
TriBITS naming conventions
Before describing the TriBITS package architecture data-structures and the macros/functions that create and manipulate those data-structures in detail, first we define some naming conventions for TriBITS macros/function and variables.
First, the term “Package” is overloaded in the context of TriBITS (and in CMake for that matter). In the context of TriBITS, here are the different types of entities called a “Package”:
TriBITS External packages/TPLs listed in the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file and require a <tplDefsDir>/FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file.
TriBITS Top-level internal packages directly listed in the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file
TriBITS Subpackages for a top-level package (defined by the
argument in tribits_package_define_dependencies() command called in the <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file)Native CMake packages which are found using
and require a<Package>Config.cmake
package config file or aFind<Package>.cmake
find module fileCMake Packaging of a CMake project which means breaking it into components and provide various source and binary distributions. (A TriBITS top-level package maps to a CMake packaging “component”.)
Also, there are the collection of all three of the TriBITS-related “packages”.
To try to avoid ambiguity, we define the following identifiers that appear in TriBITS variable, macro, and function names:
TPL or EXTERNAL_PACKAGE: Variable or function specifically for processing TriITS external packages/TPLs.
TOPLEVEL_PACKAGE: Variable or a function specifically for a top-level package (or sometimes if there is no ambiguity just PACKAGE).
SUBPACKAGE: Variable or a function specifically for a subpackage (and SUBPACKAGE_FULLNAME if it is the full name of a subpackage which includes the top-level parent package name
).PACKAGE: Variable or function that could pertain to an external package/TPL, or a top-level package, or a subpackage.
TriBITS uses the follow general case naming conventions for variables, macros, functions and module files:
is generally used for global and cache variables. The proper nouns using CamelCase include the names of TriBITS entities like Projects, Repositories, and Packages. UPPER_CASE is used for non-proper nouns. (E.g.Trilinos_SOURCE_DIR
is generally used for local variable names.tribits_lower_case_name()
is generally used for TriBITS functions and macros. (E.g.trilinos_package_define_dependencies()
is generally used for TriBITS CMake module file names. (E.g.TribitsAddTest.cmake
User-level TriBITS Project, Repository, Package and Subpackage Variables
The user-level variables that define a TriBITS Project, Repository, Package and Subpackage are listed in:
These are variables that can be accessed by TriBITS Project Developers but are also used in the internal implementation of TriBITS functionality.
Lists of external and internal packages
List of non-cache top-level project variables:
${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINED_TPLS: List of all defined external packages/TPLs
${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINED_INTERNAL_TOPLEVEL_PACKAGES: List of all defined internal top-level packages
${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINED_TOPLEVEL_PACKAGES: List of all defined external packages/TPLs and top-level internal packages
${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINED_INTERNAL_PACKAGES: List of all defined internal top-level packages and subpackages
${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINED_PACKAGES: List of all defined external packages/TPLs, internal top-level packages, and subpackages (size ${PROJECT_NAME}_NUM_DEFINED_PACKAGES)
${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLED_PACKAGES: Subset of all enabled packages from
All of the above list variables are sorted in a valid dependency ordering in that any upstream dependent packages are listed before a given package in these lists. After these variables have been set in the macro tribits_read_all_project_deps_files_create_deps_graph(), they should considered to be constant and not modified.
These variables are described in more detail below.
The original list of all defined external packages (TPLs) read from the processed <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files is given in the list variable:
with size:
The original list of all defined internal top-level packages read in from the processed <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake files is given in the list variable:
with size:
In this list, a defined internal TriBITS Package (i.e. a package that can be
built from source) will have ${PACKAGE_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR != ""
while a
defined external package/TPL will have a non-empty ${PACKAGE_NAME}_FINDMOD
!= ""
The full list of defined external packages/TPLs and top-level internal packages (i.e. TriBITS top-level packages) (not including subpackages) is stored in the project-level non-cache list variable:
with size:
The first set of elements in this list are the defined external packages/TPLs that are read in from the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files from each processed TriBITS repository, in order. This is followed by the set of internal packages (TriBITS packages) that are defined in the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake files from each processed TriBITS repository, read in order. This list does not include any subpackages.
Note that some of the packages listed in
as external packages and not build from source code and instead will be found
on the system as pre-built/pre-installed packages using
. The final decision for if a package is
treated as an internal or external package is determined by the variable:
which gets set using various criteria as described in section Determining if a package is internal or external. This variable determines what pre-built/pre-installed packages must be found out on the system if enabled and what internal packages need to be built if enabled.
The set of external packages, internal top-level packages, and internal sub-packages are just called the list of “Packages”. When the term “Packages” is used without an adjective, it is usually meant in this more general context.
The set of all of the defined internal top-level packages and subpackages is given by the non-cache project-level list variable:
with the size:
The set of all of the defined external packages/TPLs, internal top-level packages and subpackages is given by the non-cache project-level list variable:
with the size:
These data-structures as well as the package dependencies graph is built up in the macro tribits_read_all_project_deps_files_create_deps_graph() with the call graph described in the section Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph. These data-structures don’t consider what packages are actually enabled or disabled.
The enable/disable logic (given an initial set of enables and disables) is applied in the macro tribits_adjust_package_enables(). Once all of this logic has been applied, several lists of enabled and non-enabled packages are computed.
The list of enabled internal top-level packages is given in the non-cache project-level list variable:
with size:
The list of enabled external packages/TPLs and internal top-level packages is given in the non-cache project-level list variable:
with size:
The list of enabled external packages/TPLs, internal top-level and subpackages is given in the non-cache project-level list variable:
with size:
Variables defining the package dependencies graph
TriBITS sets up the following project-level non-cache variables that define the dependencies for each external package/TPL and internal package:
The list of all defined direct required and optional upstream external package/TPL and internal package dependencies, regardless if they are enabled or not. To determine if a given direct upstream package
in this list is enabled or not for this package${PACKAGE_NAME}
, check the value of${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<depPkg>
. NOTE: The variables${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<depPkg>
will be set even for required upstream packages to allow for uniform loops involving required and optional upstream dependencies. (And for a parent package with subpackages, it is possible for a required subpackage to not be enabled and for${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<depPkg>
to beOFF
as explained in Subpackage enable does not auto-enable the parent package.) This list will be set regardless of if the package${PACKAGE_NAME}
is enabled or not.
List of all enabled direct required and optional upstream external package/TPL and internal package dependencies. This is strict subset of ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES (i.e. all of the
items in this list will have${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<depPkg>
set toON
if the entry<depPkg>
if it is only an optional LIB dependency.
This list of all define direct extra package test required and optional upstream external package/TPL and internal package dependencies. This list is set regardless if the package
is enabled or not. NOTE: This list does not contain the items in the list ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES (but those are implicitly also required/optional test dependencies as well).
The list of all enabled direct extra required and optional upstream external package/TPL and internal package dependencies. This is a strict subset of ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES.
if the entry<depPkg>
if it is only an optional TEST dependency. For the sake of simplicity and generality,${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_DEP_REQUIRED_<depPkg>
will also be set toTRUE
in the lists ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES or ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES because a LIB dependency is also implicitly a TEST dependency.
NOTE: The same upstream package <depPkg>
can be included in both the lists
is optional in
the former but required in the latter (which is a valid situation if you think
about it as a package that may be optional for the lib(s) of a package is
required by the tests for a package). (Otherwise, duplicate entries will be
NOTE: Having flat lists containing both optional and required dependencies
with the bool variables ${PACKAGE_NAME}_[LIB|TEST]_DEP_REQUIRED_<depPkg>
defining which entries are required or optional is modeled after the CMake
standard for handing the COMPONENTS
to find_package()
in that it passes that info to the
file as the single list variable
and the bool vars
Given the above upstream dependency list variables, the following derived list variables are then constructed which provide navigation from a package to its downstream/forward dependent packages:
For a given package
, lists the names of all of the forward packages<fwdDepPkg>
that list this package in their<fwdDepPkg>_LIB_DEFINED_PACKAGES
For a given package
, lists the names of all of the forward packages<fwdDepPkg>
that list this package in their<fwdDepPkg>_TEST_DEFINED_PACKAGES
User enable/disable cache variables
The following variables can be set by the user to determine what packages get enabled or disabled:
according to the rules described in Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic.
Determining if a package is internal or external
As mentioned above, some subset of initially internal packages listed in
) may be chosen to be external packages.
Packages that could be built internally may be chosen to be treated as
external packages (and therefore located on the system using
) by setting:
-D TPL_ENABLE_<PackageTreatedAsExternal>=ON
The final status of whether a package is treated as an internal package or an external package is provided by the variable:
is only changed
after all of the enable/disable dependency logic is complete.)
As a result, every other package upstream from any of these
packages must therefore also be treated as
external packages automatically and will have
set accordingly. Also, if
any subpackage is determined to be EXTERNAL, then the parent package of that
subpackage and every other peer subpackage will also be set to EXTERNAL.
Processing of external packages/TPLs and TriBITS-compliant external packages
The processing of external packages/TPLs is influenced by whether the external
package is a regular TriBITS TPL (i.e with a FindTPL<tplName>.cmake
modules) or is a TriBITS-compliant external package. Here, a
TriBITS-Compliant External Package has a <tplName>Config.cmake
that satisfies the following properties:
Has the target
which is a fully specified modern CMake target.Calls
or the equivalent for all upstream packages that it depends on.Every upstream dependent package
has the target<UpstreamTpl>::all_libs
. (But a minimally TriBITS-compliant external package need not define this for all of its upstream dependencies.)
That means that when calling find_package()
for a fully TriBITS-compliant
external package, there is no need to worry about finding any of its upstream
dependent external packages. That means that any external packages/TPLs
defined a TriBITS project which is upstream from a TriBITS-compliant external
package will be uniquely defined by calling find_package()
on the most
downstream TriBITS-compliant external package that depends on it. Therefore,
defining the external packages and their targets in this set of external
packages just involves calling find_package()
on the terminal
TriBITS-compliant external packages (i.e. TriBITS-compliant external packages
that don’t have any downstream dependencies that are external packages). Then
the remaining subset of external packages/TPLs that don’t have a downstream
TriBITS-compliant external package dependency will be defined as usual.
(However, as mentioned above, some of these are not fully TriBITS compliant and
don’t fully define the <UpstreamTpl>::all_libs
for all of their upstream
dependencies (see below).)
By having all fully TriBITS-compliant external packages, an external dependency is never found more than once.
The variables that are set internally to define these different subsets of external packages/TPLs are:
: Set theTRUE
if the package<Package>
provides the<Package>::all_libs
by just callingfind_package(<Package> CONFIG REQUIRED)
: Set toTRUE
if the external package/TPL should be (or was after the fact) defined by a downstream TriBITS-compliant external package.
An external package with <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=TRUE
is the
one for which find_package(<Package> CONFIG REQUIRED)
will be called and
does not have any downstream packages that are being treated as external
packages. Also, find_package(<Package> CONFIG REQUIRED)
will be called on
TriBITS-compliant external packages if <Package>::all_libs
was not defined
by a downstream non fully TriBITS-compliant external package.
The variable <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT
is set right when the packages
are initially defined by reading in the various input files. That is, all
initially internal packages that are listed in a
<repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file will have
set while all external packages/TPLs
listed in a <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file will have
set (except for those tagged with
which will have <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=FALSE
The processing of external packages/TPLs is done in two loops:
The first loop over external packages/TPLs will be those external packages/TPLs that have
. And we only callfind_package()
for those TriBITS-compliant external packages that have<Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=TRUE
AND don’t have<Package>::all_libs
already defined. This is a reverse loop to give an opportunity for downstream TriBITS-compliant external packages to define their upstream external packages/TPLs. NOTE: If<Package>_PROCESSED_BY_DOWNSTREAM_TRIBITS_EXTERNAL_PACKAGE
was set toTRUE
before this loop starts, it will be set toFALSE
for non-TriBITS-compliant external packages (i.e.<Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=FALSE
).The second loop processes remaining external packages/TPLs that where not defined by a downstream TriBITS-compliant external package in the first loop. These are all TriBITS TPLs for which
AND for which<Package>_FINDMOD
is not empty and is notTRIBITS_PKG
For more details, see the implementation in tribits_process_enabled_tpls().
13.2 Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph
Below is the CMake macro and function call graph for constructing the packages lists and dependency data-structures described above.
:13.3 TriBITS System Macros and Functions
These are key macros and functions that are used to implement the guts of TriBITS that TriBITS System Maintainers need to know about in order to understand the internals of TriBITS.
tribits_abort_on_missing_package(<depPkg> <packageName>)
Function that creates error message about missing/misspelled package. This error message also suggests that the package might be defining an upstream dependency on a downstream dependency (i.e. a circular dependency).
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:667
tribits_abort_on_self_dep(<packageName> <depPkgListName>)
Prints a fatal error message for an attempt for a self dependency declaration and which list it comes from.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:696
Macro that adjusts all of the package enables from what the user input to the final set that will be used to enable packages.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsAdjustPackageEnables.cmake:43
Appends forward/downstream package dependency lists for the upstream dependent package list provided.
tribits_append_forward_dep_packages(<packageName> <listType>)
In particular, it appends the var:
for one of the vars listed in Variables defining the package dependencies graph.
This function is called multiple times to build up the forward package
dependencies for a given <packageName>
by the downstream packages that
declare dependencies on it.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:569
Assert that all of the required variables set by the function tribits_package_define_dependencies() in the file <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake have been set.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:329
Function that dumps (prints to STDOUT) the package dependency info if
This function does not modify any state!
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPrintDependencyInfo.cmake:56
Creates the <tplName>::all_libs
target command text using input info and
from TPL_<tplName>_INCLUDE_DIRS
LIB_TARGETS_LIST <libTargetsList>
LIB_LINK_FLAGS_LIST <libLinkFlagsList>
CONFIG_FILE_STR_INOUT <configFileFragStrInOut>
The arguments are:
: [in] Name of the external package/TPL
: [in] List of targets created from processingTPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
: [in] List of of-L<dir>
library directory paths entries found while processingTPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
: [out] A string variable that will be appended with the<tplName>::all_libs
target statements.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:821
Add includes for all upstream external packages/TPLs listed in
NOTE: This also requires that
be set for each
external package/TPL listed in <tplName>_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:396
Install an already-generated <tplName>Config.cmake
<tplName> <tplConfigFile> )
The arguments are:
: Name of the external package/TPL
: Full file path for the<tplName>Config.cmake
file that will be installed into the correct location.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:97
Install an already-generated <tplName>ConfigVersion.cmake
<tplName> <tplConfigVersionFile> )
The arguments are:
: Name of the external package/TPL
: Full file path for the<tplName>ConfigVersion.cmake
file that will be installed into the correct location${${PROJECT_NAME}_INSTALL_LIB_DIR}/external_packages/
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:121
Read the TPL_<tplName>_LIBRARIES
list variables and produce the string
for the IMPORTED targets commands with upstream linkages and return list of
targets and left over linker flags.
LIB_TARGETS_LIST_OUT <libTargetsListOut>
CONFIG_FILE_STR_INOUT <configFileFragStrInOut>
The arguments are:
: [In] Name of the external package/TPL
: [Out] Name of list variable that will be set with the list of IMPORTED library targets generated from this list.
: [Out] Name of list variable that will be set with the list of-L<dir>
library directory paths.
: [Inout] A string variable that will be appended with the IMPORTED library commands for the list of targets given in<libTargetsList>
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:446
Macro that sets up the list of enabled external package/TPL dependencies
Takes the list <externalPkgName>_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES
and sets the
default entries of the non-cache var
. However, if
is non-empty when this
macro is called, then it will not be changed. That allows the user to
override the list of enabled TPL dependencies in the cache. This also sets
the non-cache vars <externalPkgName>_ENABLE_<upstsreamPkgName>=ON
each enabled package listed in
and to OFF
for each
listed in
but not in
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPackageDependencies.cmake:86
Write out a <tplName>ConfigVersion.cmake
<tplName> <tplConfigVersionFile> )
ToDo: Add version arguments!
The arguments are:
: Name of the external package/TPL
: Full file path for the<tplName>ConfigVersion.cmake
file that will be written out.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsExternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:57
Filter a list of packages based on several criteria including internal/external, enable status (with empty or non-empty)
tribits_filter_package_list_from_var( <packageListVarName>
<internalOrExternal> <enabledFlag> <enableEmptyStatus>
<packageSublistOut> )
: Name of input list var of packages<internalOrExternal>
or “” (i.e. both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL packages) (matches<Package>_PACKAGE_BUILD_STATUS
for elements that matchTRUE
for elements that matchFALSE
: Enable status isNONEMPTY
(i.e. must have a value) orINCLUDE_EMPTY
(matches those with a value and with empty “”).<packageSublistOut>
: The name of the var that will store the filtered sublist of packages.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageSublists.cmake:13
Get sub-list of disabled packages
tribits_get_sublist_disabled( <enableListName>
<disabledSublistNameOut> [<numDisabledVarOut>] )
On output, <disabledSublistNameOut>
contains the sublist of entries
which evaluate to FALSE
and is not empty ""
an if ()
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageSublists.cmake:123
Get sub-list of enabled packages
tribits_get_sublist_enabled( <enableListName>
<enabledSublistNameOut> [<numEnabledVarOut>] )
On output, <enabledSublistNameOut>
contains the sublist of entries in
which evaluate to TRUE
in an if ()
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageSublists.cmake:62
Get sub-list of packages that are INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, or either.
tribits_get_sublist_internal_external( <inputPackageListName> <internalOrExternal>
<sublistNameOut> [<sizeSublistOut>] )
<internalOrExternal> is either INTERNAL, EXTERNAL or empty “”.
On output, <sublistNameOut>
contains the sublist of entries in
which are either INTERNAL or EXTERNAL or both
(if <internalOrExternal> is “”) based on <Package>_PACKAGE_BUILD_STATUS
for each element package name.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageSublists.cmake:185
Get sub-list of non-disabled packages
tribits_get_sublist_nondisabled( <enableListName>
<nondisabledListNameOut> [<numNondisabledVarOut>] )
On output, <nondisabledListNameOut>
contains the sublist of entries from
for which evaluate to TRUE
or empty ""
in an
if ()
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageSublists.cmake:92
Get sub-list of non-enabled entries
tribits_get_sublist_nonenabled( <enableListName>
<nonenabledListNameOut> [<numNonenabledVarOut>] )
On output, <nonenabledListNameOut>
contains the subset of entries in
that evaluate to FALSE
(which can also be empty
) in an if ()
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGetPackageSublists.cmake:154
Function that prints whatever initial dependency information that is available that is requested by the user after the initial construction of the package dependency graph but before the call of tribits_adjust_package_enables().
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPrintDependencyInfo.cmake:14
Function that print the set of tentatively enabled TPLs.
Does not modify any state!
In: core/package_arch/TribitsPrintDependencyInfo.cmake:36
Macro that parses the read-in variable
set by the macro
tribits_package_define_dependencies() , adds subpackages to the list of
defined packages, and defines user cache var options for those subpackages.
This sets the list variables for the parent package
For each subpackage <subpackageFullName>
, this sets:
And it appends each subpackage to the list variable:
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:720
Macro that sets to undefined all of the variables that must be set by the tribits_package_define_dependencies() macro.
It also sets to empty the forward dependency list vars:
for each of the forward/downstream package/dependency in Variables defining the package dependencies graph.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:288
Process any dependency logic at the repo level by loading <repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake files.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:60
Gather information and targets from enabled TPLs
For more info, see Processing of external packages/TPLs and TriBITS-compliant external packages.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProcessEnabledTpls.cmake:24
Sets up the upstream/backward and downstream/forward package dependency list
variables for <packageName>
described in Variables defining the package
dependencies graph. Note that the downstream/forward dependencies of
upstream packages for this package <packageName>
are built up
incrementally. (The forward dependency list vars are initialized to empty
in tribits_prep_to_read_dependencies().)
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:407
Macro that processes the list variable:
from a <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file that just got read in and creates/updates the top-level non-cache variables:
For each of the listed top-level (parent) packages ${PACKAGE_NAME}, it also sets up constant variables defined in TriBITS Package Top-Level Local Variables like:
and sets up some standard enable/disable vars with default values as defined in TriBITS Package Cache Variables like:
to see
really verbose debug output from this macro.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProcessPackagesAndDirsLists.cmake:338
Process any dependency logic at the project level by loading the <projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake file
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:92
This macro that processes the project-level variable:
This updates the project-level variables:
For each TPL, it also sets the variables:
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph
In: core/package_arch/TribitsProcessTplsLists.cmake:89
This macro reads in all of the <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files for top-level packages and subpackages, respectively, and builds the package dependency graph variables.
This macro reads from the variables:
And writes to the variable:
as well creates the package dependency variables described in Variables defining the package dependencies graph that defines the directed acyclic dependency (DAG) package dependency graph (with navigation up and down the graph).
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:119
Macro run at the top project-level scope that reads the lists of packages and TPLs and creates the packages dependency graph.
On output, this creates all of the package lists and dependency data-structures described in the section TriBITS System Data Structures and more specifically the sections:
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadAllProjectDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:23
Read back the local package dependency vars from the saved-off vars with
suffix _<postfix>
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:381
Macro run at the top project-level scope that reads in the contents of all of the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake and <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake files to get the list of defined external packages (TPLs) and internal top-level (TriBITS) packages.
On output, this produces the local variables:
and the length vars for these:
This includes the files:
and calls the macros:
which set their variables.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadAllProjectDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:65
This macro reads of all the package dependencies and builds the package dependency graph. This first executes the logic in the files <repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake (for each TriBITS repo) and <projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake and then reads in all of the <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake files and builds the package dependency graph variables.
This macro reads from the variables:
and writes to the variables:
as well creates the package dependency variables described in Variables defining the package dependencies graph that defines the directed acyclic dependency (DAG) package dependency graph (with navigation up and down the graph).
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:15
Reads in dependencies for the external packages/TPL <tplName>
creates the package dependency graph entries for it.
This reads in the file ${<tplName>_DEPENDENCIES_FILE}
and sets the
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:165
Read in subpackages dependencies files and add to dependencies graph variables.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:851
<subpackageName> <subpackageDir>)
Macro that reads in a single subpackage dependencies file <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and sets up the dependency structure for it.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:875
Macro that reads in package dependencies for a top-level package from the
file <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake and appends the forward
dependencies list vars for packages already read in for this package
(see Variables defining the package dependencies
It also appends the list variable:
Also, the subpackage dependencies under this top-level package are read in order and then this top-level package is appended and dependencies are created for them.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:202
Saves off package dependency variables with variable suffix _<postfix>
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:356
Macro set up backward package dependency lists for a given package given the vars read in from the macro tribits_package_define_dependencies().
tribits_set_dep_packages(<packageName> <testOrLib> <requiredOrOptional> <pkgsOrTpls>)
Sets the upstream/backward dependency variables defined in the section Variables defining the package dependencies graph.
This also handles the several types of issues:
A package declaring a dependency on itself (tribits_abort_on_self_dep()).
A missing upstream dependent package (either error out with tribits_abort_on_missing_package() or allow to be missing and disable this package if this is a required dependency).
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph.
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:451
Print trace of file processing when
tribits_trace_file_processing( <type> <processingType> <filePath>)
: Allowed values “PROJECT”, “REPOSITORY”, “PACKAGE”, or “TPL”<processingType>
: Allowed values “INCLUDE”, “ADD_SUBDIR”, “READ”, or “CONFIGURE”<filePath>
: Path of the file being processed
In: core/package_arch/TribitsGeneralMacros.cmake:103
Create the <Package>ConfigTargets.cmake
file and install rules and the
install() target for the previously generated
files generated by the
tribits_write_flexible_package_client_export_files() function.
PACKAGE_NAME <packageName>
The install() commands must be in a different subroutine or CMake will not allow you to call the routine, even if you if() it out!
In: core/package_arch/TribitsInternalPackageWriteConfigFile.cmake:62
Macro that outputs XML dependency files if asked based in the global project package dependency graph previously constructed.
In: ci_support/TribitsWriteXmlDependenciesFiles.cmake:21
Function that writes XML dependency files if support for that exists in this instance of TriBITs.
See Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph
In: core/package_arch/TribitsReadAllProjectDepsFilesCreateDepsGraph.cmake:221
14 References
Martin, Robert. Agile Software Development (Principles, Patterns, and Practices). Prentice Hall. 2003.
Bartlett, Roscoe. Integration Strategies for Computational Science & Engineering Software. 2009-0655, Second International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering, 2009.
SCALE: A Comprehensive Modeling and Simulation Suite for Nuclear Safety Analysis and Design, ORNL/TM-2005/39, Version 6.1, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, June 2011. Available from Radiation Safety Information Computational Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as CCC-785.
Scott, Craig. Professional CMake: A Practical Guide (5th Edition). ISBN 978-1-925904-03-1. 2019.
15 FAQ
Q: Why does not TriBITS just use the standard CMake Find<PACKAGE_NAME>.cmake
modules and the standard find_package()
function to find TPLs?
A: The different “standard” CMake Find<PACKAGE_NAME>.cmake
modules do not
have a standard set of outputs and therefore, can’t be handled in a uniform
way. For example,
16 Appendix
16.1 CMake Language Overview and Gotchas
TriBITS removes a lot of the boiler plate code needed to write a CMake project. As a result, many people can come into a project that uses TriBITS and quickly start to contribute by adding new source files, adding new libraries, adding new tests, and even adding new TriBITS packages and external packages/TPLs; all without really having learned anything about CMake. Often one can use existing example CMake code as a guide and be successful using basic functionality. As long as nothing out of the ordinary happens, many people can get along just fine in this mode for a time.
However, we have observed that most mistakes and problems that people run into when using TriBITS are due to lack of basic knowledge of the CMake language. One can find basic tutorials and references on the CMake language in various locations online for free. One can also purchase the official CMake reference book. Also, documentation for any built-in CMake command is available locally by running:
$ cmake --help-command <CMAKE_COMMAND>
Because tutorials and detailed documentation for the CMake language already exists, this document does not attempt to provide a first reference to CMake (which is a large topic in itself). However, what we try to provide below is a short overview of the more quirky or surprising aspects of the CMake language that a programmer experienced in another language might get tripped up or surprised by. Some of the more unique features of the language are described in order to help avoid some of these common mistakes and provide greater understanding of how TriBITS works.
The CMake language is used to write CMake projects with TriBITS. In fact the core TriBITS functionality itself is implemented in the CMake language (see TriBITS System Project Dependencies). CMake is a fairly simple programming language with relatively simple rules (for the most part). However, compared to other programming languages, there are a few peculiar aspects to the CMake language that can make working with it difficult if you don’t understand these rules. For example there are unexpected variable scoping rules and how arguments are passed to macros and functions can be tricky. Also, CMake has some interesting gotchas. In order to effectively use TriBITS (or just raw CMake) to construct and maintain a project’s CMake files, one must know the basic rules of CMake and be aware of these gotchas.
The first thing to understand about the CMake language is that nearly every
line of CMake code is just a command taking a string (or an array of strings)
and functions that operate on strings. An array argument is just a single
string literal with elements separated by semi-colons "<str0>;<str1>;..."
CMake is a bit odd in how it deals with these arrays, which are just
represented as a string with elements separated with semi-colons ';'
. For
example, all of the following are equivalent and pass in a CMake array with 3
elements [A
], [B
], and [C
some_func(A B C)
some_func("A" "B" "C")
However, the above is not the same as:
some_func("A B C")
which just passes in a single element with value [A B C
]. Raw quotes in
CMake basically escape the interpretation of space characters as array element
boundaries. Quotes around arguments with no spaces does nothing (as seen
above, except for the interpretation as variable names in an if()
statement). In order to get a quote char ["
] into string, you must escape
it as:
which passes an array with the single argument [\"A\"
Variables are set using the built-in CMake set()
command that just takes
string arguments like:
set(SOME_VARIABLE "some_value")
In CMake, the above is identical, in every way, to:
set(SOME_VARIABLE some_value)
The function set()
simply interprets the first argument to as the name of
a variable to set in the local scope. Many other built-in and user-defined
CMake functions work the same way. That is, some of the string arguments are
interpreted as the names of variables. There is no special language feature
that interprets them as variables (except in an if()
However, CMake appears to parse arguments differently for built-in CMake
control structure functions like foreach()
and if()
and does not just
interpret them as a string array. For example:
foreach (SOME_VAR "a;b;c")
prints `SOME_VAR='a;b;c'
instead of printing SOME_VAR='a'
followed by
, etc., as you would otherwise expect. Therefore, this simple
rule for the handling of function arguments as string arrays does not hold for
CMake logic control commands. Just follow the CMake documentation for these
control structures (i.e. see cmake --help-command if
and cmake
--help-command foreach
CMake offers a rich assortment of built-in commands for doing all sorts of
things. Two of these are the built-in macro()
and the function()
commands which allow you to create user-defined macros and functions. TriBITS
is actually built on CMake functions and macros. All of the built-in and
user-defined macros, and some functions take an array of string arguments.
Some functions take in positional arguments. In fact, most functions take a
combination of positional and keyword arguments.
Variable names are translated into their stored values using
. The value that is extracted depends on if the variable
is set in the local or global (cache) scope. The local scopes for CMake start
in the base project directory in its base CMakeLists.txt
file. Any
variables that are created by macros in that base local scope are seen across
an entire project but are not persistent across multiple successive
configure invocations where the cache file CMakeCache.txt
is not
deleted in between.
The handling of variables is one area where CMake is radically different from most other languages. First, a variable that is not defined simply returns nothing. What is surprising to most people about this is that it does not even return an empty string that would register as an array element! For example, the following set statement:
is an undefined variable) produces
and not 'a;;c'
! The same thing occurs when an empty
variable is de-references such as with:
set(EMPTY_VAR "")
set(SOME_VAR a ${EMPTY_VAR} c)
which produces SOME_VAR='a;c'
and not 'a;;c'
. In order to always
produce an element in the array even if the variable is empty, one must quote
the argument as with:
set(EMPTY_VAR "")
set(SOME_VAR a "${EMPTY_VAR}" c)
which produces SOME_VAR='a;;c'
, or three elements as one might assume.
This is a common error that people make when they call CMake functions (built-in or TriBITS-defined) involving variables that might be undefined or empty. For example, for the macro:
macro(some_macro A_ARG B_ARG C_ARG)
if someone tries to call it with (misspelled variable?):
some_macro(a ${SOME_OHTER_VAR} c)
and if SOME_OHTER_VAR=""
or if it is undefined, then CMake will error out
with the error message saying that the macro some_macro()
takes 3
arguments but only 2 were provided. If a variable might be empty but that is
still a valid argument to the command, then it must be quoted as:
some_macro(a "${SOME_OHTER_VAR}" c)
Related to this problem is that if you misspell the name of a variable in a
CMake if()
statement like:
then it will always be false and the code inside the if statement will never be executed! To avoid this problem, use the utility function assert_defined() as:
In this case, the misspelled variable would be caught.
While on the subject of if()
statements, CMake has a strange convention.
When you say:
is interpreted as a variable and will be considered true and
will be called if ${SOME_VAR}
does not evaluate to
, NO
, N
, ""
, or ends in the
suffix -NOTFOUND
. How about that for a true/false rule! To be safe, use
pairs for setting variables. Look up native
CMake documentation on if()
for all the interesting details and all the
magical things it can do.
WARNING: If you mistype "ON"
as "NO"
, it evaluates to
! (That is a fun defect to track down!)
CMake language behavior with respect to case sensitivity is also strange:
Calls of built-in and user-defined macros and functions is case insensitive! That is
, and all other combinations of upper and lower case characters for ‘S’, ‘E’, ‘T’ all call the built-inset()
function. The convention in TriBITS is to uselower_case_with_underscores()
for functions and macros.However, the names of CMake (local or cache/global) variables are case sensitive! That is,
are different variables. Built-in CMake variables tend use all caps with underscores (e.g.CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR
) but other built-in CMake variables tend to use mixed case with underscores (e.g.CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS
). TriBITS tends to use a similar naming convention where project-level and cache variables have mostly upper-case letters except for parts that are proper nouns like the project, package or external package/TPL name (e.g.TribitsExProj_TRIBITS_DIR
). Local variables and function/macro parameters can use camelCase or lower_case_with_underscores.
I don’t know of any other programming language that uses different case sensitivity rules for variables and functions. However, because we must parse macro and function arguments when writing user-defined macros and functions, it is a good thing that CMake variables are case sensitive. Case insensitivity would make it much harder and more expensive to parse argument lists that take keyword-based arguments.
Other mistakes that people make result from not understanding how CMake scopes
variables and other entities. CMake defines a global scope (i.e. “cache”
variables) and several nested local scopes that are created by
and entering functions. See dual_scope_set() for a
short discussion of these scoping rules. And it is not just variables that
can have local and global scoping rules. Other entities, like defines set
with the built-in command add_definitions()
only apply to the local scope
and child scopes. That means that if you call add_definitions()
to set a
define that affects the meaning of a header-file in C or C++, for example,
that definition will not carry over to a peer subdirectory and those
definitions will not be set (see warning in Miscellaneous Notes
16.2 History of TriBITS
TriBITS started development in November 2007 as a set of helper macros to provide a CMake build system for a small subset of packages in Trilinos. The initial goal was to support a native Windows build (using Visual C++) to compile and install these few Trilinos packages on Windows for usage by another project (the Sandia Titan project which included VTK). At that time, Trilinos was using a highly customized and augmented autotools build system. Initially, this CMake system was just a set of macros to streamline creating executables and tests. Some of the conventions started in that early effort (e.g. naming conventions of variables and macros where functions use upper case like old FORTRAN and variables are mixed case) were continued in later efforts and are reflected in the current implementation. Then, stating in early 2008, a more detailed evaluation was performed to see if Trilinos should switch over to CMake as the default (and soon only) supported build and test system (see “Why CMake?” in TriBITS Overview). This lead to the initial implementation of a scalable package-based architecture (PackageArch) for the Trilinos CMake project in late 2008. This Trilinos CMake PackageArch system evolved over the next few years with development in the system slowing into 2010. This Trilinos CMake build system was then adopted as the build infrastructure for the CASL VERA effort in 2011 where CASL VERA packages were treated as add-on Trilinos packages (see Section Multi-Repository Support). Over the next year, there was significant development of the system to support larger multi-repo projects in support of CASL VERA. That lead to the decision to formally generalize the Trilinos CMake PackageArch build system outside of Trilinos and the name TriBITS was formally adopted in November 2011. Work to refactor the Trilinos CMake system into a general reusable stand-alone CMake-based build system started in October 2011 and an initial implementation was complete in December 2011 when it was used for the CASL VERA build system. In early 2012, the ORNL CASL-related projects Denovo and SCALE (see [SCALE, 2011]) adopted TriBITS as their native development build systems. Shortly after, TriBITS was adopted as the native build system for the CASL-related University of Michigan code MPACT. In addition to being used in CASL, all of these codes also had a significant life outside of CASL. Because they used the same TriBITS build system, it proved relatively easy to keep these various codes integrated together in the CASL VERA code meta-build. At the same time, TriBITS well served the independent development teams and non-CASL projects independent from CASL VERA. Since the initial extraction of TriBITS from Trilinos, the TriBITS system was further extended and refined, driven by CASL VERA development and expansion. Independently, an early version of TriBITS from 2012 was adopted by the LiveV project (see [LiveV]) which was forked and extended independently.
16.3 Why a TriBITS Package is not a CMake Package
Note that a TriBITS Package is not the same thing as a “Package” in raw
CMake terminology. In raw CMake, a “Package” is some externally provided bit
of software or other utility for which the current CMake project has an
optional or required dependency (see CMake: How to Find Libraries). Therefore, a raw
CMake “Package” actually maps to a TriBITS TPL. A raw CMake “Package”
(e.g. Boost, CUDA, etc.) can be found using a standard CMake find module
using the built-in CMake command
. It is unfortunate that the TriBITS and
the raw CMake definitions of the term “Package” are not exactly the same.
However, the term “Package” was coined by the Trilinos project long ago before
CMake was adopted as the Trilinos build system and Trilinos’ definition of
“Package” (going back to 1998) pre-dates the development of CMake (see
History of CMake) and
therefore Trilinos dictated the terminology of TriBITS and the definition of
the term “Package” in the TriBITS system. However, note that both meanings of
the term “Package” are consistent with the more general software engineering
definition of a “Package” according to Software Engineering Packaging
16.4 Design Considerations for TriBITS
Some of the basic requirements and design goals for TriBITS are outlined in the TriBITS Overview document.
As stated in TriBITS Dependency Handling Behaviors, No circular dependencies of any kind are allowed. That is, no TriBITS package (or its tests) can declare a dependency on a downstream package, period! To some, this might seem over constraining but adding support for circular dependencies to the TriBITS system would add significant complexity and space/time overhead and is a bad idea from a basic software engineering perspective (see the ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle) in Software Engineering Packaging Principles). From a versioning, building, and change-prorogation perspective, any packages involved in a circular dependency would need to be treated as a single software engineering package anyway so TriBITS forces development teams to glob all of this stuff together into a single TriBITS Package when cycles in software exist. There are numerous wonderful ways to break circular dependencies between packages that are proven and well established in the SE community (for example, see [Agile Software Development, 2003]).
16.5 –help
Below is a snapshot of the output from --help
. For
more details on the usage of
, see Multi-Repository
Support and Multi-Repository Development Workflow.
Usage: [options]
This script clones one more extra repos listed in a TriBITS
ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file. The standard usage is:
$ cd base <projectDir>
$ ./cmake/tribits/ci_support/
where <projectDir> is the base TriBITS project dir and base git repo.
By default, this will clone all the 'Nightly' extra repos that are listed in
the file:
(other repo types can be selected using --extra-repos-type).
The list of which repos to clone can be "white-list" selected with the option
--extra-repos (see options below for details). Extra repos can in addition be
"back-listed" using the option --not-extra-repos.
To see the full list of repos that can be cloned, pass in just:
--skip-clone --verbosity=more
That will print out a table like:
| ID | Repo Name | Repo Dir | VC | Repo URL | Category |
| 1 | ExtraRepo1 | ExtraRepo1 | GIT | | Continuous |
| 2 | ExtraRepo3 | ExtraRepo3 | GIT | | Continuous |
If the git repo server is using gitolite, one can set
--gitolite-root=<gitolite-root> and that will result in git repos being
selected only if the selected repos are listed in 'ssh <gitolite-root> info'.
This allows one to automatically exclude repos from being cloned that the user
has no permissions to clone. NOTE: See warning about the --gitolite-root option below!
TIP: After cloning the set of repos, a nice way to interact with the repos is
to use the tool 'gitdist'. If your project does not have a version controlled
.gitdist.default file, you can generate one using the
--create-gitdist-file=<gitdist-file> argument, for example with:
This will restrict the list of repos processed by gitdist to just the repos cloned.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
List of names of extra repos to be cloned <extra-
repos> (i.e. "repo0,repo1,,..."). When set to empty
'' (the default value) then all repos that match
<extra-repos-type> listed in <extra-repos-file> will
be selected. But the repos listed in <extra-repos>
must always be a subset of the repos of type <extra-
repos-type> selected from <extra-repos-file>.
(Default '')
List of names of extra repos *NOT* to clone (i.e.
"repo0,repo1,..."). (Default '')
The file path <extra-repos-file> for the
ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake file. This can be an
absolute or relative path. (Default =
Type of extra repositories <extra-repos-type> to
select from <extra-repos-file>. When --extra-repos is
set, then this argument is ignored. Choices =
('Continuous', 'Nightly', 'Experimental'). [default =
Gives the root for a gitolite repos <gitolite-root>
(e.g. git@<some-url>). If specified, then any git
repos with the <gitolite-root> listed as their root
will only be selected if they are listed with 'R'
permissions returned from 'ssh <gitolite-root> info'.
WARNING: Make sure that you have your gitoliote SSH
registered correctly before using this option by
typing the command 'ssh <gitlite-root> info' and make
sure that it does *not* ask for a password! (Default =
CMake executable to use with cmake -P scripts
internally (only set by unit testing code). (Default
= 'cmake')
Verbosity of the script (levels are cumulative): none
= no output at all (except for commands with --no-op).
minimal = print script args echo and clone commands.
more = print basic repo include/exclude logic and
print repo table. most = print output from cmake
script called, the output from gitolite, and other
detailed info. Choices = ('none', 'minimal', 'more',
'most'). [default = 'more']
--do-clone Do the clone of the selected repos. [default]
--skip-clone Skip the clone of the repos and just show what would
be done.
--do-op Do the clone of the selected repos. [default]
--no-op Skip cloning the repos and just show the clone
If specified, the file <gitdist-file> will get
generated with the list of git repos (the same list
that is cloned with --do-clone). (Default = '')
--show-defaults Show the default option values and do nothing at all.
16.6 gitdist documentation
The sections below show snapshots of the output from the gitdist tool from
gitdist –help and gitdist --dist-help=<topic>
For more details on the usage of gitdist
, see Multi-Repository Support
and Multi-Repository Development Workflow.
gitdist –help
Usage: gitdist [gitdist arguments] <raw-git-command> [git arguments]
gitdist [gitdist arguments] dist-repo-status
gitdist [gitdist arguments] dist-repo-versions-table
Run git over a set of git repos in a multi-repository git project (see
--dist-help=overview --help). This script also includes other tools like
printing a compact repo status table (see --dist-help=dist-repo-status) and
tracking compatible versions through multi-repository SHA1 version files (see
The options in [gitdist options] are prefixed with '--dist-' and are pulled
out before running 'git <raw-git-command> [git arguments]' in each local git
repo that is processed (see --dist-help=repo-selection-and-setup).
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Print a gitdist help topic. Using --dist-help=all
prints all help topics. If --help is also specified,
then the help usage header and command-line 'options'
are also printed. Choices = ('', 'overview', 'repo-
selection-and-setup', 'dist-repo-status', 'repo-
versions', 'dist-repo-versions-table', 'aliases',
'default-branch', 'move-to-base-dir', 'usage-tips',
'script-dependencies', 'all'). [default = '']
Path to the git executable to use for each git repo
command. By default, gitdist will use 'git' in the
environment. If it can't find 'git' in the
environment, then it will require setting --dist-use-
git=<path-to-git>. (Typically only used in automated
testing.) (default='git')
--dist-repos=REPOS Comma-separated list of repo relative paths
'<repo0>,<repo1>,...'. The base repo is specified with
'.' and should usually be listed first. If left empty
'', then the list of repos to process is taken from
the file ./.gitdist (which lists the relative path of
each git repo separated by newlines). If the file
./.gitdist does not exist, then the repos listed in
the file ./.gitdist.default are processed. If the
file the file ./.gitdist.default is missing, then no
extra repos are processed and it is assumed that the
base repo will be processed. Also, any git repos
listed that don't exist are ignored. See --dist-
help=repo-selection-and-setup. (default='')
Comma-separated list of extra repo relative paths
'<repoX>,<repoY>,...' to *not* process. (default='')
--dist-mod-only If set, then only git repos that have changes w.r.t.
their tracking branches will be processed. That is,
only repos that have modified or untracked files or
where 'git diff --name-only ^<tracking-branch>'
returns non-empty output will be processed (where
<tracking-branch> is returned from 'rev-parse
--abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u})'. If a local
repo does not have a tracking branch, then the repo
will be skipped as well. Therefore, be careful to
first run 'gitdist-status' (see --dist-help=dist-repo-
status) to see the status of each local git repo to
know which repos don't have tracking branches.
--dist-legend If set, then a legend will be printed below the repo
summary table for the special dist-repo-status
command. Only applicable with dist-repo-status (see
--dist-utf8-output If set, use UTF-8 box drawing characters instead of
ASCII ones when creating the repo summary table.
Path to a file which contains a list of extra repo
relative directories and git versions (replaces
_VERSION_). (See --dist-help=repo-versions.)
Path to a second file contains a list of extra repo
relative directories and git versions (replaces
_VERSION2_). (See --dist-help=repo-versions.)
--dist-no-color If set, don't use color in the output for gitdist and
set '-c color.status=never' before the git command
(like 'status'). NOTE: user should also pass in
--color=never for git commands accept that argument.
(Better for output to a file).
--dist-debug If set, then debugging info is printed.
--dist-no-opt If set, then no git commands will be run but instead
will just be printed.
--dist-short If set, then the repo versions table will only include
the Repo Dir and SHA1 columns; Commit Date, Author,
and Summary will be omitted.
gitdist –dist-help=overview
$ gitdist [gitdist options] <raw-git-command> [git arguments]
will distribute git commands specified by '<raw-git-command> [git arguments]'
across the current base git repo and the set of git repos listed in the file
./.gitdist (or the file ./.gitdist.default, or the argument
--dist-repos=<repo0>,<repo1>,..., see
For example, consider the following base git repo 'BaseRepo' with three other
"extra" git repos cloned under it:
The file .gitdist shown above is created by the user and in this example
should have the contents (note the base repo entry '.'):
For this example, running the command:
$ cd BaseRepo/
$ gitdist status
results in the following commands:
$ git status
$ cd ExtraRepo1/ ; git status ; ..
$ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/ ; git status ; ../..
$ cd ExtraRepo3/ ; git status ; ..
which produces output like:
*** Base Git Repo: BaseRepo
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo3
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
The gitdist tool allows managing a set of git repos like one big integrated
git repo. For example, after cloning a set of git repos, one can perform
basic operations like for single git repos such as creating a new release
branch and pushing it with:
$ gitdist checkout master
$ gitdist pull
$ gitdist tag -a -m "Start of the 2.3 release" release-2.3-start
$ gitdist checkout -b release-2.3 release-2.3-start
$ gitdist push origin release-2.3-start
$ gitdist push origin -u release 2.3
$ gitdist checkout master
The above gitdist commands create the same tag 'release-2.3-start' and the
same branch 'release-2.3' in all of the local git repos and pushes these to
the remote 'origin' for each git repo.
For more information about a certain topic, use '--dist-help=<topic-name>
[--help]' for <topic-name>:
* 'overview'
* 'repo-selection-and-setup'
* 'dist-repo-status'
* 'repo-versions'
* 'dist-repo-versions-table'
* 'aliases'
* 'default-branch'
* 'move-to-base-dir'
* 'usage-tips'
* 'script-dependencies'
To see full help with all topics, use '--dist-help=all [--help]'.
This script is self-contained and has no dependencies other than standard
python 2.6+ packages so it can be copied to anywhere and used.
gitdist –dist-help=repo-selection-and-setup
Before using the gitdist tool, one must first add the gitdist script to one's
default path. On bash, the simplest way to do this is to source the script:
$ source <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/
This will set an alias to the gitdist script in that same directory by
default, will set up useful alias 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod', and
'gitdist-mod-status', and 'gitdist-repo-versions', and will set up
command-line completion just like for raw git (assuming that
git-completion.bash has been sourced first). The files 'gitdist' and
'' can also be copied to another directory (e.g. ~/bin) and
then '' can be sourced from there (as a simple "install"):
$ cp <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/gitdist \
<some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/ \
$ source ~/bin/
$ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
This script can also be set up manually, for example, by copying the gitdist
script to one's ~/bin/ directory:
$ cp <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/gitdist ~/bin/
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/gitdist
and then adding $HOME/bin to one's 'PATH' env var with:
$ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
(i.e. in one's ~/.bash_profile file). Then, one will want to set up some
useful shell aliases like 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod', and
'gitdist-mod-status' and 'gitdist-repo-versions' (see --dist-help=aliases).
The set of git repos processed by gitdist is determined by the argument:
or the files .gitdist or .gitdist.default. If --dist-repos="", then the list
of repos to process will be read from the file '.gitdist' in the current
directory. If the file '.gitdist' does not exist, then the list of repos to
process will be read from the file '.gitdist.default' in the current
directory. The format of this files '.gitdist' and '.gitdist.default' is to
have one repo relative directory per line, for example:
$ cat .gitdist
where each line is the relative path under the base git repo (i.e. under
'BaseRepo/'). The file .gitdist.default is meant to be committed to the base
git repo (i.e. 'BaseRepo') so that gitdist is ready to use right away after
the base repo and the extra repos are cloned.
If an extra repository directory (i.e. listed in
--dist-repos=<repo0>,<repo1>,..., .gitdist, or .gitdist.default) does
not exist, then it will be ignored by the script. Therefore, be careful to
manually verify that the script recognizes the repositories that you list.
The best way to do that is to run 'gitdist-status' and see which repos are
Certain git repos can also be selectively excluded using the option
Setting up to use gitdist on a specific set of local git repos first requires
cloning and organizing the local git repo. For the example listed here, one
would clone the base repo 'BaseRepo' and the three extra git repos, set up a
.gitdist file, and then add ignores for the extra cloned repos like:
# A) Clone and organize the git repos
$ git clone git@some.url:BaseRepo.git
$ cd BaseRepo/
$ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo1.git
$ cd ExtraRepo1/
$ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo2.git
$ cd ..
$ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo3.git
# B) Create .gitdist
$ echo . > .gitdist
$ echo ExtraRepo1 >> .gitdist
$ echo ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 >> .gitdist
$ echo ExtraRepo3 >> .gitdist
# C) Add ignores in base repo
$ echo /ExtraRepo1/ >> .git/info/exclude
$ echo /ExtraRepo3/ >> .git/info/exclude
# D) Add ignore in nested extra repo
$ echo /ExtraRepo2/ >> ExtraRepo1/.git/info/exclude
(Note that one may instead add the above ignores to the version-controlled
files BaseRepo/.gitignore and ExtraRepo1/.gitignore.)
This produces the local repo structure:
After this setup, running:
$ gitdist <raw-git-command> [git arguments]
in the 'BaseRepo/ 'directory will automatically distribute a given command
across the base repo 'BaseRepo/ and the extra repos ExtraRepo1/,
ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/, and ExtraRepo3/, in that order.
To simplify the setup for the usage of gitdist for a given set of local git
repos, one may choose to instead create the file .gitdist.default in the base
repo (i.e. `BaseRepo/`') and add the ignores for the extra repos to the
.gitignore files and commit the files to the repo(s). That way, one does not
have to manually do any extra setup for every new set of local clones of the
repos. But if the file .gitdist is present, then it will override the file
.gitdist.default as described above (which allows customization of what git
repos are processed at any time).
gitdist –dist-help=dist-repo-status
The script gitdist also supports the special command 'dist-repo-status' which
prints a compact table showing the current status of all the repos (see alias
'gitdist-status' in --dist-help=aliases). For the example set of repos shown
in OVERVIEW (see --dist-help=overview), running:
$ gitdist dist-repo-status # alias 'gitdist-status'
outputs a table like:
| ID | Repo Dir | Branch | Tracking Branch | C | M | ? |
| 0 | BaseRepo (Base) | dummy | | | | |
| 1 | ExtraRepo1 | master | origin/master | 1 | 2 | |
| 2 | ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 | abc123 | | | 25 | 4 |
| 3 | ExtraRepo3 | master | origin/master | | | |
If the option --dist-legend is also passed in, the output will include:
* ID: Repository ID, zero based (order git commands are run)
* Repo Dir: Relative to base repo (base repo shown first with '(Base)')
* Branch: Current branch, or (if detached HEAD) tag name or SHA1
* Tracking Branch: Tracking branch (or empty if no tracking branch exists)
* C: Number local commits w.r.t. tracking branch (empty if zero or no TB)
* M: Number of tracked modified (uncommitted) files (empty if zero)
* ?: Number of untracked, non-ignored files (empty if zero)
In the case of a detached head state, as shown above with the repo
'ExtraRepo3', the SHA1 (e.g. 'abc123') was printed instead of 'HEAD'.
However, if the repo is in the detached head state but a tag happens to point
to the current commit (e.g. 'git tag --points-at' returns non-empy), then the
tag name (e.g. 'v1.2.3') is printed instead of the SHA1 of the commit.
One can also show the status of only changed repos with the command:
$ gitdist dist-repo-status --dist-mod-only # alias 'gitdist-mod-status'
which produces a table like:
| ID | Repo Dir | Branch | Tracking Branch | C | M | ? |
| 1 | ExtraRepo1 | master | origin/master | 1 | 2 | |
| 2 | ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 | abc123 | | | 25 | 4 |
(see the alias 'gitdist-mod-status' in --dist-help=aliases).
Note that rows for the repos BaseRepo and ExtraRepo2 were left out but the
repo indexes for the remaining repos are preserved. This allows one to
compactly show the status of the changed local repos even when there are many
local git repos by filtering out rows for repos that have no changes
w.r.t. their tracking branches. This allows one to get the status on a few
repos with changes out of a large number of local repos (i.e. 10s and even
100s of local git repos).
gitdist –dist-help=repo-versions
The script gitdist also supports the options --dist-version-file=<versionFile>
and --dist-version-file2=<versionFile2> which are used to provide different
SHA1 versions for each local git repo. Each of these version files is
expected to represent a compatible set of versions of the repos (e.g. in the
same style as .gitmodule files used by the 'git submodule' command).
The format of these repo version files is shown in the following example:
*** Base Git Repo: BaseRepo
e102e27 [Mon Sep 23 11:34:59 2013 -0400] <>
First summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1
b894b9c [Fri Aug 30 09:55:07 2013 -0400] <>
Second summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2
97cf1ac [Thu Dec 1 23:34:06 2011 -0500] <>
Third summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo3
6facf33 [Fri May 6 15:28:35 2013 -0400] <>
Fourth summary message
Each repository entry can have a summary message or not (i.e. use two or three
lines per repo in the file). A compatible repo version file can be generated
with this script listing three lines per repo (e.g. as shown above) using (for
$ gitdist --dist-no-color log --color=never -1 --pretty=format:"%h [%ad] <%ae>%n%s" \
| grep -v "^$" &> RepoVersion.txt
(which is defined as the alias 'gitdist-repo-versions' in the file
'') or two lines per repo using (for example):
$ gitdist --dist-no-color log --color=never -1 --pretty=format:"%h [%ad] <%ae>" \
| grep -v "^$" &> RepoVersion.txt
This allows checking out consistent versions of the set git repos, diffing two
consistent versions of the set of git repos, etc.
To checkout an older set of consistent versions of the set of repos
represented by the set of versions given in a file RepoVersion.<date>.txt,
$ gitdist fetch origin
$ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt checkout _VERSION_
The string '_VERSION_' is replaced with the SHA1 for each of the repos listed
in the file 'RepoVersion.<date>.txt'. (NOTE: this puts the repos into a
detached head state so one has to know what that means.)
To tag a set of repos using a consistent set of versions, use (for example):
$ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt \
tag -a -m "<message>" <some_tag> _VERSION_
To create a branch off of a consistent set of versions, use (for example):
$ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt \
checkout -b some-branch _VERSION_
To diff two sets of versions of the repos, use (for example):
$ gitdist \
--dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<new-date>.txt \
--dist-version-file2=RepoVersion.<old-date>.txt \
Here, _VERSION_ is replaced by the SHA1s listed in the file
'RepoVersion.<new-date>.txt' and _VERSION2_ is replaced by the SHA1s listed in
One can construct any git command taking one or two different repo version
arguments (SHA1s) using this approach (which covers a huge number of different
git operations).
Note that the set of git repos listed in the 'RepoVersion.txt' file must be a
super-set of those processed by this script or an error will occur and the
script will abort (before running any git commands). If there are additional
repos RepoX, RepoY, etc. not listed in the 'RepVersion'.txt file, then one can
exclude them with:
$ gitdist --dist-not-repos=RepoX,RepoY,... \
--dist-version-file=RepoVersion.txt \
<raw-git-comand> [git arguments]
gitdist –dist-help=aliases
A few very useful (bash) shell aliases and setup commands to use with gitdist
$ alias gitdist-status="gitdist dist-repo-status"
$ alias gitdist-mod="gitdist --dist-mod-only"
$ alias gitdist-mod-status="gitdist dist-repo-status --dist-mod-only"
$ alias gitdist-repo-versions="gitdist --dist-no-color log --color=never -1 \
--pretty=format:\"%h [%ad] <%ae>%n%s\" | grep -v \"^$\""
These are added by sourcing the provided file '' (which should
be sourced in your ~/.bash_profile file.) which also adds some useful
commandline tab completions.
This avoids lots of extra typing as these gitdist arguments are used a lot.
For example, to see the compact status table of all your local git repos, do:
$ gitdist-status
To just see a compact status table of only changed repos, do:
$ gitdist-mod-status
To process only repos that have changes and see commits in these repos
w.r.t. their tracking branches, do (for example):
$ gitdist-mod log --name-status HEAD ^@{u}
$ gitdist-mod local-stat
(where 'local-stat' is a useful git alias defined in the script
'' which adds these to your ~/.gitconf file).
gitdist –dist-help=default-branch
When using any git command that accepts a reference (a SHA1, or branch or tag
name), it is possible to use _DEFAULT_BRANCH_ instead. For instance,
gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_
will check out the default development branch in each repository being managed
by gitdist. You can specify the default branch for each repository in your
.gitdist[.default] file. For instance, if your .gitdist file contains
. master
extraRepo1 develop
extraRepo2 app-devel
then the command above would check out 'master' in the base repo, 'develop' in
extraRepo1, and 'app-devel' in extraRepo2. This makes it convenient when
working with multiple repositories that have different names for their main
development branches. For instance, you can do a topic branch workflow like:
gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_
gitdist pull
gitdist checkout -b newFeatureBranch
<create some commits>
gitdist fetch
gitdist merge origin/_DEFAULT_BRANCH_
<create some commits>
gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_
gitdist pull
gitdist merge newFeatureBranch
and not worry about this 'newFeatureBranch' being off of 'master' in the root
repo, off of 'develop' in extraRepo1, and off of 'app-devel' in extraRepo2.
If no branch name is specified for any given repository in the
.gitdist[.default] file, then 'master' is assumed.
gitdist –dist-help=move-to-base-dir
By default, when you run gitdist, it will look in your current working
directory for a .gitdist[.default] file. If it fails to find one, it will
treat the current directory as the base git repository (as if there was a
.gitdist file in it, having a single line with only "." in it) and then run as
usual. You have the ability to change this behavior by setting the
GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR environment variable.
To describe the behavior for the differ net options, consider the following set
of nested git repositories and directories:
The valid settings for GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR include:
"" (Empty)
This gives the default behavior where gitdist runs in the current working
In this case, gitdist will start moving up the directory tree until it
finds a .gitdist[.default] file, and then run in the directory where it
finds it. In the above example, if you are in
BaseRepo/ExtraRepo/path/to/some/directory/ when you run gitdist, it will
move up to ExtraRepo to execute the command you give it from there.
In this case, gitdist will continue moving up the directory tree until it
finds the outer-most repository containing a .gitdist[.default] file, and
then run in that directory. Given the directory tree above, if you were
in BaseRepo/ExtraRepo/path/to/some/directory, it will move up to BaseRepo
to execute the command you give it.
With either of the settings above, when gitdist is finished running, it will
leave you in the same directory you were in when you executed command in the
first place. Additionally, if no .gitdist[.default] file can be found, gitdist
will execute the command you give it in your current working directory, as if
GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR hadn't been set.
gitdist –dist-help=usage-tips
Since gitdist allows treating a set of git repos as one big git repo, almost
any git workflow that is used for a single git repo can be used for a set of
repos using gitdist. The main difference is that one will typically need to
create commits individually for each repo. Also, pulls and pushes are no
longer atomic like is guaranteed for a single git repo.
In general, the mapping between the commands for a single-repo git workflow
using raw git vs. a multi-repo git workflow using gitdist (using the shell
aliases 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod-status', and 'gitdist-mod'; see
--dist-help=aliases) is given by:
git pull => gitdist pull
git checkout -b <branch> [<ref>] => gitdist checkout -b <branch> [<ref>]
git checkout <branch> => gitdist checkout <branch>
git tag -a -m "<message>" <tag> => gitdist tag -a -m "<message>" <tag>
git status => gitdist-mod status # status details
=> gitdist-status # table for all
=> gitdist-mod-status # table for mod.
git commit => gitdist-mod commit
git log HEAD ^@{u} => gitdist-mod log HEAD ^@{u}
git push => gitdist-mod push
git push [-u] <remote> <branch> => gitdist push [-u] <remote> <branch>
git push <remote> <tag> => gitdist push <remote> <tag>
NOTE: The usage of 'gitdist-mod' can be replaced with just 'gitdist' in all of
the above commands. It is just that in these cases gitdist-mod produces more
compact output and avoids do-nothing commands for repos that have no changes
with respect to their tracking branch. But when it doubt, just use raw
'gitdist' if you are not sure.
A typical development iteration of the centralized workflow using using
multiple git repos looks like the following:
1) Update the local branches from the remote tracking branches:
$ cd BaseRepo/
$ gitdist pull
2) Make local modifications for each repo:
$ emacs <base-files>
$ cd ExtraRepo1/
$ emacs <files-in-extra-repo1>
$ cd ..
$ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/
$ emacs <files-in-extra-repo2>
$ cd ../..
$ cd ExtraRepo3/
$ emacs <files-in-extra-repo3>
$ cd ..
3) Build and test local modifications:
$ cd BUILD/
$ make -j16
$ make test # hopefully all pass!
$ cd ..
4) View the modifications before committing:
$ gitdist-mod-status # Produces a summary table
$ gitdist-mod status # See status details
5) Make commits to each repo:
$ gitdist-mod commit -a # Opens editor for each repo in order
or use the same commit message for all repos:
$ emacs commitmsg.txt
$ echo /commitmsg.txt >> .git/info/exclude
$ gitdist-mod commit -a -F $PWD/commitmsg.txt
or manually create the commits in each repo separately with raw git:
$ cd BaseRepo/
$ git commit -a
$ cd ExtraRepo1/
$ git commit -a
$ cd ..
$ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/
$ git commit -a
$ cd ../..
$ cd ExtraRepo3/
$ git commit -a
$ cd ..
6) Examine the local commits that are about to be pushed:
$ gitdist-mod-status # Should be no unmodified or untracked files!
$ gitdist-mod log --name-status HEAD ^@{u} # or ...
$ gitdist-mod local-stat # alias defined in ''
7) Rebase and push local commits to remote tracking branch:
$ gitdist pull --rebase
$ gitdist-mod push
$ gitdist-mod-status # Make sure all the pushes occurred!
Another example workflow is creating a new release branch as shown in the
OVERVIEW section (--dist-help=overview).
Other usage tips:
- 'gitdist --help' will run gitdist help, not git help. If you want raw git
help, then run 'git --help'.
- Be sure to run 'gitdist-status' to make sure that each repo is on the
correct local branch and is tracking the correct remote branch.
- In general, for most workflows, one should use the same local branch name,
remote repo name, and remote tracking branch name in each local git repo.
That allows commands like 'gitdist checkout --track <remote>/<branch>' and
'gitdist checkout <branch>' to work correctly.
- For many git commands, it is better to process only repos that are changed
w.r.t. their tracking branch with 'gitdist-mod <raw-git-command> [git
arguments]'. For example, to see the status of only changed repos use
'gitdist-mod status'. This allows the usage of gitdist to scale well when
there are even 100s of git repos.
- As an exception to the last item, a few different types of git commands
tend to be run on all the git repos like 'gitdist pull', 'gitdist
checkout', and 'gitdist tag'.
- If one is not sure whether to run 'gitdist' or 'gitdist-mod', then just
run 'gitdist' to be safe.
gitdist –dist-help=script-dependencies
The Python script gitdist only depends on the Python 2.6+ standard modules
'sys', 'os', 'subprocess', and 're'. Also, of course, it requires some
compatible version of 'git' in your path (but gitdist works with several
versions of git starting as far back as git 1.6+).
gitdist –dist-help=all
$ gitdist [gitdist options] <raw-git-command> [git arguments]
will distribute git commands specified by '<raw-git-command> [git arguments]'
across the current base git repo and the set of git repos listed in the file
./.gitdist (or the file ./.gitdist.default, or the argument
--dist-repos=<repo0>,<repo1>,..., see
For example, consider the following base git repo 'BaseRepo' with three other
"extra" git repos cloned under it:
The file .gitdist shown above is created by the user and in this example
should have the contents (note the base repo entry '.'):
For this example, running the command:
$ cd BaseRepo/
$ gitdist status
results in the following commands:
$ git status
$ cd ExtraRepo1/ ; git status ; ..
$ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/ ; git status ; ../..
$ cd ExtraRepo3/ ; git status ; ..
which produces output like:
*** Base Git Repo: BaseRepo
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo3
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
The gitdist tool allows managing a set of git repos like one big integrated
git repo. For example, after cloning a set of git repos, one can perform
basic operations like for single git repos such as creating a new release
branch and pushing it with:
$ gitdist checkout master
$ gitdist pull
$ gitdist tag -a -m "Start of the 2.3 release" release-2.3-start
$ gitdist checkout -b release-2.3 release-2.3-start
$ gitdist push origin release-2.3-start
$ gitdist push origin -u release 2.3
$ gitdist checkout master
The above gitdist commands create the same tag 'release-2.3-start' and the
same branch 'release-2.3' in all of the local git repos and pushes these to
the remote 'origin' for each git repo.
For more information about a certain topic, use '--dist-help=<topic-name>
[--help]' for <topic-name>:
* 'overview'
* 'repo-selection-and-setup'
* 'dist-repo-status'
* 'repo-versions'
* 'dist-repo-versions-table'
* 'aliases'
* 'default-branch'
* 'move-to-base-dir'
* 'usage-tips'
* 'script-dependencies'
To see full help with all topics, use '--dist-help=all [--help]'.
This script is self-contained and has no dependencies other than standard
python 2.6+ packages so it can be copied to anywhere and used.
Before using the gitdist tool, one must first add the gitdist script to one's
default path. On bash, the simplest way to do this is to source the script:
$ source <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/
This will set an alias to the gitdist script in that same directory by
default, will set up useful alias 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod', and
'gitdist-mod-status', and 'gitdist-repo-versions', and will set up
command-line completion just like for raw git (assuming that
git-completion.bash has been sourced first). The files 'gitdist' and
'' can also be copied to another directory (e.g. ~/bin) and
then '' can be sourced from there (as a simple "install"):
$ cp <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/gitdist \
<some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/ \
$ source ~/bin/
$ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
This script can also be set up manually, for example, by copying the gitdist
script to one's ~/bin/ directory:
$ cp <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/gitdist ~/bin/
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/gitdist
and then adding $HOME/bin to one's 'PATH' env var with:
$ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
(i.e. in one's ~/.bash_profile file). Then, one will want to set up some
useful shell aliases like 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod', and
'gitdist-mod-status' and 'gitdist-repo-versions' (see --dist-help=aliases).
The set of git repos processed by gitdist is determined by the argument:
or the files .gitdist or .gitdist.default. If --dist-repos="", then the list
of repos to process will be read from the file '.gitdist' in the current
directory. If the file '.gitdist' does not exist, then the list of repos to
process will be read from the file '.gitdist.default' in the current
directory. The format of this files '.gitdist' and '.gitdist.default' is to
have one repo relative directory per line, for example:
$ cat .gitdist
where each line is the relative path under the base git repo (i.e. under
'BaseRepo/'). The file .gitdist.default is meant to be committed to the base
git repo (i.e. 'BaseRepo') so that gitdist is ready to use right away after
the base repo and the extra repos are cloned.
If an extra repository directory (i.e. listed in
--dist-repos=<repo0>,<repo1>,..., .gitdist, or .gitdist.default) does
not exist, then it will be ignored by the script. Therefore, be careful to
manually verify that the script recognizes the repositories that you list.
The best way to do that is to run 'gitdist-status' and see which repos are
Certain git repos can also be selectively excluded using the option
Setting up to use gitdist on a specific set of local git repos first requires
cloning and organizing the local git repo. For the example listed here, one
would clone the base repo 'BaseRepo' and the three extra git repos, set up a
.gitdist file, and then add ignores for the extra cloned repos like:
# A) Clone and organize the git repos
$ git clone git@some.url:BaseRepo.git
$ cd BaseRepo/
$ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo1.git
$ cd ExtraRepo1/
$ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo2.git
$ cd ..
$ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo3.git
# B) Create .gitdist
$ echo . > .gitdist
$ echo ExtraRepo1 >> .gitdist
$ echo ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 >> .gitdist
$ echo ExtraRepo3 >> .gitdist
# C) Add ignores in base repo
$ echo /ExtraRepo1/ >> .git/info/exclude
$ echo /ExtraRepo3/ >> .git/info/exclude
# D) Add ignore in nested extra repo
$ echo /ExtraRepo2/ >> ExtraRepo1/.git/info/exclude
(Note that one may instead add the above ignores to the version-controlled
files BaseRepo/.gitignore and ExtraRepo1/.gitignore.)
This produces the local repo structure:
After this setup, running:
$ gitdist <raw-git-command> [git arguments]
in the 'BaseRepo/ 'directory will automatically distribute a given command
across the base repo 'BaseRepo/ and the extra repos ExtraRepo1/,
ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/, and ExtraRepo3/, in that order.
To simplify the setup for the usage of gitdist for a given set of local git
repos, one may choose to instead create the file .gitdist.default in the base
repo (i.e. `BaseRepo/`') and add the ignores for the extra repos to the
.gitignore files and commit the files to the repo(s). That way, one does not
have to manually do any extra setup for every new set of local clones of the
repos. But if the file .gitdist is present, then it will override the file
.gitdist.default as described above (which allows customization of what git
repos are processed at any time).
The script gitdist also supports the special command 'dist-repo-status' which
prints a compact table showing the current status of all the repos (see alias
'gitdist-status' in --dist-help=aliases). For the example set of repos shown
in OVERVIEW (see --dist-help=overview), running:
$ gitdist dist-repo-status # alias 'gitdist-status'
outputs a table like:
| ID | Repo Dir | Branch | Tracking Branch | C | M | ? |
| 0 | BaseRepo (Base) | dummy | | | | |
| 1 | ExtraRepo1 | master | origin/master | 1 | 2 | |
| 2 | ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 | abc123 | | | 25 | 4 |
| 3 | ExtraRepo3 | master | origin/master | | | |
If the option --dist-legend is also passed in, the output will include:
* ID: Repository ID, zero based (order git commands are run)
* Repo Dir: Relative to base repo (base repo shown first with '(Base)')
* Branch: Current branch, or (if detached HEAD) tag name or SHA1
* Tracking Branch: Tracking branch (or empty if no tracking branch exists)
* C: Number local commits w.r.t. tracking branch (empty if zero or no TB)
* M: Number of tracked modified (uncommitted) files (empty if zero)
* ?: Number of untracked, non-ignored files (empty if zero)
In the case of a detached head state, as shown above with the repo
'ExtraRepo3', the SHA1 (e.g. 'abc123') was printed instead of 'HEAD'.
However, if the repo is in the detached head state but a tag happens to point
to the current commit (e.g. 'git tag --points-at' returns non-empy), then the
tag name (e.g. 'v1.2.3') is printed instead of the SHA1 of the commit.
One can also show the status of only changed repos with the command:
$ gitdist dist-repo-status --dist-mod-only # alias 'gitdist-mod-status'
which produces a table like:
| ID | Repo Dir | Branch | Tracking Branch | C | M | ? |
| 1 | ExtraRepo1 | master | origin/master | 1 | 2 | |
| 2 | ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 | abc123 | | | 25 | 4 |
(see the alias 'gitdist-mod-status' in --dist-help=aliases).
Note that rows for the repos BaseRepo and ExtraRepo2 were left out but the
repo indexes for the remaining repos are preserved. This allows one to
compactly show the status of the changed local repos even when there are many
local git repos by filtering out rows for repos that have no changes
w.r.t. their tracking branches. This allows one to get the status on a few
repos with changes out of a large number of local repos (i.e. 10s and even
100s of local git repos).
The script gitdist also supports the options --dist-version-file=<versionFile>
and --dist-version-file2=<versionFile2> which are used to provide different
SHA1 versions for each local git repo. Each of these version files is
expected to represent a compatible set of versions of the repos (e.g. in the
same style as .gitmodule files used by the 'git submodule' command).
The format of these repo version files is shown in the following example:
*** Base Git Repo: BaseRepo
e102e27 [Mon Sep 23 11:34:59 2013 -0400] <>
First summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1
b894b9c [Fri Aug 30 09:55:07 2013 -0400] <>
Second summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2
97cf1ac [Thu Dec 1 23:34:06 2011 -0500] <>
Third summary message
*** Git Repo: ExtraRepo3
6facf33 [Fri May 6 15:28:35 2013 -0400] <>
Fourth summary message
Each repository entry can have a summary message or not (i.e. use two or three
lines per repo in the file). A compatible repo version file can be generated
with this script listing three lines per repo (e.g. as shown above) using (for
$ gitdist --dist-no-color log --color=never -1 --pretty=format:"%h [%ad] <%ae>%n%s" \
| grep -v "^$" &> RepoVersion.txt
(which is defined as the alias 'gitdist-repo-versions' in the file
'') or two lines per repo using (for example):
$ gitdist --dist-no-color log --color=never -1 --pretty=format:"%h [%ad] <%ae>" \
| grep -v "^$" &> RepoVersion.txt
This allows checking out consistent versions of the set git repos, diffing two
consistent versions of the set of git repos, etc.
To checkout an older set of consistent versions of the set of repos
represented by the set of versions given in a file RepoVersion.<date>.txt,
$ gitdist fetch origin
$ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt checkout _VERSION_
The string '_VERSION_' is replaced with the SHA1 for each of the repos listed
in the file 'RepoVersion.<date>.txt'. (NOTE: this puts the repos into a
detached head state so one has to know what that means.)
To tag a set of repos using a consistent set of versions, use (for example):
$ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt \
tag -a -m "<message>" <some_tag> _VERSION_
To create a branch off of a consistent set of versions, use (for example):
$ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt \
checkout -b some-branch _VERSION_
To diff two sets of versions of the repos, use (for example):
$ gitdist \
--dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<new-date>.txt \
--dist-version-file2=RepoVersion.<old-date>.txt \
Here, _VERSION_ is replaced by the SHA1s listed in the file
'RepoVersion.<new-date>.txt' and _VERSION2_ is replaced by the SHA1s listed in
One can construct any git command taking one or two different repo version
arguments (SHA1s) using this approach (which covers a huge number of different
git operations).
Note that the set of git repos listed in the 'RepoVersion.txt' file must be a
super-set of those processed by this script or an error will occur and the
script will abort (before running any git commands). If there are additional
repos RepoX, RepoY, etc. not listed in the 'RepVersion'.txt file, then one can
exclude them with:
$ gitdist --dist-not-repos=RepoX,RepoY,... \
--dist-version-file=RepoVersion.txt \
<raw-git-comand> [git arguments]
The script gitdist also supports the special command
'dist-repo-versions-table', which prints a Markdown-formatted table of
repositories and corresponding commit information for easy inclusion in an
issue tracking system. For instance, running:
$ gitdist dist-repo-versions-table
outputs a table like:
| Repository | SHA1 | Commit Date | Author | Summary |
|:-------------- |:-------:|:------------------- |:---------------------- |:---------------------------------------------- |
| MockProjectDir | e2dc488 | 2019-10-23 10:16:07 | | Merge Pull Request #1234 from user/repo/branch |
| ExtraRepo1 | f671414 | 2019-10-22 11:18:47 | | Fixed a Bug |
| ExtraRepo2 | 50bbf3e | 2019-10-17 16:32:15 | | Did Some Work |
If the option --dist-short is also passed in, the output will be limited to:
| Repository | SHA1 |
|:-------------- |:-------:|
| MockProjectDir | e2dc488 |
| ExtraRepo1 | f671414 |
| ExtraRepo2 | 50bbf3e |
A few very useful (bash) shell aliases and setup commands to use with gitdist
$ alias gitdist-status="gitdist dist-repo-status"
$ alias gitdist-mod="gitdist --dist-mod-only"
$ alias gitdist-mod-status="gitdist dist-repo-status --dist-mod-only"
$ alias gitdist-repo-versions="gitdist --dist-no-color log --color=never -1 \
--pretty=format:\"%h [%ad] <%ae>%n%s\" | grep -v \"^$\""
These are added by sourcing the provided file '' (which should
be sourced in your ~/.bash_profile file.) which also adds some useful
commandline tab completions.
This avoids lots of extra typing as these gitdist arguments are used a lot.
For example, to see the compact status table of all your local git repos, do:
$ gitdist-status
To just see a compact status table of only changed repos, do:
$ gitdist-mod-status
To process only repos that have changes and see commits in these repos
w.r.t. their tracking branches, do (for example):
$ gitdist-mod log --name-status HEAD ^@{u}
$ gitdist-mod local-stat
(where 'local-stat' is a useful git alias defined in the script
'' which adds these to your ~/.gitconf file).
When using any git command that accepts a reference (a SHA1, or branch or tag
name), it is possible to use _DEFAULT_BRANCH_ instead. For instance,
gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_
will check out the default development branch in each repository being managed
by gitdist. You can specify the default branch for each repository in your
.gitdist[.default] file. For instance, if your .gitdist file contains
. master
extraRepo1 develop
extraRepo2 app-devel
then the command above would check out 'master' in the base repo, 'develop' in
extraRepo1, and 'app-devel' in extraRepo2. This makes it convenient when
working with multiple repositories that have different names for their main
development branches. For instance, you can do a topic branch workflow like:
gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_
gitdist pull
gitdist checkout -b newFeatureBranch
<create some commits>
gitdist fetch
gitdist merge origin/_DEFAULT_BRANCH_
<create some commits>
gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_
gitdist pull
gitdist merge newFeatureBranch
and not worry about this 'newFeatureBranch' being off of 'master' in the root
repo, off of 'develop' in extraRepo1, and off of 'app-devel' in extraRepo2.
If no branch name is specified for any given repository in the
.gitdist[.default] file, then 'master' is assumed.
By default, when you run gitdist, it will look in your current working
directory for a .gitdist[.default] file. If it fails to find one, it will
treat the current directory as the base git repository (as if there was a
.gitdist file in it, having a single line with only "." in it) and then run as
usual. You have the ability to change this behavior by setting the
GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR environment variable.
To describe the behavior for the differ net options, consider the following set
of nested git repositories and directories:
The valid settings for GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR include:
"" (Empty)
This gives the default behavior where gitdist runs in the current working
In this case, gitdist will start moving up the directory tree until it
finds a .gitdist[.default] file, and then run in the directory where it
finds it. In the above example, if you are in
BaseRepo/ExtraRepo/path/to/some/directory/ when you run gitdist, it will
move up to ExtraRepo to execute the command you give it from there.
In this case, gitdist will continue moving up the directory tree until it
finds the outer-most repository containing a .gitdist[.default] file, and
then run in that directory. Given the directory tree above, if you were
in BaseRepo/ExtraRepo/path/to/some/directory, it will move up to BaseRepo
to execute the command you give it.
With either of the settings above, when gitdist is finished running, it will
leave you in the same directory you were in when you executed command in the
first place. Additionally, if no .gitdist[.default] file can be found, gitdist
will execute the command you give it in your current working directory, as if
GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR hadn't been set.
Since gitdist allows treating a set of git repos as one big git repo, almost
any git workflow that is used for a single git repo can be used for a set of
repos using gitdist. The main difference is that one will typically need to
create commits individually for each repo. Also, pulls and pushes are no
longer atomic like is guaranteed for a single git repo.
In general, the mapping between the commands for a single-repo git workflow
using raw git vs. a multi-repo git workflow using gitdist (using the shell
aliases 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod-status', and 'gitdist-mod'; see
--dist-help=aliases) is given by:
git pull => gitdist pull
git checkout -b <branch> [<ref>] => gitdist checkout -b <branch> [<ref>]
git checkout <branch> => gitdist checkout <branch>
git tag -a -m "<message>" <tag> => gitdist tag -a -m "<message>" <tag>
git status => gitdist-mod status # status details
=> gitdist-status # table for all
=> gitdist-mod-status # table for mod.
git commit => gitdist-mod commit
git log HEAD ^@{u} => gitdist-mod log HEAD ^@{u}
git push => gitdist-mod push
git push [-u] <remote> <branch> => gitdist push [-u] <remote> <branch>
git push <remote> <tag> => gitdist push <remote> <tag>
NOTE: The usage of 'gitdist-mod' can be replaced with just 'gitdist' in all of
the above commands. It is just that in these cases gitdist-mod produces more
compact output and avoids do-nothing commands for repos that have no changes
with respect to their tracking branch. But when it doubt, just use raw
'gitdist' if you are not sure.
A typical development iteration of the centralized workflow using using
multiple git repos looks like the following:
1) Update the local branches from the remote tracking branches:
$ cd BaseRepo/
$ gitdist pull
2) Make local modifications for each repo:
$ emacs <base-files>
$ cd ExtraRepo1/
$ emacs <files-in-extra-repo1>
$ cd ..
$ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/
$ emacs <files-in-extra-repo2>
$ cd ../..
$ cd ExtraRepo3/
$ emacs <files-in-extra-repo3>
$ cd ..
3) Build and test local modifications:
$ cd BUILD/
$ make -j16
$ make test # hopefully all pass!
$ cd ..
4) View the modifications before committing:
$ gitdist-mod-status # Produces a summary table
$ gitdist-mod status # See status details
5) Make commits to each repo:
$ gitdist-mod commit -a # Opens editor for each repo in order
or use the same commit message for all repos:
$ emacs commitmsg.txt
$ echo /commitmsg.txt >> .git/info/exclude
$ gitdist-mod commit -a -F $PWD/commitmsg.txt
or manually create the commits in each repo separately with raw git:
$ cd BaseRepo/
$ git commit -a
$ cd ExtraRepo1/
$ git commit -a
$ cd ..
$ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/
$ git commit -a
$ cd ../..
$ cd ExtraRepo3/
$ git commit -a
$ cd ..
6) Examine the local commits that are about to be pushed:
$ gitdist-mod-status # Should be no unmodified or untracked files!
$ gitdist-mod log --name-status HEAD ^@{u} # or ...
$ gitdist-mod local-stat # alias defined in ''
7) Rebase and push local commits to remote tracking branch:
$ gitdist pull --rebase
$ gitdist-mod push
$ gitdist-mod-status # Make sure all the pushes occurred!
Another example workflow is creating a new release branch as shown in the
OVERVIEW section (--dist-help=overview).
Other usage tips:
- 'gitdist --help' will run gitdist help, not git help. If you want raw git
help, then run 'git --help'.
- Be sure to run 'gitdist-status' to make sure that each repo is on the
correct local branch and is tracking the correct remote branch.
- In general, for most workflows, one should use the same local branch name,
remote repo name, and remote tracking branch name in each local git repo.
That allows commands like 'gitdist checkout --track <remote>/<branch>' and
'gitdist checkout <branch>' to work correctly.
- For many git commands, it is better to process only repos that are changed
w.r.t. their tracking branch with 'gitdist-mod <raw-git-command> [git
arguments]'. For example, to see the status of only changed repos use
'gitdist-mod status'. This allows the usage of gitdist to scale well when
there are even 100s of git repos.
- As an exception to the last item, a few different types of git commands
tend to be run on all the git repos like 'gitdist pull', 'gitdist
checkout', and 'gitdist tag'.
- If one is not sure whether to run 'gitdist' or 'gitdist-mod', then just
run 'gitdist' to be safe.
The Python script gitdist only depends on the Python 2.6+ standard modules
'sys', 'os', 'subprocess', and 're'. Also, of course, it requires some
compatible version of 'git' in your path (but gitdist works with several
versions of git starting as far back as git 1.6+).
16.7 –help
Below is a snapshot of the output from --help
. For more
details on the usage of
, specifically for snapshotting the
<projectDir>/cmake/tribits/ directory, see TriBITS directory
usage: [-h] [--show-defaults] [--orig-dir ORIGDIR]
[--dest-dir DESTDIR] [--exclude [EXCLUDE ...]]
[--assert-clean-orig-dir] [--allow-dirty-orig-dir]
[--assert-clean-dest-dir] [--allow-dirty-dest-dir]
[--no-clean-ignored-files-orig-dir] [--do-commit]
[--skip-commit] [--verify-commit] [--no-verify-commit]
This tool uses rsync and some git commands to snapshot the contents of an
origin directory ('orig-dir') in one Git repo to destination directory
('dest-dir') in another Git repo and logs version information in a new Git
commit message.
WARNING: Because this tool uses 'rsync --delete', it can be quite destructive
to the contents of dest-dir if one is not careful and selects the wrong
orig-dir or wrong dest-dir! Therefore, please carefully read this entire help
message and especially the warnings given below and always start by running
with --no-op!
To sync between any two arbitrary directories between two different git repos
invoking this script from any directory location, one can do:
$ <some-base-dir>/ \
--orig-dir=<dest-dir> \
--dest-dir=<dest-dir> \
(where --no-op should be used on the initial trial run to check that the
correct rsync and other commands will be run, see below).
To describe how this script is used, consider the desire to snapshot the
directory tree from one git repo:
and exactly duplicate it in another git repo under:
Here, the directories can be any two directories from local git repos with any
names. (Note if the paths don't end with '/', then '/' will be added.
Otherwise, rsync will copy the contents from 'orig-dir' into a subdir of
'dest-dir' which is usually not what you want.)
A typical case is to have soft linked into orig-dir/ to allow
a simple sync process. The linked-in location of gives the
default 'orig-dir' directory automatically (but can be overridden with
--orig-dir=<orig-dir> option).
When is soft-linked into the 'orig-dir' directory base, the
way to run this script would be:
$ cd <some-dest-base-dir>/dest-dir/
$ <some-orig-base-dir>/orig-dir/
By default, this assumes that git repos are used for both the 'orig-dir' and
'dest-dir' locations. The info about the origin of the snapshot from
'orig-dir' is recorded in the commit message of the 'dest-dir' git repo to
provide tractability for the versions (see below).
By default, this script does the following:
1) Assert that 'orig-dir' in its git repo is clean (i.e. no uncommitted
files). (Can be disabled by passing in --allow-dirty-orig-dir.)
2) Assert that <dest-dir>/ in its git repo is clean (same checks as for
'orig-dir' above). (Can be disabled by passing in --allow-dirty-dest-dir.
Also, this must be skipped on the initial snapshot where <some-dist-dir>/
does not exist yet.)
3) Clean out the ignored files from <some-source-dir>/orig-dir using 'git
clean -xdf' run in that directory. (Only if --clean-ignored-files-orig-dir
is passed.)
4) Run 'rsync -cav --delete [other options] <orig-dir>/ <dest-dir>/' to copy
the contents from 'orig-dir' to 'dest-dir', excluding the '.git/' directory
if it exists in either git repo dir. After this runs, <dest-dir>/ should
be an exact duplicate of <orig-dir>/ (except for otherwise noted excluded
files). This rsync will delete any files in 'dest-dir' that are not in
'orig-dir'. Note that if there are any ignored untracked files in
'orig-dir' that get copied over, then the copied .gitignore files should
avoid treating them as tracked files in the 'dest-dir' git repo. (The
rsync command is skipped if the argument --no-op is passed.)
5) Run 'git add .' in <dest-dir>/ to stage any files copied over. (Note that
git will automatically stage deletes for any files removed by the 'rsync
-cav --delete' command. Also note that any untracked, unknown or ignored
files in 'orig-dir' that get copied over and are not ignored in 'dist-dir'
in the copied-over '.gitignore' files, or other git ignore files in
'dist-dir', then they will be added to the new commit in 'dist-dir'.)
6) Get the git remote URL from the orig-dir git repo, and the git log for the
last commit for the directory orig-dir from its git repo. (If the orig-dir
repo is on a tracking branch, then this remote will be guaranteed to be
correct. However, if the orig-dir repo not on a tracking branch, then the
first remote returned from 'git remote -v' will be used. This information
is used to provide tractability of the version info back to the originating
git repo in the commit created in the dest-dir repo.)
7) Commit the updated dest-dir directory using a commit message with the
orig-dir snapshot version info. (This will only commit files in 'dest-dir'
and not in other directories in the destination git repo!) (The 'git
commit' will be skipped if the options --skip-commit or --no-op are
* When first running this tool, use the --no-op option to see what commands
would be run without actually performing any mutable operations. Especially
pay attention to the rsync command that would be run and make sure it is
operating on the desired directories.
* On the first creation of <dest-dir>/, one must pass in
--allow-dirty-dest-dir to avoid checks of <dest-dir>/ (because it does not yet
* This script allows the syncing between base git repos or subdirs within git
repos. This is allowed because the rsync command is told to ignore the
.git/ directory when syncing.
* The cleaning of orig-dir/ using 'git clean -xdf' may be somewhat dangerous
but it is recommended by passing in --clean-ignored-files-orig-dir to avoid
copying locally-ignored files in orig-dir/ (e.g. ignored in
.git/info/excludes and not ignored in a committed .gitignore file in
orig-dir/) that get copied to and then committed in the dest-dir/ repo.
Therefore, be sure you don't have any of these type of ignored files in
orig-dir/ that you want to keep before you run this tool with the option
* Snapshotting with this script will create an exact duplicate of 'orig-dir'
in 'dest-dir' and therefore if there are any local changes to the files or
changes after the last snapshot, they will get wiped out. To avoid this,
one can the snapshot on a branch in the 'dest-dir' git repo, then merge that
branch into the main branch (e.g. 'master') in 'dest-dir' repo. As long as
there are no merge conflicts, this will preserve local changes for the
mirrored directories and files. This strategy can work well as a way to
allow for local modifications but still do snapshotting.
* Make sure that orig-dir is a non-ignored subdir of the origin git repo and
that it does not contain any ignored subdirs and files that are ignored by
listing them in the .git/info/exclude file instead of .gitignore files that
would get copied over to dist-dir. (If ignored files are ignored using
.gitignore files within orig-dir, then those files will be copied by the
rsync command along with the rest of the files from orig-dir and those files
will also be ignored after being copied to dest-dir. However, if these
files and dirs are ignored because of being listed in the .git/info/exclude
file in orig-dir, then those files will not be ignored when copied over to
dest-dir and will therefore be added to the git commit in the dist-dir git
repo. That is why it is recommended to run with
--clean-ignored-files-orig-dir to ensure that all ignore files are removed
from orig-dir before doing the rsync.)
* Make sure that the top commit in orig-dir has been pushed (or will be
pushed) to the listed remote git repo showed in the output line 'origin
remote name' or 'origin remote URL'. Otherwise, others will not be able to
trace that exact version by cloning that repo and traceability is lost.
* Make sure that dest-dir is a non-ignored subdir of the destination git repo
and does not contain any ignored subdirs or files that you don't care if
they are deleted. (Otherwise, the 'rsync --delete' command will delete any
files in dest-dir that are not also in orig-dir and since these non-ignored
files in dest-dir are not under version control, they will not be
* As a corollary to the above warnings about ignored files and directories, do
not snapshot from an orig-dir or to a dest-dir that contain build
directories or other generated files that you want to keep! Even if those
files and directories are ignored in copied-over .gitignore files, the copy
of those ignored files will still occur. (Just another reason to keep your
build directories completely outside of the source tree!)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--show-defaults Show the default option values and do nothing at all.
--orig-dir ORIGDIR Original directory that is the source for the
snapshotted directory. If a trailing '/' is missing
then it will be added. The default is the directory
where this script lives (or is soft-linked). [default:
--dest-dir DESTDIR Destination directory that is the target for the
snapshoted directory. If a trailing '/' is missing
then it will be added. The default dest-dir is current
working directory. [default: '<dest-dir>']
--exclude [EXCLUDE ...]
List of files/directories/globs to exclude from orig-
dir when snapshotting.
Check that orig-dir is committed and clean. [default]
Skip clean check of orig-dir.
Check that dest-dir is committed and clean. [default]
Skip clean check of dest-dir.
Clean out the ignored files from orig-dir/ before
Do not clean out orig-dir/ ignored files before
snapshotting. [default]
--do-commit Actually do the commit. [default]
--skip-commit Skip the commit.
--verify-commit Do not pass --no-verify to git commit. [default]
--no-verify-commit Pass --no-verify to git commit.
--no-op Don't actually run any commands that would change the
state other (other than the natural side-effects of
running git query commands)
16.8 –help
Below is a snapshot of the output from --help
. This
output contains a lot of information about the recommended
development workflow (mostly related to pushing commits) and outlines a number
of different use cases for using the tool.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
This tool does testing of a TriBITS-based project using CTest and this script
can actually do the push itself using git in a safe way. In fact, it is
recommended that one uses this script to push since it will amend the last
commit message with a (minimal) summary of the builds and tests run with
results and/or send out a summary email about the builds/tests performed.
In order to do a safe push, perform the following recommended workflow
(different variations on this workflow are described in the COMMON USE CASES
section below):
1) Commit changes in the local repo:
# 1.a) See what files are changed, newly added, etc.
$ git status
# 1.b) Stage the files you want to commit
$ git stage <files you want to commit>
# 1.c) Create your local commits
$ git commit -- SOMETHING
$ git commit -- SOMETHING_ELSE
# 1.d) Stash whatever changes are left you don't want to test/push
$ git stash
NOTE: You can group your commits any way that you would like (see the basic
git documentation).
NOTE: When multiple repos are involved, use the 'gitdist' command instead of
'git'. This script is provided at tribits/python_utils/gitdist. See
gitdist --help for details.
2) Review the changes that you have made to make sure it is safe to push:
$ git local-stat | less # Look at the full status of local repo
$ git diff --name-status HEAD ^@{u} # [Optional] Look at the files that have changed
NOTE: The command 'local-stat' is a git alias that can be installed with the
script tribits/python_utils/ This command is
recommended over just a raw 'git status' or 'git log' to review commits
before attempting to test/push commits. If you have not installed these
alias, then run the following commands instead:
$ git status
$ git log --oneline --name-status HEAD ^@{u}
NOTE: If you see any files/directories that are listed as 'unknown' returned
from 'git local-stat', then you will need to do an 'git add' to track them or
add them to an ignore list *before* you run the script.
The git script will not allow you to push if there are new 'unknown' files or
uncommitted changes to tracked files.
NOTE: When multiple repos are involved, use 'gitdist-mod-status' to see the
state of your repos before pushing. See gitdist --help for details.
3) Set up the checkin base build directory (first time only):
$ echo CHECKIN >> .git/info/exclude
$ mkdir CHECKIN
NOTE: You may need to set up some configuration files if CMake cannot find
the right compilers, MPI, and TPLs by default (see detailed documentation
NOTE: You might want to set up a simple shell driver script for your common
use cases.
NOTE: You can set up a CHECKIN directory of any name in any location
you want. If you create one outside of the main source dir, then
you will not have to add the git exclude shown above.
4) Do the pull, configure, build, test, and push:
$ ../ -j4 --do-all --push
NOTE: The above will: a) pull updates from the tracking branch, b)
automatically enable the correct packages based on changed files, c)
configure and build the changed and downstream packages, d) run the tests,
e) send you emails about what happened, f) do a final pull from the global
repo, g) optionally amend the last local commit with the test results, and
h) finally push local commits to the tracking branch if everything passes.
NOTE: The repo must be on a branch (not a detached head state) with a
tracking branch '<remoterepo>/<remotebranch>' so that a raw 'git pull' can
be performed to get updates and to push changes. Also, the push is done
explicitly to the tracking branch using:
git push <remoterepo> <remotebranch>
NOTE: You must not have any uncommitted changes or the script will stop
right away. To run the script, you will may need to first use 'git stash'
to stash away your unstagged/uncommitted changes *before* running this
NOTE: You need to have SSH public/private keys set up to the remote repo
machines for the git commands invoked in the script to work without you
having to type a password. If the 'git pull' fails, the detailed output is
generally in a pull*.out file (see the checkin-test.out log file for
NOTE: You can do the final push in a second invocation of the script with a
follow-up run with --push and removing --do-all (it will remember the
results from the build/test cases just ran). For more details, see detailed
documentation below.
NOTE: Once you start running the script, you can go off and
do something else and just check your email to see if all the builds and
tests passed and if the push happened or not.
NOTE: The commands 'cmake', 'ctest', and 'make' must be in your default path
before running this script.
NOTE: Defaults like -j4 can be set using a
file (see below).
For more details on using this script, see the detailed documentation below.
The following approximate steps are performed by this script:
1) Check to see if the local repo(s) are clean:
$ git status
NOTE: If any modified or any unknown files are shown, the process will be
aborted. The local repo(s) working directory must be clean and ready to
push *everything* that is not stashed away.
2) Do a 'git pull' to update the repo (done if --pull or --do-all is set):
NOTE: If not doing a pull, use --allow-no-pull or --local-do-all.
3) Select the list of packages to enable forward/downstream based on the
package directories where there are changed files (or from a list of packages
passed in by the user).
NOTE: The automatic enable behavior can be overridden or modified using the
options --enable-all-packages=on/off, --enable-packages=<p0>,<p1>,... ,
--disable-packages=<p0>,<p1>,... , and/or --no-enable-fwd-packages.
4) For each build/test case <BUILD_NAME> (e.g. MPI_DEBUG, SERIAL_RELEASE,
extra builds specified with --st-extra-builds and --extra-builds):
4.a) Configure a build directory <BUILD_NAME> in a standard way for all of
the packages that have changed and all of the packages that depend on these
packages forward/downstream. You can manually select which packages get
enabled (see the enable options above). (done if --configure, --do-all, or
--local-do-all is set.)
4.b) Build all configured code with 'make' (e.g. with -jN set through
-j or --make-options). (done if --build, --do-all, or --local-do-all is set.)
4.c) Run all BASIC tests for enabled packages. (done if --test, --do-all,
or --local-do-all is set.)
4.d) Analyze the results of the pull, configure, build, and tests and send
email about results. (emails only sent out if --send-emails-to!="")
5) Do final pull and rebase, append test results to last commit message, and
push (done if --push or --do-all is set)
5.a) Do a final 'git pull' (done if --pull or --do-all is set)
5.b) Do 'git rebase <remoterepo>/<remotebranch>' (done if --rebase is set)
5.c) Amend commit message of the most recent commit with the summary of the
testing performed. (done if --append-test-results is set.)
5.d) Push the local commits to the global repo (done if --push is set)
6) Send out final on actions (i.e. 'DID PUSH' email if a push occurred).
(done if --send-email-to!="" is set and --send-email-only-on-failure is *not*
The recommended way to use this script is to create a new base CHECKIN test
directory apart from your standard build directories such as with:
$ mkdir CHECKIN
$ echo CHECKIN >> .git/info/exclude
The most basic way to do pre-push testing is with:
$ ../ --do-all [other options]
If your MPI installation, other compilers, and standard TPLs can be found
automatically, then this is all you will need to do. However, if the setup
cannot be determined automatically, then you can add a set of CMake variables
that will get read in the files:
(or whatever your standard --default-builds are).
Actually, for built-in build/test cases, skeletons of these files will
automatically be written out with typical CMake cache variables (commented
out) that you would need to set out. Any CMake cache variables listed in
these files will be read into and passed on the configure line to 'cmake'.
WARNING: Please do not add any extra CMake cache variables than what are
needed to get the Primary Tested (PT) --default-builds builds to work. Adding
other enables/disables will make the builds non-standard and can break these
PT builds. The goal of these configuration files is to allow you to specify
the minimum environment to find MPI, your compilers, and the required TPLs
(e.g. BLAS, LAPACK, etc.). If you need to fudge what packages are enabled,
please use the script arguments --enable-packages, --enable-extra-pacakges,
--disable-packages, --no-enable-fwd-packages, and/or --enable-all-packages to
control this, not the *.config files!
WARNING: Please do not add any CMake cache variables in the *.config files
that will alter what packages or TPLs are enabled or what tests are run.
Actually, the script will not allow you to change TPL enables in these
standard *.config files because to do so deviates from a consistent build
configuration for Primary Tested (PT) Code.
NOTE: All tentatively-enabled TPLs (e.g. Pthreads and BinUtils) are hard
disabled in order to avoid different behaviors between machines where they
would be enabled and machines where they would be disabled.
NOTE: If you want to add extra build/test cases that do not conform to
the standard build/test configurations described above, then you need
to create extra builds with the --extra-builds and/or
--st-extra-builds options (see below).
NOTE: Before running this script, you should first do an 'git status' and 'git
diff --name-status HEAD ^@{u}' and examine what files are changed to make sure
you want to push what you have in your local working directory. Also, please
look out for unknown files that you may need to add to the git repository with
'git add' or add to your ignores list. There cannot be any uncommitted
changes in the local repo before running this script.
NOTE: You don't need to run this script if you have not changed any files that
affect the build or the tests. For example, if all you have changed are
documentation files, then you don't need to run this script before pushing
NOTE: To see detailed debug-level information, set
TRIBITS_CHECKIN_TEST_DEBUG_DUMP=ON in the env before running this script.
(*) Basic full testing with integrating with global repo(s) without push:
../ --do-all
NOTE: This will result in a set of emails getting sent to your email address
for the different configurations and an overall push readiness status email.
NOTE: If everything passed, you can follow this up with a --push (see
(*) Basic full testing with integrating with local repo and push:
../ --do-all --push
NOTE: By default this will rebase your local commits and amend the last
commit with a short summary of test results. This is appropriate for
pushing commits that only exist in your local repo and are not shared with
any remote repo.
(*) Push to global repo after a completed set of tests have finished:
../ [other options] --push
NOTE: This will pick up the results for the last completed test runs with
[other options] and append the results of those tests to the log of the most
recent commit.
NOTE: Take the action options for the prior run and replace --do-all with
--push but keep all of the rest of the options the same. For example, if
you did:
../ --enable-packages=Blah --default-builds=MPI_DEBUG --do-all
then follow that up with:
../ --enable-packages=Blah --default-builds=MPI_DEBUG --push
NOTE: This is a common use case when some tests are failing which aborted
the initial push but you determine it is okay to push anyway and do so with
(*) Test only the packages modified and not the forward dependent packages:
../ --do-all --no-enable-fwd-packages
NOTE: This is a safe thing to do when only tests in the modified packages
are changed and not library code. This can speed up the testing process and
is to be preferred over not running this script at all. It would be very
hard to make this script automatically determine if only test code has
changed because every package does not follow a set pattern for
tests and test code.
(*) Run the most important default (e.g. MPI_DEBUG) build/test only:
../ --do-all --default-builds=MPI_DEBUG
(*) The minimum acceptable testing when code has been changed:
../ \
--do-all --enable-all-packages=off --no-enable-fwd-packages \
NOTE: This will do only an MPI DEBUG build and will only build and run the
tests for the packages that have directly been changed and not any forward
packages. Replace "MPI_DEBUG" with whatever your most important default
build is.
(*) Test only a specific set of packages and no others:
../ \
--enable-packages=<P0>,<P1>,<P2> --no-enable-fwd-packages \
NOTE: This will override all logic in the script about which packages will
be enabled based on file changes and only the given packages will be
enabled. When there are tens of thousands of changed files and hundreds of
defined packages, this auto-detection algorithm can be very expensive!
NOTE: You might also want to pass in --enable-all-packages=off in case the
script wants to enable all the packages (see the output in the log file for details) and you think it is not necessary to
do so.
NOTE: Using these options is greatly preferred to not running this script at
all and should not be any more expensive than the testing you would already
do manually before a push.
(*) Test changes locally without pulling updates:
../ --local-do-all
NOTE: This will just configure, build, test, and send an email notification
without updating or changing the status of the local git repo in any way and
without any communication with the global repo. Hence, you can have
uncommitted changes and still run configure, build, test without having to
commit or having to stash changes.
NOTE: This will determine what packages to enable and test based on changes
w.r.t. to the tracking branch. If not on a tracking branch, or in a
detached head state, see below.
NOTE: This is typically not a sufficient level of testing in order to push
the changes to a shared branch because you have not fully integrated your
changes yet with other developers. However, this would be a sufficient
level of testing in order to do a commit on the local machine and then pull
to a remote machine for further testing and a push (see below).
(*) Local test of repo version on a detached head or with no tracking branch:
../ --enable-all-packages=[on|off] \
--enable-packages=<P0>,... --local-do-all
By specifying what packages are enabled and not doing a pull or push, the
script allows the repo(s) to be in a detached head state or on a branch that
does not have a tracking branch. This allows the script to
be used, for example, to test versions using 'git bisect'.
(*) Adding extra build/test cases:
Often you will be working on Secondary Tested (ST) Code or Experimental (EX)
Code and want to include the testing of this in your pre-push testing
process along with the standard --default-builds build/test cases which can
only include Primary Tested (PT) Code. In this case you can run with:
../ --extra-builds=<BUILD1>,<BUILD2>,... [other options]
For example, if you have a build that enables the TPL CUDA you would do:
echo "
" > MPI_DEBUG_CUDA.config
and then run with:
../ --extra-builds=MPI_DEBUG_CUDA --do-all
This will do the standard --default-builds (e.g. MPI_DEBUG and
SERIAL_RELEASE) build/test cases along with your non-standard MPI_DEBUG_CUDA
build/test case.
NOTE: You can disable the default build/test cases with --default-builds="".
However, please only do this when you are not going to push because you need
at least one default build/test case (the most important default PT case,
e.g. MPI_DEBUG) to do a safe push.
(*) Including extra repos and extra packages:
You can also use the script to continuously integrate
multiple git repos containing add-on packages. To do so, just run:
../ --extra-repos=<REPO1>,<REPO2>,... [options]
NOTE: You have to create local commits in all of the extra repos where there
are changes or the script will abort.
NOTE: Extra repos can be specified with more flexibility using the
--extra-repos-file and --extra-repos-type arguments (also see
NOTE: Each of the last local commits in each of the changed repos will get
amended with the appended summary of what was enabled in the build/test (if
--append-test-results is set).
(*) Avoid changing any of the local commit SHA1s:
If you are pushing commits from a shared branch, it is critical that you do
not change any of the SHA1s of the commits. Changing the SHA1s for any of
the commits will mess up various multi-repo, multi-branch workflows. To
avoid changing any of the SHA1s of the local commits, one must run with:
../ --no-rebase --no-append-test-results [options]
(*) Performing a remote test/push:
If you develop on a slow machine like your laptop, doing an appropriate
level of testing can take a long time. In this case, you can pull the
changes to another faster remote workstation and do a more complete set of
tests and push from there. If you are knowledgeable with git, this will be
easy and natural to do, without any help from this script. However, this
script can still help and automate the steps and can do so in one command
invocation on the part of the developer.
On your slow local development machine 'mymachine', do the limited testing
../ --do-all --no-enable-fwd-packages
On your fast remote test machine, do a full test and push with:
../ \
--extra-pull-from=<remote-repo>:master \
--do-all --push
where <remote-name> is a git remote repo name pointing to
mymachine:/some/dir/to/your/src (see 'git help remote').
NOTE: You can of course adjust the packages and/or build/test cases that get
enabled on the different machines.
NOTE: Once you invoke the script on the remote test machine
and it has pulled the commits from mymachine, then you can start changing
files again on your local development machine and just check your email to
see what happens on the remote test machine.
NOTE: If something goes wrong on the remote test machine, you can either
work on fixing the problem there or you can fix the problem on your local
development machine and then do the process over again.
NOTE: If you alter the commits on the remote machine (such as squashing
commits), you will have trouble merging back on our local machine.
Therefore, if you have to to fix problems, make new commits and don't alter
the ones you pulled from your local machine (but rebasing them should be
okay as long as the local commits on mymachine are not pushed to other
NOTE: Git will resolve the duplicated commits when you pull the commits
pushed from the remote machine. Git knows that the commits are the same and
will do the right thing when rebasing (or just merging).
NOTE: This would also work for multiple repos if the remote name
'<remote-repo>' pointed to the right remote repo in all the local repos.
(*) Check push readiness status:
This will examine results for the last testing process and send out an email
stating if the a push is ready to perform or not.
(*) See the default option values without doing anything:
../ --show-defaults
This is the easiest way to figure out what all of the default options are.
Hopefully the above documentation, the example use cases, the documentation of
the command-line arguments below, and some experimentation will be enough to
get you going using this script for all of your pre-push testing and pushes.
If that is not sufficient, send email to your development support team to ask
for help.
If the file exists in the current directory,
then it will be read in and will change the project defaults for the
command-line arguments. For example, a valid
file would look like:
defaults = [
"--ctest-options=-E '(PackageA_Test1|PackageB_Test2)'"
Any of the project's command-line argument defaults can be
changed in this way. The updated defaults can be observed by running:
./ --show-defaults
Any command-line arguments explicitly passed in will override these local
This script will only process PT (Primary Tested) packages in the
--default-builds (e.g. MPI_DEBUG and SERIAL_RELEASE) builds. This is to avoid
problems of side-effects of turning on ST packages that would impact PT
packages (e.g. an ST package getting enabled that enables an ST TPL which
turns on support for that TPL in a PT package producing different code which
might work but the pure PT build without the extra TPL may actually be broken
and not know it). Therefore, any non-PT packages that are enabled (either
implicitly through changed files or explicitly by listing in --enable-packages)
will be turned off in the --default-builds builds. If none of the enabled
packages are PT, then they will all be disabled and the --default-builds
builds will be skipped.
In order to better support the development of ST and EX packages, this script
allows you to define some extra builds that will be invoked and used to
determine overall pass/fail before a potential push. The option
--st-extra-builds is used to specify extra builds that will test ST packages
(and also PT packages if any are enabled). If only PT packages are enabled
then the builds specified in --st-extra-builds will still be run. The
reasoning is that PT packages may contain extra ST features and therefore if
the goal is to test these ST builds it is desirable to also run these builds
because they also my impact downstream ST packages.
Finally, the option --extra-builds will test all enabled packages, including
EX packages, regardless of their test group. Therefore, when using
--extra-builds, be careful that you watch what packages are enabled. If you
change an EX package, it will be enabled in --extra-builds builds.
A few use cases might help better demonstrate the behavior. Consider
the following input arguments specifying extra builds
--st-extra-builds=MPI_DEBUG_ST --extra-builds=INTEL_DEBUG
with the packages Teuchos, Phalanx, and Meros where Teuchos is PT, Phalanx is
ST, and Meros is EX.
Here is what packages would be enabled in each of the builds:
--default-builds=MPI_DEBUG,SERIAL_RELEASE \
--st-extra-builds=MPI_DEBUG_ST \
and which packages would be excluded:
A) --enable-packages=Teuchos:
MPI_DEBUG: [Teuchos]
MPI_DEBUG_ST: [Teuchos]
INTEL_DEBUG: [Teuchos] Always enabled!
B) --enable-packages=Phalanx:
MPI_DEBUG: [] Skipped, no PT packages!
SERIAL_RELEASE: [] Skipped, no PT packages!
MPI_DEBUG_ST: [Phalanx]
INTEL_DEBUG: [Phalanx]
C) --enable-packages=Meros:
MPI_DEBUG: [] Skipped, no PT packages!
SERIAL_RELEASE: [] Skipped, no PT packages!
MPI_DEBUG_ST: [] Skipped, no PT or ST packages!
D) --enable-packages=Teuchos,Phalanx:
MPI_DEBUG: [Teuchos]
MPI_DEBUG_ST: [Teuchos,Phalanx]
INTEL_DEBUG: [Teuchos,Phalanx]
E) --enable-packages=Teuchos,Phalanx,Meros:
MPI_DEBUG: [Teuchos]
MPI_DEBUG_ST: [Teuchos,Phalanx]
INTEL_DEBUG: [Teuchos,Phalanx,Meros]
The --extra-builds=INTEL_DEBUG build is always performed with all of the
enabled packages. This logic given above must be understood in order to
understand the output given in the script.
The command-line arguments are segregated into three broad categories: a)
action commands, b) aggregate action commands, and c) others.
a) The action commands are those such as --build, --test, etc. and are shown
with [ACTION] in their documentation. These action commands have no off
complement. If the action command appears, then the action will be performed.
b) Aggregate action commands such as --do-all and --local-do-all turn on sets
of other action commands and are shown with [AGGR ACTION] in their
documentation. The sub-actions that these aggregate action commands turn on
cannot be disabled with other arguments.
c) Other arguments are those that are not marked with [ACTION] or [AGGR
ACTION] tend to either pass in data and turn control flags on or off.
This script returns 0 if the actions requested are successful. This does not
necessarily imply that it is okay to do a push or that a push was done. For
example, if only --pull is passed in and is successful, then 0 will be
returned but that does *not* mean that it is okay to do a push. Therefore, a
return value of is a necessary but not sufficient condition for readiness to
push, it depends on the requested actions.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Custom file to provide configuration defaults for the
project. By default, the file project-checkin-test- is looked for in <checkin-test-path> (in
case it is symlinked into <projectDir>/checkin- if not found there, then it is looked for in
<checkin-test-path>/../../.. (assuming default
TriBITS snapshot
<projectDir>/cmake/tribits/ci_support/) If this file
is set to a location that is not in the project's base
directory, then --src-dir must be set to point to the
project's base directory.
--show-defaults Show the default option values and do nothing at all.
Set the project's name. This is used to locate various
files. If not set, then it reads the project name
from the PROJECT_NAME variable set in the file
--src-dir=SRCDIR The source base directory for code to be tested. The
default is determined by the location of the found file.
Comma separated list of builds that should always be
run by default.
File path to an extra repositories list file. If set
to 'project', then
<project_dir>/cmake/ExtraRepositoriesList.cmake is
read. See the argument --extra-repos for details on
how this list is used (default empty '')
The test type of repos to read from
<extra_repos_file>. Choices = ('', 'Continuous',
'Nightly', 'Experimental'). [default = '']
List of comma separated extra repositories containing
extra packages that can be enabled. The order these
repos is listed in not important. This option
overrides --extra-repos-file.
If set, then extra repos read in from
<extra_repos_file> will be ignored and removed from
list. This option is not applicable if
<extra_repos_file>=='' or <extra_repos_type>==''.
If set, then all listed extra repos must exist or the
script will exit. [default]
CMake executable to use with cmake -P scripts
internally (only set by unit testing code).
--skip-deps-update If set, skip the update of the dependency XML file.
If the package structure has not changed since the
last invocation, then it is safe to use this option.
List of comma separated packages to test changes for
(example, 'Teuchos,Epetra'). If this list of packages
is empty, then the list of packages to enable will be
determined automatically by examining the set of
modified files from the version control update log.
Note that this will skip the auto-detection of changed
packages based on changed files.
List of comma separated packages to test in addition
to the packages that are enabled determined
automatically by examining the set of modified files
from the version control update log. This option is
mostly just used in ACI sync servers.
List of comma separated packages to explicitly disable
(example, 'Tpetra,NOX'). This list of disables will
be appended after all of the listed enables no matter
how they are determined (see --enable-packages
option). NOTE: Only use this option to remove
packages that will not build for some reason. You can
disable tests that run by using the CTest option -E
passed through the --ctest-options argument in this
Determine if all packages are enabled 'on', or 'off',
or 'auto' (let other logic decide). Setting to 'off'
is appropriate when the logic in this script
determines that a global build file has changed but
you know that you don't need to rebuild and test every
package for a reasonable test. Setting --enable-
packages effectively disables this option. Setting
this to 'off' does *not* stop the forward enabling of
downstream packages for packages that are modified or
set by --enable-packages. Setting this to 'on' will
skip the automatic detection of changed packages based
on changed files. It can be helpful to stop the auto-
detection changed packages when there are thousands of
changed files and hundreds of defined packages.
Choices = ('auto', 'on', 'off'). [default = 'auto']
Enable forward packages. [default]
Do not enable forward packages.
If set, then the script will continue if no updates
are pulled from any repo. [default]
If set, then the script will abort gracefully if no
updates are pulled from any repo.
If set, then the script will continue if no changes to
push from any repo. [default]
If set, then the script will abort gracefully if no
changes to push from any repo.
If set, then the script will continue if no packages
are enabled. [default]
If set, then the script will abort gracefully if no
packages are enabled.
Extra options to pass to 'cmake' after all other
options. This should be used only as a last resort.
To disable packages, instead use --disable-packages.
To change test categories, use --test-categories.
. Change the test categories. Can be 'BASIC',
'CONTINUOUS', 'NIGHTLY', or 'HEAVY' (default set by
project, see --show-defaults).
The options to pass to make and ctest (e.g. -j4).
--use-makefiles If set, then -G'Unix Makfiles' used for backend build
tool. Note: The command 'make' must be in the default
path. [default]
--use-ninja If set, then -GNinja used for backend build tool.
Note: The command 'ninja' must be in the default path.
The options to pass to 'make' (e.g. -j4) or ninja (if
--use-ninja given).
Extra options to pass to 'ctest' (e.g. -j2).
timeout (in seconds) for each single 'ctest' test
(e.g. 180 for three minutes). This sets the CMake
cache var DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT which becomes the
default timeout for tests, even when running raw
ctest. This value can be overridden using the ctest
argument --timeout. Individual tests may have their
own timeouts set which will not be impacted by this
default global timeout. See the configure variable
<Project>_SCALE_TEST_TIMEOUT to scale up timeouts for
all tests, even those that have individuals timeouts
--show-all-tests Show all of the tests in the summary email and in the
commit message summary (see --append-test-results).
--no-show-all-tests Don't show all of the test results in the summary
email. [default]
Skip the default builds (same as --default-builds='').
You would use option along with --extra-
builds=BUILD1,BUILD2,... to run your own local custom
List of comma-separated ST extra build names. For
each of the build names in --st-extra-
builds=<BUILD1>,<BUILD2>,..., there must be a file
<BUILDN>.config in the local directory along side the
COMMON.config file that defines the special build
options for the extra build.
DEPRECATED! Use --st-extra-builds instead!. (Default
empty )
List of comma-separated extra build names. For each
of the build names in --extra-
builds=<BUILD1>,<BUILD2>,..., there must be a file
<BUILDN>.config in the local directory along side the
COMMON.config file that defines the special build
options for the extra build.
--log-file=LOGFILE File used for detailed log info.
List of comma-separated email addresses to send email
notification to after every build/test case finishes
and at the end for an overall summary and push status.
By default, this is the email address you set for git
returned by `git config --get`. In order
to turn off email notification, just set --send-email-
to='' and no email will be sent.
If set then if a build/test case is skipped for some
reason (i.e. because no packages are enabled) then an
email will go out for that case. [default]
--skip-case-no-email If set, then if a build/test case is skipped for some
reason (i.e. because no packages are enabled) then no
email will go out for that case. (opposite of --skip-
case-send-email) [default]
Determines when email goes out to --send-email-
to=<email> for a build case. But the final status
email will still go out if --send-email-to=<email> is
not empty. [default = 'always'] Choices = ('always',
'only-on-failure', 'never'). [default = 'always']
--send-email-for-all If set, then emails will get sent out for all
operations. [default]
If set, then emails will only get sent out for
List of comma-separated email addresses to send email
notification to on a successful push. This is used to
log pushes to a central list. In order to turn off
this email notification, just set --send-email-to-on-
push='' and no email will be sent to these email
--force-push Force the local push even if there are build/test
errors. WARNING: Only do this when you are 100%
certain that the errors are not caused by your code
changes. This only applies when --push is specified
and this script.
--no-force-push Do not force a push if there are failures. [default]
Check the push readiness status at the end and send
email if not actually pushing. [default]
Skip push status check.
--rebase Rebase the local commits on top of
<remoterepo>/<remotebranch> before amending the last
commit and pushing. Rebasing keeps a nice linear
commit history like with CVS or SVN and will work
perfectly for the basic workflow of adding commits to
the 'master' branch and then syncing up with
<remoterepo>/<remotebranch> before the final push.
--no-rebase Do *not* rebase the local commits on top of
<remoterepo>/<remotebranch> before amending the final
commit and pushing. This allows for some more
complex workflows involving local branches with
multiple merges. However, this will result in non-
linear history and will allow for trivial merge
commits with <remoterepo>/<remotebranch> to get
pushed. This mode should only be used in cases where
the rebase mode will not work or when it is desired
to use a merge commit to integrate changes on a branch
that you wish be able to easily back out. For
sophisticated users of git, this may in fact be the
preferred mode.
Before the final push, amend the most recent local
commit by appending a summary of the test results.
This provides a record of what builds and tests were
performed in order to test the local changes. This is
only performed if --push is also set. NOTE: If the
same local commit is amended more than once, the prior
test summary sections will be overwritten with the
most recent test results from the current run.
Do not amend the last local commit with test results.
NOTE: If you have uncommitted local changes that you
do not want this script to commit then you must select
this option to avoid this last amending commit. Also,
if you are pushing commits from a shared branch and
don't want to change any of the SHA1s for the commits,
then you must set this option!
Optional extra git pull(s) to merge in changes from
after pulling in changes from the tracking branch.
The format of this argument is: ...,<local-
repoi>:<remote-repoi>:<remote-branchi>,... where each
pull specification gives the name (not the directory)
of the local repo <local-repoi>, the remote repo name
<remote-repoi>, and the branch in the remote repo to
pull <remote-branchi>. If only two semicolons ':' are
given then an pull field takes the form ...,<remote-
repo>:<remote-branch>,... where the remote <remote-
name> must be defined in all the repos and the branch
<remote-branch> must exist in all the remote repos.
If the <remote-repoi> is empty such as with
...,:<remote-repoi>:<remote-branchi>,... then this
matches the base git repo. The extra pull(s) are only
done if --pull is also specified. NOTE: when using
--extra-repos=<repo0>,<repo1>,... the <local-repoi>
must be a named repository that is present in all of
the git repos or it will be an error.
--allow-no-pull Allowing for there to be no pull performed and still
doing the other actions. This option is useful for
testing against local changes without having to get
the updates from the global repo. However, if you
don't pull, you can't push your changes to the global
repo. WARNING: This does *not* stop a pull attempt
from being performed by --pull or --do-all!
--wipe-clean [ACTION] Blow existing build directories and
build/test results. The action can be performed on
its own or with other actions in which case the wipe
clean will be performed before any other actions.
NOTE: This will only wipe clean the builds that are
specified and will not touch those being ignored (e.g.
SERIAL_RELEASE will not be removed if --default-
builds=MPI_DEBUG is specified).
--pull [ACTION] Do the pull from the tracking branch and
optionally also merge in changes from the repo pointed
to by --extra-pull-from.
--configure [ACTION] Do the configure step.
--build [ACTION] Do the build step.
--test [ACTION] Do the running of the enabled tests.
--local-do-all [AGGR ACTION] Do configure, build, and test with no
pull (same as setting --allow-no-pull ---configure
--build --test). This is the same as --do-all except
it does not do --pull and also allows for no pull.
--do-all [AGGR ACTION] Do update, configure, build, and test
(same as --pull --configure --build --test). NOTE:
This will do a --pull regardless if --allow-no-pull is
set or not. To avoid the pull, use --local-do-all.
--push [ACTION] Push the committed changes in the local repo
into to remote repo pointed to by the tracking branch.
[ACTION] A command to execute on successful execution
and 'READY TO PUSH' status from this script. This can
be used to do a remote SSH invocation to a remote
machine to do a remote pull/test/push after this
machine finishes.
16.9 –help
Below is a snapshot of the output from --help
For more details see Using Git Bisect with workflows.
File "/home/runner/work/TriBITS/TriBITS/tribits/doc/guides/../../ci_support/", line 27
print "NOTE: TRIBITS_IS_CHECKIN_TESTED_COMMIT=ON set in env, doing debug dump ..."
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print("NOTE: TRIBITS_IS_CHECKIN_TESTED_COMMIT=ON set in env, doing debug dump ...")?
16.10 –help
Below is a snapshot of the output from --help
. For more details see
TriBITS Project Dependencies XML file and tools.
Usage: --deps-xml-file=<DEPS_XML_FILE> \
--files-list-file=<FILES_LIST_FILE> [--project-dir=<projectDir>]
This script returns a comma-seprated list of all of the project's TriBITS
packages that must be directly tested for changes in the input list of files.
This may also include the special package name 'ALL_PACKAGES' which means that
at least one changed file (e.g. <projectDir>/CMakeLists.txt) should result in
having to test all of the TriBITS packages in the project. The logic for
which file changes should trigger testing all packages can be specialized for
the project through the Python module:
(if that file exists).
This script is used in continuous integration testing workflows involving
TriBITS projects where only packages impacted by the changes are tested. For
such a scenario, the list of changed files can come from:
git diff --name-only <upstream>..<branch-tip> > changed-files.txt
where <upstream> (e.g. origin/master) is the commit reference that the local
branch was created from and <branch-tip> is the tip of the topic branch.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
File containing TriBITS-generated XML data-structure
the listing of packages, dir names, dependencies, etc.
File containing the list of modified files relative to
project base directory, one file per line.
Base project directory. Used to access more
specialized logic beyond what is known in the
<DEPSXMLFILE>. If empty '', then it will be set
automatically if TriBITS is is the standard location
w.r.t. the project in relation to this script run from
the TriBITS dir.
16.11 –help
Below is a snapshot of the output from --help
. For more details
see TriBITS Project Dependencies XML file and tools.
Usage: --deps-xml-file=<file> \
This returns a comma-separated list of TriBITS packages that correspond to the
list of failing tests provided in the passed-in file LastTestsFailed*.log
generated by ctest in the directory <build-dir>/Testing/Temporary/.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
File containing the listing of packages, dir names,
dependencies, etc.
Path to file LastTestsFailed*.log file generated by
CTest under <build-dir>/Testing/Temporary/.
16.12 –help
Below is a snapshot of the output from --help
For more details see TriBITS Project Dependencies XML file and tools.
Usage: --deps-xml-file=<PROJECT_DEPS_FILE> \
--input-packages-list=<P1>,<P2>,... --keep-test-test-categories=<T1>,<T2>,...
This script takes in a comma-separated list of TriBITS package names in
--input-packages-list='<P1>,<P2>,...' and then filters out the names for
packages that don't match the set categories listed in
--keep-test-test-categories='<T1>,<T2>,...' (where each package's test test
category is given the input TriBITS-generated project dependencies file
--deps-xml-file=<PROJECT_DEPS_FILE>). The filtered list of packages is
printed to STDOUT as a comma-separated list.
For example, to keep only the Primary Tested (PT) packages, use: --keep-test-test-categories=PT [other args]
To keep both Primary Tested and Secondary Tested packages, use: --keep-test-test-categories=PT,ST [other args]
To keep all packages, use: --keep-test-test-categories=PT,ST,EX [other args]
(or don't bother running the script).
-h, --help show this help message and exit
TriBITS generated XML file containing the listing of
packages, dir names, dependencies, etc.
Comma-seprated List of packages that needs to be
filtered (i.e. "P1,P2,...").
List of package types to keep (i.e. "PT,ST,EX".
16.13 –help
Below is a snapshot of the output from --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
This script drives the installation of a number of tools needed by many
TriBITS-based projects. The most typical usage is to first create a scratch
directory with::
mkdir scratch
cd scratch
and then run: --install-dir=<dev_env_base> \
--parallel=<num-procs> --do-all
By default, this installs the following tools in the dev env install
The default versions of the tools installed are:
* autoconf-2.69
* cmake-3.3.2
* gcc-4.8.3
* mpich-3.1.3
The tools installed under common_tools/ only need to be installed once
independent of any compilers that may be used to build TriBITS-based projects.
The tools installed under gcc-<gcc-version>/ are specific to a GCC compiler
and MPICH configuration and build.
The download and install of each of these tools is drive by its own
install-<toolname>.py script in the same directory as
Before running this script, some version of a C and C++ compiler must already
be installed on the system.
At a high level, this script performs the following actions.
1) Create the base directories (if they don't already exist) and install (csh). (if --initial-setup is passed in.)
2) Download the sources for all of the requested common tools and compiler
toolset. (if --download is passed in.)
3) Configure, build, and install the requested common tools under
common_tools/. (if --install is passed in.)
4) Configure, build, and install the downloaded GCC and MPICH tools. First
install GCC then MPICH using the installed GCC and install under
gcc-<gcc-version>/. (if --install is passed in.)
The informational arguments to this function are:
The base directory that will be used for the install. There is not
default. If this is not specified then it will abort.
Gives the base URL for to get the tool sources from. The default is:
This is used to build the full git URL as:
This can also accommodate gitolite repos and other directory structures,
for example, with:
Specifies the tools to download and install under common_tools/. One can
pick specific tools with:
This will download and install the default versions of these tools. To
select specific versions, use:
The default is 'all'. To install none of these, pass in empty:
(NOTE: A version of 'git' is *not* installed using this script but can be
installed using the script But note the extra packages
that must be installed on a system in order to fully install git and its
documentation. All of the git-related TriBITS tools can use any recent
version of git and most systems will already have a current-enough version
of git so there is no need to install one to be effective doing
Specifies GCC and MPICH (and other compiler-specific tools) to download
and install under gcc-<gcc-version>/toolset/. One can pick specific
components with:
or specific versions with:
Of course if one is only installing GCC with an existing installed MPICH,
one will need to also reinstall MPICH as well.
The default is 'all'. To install none of these, pass in empty:
The action arguments are:
--initial-setup: Create <dev_env_base>/ directories and install
--download: Download all of the requested tools
--install: Configure, build, and install all of the requested tools
--do-all: Do everything. Implies --initial-setup --downlaod --install
To change modify the permissions of the installed files, see the options
--install-owner, --install-group, and --install-for-all.
Note that the user can see what operations and command would be run without
actually running them by passing in --no-op. This can be used to show how to
run each of the individual install command so that the user can run it for
him/her-self and customize it as needed.
If the user needs more customization, then they can just run with --do-all
--no-op and see what commands are run to install things and then they can run
the commands themselves manually and make whatever modifications they need.
NOTE: The actual tool installs are performed using the scripts:
More information about what versions are installed, how they are installed,
etc. is found in these scripts. Note that some of these scripts apply patches
for certain versions. For details, look at the --help output from these
scripts and look at the implementation of these scripts.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The base directory <dev_env_base> that will be used
for the install. There is not default. If this is
not specified then will abort.
If set, then 'chown -R <install-owner> <install-dir>'
will be run after install. Note that you can only
change the owner when running this script as sudo.
If set, then 'chgrp -R <install-group> <install-dir>'
and 'chmod -R g+rX <install-dir> will be run after
install. Note that you can only change a to a group
that the owner is a member of.
--install-for-all If set, then 'chmod -R a+rX <install-dir>' will be run
after install.
--no-install-for-all If set, then <install-dir> is not opened up to
Gives the base URL <url_base> for the git repos to
object the source from.
Base name of the load dev env script that will be
installed. (Default = 'load_dev_env')
Specifies the common tools to download and install
under common_tools/. Can be 'all', or empty '', or
any combination of 'gitdist,autoconf,cmake' (separated
by commas, no spaces).
Specifies GCC and MPICH and other compiler-specific
tools to download and install under gcc-<gcc-
version>/toolset/. Can be 'all', or empty '', or any
combination of 'gcc,mpich' (separated by commas, no
Number of parallel processes to use in the build. The
default is just '1'. Use something like '8' to get
faster parallel builds.
--do-op Do all of the requested actions [default].
--no-op Skip all of the requested actions and just print what
would be done.
--show-defaults [ACTION] Show the defaults and exit.
--initial-setup [ACTION] Create base directories under <dev_env_base>/
and install load_dev_env.[sh,csh].
--download [ACTION] Download all of the tools specified by
--common-tools and --compiler-toolset. WARNING: If
the source for a tool has already been downloaded, it
will be deleted (along with the build directory) and
downloaded from scratch!
--install [ACTION] Configure, build, and install all of the
tools specified by --common-tools and --compiler-
[ACTION] Show final instructions for using the
installed dev env.
--do-all [AGGR ACTION] Do everything. Implies --initial-setup
--downlaod --install --show-final-instructions